

Judge is a character that appears on American Idol and is played by Paula Abdul


American IdolS01E-1Idols in VegasSep 23, 2002
American IdolS01E01AuditionsJun 11, 2002
American IdolS01E02Hollywood WeekJun 12, 2002
American IdolS01E03No Way Jim Moves On After That Performance. Right, Simon? Simon?Jun 18, 2002
American IdolS01E04Dewey Defeats Truman!Jun 19, 2002
American IdolS01E05Army of the MediocreJun 25, 2002
American IdolS01E06Six PackJun 26, 2002
American IdolS01E07The Bad, the Even Worse and the UglyJul 2, 2002
American IdolS01E08Judge Fight!Jul 3, 2002
American IdolS01E09Wild!Jul 10, 2002
American IdolS01E10Top 10 PerformJul 16, 2002
American IdolS01E11Top 10 ResultsJul 17, 2002
American IdolS01E12Pride Goeth Before the ‘FroJul 23, 2002
American IdolS01E13Clash of the Titanic EgosJul 24, 2002
American IdolS01E14The Big Time!Jul 30, 2002
American IdolS01E15Ryan-ara!Jul 31, 2002
American IdolS01E16Jump, Jive and Fail!Aug 6, 2002
American IdolS01E17Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!Aug 7, 2002
American IdolS01E18Five Alive (and an Assortment of Other Bad Puns)Aug 13, 2002
American IdolS01E19RJ is Short for "Really Gone"Aug 14, 2002
American IdolS01E20Two for Each OneAug 20, 2002
American IdolS01E21What? Who? You're Sure now?Aug 21, 2002
American IdolS01E22Three Do TwoAug 27, 2002
American IdolS01E23Two MoreAug 28, 2002
American IdolS01E24Showdown!Sep 3, 2002
American IdolS01E25EL FINALE!Sep 4, 2002
American IdolS02E-4American Idol: Christmas SongsNov 25, 2003
American IdolS02E-3American Idol: The Best of the WorstFeb 19, 2003
American IdolS02E-2American Idol RevisitedJan 21, 2003
American IdolS02E01Start It Up!Jan 21, 2003
American IdolS02E02Part DeuxJan 22, 2003
American IdolS02E03One Last BatchJan 28, 2003
American IdolS02E04Cut 'Em UpJan 29, 2003
American IdolS02E05Eight is Enough!Feb 4, 2003
American IdolS02E06Two to TangoFeb 5, 2003
American IdolS02E07Here We Go AgainFeb 11, 2003
American IdolS02E08Oh, Who Will It Be?!Feb 12, 2003
American IdolS02E09Eight More Will Come Before Us…Feb 18, 2003
American IdolS02E10Get Ready to See Two Happy People. And Six Unhappy Ones.Feb 19, 2003
American IdolS02E11Top 32: Group 4Feb 25, 2003
American IdolS02E12Top 32: Group 4 ResultsFeb 26, 2003
American IdolS02E13Wildcard ShowMar 4, 2003
American IdolS02E14Wildcard ResultsMar 5, 2003
American IdolS02E15Top 12 PerformMar 11, 2003
American IdolS02E16Top 12 ResultsMar 12, 2003
American IdolS02E17Top 11 PerformMar 18, 2003
American IdolS02E18Top 11 ResultsMar 19, 2003
American IdolS02E19Top 10 PerformMar 25, 2003
American IdolS02E20Top 10 ResultsMar 26, 2003
American IdolS02E21Top 9 PerformApr 1, 2003
American IdolS02E22Top 9 ResultsApr 2, 2003
American IdolS02E23Top 8 PerformApr 8, 2003
American IdolS02E24Top 8 ResultsApr 9, 2003
American IdolS02E25Top 7 PerformApr 15, 2003
American IdolS02E26Top 7 ResultsApr 16, 2003
American IdolS02E27Top 6 PerformApr 22, 2003
American IdolS02E30Six to the Five on A to the IApr 23, 2003
American IdolS02E31And Then There Were Five (a Title that Can be Used with Any Number)Apr 29, 2003
American IdolS02E32Five Minus One Equals Four (and Other Simple Math)Apr 30, 2003
American IdolS02E33The Final Four is a Trademarked Term, So I Won't Use It as a Cliched TitleMay 6, 2003
American IdolS02E34Want to See a Magic Trick? Tonight Somebody Will Disappear!May 7, 2003
