Big Brother - Season 4

Big Brother - Season 4

Season 4

Big Brother 2003, also known as Big Brother 4, was the fourth series of the British reality television series Big Brother. It was based upon the Netherlands series of the same name, which gained notoriety in 1999 and 2000. The series premiered on Channel 4 on 23 May 2003 and lasted nine weeks, ending on 25 July 2003. The housemates were competing for a grand prize of £70,000, with Cameron being crowned the winner of the series on Day 64.
DatesMay 23, 2003 - Jul 24, 2003
Previous SeasonNext Season


Episode 401 - Launch Night Special
Season 4Episode 160 min

Episode 401 - Launch Night Special

Big Brother 4 has started with a brand-new looking house, 12 new contestants. In this hour-long launch night special Davina introduces us to all twelve brand new contestants; Anouska (20), Cameron (32), Federico (23), Gos (31), Jon (29), Justine (27), Nush (23), Ray (25), Scott (27), Sissy (26) Steph (27) and Tania, (22). After all twelve enter, Davina makes an important announcement. The first nominations will be happening live in just an hours time and the first eviction will be happening in a week!
May 23, 2003
Episode 402 - Live Nominations
Season 4Episode 260 min

Episode 402 - Live Nominations

Big Brother 4 continues with the second special of launch night. In this hour long special, all twelve contestants nominate one person for eviction based on first impressions, live to the nation. After all twelve housemates have nominated, the results are announced. The first four contestants to face the public vote are Anouska, Frederiko, Jon and Scott. The public will vote and one of those housemates will be evicted a week later. Here is a list of who the contestants nominated ; Anouska : Jon Cameron : Anouska Federico : Jon Gos : Anouska Jon : Anouska Justine : Anouska Nush : Scott Ray : Jon Scott : Anouska Sissy : Anouska Steph : Federico Tania : Jon Contestant Totals: Anouska : 6 Nominations Jon : 4 Nominations Federiko : 1 Nomination Scott : 1 Nomination
May 24, 2003
Episode 403
Season 4Episode 360 min

Episode 403

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. In tonight's episode disaster struck in the Diary Room when Anouska, Ray, Sissy and Tania all decided, in a drunken moment, that all of them sitting on the chair would be a good idea resulting in the chair's untimely demise! All o0f the housemates nominations from Day 1 are shown and the housemates are told who faces eviction. After he learns of his fate, Jon speaks to Big Brother about his worries of eviction and his prediction of losing the public vote and being evicted on Friday. Gos gets an unpleasant surprise when fellow housemate Jon jumps into his bed as a practical joke during the night.
May 25, 2003
Episode 404
Season 4Episode 460 min

Episode 404

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. The housemates face their first ever weekly task in this episode. The task is to have at least one person on a exercise bike constantly for 72 hours, as an added test if the bike drops below 60 rotations per minute at any time they have failed the task. They choose to gamble just 50%, the minimum, on their weekly shopping budget.
May 26, 2003
Episode 405
Season 4Episode 560 min

Episode 405

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. The housemates continue with their first weekly task. Everyone is surprised when they discover Cameron taking a shower and Anosuka having a bath at the same time. Sissy speaks to Big Brother, she is feeling down today and missing home. She also regrets her choice of nomination on Day 1 (She voted for Anouska). Anouska and Noush have a deep discussion about death and life after it. Anouska talks to Cameron about her childhood in a small village where her family were the only black people living there. In the evening, the housemates play a game in the pool, they have to give an orange to each other by just using their mouths!
May 27, 2003
Episode 406
Season 4Episode 660 min

Episode 406

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. Federico speaks airs his concerns to Big Brother. He is worried he has Jeopardised the housemates chances of success on their first task by breaking the rules. Scott speaks about how angry he would be if anyone ""f*cks this [the task] up now!"", in front of Federico!
May 28, 2003
Episode 407
Season 4Episode 760 min

Episode 407

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. The housemates learn the results of their first task and its not good news. They have failed the task before the rules were broken on one occasion, this results in them losing the 50% of their shopping budget [the percentage they gambled]. Nush speaks to Big Brother about her feelings of regret - she is enjoying the company of Scott more and more and is upset she voted for him on Day 1. Justine tells Anouska she is feeling upset, and Anouska promises her a shoulder to cry on if she needs it! Jon is worried about the pending eviction result on Friday.
May 29, 2003
Episode 408 - Eviction
Season 4Episode 860 min

