ДНК - Season 3

ДНК - Season 3

Season 3


DatesAug. 26, 2019 - Juni 4, 2020
Previous SeasonNext Season


Выпуск 247. Подменили? Нагуляла? Или сама родила?
Season 3Episode 150 min

Выпуск 247. Подменили? Нагуляла? Или сама родила?

A woman of 7 years is raising a daughter, although she is sure that she gave birth to a son. She was repeatedly told the sex of the child on ultrasound, and most importantly, the tags from the hospital indicated that a boy was born. The mother immediately rushed to the maternity hospital with a demand to exchange someone else's girl for her own son, but she was refused. While the blue-eyed dad and mom have a brown-eyed daughter growing up, the grandmother has found her own explanation for this. On whose side will the genetic examination be and what will it prove — substitution of a child, treason or consanguinity?

Aug. 26, 2019
Выпуск 248. Мать актёра узнала, что приёмная!
Season 3Episode 251 min

Выпуск 248. Мать актёра узнала, что приёмная!

Actor Sergei Tereshchenko learned from his mother that his deceased grandmother was not his own at all. After 66 years, a woman will meet with her alleged mother and find out who forced her to give her first child to a childless couple.
Will the star of the series have a new grandmother?

Aug. 27, 2019
Выпуск 249. Дома – два, а внуков – семь?
Season 3Episode 351 min

Выпуск 249. Дома – два, а внуков – семь?

Tambov grandfather demanded a DNA test for five grandchildren from his own son. At stake is the inheritance of two houses and the honor of the mother of five children. Are the grandchildren of the grandfather not relatives? Who will become a father after the announcement of the results of the genetic examination?

Aug. 28, 2019
Выпуск 250. Балерина и два её папы
Season 3Episode 451 min

Выпуск 250. Балерина и два её папы

The young ballerina found out that the guy she decided to marry was her own brother, and her mother was not her mother at all, but her grandmother. Now the girl wants to know who her father is. The thing is that her biological mother had two men with the same surname at once. So who is the father of a 15-year-old ballerina?

Aug. 29, 2019
Выпуск 251. Русский тесть для итальянского зятя
Season 3Episode 550 min

Выпуск 251. Русский тесть для итальянского зятя

A large and friendly Italian family wants to know the secret of the birth of their Elena — a happy wife and mother. The woman has never seen her father in her life, but she knows that he was a poet from the city of Privolye. However, in this city they claim that they do not know such a poet. But they remember the patient of the local psychiatric clinic… Did Elena's mother deceive her daughter and her entire Italian family with a beautiful story about her father?

Aug. 30, 2019
Выпуск 252. Почему чемпионку США бросила русская мать?
Season 3Episode 651 min

Выпуск 252. Почему чемпионку США бросила русская мать?

The American champion flew from New York to Moscow for a DNA test. She wants to know her Russian mother, who abandoned her, a premature baby, in the maternity hospital 25 years ago.
The alleged relatives have no idea who needed a genetic examination with their family.
What will the alleged mother and father say in their defense? And how many children do they actually have?

Sept. 2, 2019
Выпуск 253. Круглому сироте нужна почка родственника!
Season 3Episode 750 min

Выпуск 253. Круглому сироте нужна почка родственника!

A terminally ill man who grew up in an orphanage needs a donor kidney from a biological relative. But he is sure that he is all alone in this world and he has no blood relatives. Will the hero of the talk show, who has a certificate of the death of his mother, find a biological family and hope for salvation?

Sept. 3, 2019
Выпуск 254. Проклятье рода Романовых!
Season 3Episode 850 min

Выпуск 254. Проклятье рода Романовых!

The alleged father himself wants to undergo a genetic examination and pay alimony to his daughter from his mistress for all 18 years. Surprisingly, the man's wife also agrees to pay alimony for the mistress's daughter. The most striking thing is that the girl's mother is categorically against DNA testing and alimony. Why does she want to leave her daughter without a father and without his money?

Sept. 4, 2019
Выпуск 255. Олеся Малибу хочет вернуть бывшего мужа!
Season 3Episode 950 min

Выпуск 255. Олеся Малибу хочет вернуть бывшего мужа!

Olesya Malibu demanded a DNA test from her ex-husband in order to take revenge on her rival and bring him home. The girl is sure that a genetic examination will prove that her ex is raising someone else's child. How will two wives end up sharing one husband?