American IdolS02E35Trifecta!May 13, 2003
American IdolS02E36Soon, There Will Be Two. Very Soon, In FactMay 14, 2003
American IdolS02E38Clay v. RubenMay 20, 2003
American IdolS02E39I Bet It'll be Ruben! or Clay!May 21, 2003
American IdolS03E01First Show, First RecapJan 19, 2004
American IdolS03E02The Journey Continues!Jan 20, 2004
American IdolS03E03Night Three!Jan 21, 2004
American IdolS03E04Finally! a Show About California!Jan 27, 2004
American IdolS03E05Mokolokilikilanilaki! It's Hawai'i!Jan 28, 2004
American IdolS03E06The Road is to Hollywood! (is Paved with Broken Dreams and Asphalt)Feb 2, 2004
American IdolS03E07You're Going to Hollywood! (for a Little Bit, at Least)Feb 3, 2004
American IdolS03E0887 - People Not Good Enough = 32 Finalists!Feb 4, 2004
American IdolS03E09Sing!Feb 10, 2004
American IdolS03E10Two Will Be Happy. Six Will Be Sad. Lots Will Be WatchingFeb 11, 2004
American IdolS03E11Sing Again!Feb 17, 2004
American IdolS03E12The Final Decision...But the Right One?Feb 18, 2004
American IdolS03E13I'm Back, Baby!Feb 24, 2004
American IdolS03E14You! Over Here! with the Rest of the Finalists!Feb 25, 2004
American IdolS03E16Group Four! Then the Wild Card!Mar 2, 2004
American IdolS03E17Finally! Finalists!Mar 3, 2004
American IdolS03E18WildcardMar 9, 2004
American IdolS03E19Wildcard ResultsMar 10, 2004
American IdolS03E2012 Finalists Have Been ChosenMar 16, 2004
American IdolS03E21Clay Aiken ReturnsMar 17, 2004
American IdolS03E221 Down 11 to GoMar 23, 2004
American IdolS03E23Soon There Will Be 10Mar 24, 2004
American IdolS03E2410 Contestants SingMar 30, 2004
American IdolS03E2510 - 1 = 9Mar 31, 2004
American IdolS03E26Elton John ThemeApr 6, 2004
American IdolS03E27Tamyra Gray ReturnsApr 7, 2004
American IdolS03E288 Left to CompeteApr 14, 2004
American IdolS03E29Down to 7 (Battle of the Jo(h)n's)Apr 15, 2004
American IdolS03E307 Sing!!Apr 20, 2004
American IdolS03E316 Remain - Barry Manilow VisitsApr 21, 2004
American IdolS03E326 PerformApr 27, 2004
American IdolS03E336-1=5 is the ResultApr 28, 2004
American IdolS03E355 Idols SingMay 4, 2004
American IdolS03E36Only 4 RemainMay 5, 2004
American IdolS03E374 Idols PerformMay 11, 2004
American IdolS03E38Only 3 Idols RemainMay 12, 2004
American IdolS03E403 SingMay 18, 2004
American IdolS03E41Now Down to 2May 19, 2004
American IdolS03E43Fantasia Barrino vs. Diana DeGarmoMay 25, 2004
American IdolS03E44And the Winner is.....May 26, 2004
American IdolS04E-6American Idol Presents the World's Worst AuditionsMay 19, 2005
American IdolS04E01Washington D.C. AuditionsJan 18, 2005
American IdolS04E02St. Louis, Missouri AuditionsJan 19, 2005
American IdolS04E03New Orleans, Louisiana AuditionsJan 25, 2005
American IdolS04E04Las Vegas, Nevada AuditionsJan 26, 2005
American IdolS04E05Cleveland, Ohio & Orlando, Florida AuditionsFeb 1, 2005
American IdolS04E06San Francisco, California AuditionsFeb 2, 2005
American IdolS04E07American Idol Takes the Auditions to the Next Level...Hollywood!Feb 8, 2005
American IdolS04E08Hollywood Auditions Continue: Part 2Feb 9, 2005
American IdolS04E09Auditions Continue in Hollywood: Part 3Feb 15, 2005
American IdolS04E10Auditions Continue in Hollywood: Part 4Feb 16, 2005
American IdolS04E11The Top 12 Boys Perform LiveFeb 21, 2005
American IdolS04E12The Top 12 Girls Perform LiveFeb 22, 2005
American IdolS04E13First Result Show of the SeasonFeb 23, 2005