Episode 408 - Eviction

On the first eviction night of Big Brother 2003, 20 year old housemate Anouska is voted out by the public. In the first of the two episodes tonight, a selection of the highlights from the past 24 hours in the house is aired, giving viewers their last chance to decide upon who to evict from the game. Highlights included Nush chipping one of her front teeth while playing a party game with her housemates, and all four evictee's discussing their feelings about the pending announcement with Big Brother in the privacy of the diary room. When Davina announces the result, Anouska is evicted, the mood amongst the twelve housemates is a sober one. Gos in particular seems very upset by the shock of having someone evicted and Anouska sheds tears, and hugs everyone thanking them for their support. In the later episode, Davina presents a live show in which Anouska is evicted from the house to be greeted by the 1,000+ strong crowed awaiting her outside. In a new edition to Big Brother 4, all evicted
May 30, 2003
Episode 409
Season 4Episode 960 min

Episode 409

Big Brother's resident psychologists are on hand to provide interesting insights into the contestants behaviour and provide information on what they are really thinking about each other. Highlights from the weekend in the house are also shown. In tonight's episode Anouska's final day in the house is profiled and her eviction covered extensively. The psychologists explain how the housemates different reactions to her being voted out of the house display their guilt for nominating her while other's are unaware of their fellow contestants' turmoil. Federico plays an amusing practical joke on Big Brother when he asks questions like ""What is Big Brother wearing"" in an attempt to make the female producer in the diary room uncomfortable. The psychologists also examine how the housemates' constant flirting and touching is a way of become comfortable in a new group, but warns relationships built up so quickly will fail just as soon. They also take a closer look at apparent outsider - Jon and
May 31, 2003
Episode 410
Season 4Episode 1060 min

Episode 410

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. Federico is made to apologise for his joke on Big Brother in which he asked a female producer, who was at that time the voice of Big Brother, inappropriate and unreasonable requests. Federico, Scott and Ray discuss their nomination procedure and how they feel those who say its unfair are being unreasonable. Meanwhile, Sissy breaks down into tears again when she realises the nominations are the next day and worries about the whole idea of the procedure, she is comforted by Nush. The housemates also received information on their second weekly task. They must perform the Cub Scouts promise, complete in uniform, within seconds of a whistle being sounded by Big Brother.
Jun 1, 2003
Episode 411
Season 4Episode 1160 min

Episode 411

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. The contestants nominate for the second time this series and its Jon and Justine who are up for eviction in Week 2. Justine chats to Steph about how her feelings for Jon have changed and how now she see's him as 'sexist' and finds it difficult to even look at him.
Jun 2, 2003
Episode 412
Season 4Episode 1260 min

Episode 412

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. The housemates continue with their second weekly task. Justine is still having difficulties with housemate Jon and speaks to all of the girls about it, she tells them she is pleased that one of them will be leaving on Friday because she doesn't think she could handle it if she had to spend more time living in a house with him! There is bad news when one of the pet fish dies and the boy/girl divide is getting more obvious. While the boys comment on how it may get to the stage where only the guys remain, Justine speaks to the girls about how great she thinks it would be if only the women remained in the house.
Jun 3, 2003
Episode 413
Season 4Episode 1360 min

Episode 413

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. The housemates learn that Justine and Jon are facing the chop on Friday. Justine is still uncomfortable around Jon...
Jun 4, 2003
Episode 414
Season 4Episode 1460 min

Episode 414

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. The result of the week two task is announced, and the housemates have failed again.
Jun 5, 2003
Episode 415 - Eviction
Season 4Episode 1560 min

Episode 415 - Eviction

It's the second week of Big Brother and the evictions continue. As second week nominees, Justine and Jon await the crucial news from Davina, each of them want to survive but one of them will not. In the first of Friday night's episodes, Davina speaks to the most avid of the fans who have turned up for the eviction including two fans who have dressed up in full Star Wars style ""Storm Troppers"" in support of Jon, and some of the Justine fans who have also arrived. Highlights from the past 24 hours in the house are also shown and in the final minute, Davina announces live to the nation and housemates which contestant will be leaving second, and its Justine. The girls are obviously shocked and do not welcome the news that another female is leaving and they usher Justine into their bedroom to help her prepare for her exit. The boys congratulate Jon and remain in the living room.
Jun 6, 2003
Episode 416 - The Live Task
Season 4Episode 1660 min

