Celebrity Big Brother - Season 17

Celebrity Big Brother - Season 17

Season 17

Datesjanv. 5, 2016 - févr. 5, 2016
Previous SeasonNext Season


Series 17 - Live Launch
Season 17Episode 1120 min

Series 17 - Live Launch

Emma Willis presents the live launch of this years series. We get a brief look at the house fully furnished, before Emma reveals that every piece of furniture, every appliance and every bit of food and drink has been locked away. Gemma Collins, John Partridge, Danniella Westbrook, Christopher Maloney, Tiffany 'New York' Pollard, Darren Day, Megan McKenna and Winston McKenzie enter the house as the first 8 housemates of the series. At this point, the 8 housemates are asked who is the most decisive, both John and Winston stand up. The housemates are told that there are two empty boxes and housemates will have to decide the two who will enter these boxes. These housemates will live in the boxes, with basic rations and no other provisions. As John stood up first he is told he has to decide who enters one of the two boxes, John says he will enter one of the boxes, at this point Darren volunteers himself as the second housemate. The remaining six housemates are then called to the garden. John and Darren then have to make their first decision as the box housemates. They have to choose three housemates who will not receive their belongings tonight, they decide to lock up Christopher's, Winston's and Danniella's suitcases. The rest of the house are then joined by housemate number 9, David Gest. Also entering the house are Scotty T, Kristina Rihanoff, Jonathan Cheban, Angie Bowie, Stephanie Davis, Jeremy McConnell and Nancy Dell'Olio. John and Darren then have to decide whether they or the other 14 housemates will receive luxury food or not. They decide that the other housemates can have the luxury food.

janv. 5, 2016
Series 17 - Live From The House - Night 1
Season 17Episode 260 min

Series 17 - Live From The House - Night 1

Live coverage direct from the house as the new housemates settle in.

janv. 5, 2016
Series 17 - Day 1 Highlights
Season 17Episode 360 min

Series 17 - Day 1 Highlights

Marcus Bentley narrates highlights of the housemates settling into the Big Brother house. There's chemistry between Scotty T and Megan. Whilst David and Angie reminisce about the old times. Gemma gives Tiffany a unexpected birthday present that leaves her in tears. Daniella nominates herself to enter the box with Darren and John, in order to unlock the other housemates beds.

janv. 6, 2016
Series 17 - Day 2 Highlights
Season 17Episode 460 min

Series 17 - Day 2 Highlights

Marcus Bentley narrates highlights of the housemates first full day in the Big Brother house. Danniella, Darren and John wake up after their first night in the box. The rest of the house are asked to rate themselves on how annoying they are. As Stephanie, Scotty and Jeremy rate themselves as the most annoying, they have to sort out a huge amount of keys to unlock the rest of the house. As they succeed in unlocking the house, the box housemates are allowed to join the main house. However Scotty, Jeremy and Stephanie's task isn't over yet. They are told they have to make killer nominations. Jeremy nominates Nancy, Scotty nominates Winston and Stephanie nominates Kristina. Angie and Christopher have a falling out. As the housemates get ready for bed, Winston gets slightly over friendly with a couple of the ladies, so Gemma steps in.

janv. 7, 2016
Series 17 - Day 3 Highlights & Live Eviction #1
Season 17Episode 560 min

Series 17 - Day 3 Highlights & Live Eviction #1

Emma Willis presents the first live eviction show of the series. Before tonight's eviction however Marcus Bentley narrates highlights of the past 24 hours in the Big Brother house. Nancy tells Big Brother about how uncomfortable Winston left her feeling last night, in turn Big Brother calls Winston to the diary room and reminds him of the rules regarding personal space and making other housemates feel uncomfortable in confined spaces. Later the housemates take part in their first task, the house is split into two teams. Team captains Jonathan and John read out statements about their fellow housemates, the other team then have to choose which housemate they believe the statement belongs to. Winston's statement upsets a lot of the other housemates, as in it he states that a gay couple adopting is like child abuse. Emma goes live to the house and reveals that Kristina is safe and that either Nancy or Winston will be evicted.