American IdolS04E14Ten Males Perform LiveFeb 28, 2005
American IdolS04E15Ten Females Perform LiveMar 1, 2005
American IdolS04E16Who Has America Chosen to Stay and Who Will Go Home?Mar 2, 2005
American IdolS04E17Eight Males Perform LiveMar 7, 2005
American IdolS04E18Eight Females Perform LiveMar 8, 2005
American IdolS04E19Top 12 RevealedMar 9, 2005
American IdolS04E20Top 12 Finalists Perform for the First Time!Mar 15, 2005
American IdolS04E21One Must Go Home Tonight!Mar 16, 2005
American IdolS04E22American Idol's Top 11 PerformMar 22, 2005
American IdolS04E24It's Down to the Top 10Mar 24, 2005
American IdolS04E25Top 10 Perform LiveMar 29, 2005
American IdolS04E26It's Down to the Top 9Mar 30, 2005
American IdolS04E27American Idol's Top 9 PerformApr 5, 2005
American IdolS04E28Find Out Who's Been Eliminated from the Top 9Apr 6, 2005
American IdolS04E29Top 8 PerformApr 12, 2005
American IdolS04E30Who Is Eliminated from the Top 8Apr 13, 2005
American IdolS04E31Top 7 PerformApr 19, 2005
American IdolS04E32Top 7 ResultsApr 20, 2005
American IdolS04E33Top 6 PerformApr 26, 2005
American IdolS04E34Who Is Eliminated from the Top 6Apr 27, 2005
American IdolS04E35Top 5 PerformMay 3, 2005
American IdolS04E36Find Out Who's Been Eliminated from the Top 5May 4, 2005
American IdolS04E37American Idol's Final 4 Perform!May 10, 2005
American IdolS04E38Find Out Who's Been Eliminated from the Final 4May 11, 2005
American IdolS04E39American Idol's Final 3 PerformMay 17, 2005
American IdolS04E40Tonight is the Night When 3 Become 2May 18, 2005
American IdolS04E41Bo Bice vs. Carrie UnderwoodMay 24, 2005
American IdolS04E42And the Winner is.......May 25, 2005
American IdolS05E01Chicago, IL AuditionsJan 17, 2006
American IdolS05E02Denver, CO AuditionsJan 18, 2006
American IdolS05E03Greensboro, NC AuditionsJan 24, 2006
American IdolS05E04San Fransisco, CA AuditionsJan 25, 2006
American IdolS05E05Las Vegas, NV AuditionsJan 31, 2006
American IdolS05E06Austin, TX AuditionsFeb 1, 2006
American IdolS05E07Boston, MA AuditionsFeb 7, 2006
American IdolS05E08Hollywood Round #1Feb 8, 2006
American IdolS05E09Hollywood Round #2Feb 14, 2006
American IdolS05E10Hollywood Round #3Feb 15, 2006
American IdolS05E11Performance Show Females #1 (top 12)Feb 21, 2006
American IdolS05E12Performance Show Males #1 (top 12)Feb 22, 2006
American IdolS05E13And Then There Were 20Feb 23, 2006
American IdolS05E14Performance Show Females #2 (top 10)Feb 28, 2006
American IdolS05E15Performance Show Males #2 (top 10)Mar 1, 2006
American IdolS05E16And Then There Were 16Mar 2, 2006
American IdolS05E17Performance Show Females #3 (top 8)Mar 7, 2006
American IdolS05E18Performance Show Males #3 (top 8)Mar 8, 2006
American IdolS05E19And Then There Were 12Mar 9, 2006
American IdolS05E20Top 12 perform liveMar 14, 2006
American IdolS05E21And Then There Were 11Mar 15, 2006
American IdolS05E22Top 11 perform liveMar 21, 2006
American IdolS05E23And Then There Were 10Mar 22, 2006
American IdolS05E24Top 10 perform liveMar 28, 2006
American IdolS05E25And Then There Were 9Mar 29, 2006
American IdolS05E26Top 9 perform liveApr 4, 2006
American IdolS05E27And Then There Were 8Apr 5, 2006
American IdolS05E28Top 8 perform liveApr 11, 2006
American IdolS05E29And Then There Were 7Apr 12, 2006
American IdolS05E30Top 7 perform liveApr 18, 2006
American IdolS05E31And Then There Were 6Apr 19, 2006