Episode 416 - The Live Task

Watch as the housemates take on a task set by Big Brother, live to the nation. Its the second Saturday night task and Big Brother gets back to basics with a game of pass the parcel. Each housemate must play and those who are lucky enough to have the parcel when the music stops will have to answer a question, asking this correctly will gain them a reward. As a final twist, Big Brother tells them the last person to win the game must take just one person with them to enjoy the reward, Scott is given this job and he takes Nush with him. Those who won a place in the secret room for the night were Jon, Nush, Tania, Scott, Gos, Cameron and Federico. Ray, Sissy and Steph all failed and did not gain access. The room changed from last week, this time around it was a fun arcade room with lots of party food and a variety of arcade games.
Jun 7, 2003
Episode 417
Season 4Episode 1760 min

Episode 417

Big Brother's resident psychologists are on hand to provide interesting insights into the contestants behaviour and provide information on what they are really thinking about each other. Highlights from the weekend in the house are also shown. The psychologists examine Federico's task failing troubles and look at his lying to the housemates and what he hopes to achieve from it. The girls discuss how annoyed and upset they are that Justine is next to be evicted, and Tania tells Jon he is not welcome in the girls bedroom when he tries to speak to them. Sissy is upset when she fails the Saturday night live task and says she wants to go to bed early, much to the dismay of Ray and Steph who also failed. Tania sneaks out some food from the room, which is strictly against the rules, and is asked to return everything to Big Brother but its all be consumed by Ray, Steph and Sissy! The Big Brother experts look into Justine's change in attitude to Jon and link it to his demise in popularity with
Jun 8, 2003
Episode 418
Season 4Episode 1860 min

Episode 418

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. The housemates are set their third task by Big Brother. They will all need to memorise a series of numbers and a rhythm to be played with hand bells. The clappers have been removed from the bells meaning they will only hear the well-known song when they perform it for the task. The task causes friction when Jon tells everyone they need to learn it through rhythm, while Stephanie insists they need to memorise the number order first. The debate continues when Nush tells Jon she agrees with Steph. Tania is offended when Ray makes a lude comment towards her when she is changing his microphone batteries. Sissy speaks to Big Brother about her negative feelings towards Nush and says her constant need to be in control is annoying her and that she is getting nervous around her.
Jun 9, 2003
Episode 419
Season 4Episode 1960 min

Episode 419

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. The housemates make their nominations for the third time, and its Jon (with 6 votes), Federico and Sissy (Both with 4 votes each). There is laughter when Sissy, Ray, Tania and Federico all have a water fight, and unfortunately for Gos most of the water ends up all over his bed. The contestants continue practicing their task, but their different method's of learning it are continuing to cause division.
Jun 10, 2003
The Live Task - Week 1
Season 4Episode 2060 min

The Live Task - Week 1

Watch as the housemates take on a task set by Big Brother, live to the nation. In tonight's task, the first of this series, Big Brother sets as simple game of tug-of-war. The housemates are also split into two opposing teams and a referee is decided on by the group, they choose Sissy. The green team (consisting of Gos, Steph, Jon, Justine and Scott) win the game, and they are rewarded with a couple hours time in a secret room never revealed to the housemates or the public prior to the task! The luxurious ""red"" room contains a dance floor, large amounts of champagne and, something the housemates were all craving, music. The losing team (Nush, Tania, Ray, Cameron and Federico) did not gain access to the room.
May 31, 2003
Episode 420
Season 4Episode 2160 min

Episode 420

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. The results of the third nominations are announced to the housemates and the reactions are varied. Sissy takes the news she is up for eviction badly and retreats to the girls bedroom for a while. Jon employs a tactic he discussed earlier of making no comment of reaction to nomination and Federico shook every contestant's hand. Sissy talks to Big Brother about how she was upset to be up for eviction but said she feels better that three people are up for the chop along with her. Federico speaks to Ray and Sissy about how he feels being nominated is ""a back handed compliment"" and how he would enjoy it if he were to be booed on his exit.
Jun 11, 2003
Episode 421
Season 4Episode 2260 min