janv. 8, 2016
Series 17 - Live Eviction #1
Season 17Episode 635 min

Series 17 - Live Eviction #1

We go live to the house were it is revealed that the other housemates will decide whether it is Nancy or Winston who leaves tonight. They have to give a reason as to why they want the housemate to leave. Each housemate takes it in turn to decide between the two, with every housemate but Jeremy deciding to vote Winston out for how uncomfortable his homophobic comments have made them feel. Winston leaves the Big Brother house and Emma interviews him about his short and controversial time in the house.

janv. 8, 2016
Series 17 - Day 4 Highlights
Season 17Episode 760 min

Series 17 - Day 4 Highlights

Marcus Butler narrates highlights of the previous 24 hours in the house. Winston decides he has to clear the air with his fellow housemates, but some of them just aren't interested at all. Most of the housemates predict that he will be leaving later that day and make their feelings clear to Winston. David upsets Stephanie over making accusations over what's really going on with her and Jeremy. Winston is evicted from the Big Brother house. There is tension between Nancy and Jeremy following the latest twist. Gemma is concerned when she thinks that Jonathan has left the house, as he is unsure of whether or not he wants to stay.

janv. 9, 2016
Series 17 - Day 5 Highlights
Season 17Episode 860 min

Series 17 - Day 5 Highlights

Marcus Bentley narrates highlights of the past 24 hours in the house. Today David is put in charge of putting on a talent show. He decides to enlist Angie as his co-executive producer. Jonathan, Tiffany and Nancy are asked to be the judges. Angie and Tiffany clash and it somehow embroils both Danniella and Gemma as well. Danniella is really upset as she actually hasn't done anything and gets even more annoyed when Angie and Gemma seem to make up. Angie quits her role in the show, but is eventually talked around by David. She and Danniella clear the air. The housemates perform and it is decided that Stephanie and her impersonation of Amy Winehouse is the winning act. The housemates are rewarded with a party. Angie and Tiffany make up.

janv. 10, 2016
Series 17 - Day 6 Highlights
Season 17Episode 960 min

Series 17 - Day 6 Highlights

Marcus Bentley narrates highlights of the past 24 hours in the house. Jonathan is given a secret mission in which he has to give each of his housemates a present. Some of them are nice and some not so much. Big Brother asks each housemate to stand behind a podium, if the housemate successfully catches their present they are allowed to keep it, if they don't catch it then they lose it. Later when it's announced that Jonathan decided who got what presents, some housemates are upset, especially Nancy who is sent to a jail in the garden. Tiffany and Jeremy grow closer as Stephanie is upset about how her relationship with Jeremy may be perceived on the outside. Megan and Scotty share a kiss.

janv. 11, 2016
Series 17 - Day 7 Highlights, Jonathan Walks
Season 17Episode 1060 min

Series 17 - Day 7 Highlights, Jonathan Walks

Marcus Bentley narrates highlights of the past 24 hours in the house. Angie Bowie is told off-camera about the death of her ex-husband David Bowie. She decides she wants to remain in the house. Big Brother calls David and John to the diary room to help Angie recover from the shock and return to the house. Upon Angie's wishes, David and John tell her they won't tell any of the other housemates. Later Angie and Tiffany are in the kitchen. Tiffany can tell something is up with Angie, so asks her. Angie tells Tiffany that David is dead, Tiffany flies off the handle as she thinks that Angie means David Gest. The other housemates are still unaware that David Bowie has died and so for a second believe that Angie is the one in the wrong. When it becomes apparent that Angie meant David Bowie, the other housemates rally around Angie to help her cope with her loss. However Tiffany refuses to back down and see that she is in fact the one in the wrong. The drama gets too much for the other housemates who suggest to Tiffany that she should leave, but she refuses. Jonathan decides he wants to leave the house, so he says his goodbyes and leaves through the diary room.

janv. 12, 2016
Series 17 - Live From The House - Night 8
Season 17Episode 1155 min

Series 17 - Live From The House - Night 8

All the latest live action from the house.