American IdolS05E32Top 6 perform liveApr 25, 2006
American IdolS05E33And Then There Were 5Apr 26, 2006
American IdolS05E34Top 5 perform liveMay 2, 2006
American IdolS05E35And Then There Were 4May 3, 2006
American IdolS05E36Top 4 perform liveMay 9, 2006
American IdolS05E37And Then There Were 3May 10, 2006
American IdolS05E38Top 3 perform liveMay 16, 2006
American IdolS05E39And Then There Were 2May 17, 2006
American IdolS05E40Top 2 perform liveMay 23, 2006
American IdolS05E41The FinaleMay 24, 2006
American IdolS06E01Minneapolis AuditionsJan 16, 2007
American IdolS06E02Seattle AuditionsJan 17, 2007
American IdolS06E03Memphis AuditionsJan 23, 2007
American IdolS06E04New York City AuditionsJan 24, 2007
American IdolS06E05Birmingham AuditionsJan 30, 2007
American IdolS06E06Los Angeles AuditionsJan 31, 2007
American IdolS06E07San Antonio AuditionsFeb 6, 2007
American IdolS06E08Best of the Rest AuditionsFeb 7, 2007
American IdolS06E09Hollywood RoundFeb 13, 2007
American IdolS06E10Top 24 ChosenFeb 14, 2007
American IdolS06E11Top 12 Guys CompeteFeb 20, 2007
American IdolS06E12Top 12 Girls CompeteFeb 21, 2007
American IdolS06E13Top 24 ResultsFeb 22, 2007
American IdolS06E14Top 10 Guys CompeteFeb 27, 2007
American IdolS06E15Top 10 Girls CompeteFeb 28, 2007
American IdolS06E16Top 20 ResultsMar 1, 2007
American IdolS06E17Top 8 Guys CompeteMar 6, 2007
American IdolS06E18Top 8 Girls CompeteMar 7, 2007
American IdolS06E19Top 16 ResultsMar 8, 2007
American IdolS06E20Top 12 Finalists PerformMar 13, 2007
American IdolS06E21Top 12 ResultsMar 14, 2007
American IdolS06E22Top 11 Finalists PerformMar 20, 2007
American IdolS06E23Top 11 ResultsMar 21, 2007
American IdolS06E24Top 10 Finalists PerformMar 27, 2007
American IdolS06E25Top 10 ResultsMar 28, 2007
American IdolS06E26Top 9 Finalists PerformApr 3, 2007
American IdolS06E27Top 9 ResultsApr 4, 2007
American IdolS06E28Top 8 Finalists PerformApr 10, 2007
American IdolS06E29Top 8 ResultsApr 11, 2007
American IdolS06E30Top 7 Finalists PerformApr 17, 2007
American IdolS06E31Top 7 ResultsApr 18, 2007
American IdolS06E32Idol Gives Back: Part 1Apr 24, 2007
American IdolS06E34Top 6 Finalists PerformMay 1, 2007
American IdolS06E35Top 6 ResultsMay 2, 2007
American IdolS06E36Top 4 Finalists PerformMay 8, 2007
American IdolS06E37Top 4 ResultsMay 9, 2007
American IdolS06E38Top 3 Finalists PerformMay 15, 2007
American IdolS06E39Top 3 ResultsMay 16, 2007
American IdolS06E40Top 2 Finalists PerformMay 22, 2007
American IdolS06E41Winner Is CrownedMay 23, 2007
American IdolS07E01Philadelphia AuditionsJan 15, 2008
American IdolS07E02Dallas AuditionsJan 16, 2008
American IdolS07E03San Diego AuditionsJan 22, 2008
American IdolS07E04Charleston AuditionsJan 23, 2008
American IdolS07E05Omaha AuditionsJan 29, 2008
American IdolS07E06Miami AuditionsJan 30, 2008
American IdolS07E07Atlanta AuditionsFeb 5, 2008
American IdolS07E08Best of the Rest AuditionsFeb 16, 2008
American IdolS07E09Hollywood RoundFeb 12, 2008
American IdolS07E10Top 24 ChosenFeb 13, 2008
American IdolS07E11Top 12 Guys PerformFeb 19, 2008
American IdolS07E12Top 12 Girls PerformFeb 20, 2008
American IdolS07E13Top 24 ResultsFeb 21, 2008
American IdolS07E14Top 10 Guys PerformFeb 26, 2008
American IdolS07E15Top 10 Girls PerformFeb 27, 2008
American IdolS07E16Top 20 ResultsFeb 28, 2008
American IdolS07E17Top 8 Guys PerformMar 4, 2008