Episode 421

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. The housemates are tested on their third weekly task and as they have done for their first two challenges, they fail it. The ringing of the bells does not go well and several of the housemates miss their notes all together. Big Brother tells them that they can win a Chinese take-away and lots of alcohol for the night if they name the tune they played - they correctly answer ""An English Country Garden"" and win the reward. Ray and Federico disagree with the way in which a man should treat a woman, after Federico reveals he would have meaningless sex. He also reveals to the group he may have ""accidently appeared in a porn movie."" Nush reveals that she feels Federico has 'issues' with women and says 'hopefully he will group up to be a nice man'.
Jun 12, 2003
Episode 422 - Eviction
Season 4Episode 2360 min

Episode 422 - Eviction

In the most talked about eviction of Big Brother 4 so far, three of the housemates were up for the boot. Federico, Jon and Sissy all awaited the result of the third public vote to discover who would be the next to leave. In the first of the evening's shows, Davina spoke to friends and family of all three nominees and discussed events in the house with them. Ex-Contestants Justine (Evicted Week 2) and Anouska (Evicted Week 1) were on hand to provide exclusive insight to how the contestants would be feeling and make predictions of who will go. Anosuka thinks that it will be Sissy who is evicted and Justine predicts Federico. Back in the studio, Davina introduces a compilation of Day 21's highlights. It features Nush and Tania discussing a problem they have with Sissy, after she asked to use one the two remaining gas canister's to use for a hair straightener on her eviction but Nush and Tania wonder what they will do on their eviction night.
Jun 13, 2003
Episode 423 - The Live Task
Season 4Episode 2460 min

Episode 423 - The Live Task

Jun 14, 2003
Episode 424
Season 4Episode 2560 min

Episode 424

Big Brother's resident psychologists are on hand to provide interesting insights into the contestants behaviour and provide information on what they are really thinking about each other. Highlights from the weekend in the house are also shown. Tonight's episode takes a look at Sissy's eviction and a psychologist examines which housemates departure will have the biggest effect on the house, concluding that Federico's departure would prove most beneficial while Sissy's would be the worst outcome. Tania is upset when she thinks she heard the crowed say they wanted her evicted on Friday night, she retreats to the Diary Room telling Big Brother she is unsettled about what she heard. Steph is comforted by Nush, Cameron and Tania when she gets upset.
Jun 15, 2003
Episode 425
Season 4Episode 2660 min

Episode 425

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. The housemates are set their fourth weekly task. They are all to create superhero alter-ego's for themselves and create costumes, catchphrases, powers and arch enemies for their roles.
Jun 16, 2003
Episode 426
Season 4Episode 2760 min

Episode 426

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. The contestants continue with their task and the results of Week 4's nominations are announced and the group learns it's Jon, Federico and Cameron up for eviction on Friday's special double eviction.
Jun 17, 2003
Episode 427
Season 4Episode 2860 min

Episode 427

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. The group continue with third fourth weekly task, the results of which will be announced to them the following day. Nush says she wants to learn how to play an instrument, saying she likes to learn something new every year. Federico has a disagreement with Tania when she jokes that she is pleased nobody brought in a instrument as she says it may have irritated her.
Jun 18, 2003
Episode 428
Season 4Episode 2960 min

Episode 428

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. The contestants learn the results of their fourth week task and they have passed for their first time. Jon insists that he did and the other boys did not steal Nushs' lip-gloss, but she doesn't believe him and vows that she will get 'revenge' jokingly. Jon, Scott, Federico, Ray and Gos discuss Cameron[s popularity with the ladies of the house while watching him tactically putting his arm around Nush through the glass as he is with her in the living area, but the two decide to play a trick on them and use the ""thumb sucking"" technique to make it appear they are enjoying a passionate kiss. Steph, Gos and Cameron tell Nush that Jon's strange behaviour towards her is because he fancies her.
Jun 19, 2003
Episode 429 - Eviction
Season 4Episode 3060 min