janv. 12, 2016
Series 17 - Day 8 Highlights
Season 17Episode 1260 min

Series 17 - Day 8 Highlights

Marcus Bentley narrates highlights of the past 24 hours in the house. The housemates start this week's shopping task. Half of the housemates become puppets to the other half who become the puppet masters. The puppets have a strict diet change and must do as they are told by their masters. The task becomes too much for some housemates as the day goes on. John and Tiffany clear the air after yesterday. David feels unwell so sits out of most of the days activities, however once he returns then John is told he has to do his face-to-face nominations. John nominates Angie and Darren. Darren is shocked by John's nomination and the reasons for his nomination. Big Brother reveals that this week Angie, Gemma, Jeremy, Nancy and Stephanie are facing eviction from the house. Megan has a meltdown over how hungry she is.

janv. 13, 2016
Series 17 - Day 9 Highlights
Season 17Episode 1360 min

Series 17 - Day 9 Highlights

Marcus Bentley narrates highlights of the past 24 hours in the house. The puppet and puppet master shopping task continues, but Gemma doesn't want to play anymore games. Steph and Jeremy clear the air, but Steph is convinced that Big Brother may of broken her and her boyfriend up. Megan is still reeling about how hungry she is. The housemates are informed that they have failed this weeks shopping task however are told that one team (either the puppets or the masters) have a chance of winning a luxury budget for themselves. The team to press a buzzer first will win, the puppets win the luxury budget and are rewarded with a party. Later when John asks Megan to speak to Steph about leaving a mess everywhere, everything get's a little out of hand. Megan tells John she's fed up of been his messenger and opens up about how she felt about what happened earlier in the week with Tiffany. Tiffany finds Megan's behaviour amusing, as she laughs Megan kicks off at her. Big Brother intervenes and calls Megan to the diary room, security have to be called into the house to calm her down, whilst the other housemates try and go to sleep.

janv. 14, 2016
Series 17 - Day 10 Highlights & Live Eviction #2
Season 17Episode 1460 min

Series 17 - Day 10 Highlights & Live Eviction #2

Megan is given a formal warning by Big Brother regarding her behaviour last night. Stephanie asks John how he's feeling. Megan tries clearing the air with Tiffany. The housemates battle it out in a Lip Sync Battle challenge. Emma talks to the house and reveals that Gemma and Stephanie are safe and will not be evicted tonight.

janv. 15, 2016
Series 17 - Live Eviction #2
Season 17Episode 1535 min

Series 17 - Live Eviction #2

Emma reveals the results of tonight's public vote and Nancy is the next housemate to be evicted from the house. We then go live to the house and the housemates who were saved in tonight's eviction have to nominate face to face. Kristina, John, Tiffany and Daniella find out they are up for eviction.

janv. 15, 2016
Series 17 - Day 11 Highlights
Season 17Episode 1660 min

Series 17 - Day 11 Highlights

The housemates react to Nancy's eviction from the house.

janv. 16, 2016
Series 17 - Day 12 Highlights
Season 17Episode 1760 min

Series 17 - Day 12 Highlights

Gemma and Stephanie get in a argument. Angie threatens to leave the house. The celebrity housemates have to identify a saboteur in a task.

janv. 17, 2016
Series 17 - Day 13 Highlights, David Walks
Season 17Episode 1860 min

Series 17 - Day 13 Highlights, David Walks

Following a tense evening in the house, the celebrities wake up and assess the situation. Big Brother reminds Stephanie about unacceptable behaviour. Things are still tense between Stephanie and Gemma when she returns to the house. Tiffany is given a secret task were she has to spread fake rumours amongst the house. Tiffany passes her task and selects Angie to receive a pamper session with her. Stephanie apologises to Gemma. David decides to leave the house and Angie threatens to leave again.

janv. 18, 2016
Series 17 - Day 14 Highlights & Live Eviction #3
Season 17Episode 1960 min

