Australian Survivor - Season 10
![Australian Survivor - Season 10 Australian Survivor - Season 10](/imgp/dlZ1aTcxRm9FYjNoZFZoclRrUUlmVFFtL2d5L1JuNDNMaXMxN3FJY1VuUFIxWVlKem9rYmdrNFlTRitkRkFGN3ZzVThhZWFGY1Q1d2ZMczQ3ZzNuTGc1RDhvOG94YjY3QTBSSlRXYVFzdmM9.jpg)
Season 10
Heroes v Villains
![Network 10 Network 10](/imgp/dlZ1aTcxRm9FYjNoZFZoclRrUUlmVFFtL2d5L1JuNDNMaXMxN3FJY1VuUFIxWVlKem9rYmdrNFlTRitkRkFGN09wWUdMcmE0YTZHTU9RRFEzK29Mb2lrdVpOaVp0ekhrUTJqcHAvZGJmOUk9.jpg)
![Episode 1 Episode 1](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFk0UjBhaXRHOFQ2K0J2NVNLOWxtYXhKODFqQkltamxXSjFjTHZrZTJMbHZKVTNYY29BYXpJL2o2emllU1d6VW0=.jpg)
Episode 1
Returning players and new faces battle it out on the beaches of Samoa. Who will outwit, outplay and outlast to become the sole survivor and take out the half-million-dollar prize?
![Episode 2 Episode 2](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFNLT0tQYlRuUXZOaEtTTjZmWnVwQldSekNaTGI2M0tFY1B3R2tuMXN6MEdTQUxjUDhUYnRSZ2ZLdXBYTnlEL2U=.jpg)
Episode 2
In Survivor it's the mind game that will get you ahead, and our castaways will stop at nothing to make it through another night. Who will be sent to Tribal Council, and who will be plotting revenge?
![Episode 3 Episode 3](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkME8zMjFCbk1YV205TFZoaHZQdFUwdEkraSt2RVdOdTRIWTB4bVBUTjNWdXFzZVlHVThDeFl5M3ZlUVQ5dmhveGU=.jpg)
Episode 3
Following a heated Reward Challenge, a secret night mission causes one tribe to question one of their own. With another Tribal Council looming, players must think quickly in order to keep in the game.
![Episode 4 Episode 4](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMG9ZVUduUWNDVUtWcjJtbDdWZk5HRjlIUnZuVVNaLzd0U2hITVpUb09rUHJXTFZEQVZuaWxwcG82K1lsTUY3cEs=.jpg)
Episode 4
With no clear alliances in the Heroes tribe, will Hayley fall victim to the winners curse?
![Episode 5 Episode 5](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEZQQWpBbmc3T0UzWmtNSWM1bEpYZnhqTU1jb1F3RytiV0xDdFoxRFBGWW9WRnh5dW5rdDVqZjh0RmJ5ZU04RHc=.jpg)
Episode 5
It's day 10 and unexpected alliances are formed. But it's not long before the cracks begin to show.
![Episode 6 Episode 6](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkME5VZFNaR0tUUDBDYVAySUczZDhqUG54WWkvRGxoQm04Y1VoYjdEQ01iZFlSWExGTkF6a0VJUlVzZkx2Uk1uNzU=.jpg)
Episode 6
Cast out as expendable, Hero Gerry is on a mission to collect intel and survive undercover at the Villains tribe. But will he stay Heroes strong or turn to the dark side?
![Episode 7 Episode 7](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGRsc0I5RThhbm1Qby96RzZ0QldydGRPS0IrZVZDMThicDB4OWhmbUc0S2s3WEMrMWtXalE3Tmp3Nm9HU2ZEaFM=.jpg)
Episode 7
Survivor history will be made as the game is raised to a whole new level. And a jaw-dropping Tribal Council leads to an all-out war, leaving one player's game decimated.
![Episode 8 Episode 8](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFlDL2E2N2o0c2ljdXVHWldYUUVZVmMvU2hZV3phMklyS09Vcngrd2VHTnNKWWlFc1ArcG1kL09TbGZtcjlpRmw=.jpg)
Episode 8
After the most explosive Tribal Council ever witnessed, the Villains are in disarray. With alliances burnt to the ground, can anyone rise from the ashes?
![Episode 9 Episode 9](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMC9SZzFzdWh2dlFoak41bSs3UUpEU0V6ZG1OV1R6OHV5UHNobjY5eWRTcFZFNmxUbCt4Ylc4b2hxalUyQlB1UEo=.jpg)
Episode 9
A favourite brings a shocking twist that will flip the game on its head.
![Episode 10 Episode 10](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMG5ncnA4YjZGMW5nN1hha25aVEZVdlRRMVZSWWkxb2d5RFp4cFNaSXZqcGJRTmU3Ni91azc0KzB3M0MwaW9BSWw=.jpg)
Episode 10
21 days into the game and the recent tribe swap is breeding fear and doubt amongst the new tribes.
![Episode 11 Episode 11](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMDZPSldza1FPa2xjbm9FdUkwVTJLd0Q4WmJLQU9meEUyR0c2T2ZoTWs2TVNOWGRHNGdGdUZYZlhKVWRPUkdIcEs=.jpg)
Episode 11
Last night's tribal council has revealed cracks amongst alliances. Which players will take advantage?