Episode 429 - Eviction

The fourth eviction night of Big Brother 2003 was extra special - two of the housemates would be evicted instead of the traditional one housemate and a first in Big Brother UK history was made when contestants Jon Tickle and Federico Martone were evicted from the house thanks to a public vote. In the first show of the evening, Davina spoke to friends and family of all three nominees - Jon, Federico and Cameron. Justine and Sissy were also on hand to discuss the latest happenings and about the looming eviction result. As always, highlights from the past twenty four hours in the house was shown, and this included Jon accusing Ray of ""mentally abusing"" the girls when he played a prank on them which was met by surprise by the five other boys who were also in on the joke. Then, Davina spoke live to the house and revealed the first of Week Four's two evictee's would be Federico. The first show ended with live streaming of house reaction to the first eviction result.
Jun 20, 2003
Episode 430 - The Live Task
Season 4Episode 3160 min

Episode 430 - The Live Task

Watch as the housemates take on a task set by Big Brother, live to the nation. On tonight's live challenge Big Brother tests their knowledge of the world. An umpire (Nush was chosen for this role) was to read out country names and two competitor's (Cameron and Ray) must take it in turns to pin a flag onto a world map that pinpoints the country Nush read out. Cameron wins. He is to take five other people into the reward room and leave one person behind. It's Nush who is left alone for the evening.
Jun 21, 2003
Episode 431
Season 4Episode 3260 min

Episode 431

Big Brother's resident psychologists are on hand to provide interesting insights into the contestants behaviour and provide information on what they are really thinking about each other. Highlights from the weekend in the house are also shown. In tonight's show the double eviction is more closely examined. The fifth Saturday Night Challenge is shown (for details of this task please see the episode guide for 'Episode 430 - The Live Task' right here at TV Tome) and Nush speaks to Big Brother about being left alone in the house after Cameron choose to take everyone else therefore leaving Nush alone. The psychologists examine the effect Federico and Jon's departure will have on the house. Ray and Scott strip naked under the table in the 'posh' dinner themed reward room. psychologists dig deeper into the reasons behind Jon's constant nomination and eventual eviction.
Jun 22, 2003
Episode 432
Season 4Episode 3360 min

Episode 432

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. Cameron is set a rare individual task and he has been given the chance of visiting the South African Big Brother house for a week. The other housemates are given a reward and take full advantage, getting drunk as usual! 12 hours after he entered the reward room for his task, the housemates are still blissfully unaware of the adventure Cameron has embarked upon and talk to him through the room's door, unaware he is no longer there.
Jun 23, 2003
Episode 433
Season 4Episode 3460 min

Episode 433

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. Despite the housemate swap, nominations continue as usual during Week 5 of Big Brother, and it is all three girls who face eviction this week. Tania, Steph and Nush. Cameron delivered his nominations via a phone link. Tania takes offence when African housemate Gaetano calls her a ""pig"", and she retreats to her bedroom in tears clearly upset by the statement.
Jun 24, 2003
Episode 434
Season 4Episode 3560 min

Episode 434

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. The contestants are told which housemates are up for eviction. Scott is impressed by how all the three girls took the news, by laughing. Gaetona tells Big Brother how he didn't expect the UK housemates to be the same as their African counterparts, but he expected more life. Nush tells Gaetano, Ray and Scott how she has found this week strange in comparison to the previous four.
Jun 25, 2003
Episode 435
Season 4Episode 3660 min

Episode 435

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. Gaetano is shocked to learn he will be leaving a day earlier than he had expected. Gos and Gaetano trade a towel and a T-Shirt as a leaving present to each other. Tania worries about leaving the house, telling Big Brother (in the diary room) she thinks she may have forgotten how to drive!
Jun 19, 2003
Episode 436 - Eviction
Season 4Episode 3760 min

Episode 436 - Eviction

In the fifth eviction night of Big Brother 4, Davina hosts as always and discusses latest events in the house with the nominated housemates family and friends in the first of tonight's episodes. She is joined by the mum's of Tania, Nush and Steph who are all up for the chop this week. Tania's mum confesses she wants Tania to be evicted and thinks she does too, while Steph's mum appeals to the nation to keep her daughter in because of the possible romance with her and Cameron. Ms. Nowak is on hand to show support for her daughter and talks about flirting with African contestant Gaetano. In the highlights, Nush says she is struggling to remain friendly towards Steph and later Steph speculates about why Nush is acting 'distant' toward her, and says she thinks its related to nominations. Tania still maintains she wants to leave the house. Davina announces that it's Tania who is to be evicted from the house with a massive majority of the public vote.
Jun 27, 2003
Episode 437 - The Live Task
Season 4Episode 3860 min