Series 17 - Day 14 Highlights & Live Eviction #3

Danniella finds out what went on last night whilst she was sleeping. The housemates learn that Angie is spending time in the spare room. Kristina is put in charge of a task in which the housemates have to learn a dance routine. Angie makes her return to the house. Emma reveals that Kristina is the next housemate to be evicted from the house and talks about her time in the house with her. Emma also reveals that Angie has left the house that day and her full exit will be shown in tomorrow's show.

janv. 19, 2016
Series 17 - Live From The House - Night 15
Season 17Episode 2060 min

Series 17 - Live From The House - Night 15

Live coverage from the house following tonight's eviction.

janv. 19, 2016
Series 17 - Day 15 Highlights, Angie Walks
Season 17Episode 2160 min

Series 17 - Day 15 Highlights, Angie Walks

Angie leaves the Big Brother house and the housemates react. The housemates have their knowledge of how much they know one another tested. The housemates have to nominate face to face.

janv. 20, 2016
Series 17 - Day 16 Highlights
Season 17Episode 2260 min

Series 17 - Day 16 Highlights

The housemates are set this week's shopping task in which they have to go along with anything that happens, but Gemma refuses to take part. Stephanie plays a prank on her fellow housemates and it doesn't go down well.

janv. 21, 2016
Series 17 - Day 17 Highlights & Live Eviction #4
Season 17Episode 2360 min

Series 17 - Day 17 Highlights & Live Eviction #4

Stephanie and Jeremy make up after falling out the day before. Emma reveals to the house that Gemma, Tiffany and John are safe.

janv. 22, 2016
Series 17 - Live Eviction #4
Season 17Episode 2435 min

Series 17 - Live Eviction #4

Emma reveals that Megan is the next housemate to be evicted from the house. The remaining housemates discover that they have a chance of winning immunity from the next eviction and take part in a live task, in which Gemma wins immunity.

janv. 22, 2016
Series 17 - Day 18 Highlights
Season 17Episode 2560 min

Series 17 - Day 18 Highlights

The housemates react to Megan's eviction from the house.

janv. 23, 2016
Series 17 - Day 19 Highlights
Season 17Episode 2660 min

Series 17 - Day 19 Highlights

Gemma accepts a special prize for winning immunity - a professional blowdry, but this comes at a price as the appliances and hot water are no longer available in the house. Gemma is taken to the hospital when she cuts her finger. Another immunity task takes place, in which Daniella and Gemma leave the house through the fire escape over a decision Stephanie makes. Gemma and Daniella return to the house and apologise to Big Brother.

janv. 24, 2016
Series 17 - Day 20 Highlights
Season 17Episode 2760 min

Series 17 - Day 20 Highlights

Stephanie accepts her immunity prize meaning the housemates are left with no hot water for another day. Christopher and Scotty have some advice for Jeremy. Darren wins immunity. During a game of truth and dare, Jeremy kisses Tiffany and Scotty, when he tells Stephanie who was in bed at the time, she is not very happy.

janv. 25, 2016
Series 17 - Day 21 Highlights & Live Eviction #5, Gillian Enters
Season 17Episode 2860 min

Series 17 - Day 21 Highlights & Live Eviction #5, Gillian Enters

Danniella reminds Jeremy that Stephanie has a boyfriend on the outside and that he needs to watch what he's doing. Jeremy tries making up with Stephanie. John is set a secret mission in which he has to try and get the other housemates to compliment him five times. He is unaware however that the housemates are in on the secret and the real secret mission is to not compliment John at all. The other housemates successfully pass with John remaining unaware that he was duped until Big Brother reveals it to him. Emma reveals that Christopher is the next housemate to be evicted from the house, she talks to him about his time in the house. Gillian McKeith enters the Big Brother house as part of this week's task and selects Stephanie, Scotty, John and Tiffany as the most toxic housemates.

janv. 26, 2016
Series 17 - Live From The House - Night 22
Season 17Episode 2960 min

Series 17 - Live From The House - Night 22

Live coverage from the Big Brother house following on from tonight's eviction.