American IdolS07E18Top 8 Girls PerformMar 5, 2008
American IdolS07E19Top 16 ResultsMar 6, 2008
American IdolS07E20Top 12 FinalistsMar 11, 2008
American IdolS07E21Top 12 ResultsMar 12, 2008
American IdolS07E22Top 11 FinalistsMar 18, 2008
American IdolS07E23Top 11 ResultsMar 19, 2008
American IdolS07E24Top 10 FinalistsMar 25, 2008
American IdolS07E25Top 10 ResultsMar 26, 2008
American IdolS07E26Top 9 FinalistsApr 1, 2008
American IdolS07E27Top 9 ResultsApr 2, 2008
American IdolS07E28Top 8 FinalistsApr 8, 2008
American IdolS07E301 of 8 Voted OffApr 10, 2008
American IdolS07E31Top 7 FinalistsApr 15, 2008
American IdolS07E321 of 7 Voted OffApr 16, 2008
American IdolS07E33Top 6 FinalistsApr 22, 2008
American IdolS07E341 of 6 Voted OffApr 23, 2008
American IdolS07E35Top 5 FinalistsApr 29, 2008
American IdolS07E361 of 5 Voted OffApr 30, 2008
American IdolS07E37Top 4 FinalistsMay 6, 2008
American IdolS07E381 of 4 Voted OffMay 7, 2008
American IdolS07E39Top 3 FinalistsMay 13, 2008
American IdolS07E401 of 3 Voted OffMay 14, 2008
American IdolS07E41Top 2 Finalists PerformMay 20, 2008
American IdolS07E42Winner AnnouncedMay 21, 2008
American IdolS08E01Phoenix AuditionsJan 13, 2009
American IdolS08E02Kansas City AuditionsJan 14, 2009
American IdolS08E03San Francisco AuditionsJan 20, 2009
American IdolS08E04Louisville AuditionsJan 21, 2009
American IdolS08E05Jacksonville AuditionsJan 27, 2009
American IdolS08E06Salt Lake City AuditionsJan 28, 2009
American IdolS08E07New York City & San Juan, PR AuditionsJan 29, 2009
American IdolS08E08Hollywood Round: Part 1Feb 3, 2009
American IdolS08E09Hollywood Round: Part 2Feb 4, 2009
American IdolS08E10Hollywood Round: Part 3Feb 10, 2009
American IdolS08E11Hollywood Round: Part 4Feb 11, 2009
American IdolS08E12Top 36 Finalists Group 1 PerformFeb 17, 2009
American IdolS08E13Top 36 Finalists Group 1 ResultsFeb 18, 2009
American IdolS08E14Top 36 Finalists Group 2 PerformFeb 25, 2009
American IdolS08E15Top 36 Finalists Group 2 ResultsFeb 26, 2009
American IdolS08E16Top 36 Finalists Group 3 PerformMar 3, 2009
American IdolS08E17Top 36 Finalists Group 3 ResultsMar 4, 2009
American IdolS08E18Wild Card ResultsMar 5, 2009
American IdolS08E19Top 13 Finalists PerformMar 10, 2009
American IdolS08E202 of 13 Voted OffMar 11, 2009
American IdolS08E21Top 11 Finalists PerformMar 17, 2009
American IdolS08E221 of 11 Voted OffMar 18, 2009
American IdolS08E23Top 10 Finalists PerformMar 25, 2009
American IdolS08E241 of 10 Voted OffMar 26, 2009
American IdolS08E25Top 9 Finalists PerformMar 31, 2009
American IdolS08E261 of 9 Voted OffApr 1, 2009
American IdolS08E27Top 8 Finalists PerformApr 7, 2009
American IdolS08E281 of 8 Voted OffApr 8, 2009
American IdolS08E29Top 7 Finalists PerformApr 14, 2009
American IdolS08E301 of 7 Voted OffApr 15, 2009
American IdolS08E31Top 7 Finalists Perform AgainApr 21, 2009
American IdolS08E322 of 7 Voted OffApr 22, 2009
American IdolS08E33Top 5 Finalists PerformApr 28, 2009
American IdolS08E34Top 5 ResultsApr 29, 2009
American IdolS08E35Top 4 Finalists PerformMay 5, 2009
American IdolS08E361 of 4 Voted OffMay 6, 2009
American IdolS08E37Top 3 Finalists PerformMay 12, 2009
American IdolS08E381 of 3 Voted OffMay 13, 2009
American IdolS08E39Top 2 Finalists PerformMay 19, 2009
American IdolS08E40Winner RevealedMay 20, 2009

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