Episode 437 - The Live Task

Watch as the housemates take on a task set by Big Brother, live to the nation. The housemate draw straw's to discover who will be entering the reward room, which has a new housemate awaiting them inside. 35-Year old Lisa. Ray and Nush are first to greet the new contestant....
Jun 29, 2003
Episode 438
Season 4Episode 3960 min

Episode 438

Big Brother's resident psychologists are on hand to provide interesting insights into the contestants behaviour and provide information on what they are really thinking about each other. Highlights from the weekend in the house are also shown. The psychologists examine how Cameron's visit to Africa has effected his standing in the Big Brother group, concluding despite his successes there, he may whip up resent from the other housemates resulting in nomination. Cameron is not taking to Lisa and tells Gos he doesn't like her constant talking. Lisa does a personality test on Nush and Steph and both are impressed by her skills.
Jun 29, 2003
Episode 439
Season 4Episode 4060 min

Episode 439

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. Steph is suspicious of new housemate Lisa.
Jun 30, 2003
Episode 440
Season 4Episode 4160 min

Episode 440

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. The housemates are nominating for the sixth time in tonight's episode. Gos, Nush and Ray get most nominations and are up for eviction on Friday. The housemates continue with thier sixth weekly task.
Jul 1, 2003
Episode 441
Season 4Episode 4260 min

Episode 441

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. The housemates discover who is up for eviction in Week Six. Gos tells the group he is ready to leave while Nush confides in Scott about how she is feeling a little sad she is nominated for the second time.
Jul 2, 2003
Episode 442
Season 4Episode 4360 min

Episode 442

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. Ray, Nush and Gos anxiously await the result of Week Six's eviction vote in which one of them will be evicted.
Jul 3, 2003
Episode 443 - Eviction
Season 4Episode 4460 min

Episode 443 - Eviction

In the seventh eviction result of Big Brother 4, it was 32-year old Gos Gosal who lost out on the public vote and was evicted from the house. After the problems of the previous night, he was evicted on the following evening, the first ever Saturday night eviction of Big Brother UK history. In his interview with Davina, Gos spoke about his time in the house and who he wants to win.
Jul 5, 2003
Episode 444
Season 4Episode 4560 min

Episode 444

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. Ray won the task to become Head of House, giving him control over several aspects of house life and most importantly the nominations. He must choose three housemates to face public vote. He choose new girl Lisa, Steph and Cameron.
Jul 7, 2003
Episode 445
Season 4Episode 4660 min

Episode 445

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. Ray's nominations are announced to the group.
Jul 8, 2003
Episode 446
Season 4Episode 4760 min

Episode 446

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. The housemates take advantage of this weeks permanently open reward room which is now an Irish pub with constantly available booze.
Jul 9, 2003
Episode 447
Season 4Episode 4860 min

Episode 447

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. A crazy night of fun ensues when the housemate drink all of the remaining booze from the pub-themed reward room. There are kisses all round when Scott and Nush, Lisa and Ray, Cameron and Steph, Nush and Steph all hook up for the first kisses of Big Brother 4. Lisa reveals how she has felt isolated ever since her arrival and the other housemates admit they wouldn't care if she is evicted this week.
Jul 10, 2003
Episode 448 - Eviction
Season 4Episode 4960 min

Episode 448 - Eviction

In the seventh eviction night of Big Brother 4, Davina McCall hosts as always. In the first of tonight's episodes she speaks with the friends and family of the nominated contestants Lisa, Cameron and Steph. Highlights from the past 24 hours in the house are also aired and these include the housemates talking about their wild Wednesday night. Scott and Nush discuss their flirtation which peaked in a snog that night, which Nush couldn't remember. Steph and Nush ask Cameron to tell them what they did but are worried he will lie to them because they cannot remember anything. After this Davina drops a real bombshell. She reveals that either Federico, Gos, Justine, Jon, Sissy or tonight's evicted contestant (which turned out to be Lisa) would be returning into the house thanks to a public vote. She then announces that the eight person to be evicted from the house would be Lisa.
Jul 11, 2003
Episode 449 - The Live Task
Season 4Episode 5060 min