![Episode 12 Episode 12](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHFDc0lmblhJU3BIbnhBUytTNmd4VGNraVdaR1lMWlkzNjFmSVhFNE91Z0RqY2Z4Skc2ajFmYXJ2dUN4clo1Q3E=.jpg)
Episode 12
The biggest blunder in Survivor history turns Simon into public enemy number one. With no alliances left does he have any chance of survival?
![Episode 13 Episode 13](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHRDdWtaRmhDUWJpYTJIRHNRS2FaeC9PMnFkTmIyQm9SdDBKK0oxb1plSklCeG9vcjZyZFFiOGdVMmpYTXplUXU=.jpg)
Episode 13
It's day 26 and the OG Villains are on a high with the return of a much-loved ally.
![Episode 14 Episode 14](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHY3UmhUVXBXeVZCOEpMNWIrSzBLSkY2Z2I5SXpIYnQ3V3B3cHA4T09HMVlJNkJRMkFmTXZTMUJ2YTArcm81emg=.jpg)
Episode 14
The greatest end game is about to be unleashed. Can alliances reunite, as enemies collide?
![Episode 15 Episode 15](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFZjeGtXemtIMlUzWmZYWkNoWE1QVEVwL3lBWHcwQ1FpVUNnWW1LWXp5MnErMEJ1V3hrRHNHdy9qSzI5aU5mQ3g=.jpg)
Episode 15
A powerful force has taken over the game. But can old enemies be trusted? Will vengeance and betrayal blow the game apart?
![Episode 16 Episode 16](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFQyREJWNXNuZjFEY096anFsYmtKQXpoUk5jY1B6RVpyWi9vK0JIelVLVFRCeHFNZ3RnaFozdmdBaTZOTDB3Y3M=.jpg)
Episode 16
The Vigilantes have taken over. Can the OG Heroes, hang on for dear life?
![Episode 17 Episode 17](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMENOS0p1RTlVUFZZNmR1R3dzbUN3VEJMNFdEcVpjK3c1VWJkSENuenNXMElIc3R4Sm5ZZjB3TExZMzdBZlQxVXU=.jpg)
Episode 17
With the end in sight, the remaining castaways are desperate to do anything to survive. Will jealousy cost one castaway the game, or can they keep level-headed enough to make it through another night?
![Episode 18 Episode 18](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEordXM1Tm9rTDBiZFltTHBRTmZhMWxGRklGOTBjaUs3SUFlcnF6MG1kU043Ylp1eGtjWGRqTmdYd2ZlTldmL20=.jpg)
Episode 18
With numbers dwindling, it's anyone's game to take out the title of Sole Survivor. When two castaways put their best moves forward, will their plan to win over the alliance work?
![Episode 19 Episode 19](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHJtZHBjV0xTTDBSWURCaEhwcEdBRFdMdm9IRGcvSHl0c3UxVkhvR3JYVjFOS0pjZFQ1QTRUNVVCdkZZNVJpT1g=.jpg)
Episode 19
A Reward Challenge where the winner gets an overnight stay and delicious feast in the Survivor Spa has everyone salivating. Then, grab the popcorn, as it all goes down at an intense Tribal Council.
![Episode 20 Episode 20](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGFOUW15UU0waU1qM1pkbjJ4WURPVldZaGVMOU1ndHc4OVZ3SFVObjlULzdDcVZ4VGJ0aWZKakxqU0xBNStVTTY=.jpg)
Episode 20
Which remaining castaway will push their willpower to the limit to win the Immunity Challenge? Tribal Council then sees the game flipped on its head once more as desperation sets in.
![Episode 21 Episode 21](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFluRXpRdi9NUFVmRG55MjVlemI1UGs2b21mZnlhOUVUM3d5MHROVHZ4M1BJVVZiUk5kRjhocCtWbUhhN2xtL0Y=.jpg)
Episode 21
The end is in sight, but it will require damage control, betrayal of allies and master manipulation for one of the castaways to navigate the muddy waters of the game to become Sole Survivor.
![Episode 22 Episode 22](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFY4R09KM0p4SmxSOGQwamt5UDgrMytmeGtFbUlsZEE3VHd5R3M5NDVSZ0pRQmZ3TCtxYlVQUVUzMmd0YUJNa3k=.jpg)
Episode 22
We've reached the top five and it's crunch time. Desperate to win the Immunity Challenge, one castaway is looking strong, but can they hold out?
![Episode 23 Episode 23](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMDNDT2x1V3ljREpvaWVrVXZ5YUZGMGJRdjZPNjdQeU1hdWptMEE5QktxMUdQT3puTFNtdS9aRFE0STljSDZ0d1A=.jpg)
Episode 23
Betrayal is central to some players' strategy, driving the remaining castaways' paranoia to maximum as they strive to become the Sole Survivor, and this episode's twist will send tensions through the roof.
![Episode 24 Episode 24](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHJxSkNBV2UyTlMvZWp1cVZQZHBMUDhjSGNqK2RLVThDVXF0WVo1K1dpZ1Z6MFdyY0xGcEdlR2lZSnFiMXJjWTA=.jpg)
Episode 24
The final Tribal Council has arrived. Who has the most complete resume and convincing case to be crowned the winner and take home the $500k prize that goes with it?
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Cold Case Files
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