janv. 26, 2016
Series 17 - Day 22 Highlights
Season 17Episode 3060 min

Series 17 - Day 22 Highlights

The housemates react to Christopher's exit from the house and Gillian's sudden arrival. The four housemates that Gillian choose as toxic housemates are sent to a detox clinic to spend the night. Tiffany isn't happy with the setup at all.

janv. 27, 2016
Series 17 - Day 23 Highlights
Season 17Episode 3160 min

Series 17 - Day 23 Highlights

Gillian spends the day assessing the housemates to choose who is toxic and who is pure. She requests the housemates sort out the kitchen and the food in the house, to throw out the junk foods. She also wants the housemates to swear less and stop smoking. Big Brother announces that the pure housemates have to nominate and they put Jeremy, Stephanie and Tiffany up for eviction.

janv. 28, 2016
Series 17 - Day 24 Highlights & Live Eviction #6, Gillian Leaves
Season 17Episode 3260 min

Series 17 - Day 24 Highlights & Live Eviction #6, Gillian Leaves

Stephanie is called to the diary room and is warned about unacceptable behaviour. As part of the this week's shopping task, the housemates have to enter one of a number of phones and decide whether to take the call or not, as they have an allotted amount of time to speak to people. Gillian rings the house and reveals that if they live clean for a day, they may win more talk time. Jeremy and Stephanie start smoking and it upsets Darren and John as they know that talk time is at risk. Scotty receives a call from Vicky Pattison, Gemma receives a call from Bobby, Christopher Maloney rings the house, Tiffany receives a call from her mother and Darren one from his wife. Emma talks to the house and reveals that Tiffany is safe from eviction.

janv. 29, 2016
Series 17 - Live Eviction #6
Season 17Episode 3330 min

Series 17 - Live Eviction #6

The telephone task continues and Jeremy and Stephanie are told to choose a phone box in the garden, Emma rings Jeremy and reveals he is the next housemate to be evicted from the house. He discusses his time in the house and his relationship with Stephanie.

janv. 29, 2016
Series 17 - Day 25 Highlights
Season 17Episode 3460 min

Series 17 - Day 25 Highlights

The telephone task continues with more housemates receiving phonecalls from their loved ones. Later Jeremy is evicted from the house.

janv. 30, 2016
Series 17 - Day 26 Highlights
Season 17Episode 3560 min

Series 17 - Day 26 Highlights

The housemates are set a task were they are chained to one another and have to answer questions in hopes of freeing themselves.

janv. 31, 2016
Series 17 - Day 27 Highlights
Season 17Episode 3660 min

Series 17 - Day 27 Highlights

It's Gemma's 35th birthday and the other housemates are set a secret task to ruin anything that Big Brother organises for Gemma's big day, if they succeed, she will in fact receive better gifts later in the day. The housemates nominate for the last time and joining Danniella who received Stephanie's killer nomination are both Gemma and Stephanie herself. Scotty and Tiffany grow closer, whilst Stephanie going on about Jeremy starts to annoy some of the housemates.

févr. 1, 2016
Series 17 - Day 28 Highlights & Live Eviction #7
Season 17Episode 3760 min

Series 17 - Day 28 Highlights & Live Eviction #7

Emma presents the final eviction show before this year's final. Stephanie is set a task by Big Brother and has to set her other housemates a set of challenges that they all have to have completed within 15 minutes. Gemma refuses to smash eggs on her head, and so fails the task for everyone. Emma talks to the house and reveals that Gemma is the next housemate to be evicted from the house and talks to her about her time in the house.

févr. 2, 2016
Series 17 - Live From The House - Night 29
Season 17Episode 3860 min

Series 17 - Live From The House - Night 29

Live coverage from the Celebrity Big Brother house.

févr. 2, 2016
Series 17 - Day 29 Highlights
Season 17Episode 3960 min

Series 17 - Day 29 Highlights

févr. 3, 2016
Series 17 - Day 30 Highlights
Season 17Episode 4060 min

Series 17 - Day 30 Highlights

févr. 4, 2016
Series 17 - Day 31 Highlights, Finale Live
Season 17Episode 41125 min

Series 17 - Day 31 Highlights, Finale Live

févr. 5, 2016

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