Episode 449 - The Live Task

Watch as the housemates take on a task set by Big Brother, live to the nation. Tonight's live challenge was a game of bingo. A caller was decided on (Scott) and they could not win the task tonight. Ray won the game of Bingo and had to choose just one contestant to join him in the reward room. (Scott could not be picked) and he took Cameron in with him. The room was styled as a hotel room and was open until the following morning. Food and drink was supplied to Ray and Cameron on their command and they even had a selection of films to watch.
Jul 12, 2003
Episode 450
Season 4Episode 5160 min

Episode 450

Big Brother's resident psychologists are on hand to provide interesting insights into the contestants behaviour and provide information on what they are really thinking about each other. Highlights from the weekend in the house are also shown. The group is shocked to hear Booing from the crowed when extra housemate Lisa gets evicted, Nush in particular. They have another, even bigger shock when Jon arrives in the house having being voted back in by the public. The psychologists examine the housemates reactions to Jon's shock arrival and conclude that despite what they say the housemates don't want him back (there body language gives them away) apart from Steph. Ray and Cameron spend a night in the reward room. Nush is horrified when a journalist from outside the house shouts out ""Nush, your boyfriend has dumped you"" with a mega-phone. She speaks to Big Brother and is clearly upset, but says she hasn't behaved very well with Scott and decides that ""That's Karma for you"".
Jul 13, 2003
Episode 451
Season 4Episode 5260 min

Episode 451

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. Scott and Nush win the boys night in themed reward room for the night. Steph gets upset when Jon makes a comment about Nush making it into the reward room instead of her - she feels everyone would have picked Nush over herself but Ray assures her this is not the case and that he would of taken her over Nush.
Jul 14, 2003
Episode 452
Season 4Episode 5360 min

Episode 452

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. The housemates nominate for the final time this series. Cameron and Nush are up for the chop with three votes each although the housemates wont discover this until the next day. Ray feels 'robbed' by Big Brother for allowing Jon to be exempt from nominations - but he doesn't realise Jon cannot win. Cameron, Ray and Steph agree that having an evicted housemate re-join them unsettles them and they think its unfair on the remaining five.
Jul 15, 2003
Episode 453
Season 4Episode 5460 min

Episode 453

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. The final nomination result of this series is announced to the group. Nush and Cameron face eviction, one of them will miss out on a place in the grand final. Jon tells Ray that the voting was ""very silly"" and that ""The person who voted for Nush now cannot win"". Ray is very confused by this comment and he asks Cameron and Steph about it, and Steph is annoyed by Nush again saying ""Its always got to be about her."". Nush and Scott discuss what they think Jon meant by his comments in one of their many late night chats.
Jul 16, 2003
Episode 454
Season 4Episode 5560 min

Episode 454

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. This night saw maybe the most interesting moment in Big Brother so far. Once again, Ray was involved in another argument, this time with Steph. Some of the events of the evening, including Ray saying he wanted to ""f***ing punch her in the face;"" telling each of the other housemates he regretted nominating Nush, and then revealing to Nush why Steph was crying on Sunday. Other events of the night in which all of the housemates, apart from Cameron drank alcohol solidly for 6 hours included Nush confiding in Scott that she is secretly very hurt by Ray's nominating her and Ray taking a joke too far once again when he pulled Nush across the house to throw water over her after she drunkenly splashed water on him, Jon and Scott were not amused.
Jul 17, 2003
Episode 455 - Eviction
Season 4Episode 5660 min

Episode 455 - Eviction

Week Eight in the Big Brother house and either Cameron or Nush would be leaving the house and missing out on the chance of being a finalist. In the first of two LIVE episodes Davina McCall spoke to friends and family of the two nominees and discussed with them their chances of surviving the eviction vote. Ex-Housemates were also on hand to provide insight into the Big Brother experience. Highlights from Day 56 in the house included Nush speaking to Big Brother about how she felt she would be evicted. Cameron also spoke in the diary room about how the pressure is different this week due to the fact he is so near to the final and how he really wants to stay and see the whole thing through. Davina speaks to the house and reveals that Nush is to be the 9th person evicted from the house. She takes the news well, congratulates Cameron, hugs everyone and retreats to her bedroom the get ready for her exit. Scott is noticeably disappointed to see Nush leave.
Jul 18, 2003
Episode 456 - The Live Task
Season 4Episode 5760 min

Episode 456 - The Live Task

Watch as the housemates take on a task set by Big Brother, live to the nation. The housemates are sent looking for needles in a haystack - literally. A huge hay-stack is built in the back garden and five large blue rubber needles are hidden inside it. The contestants gained one night in the reward room for all of them with every needle they discovered. As an added difficulty, five questions were asked to Jon and for every question he got incorrect one housemate would have to wear boxing gloves while searching. The contestants earned themselves two nights in the reward room.
Jul 19, 2003
Episode 457
Season 4Episode 5860 min

Episode 457

Big Brother's resident psychologists are on hand to provide interesting insights into the contestants behaviour and provide information on what they are really thinking about each other. Highlights from the weekend in the house are also shown. The resident psychologists examine each of the finalists in detail - analysing their behaviour and what it tells us about both their personality and game plans. Jon and Scott discuss Nush after she is evicted and how they already miss her. Cameron, Steph and Ray take offense from it and Steph says she notices a 'divide' between them. The contestants take part in the final Saturday night task and win, gaining entry into the reward room for two nights. The group enjoy the 60's style room and sing, dance and joke around for the full time allowed in the room. Steph says she never approaches men and waits for them to speak to her.
Jul 20, 2003
Episode 458
Season 4Episode 5960 min

Episode 458

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. The group enjoy their first Monday without nominations! The housemates are set their final weekly task. They will all be called to the diary room to give their views on several social issues (e.g Gay Marriage, The Death Penalty) and at the end of the week all will be tested on what their fellow housemates views. If they get 75% of the questions correct they will win a Christmas Party. (Note : they were given a choice of 'Monster Mash', 'Bollywood' or 'Christmas' for their final night party)
Jul 21, 2003
Episode 459
Season 4Episode 6060 min

Episode 459

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. The group enjot thier second night in the reward room and drink even more than usual! Jon has a very heated discussion with Cameron. He is annoyed that that Cameron never gives his views and always 'stays on the fence' to which Cameron replies ""Not everyone voices their opinions. I am very happy none of you know my thoughts on some issues"" but Jon reveals he thinks this is all part of Cameron's game plan to win votes from the public. Steph is sick a total of 5 times after drinking too much.
Jul 22, 2003
Episode 460
Season 4Episode 6160 min

Episode 460

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. It's the morning after the night before in the house and the contestants are recovering after their wild night in the reward room. Jon stays in bed until 8.30pm, emerging only to collect some headache tablets from the diary room. Steph gets an official warning from Big Brother for her behaviour the night before and for vandalising the statue along with Ray, Jon and Scott. Ray and Scott are asked their views on Asylum Seekers in the UK. Cameron, Steph and Scott invent a new game, which involves someone putting their feet onto the laminated paper Big Brother provides (for instructions) and another pulling them along the floor, they all enjoy it and name it 'Laminate Skiing'. Steph sleeps in the boys bedroom for the first time.
Jul 23, 2003
Episode 462 - Big Brother 4 Finale
Season 4Episode 6260 min

Episode 462 - Big Brother 4 Finale

In the first of two specially-extended episodes tonight to celebrate the finale of Big Brother 4, returning housemate Jon Tickle is called to the diary room, he and is fellow housemates are unaware that it's the last time he will be in the house and he is ushered outside through a camera run to be greeted by Davina and the 1,500+ audience members awaiting him. A huge stage has been constructed with flash lighting and the Big Brother's infamous 'eye' logo engraved on the stage itself. When asked why he didn't cause as much trouble as he had promised viewers, Jon replied that 'Big Brother told me I couldn't tease them - I had no other ideas on what I could do after that', and it was clear who he wanted to win the show when asked he replied simply 'Scott Turner! Anyone with mobile phones here, use them and vote for Scott to win!'. He is reunited with his family and friends. Davina presents a 7-minute highlight package airing all the best bits from Day 63 in the house. After this she makes
Jul 25, 2003
Episode 461
Season 4Episode 6360 min

Episode 461

Catch up with all the latest from the most infamous house in Britain. Watch highlights from the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. The housemates enjoy a gift from Big Brother - Christmas day! The house has been re-decorated to reflect Christmas and the contestants are even rewarded with post-card from home.
Jul 24, 2003

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