Sept. 5, 2019
Выпуск 256. Забрала из роддома чужого сына?
Season 3Episode 1051 min

Выпуск 256. Забрала из роддома чужого сына?

An 80-year-old mother asked her 60-year-old son to take a DNA test, as she is afraid of dying without knowing the truth. All the life of her son, since his birth, the woman does not believe that she brought her boy from the hospital. Will another family want to accept, and most importantly, love a 60—year-old pensioner who fell on him like a snowball? Or maybe there was no substitution after all?

Sept. 6, 2019
Выпуск 257. Внебрачный сын актёра Меньшикова?
Season 3Episode 1148 min

Выпуск 257. Внебрачный сын актёра Меньшикова?

Four years ago, the actor Menshikov fell in love. Just two months after they met, his chosen one announced that she was pregnant, and seven months later she gave birth to a son. The actor was crazy about happiness and enjoyed every minute with his firstborn. But now he doubts paternity, because the boy is claimed by the young lover of the child's mother.

Sept. 9, 2019
Выпуск 258. Мать не признаёт родную дочь?
Season 3Episode 1249 min

Выпуск 258. Мать не признаёт родную дочь?

A woman 40 years ago left the hospital in tears and without a child: her daughter died during childbirth. And suddenly a 40-year-old stranger writes to her: "Hello! I am your daughter." She has a strong proof of kinship — a refusal from the maternity hospital. But did she find her mother after 40 years and would she be happy about her suddenly resurrected daughter?

Sept. 10, 2019
Выпуск 259. Внучка посадила деда за домогательства!
Season 3Episode 1349 min

Выпуск 259. Внучка посадила деда за домогательства!

The grandfather was jailed for 12 years for sexual harassment of a 15-year-old granddaughter. Grandmother, I am sure: her own granddaughter would never have done this to her grandfather and would not have sent him to jail, because he and his wife replaced the child's parents. The granddaughter begs her grandmother for forgiveness, because if the DNA test between them turns out to be negative, an orphanage is waiting for her. Whether the grandfather molested the teenage granddaughter - the lie detector will show, and whether she stays with her grandmother or not — the DNA analysis will show.

Sept. 11, 2019
Выпуск 260. Родила после аборта?
Season 3Episode 1449 min

Выпуск 260. Родила после аборта?

The guy forced his beloved to terminate the pregnancy and left her, but during the procedure something went wrong… As a result, a young mother is raising a 9-month-old daughter and wants the girl to have a father. However, the alleged father does not believe that the doctors could have made a mistake and left the child. Why did a hot romance turn into a cold war of former lovers and who will win?

Sept. 12, 2019
Выпуск 261. Чужой наследник московской квартиры?
Season 3Episode 1551 min

Выпуск 261. Чужой наследник московской квартиры?

A native Muscovite is torn between heirs: on the one hand, there is a man who considers himself his only son, on the other — the former and her daughter, who calls herself the daughter of a Muscovite. There is also a third party — a blood brother who considers other heirs to be crooks. Why is a resident of the capital afraid for his life? How do the heirs get along with him under the same roof? And which of them has more rights to his multimillion-dollar property?

Sept. 13, 2019
Выпуск 262. На одну мать-миллионершу претендуют четыре 'дочери'!
Season 3Episode 1652 min

Выпуск 262. На одну мать-миллионершу претендуют четыре "дочери"!

Four women from different cities require a DNA test from the same businesswoman with a multimillion-dollar fortune. And everyone wants to be her missing daughter in the hospital. Every woman has her own proof why she is the biological daughter of a wealthy mother. The businesswoman herself has been dreaming for 48 years to find out the fate of her daughter who disappeared in the maternity hospital. Does she recognize at least one of the applicants for the inheritance of her blood? Or will the search for a daughter and heiress continue?

Sept. 16, 2019
Выпуск 263. Жестокая расплата за брошенную дочь!
Season 3Episode 1749 min

Выпуск 263. Жестокая расплата за брошенную дочь!

A Russian woman came to Turkey, got married and gave birth to a son, but her husband turned out to be a domestic tyrant. The battered woman remembered that she had a daughter in Russia, whom she abandoned immediately after birth. What happened to her little girl? And will the abandoned daughter want to save her biological mother?

Sept. 17, 2019
Выпуск 264. Часы записали измену жены!
Season 3Episode 1851 min

Выпуск 264. Часы записали измену жены!

Dad gave his son a modern children's watch with a phone call and recording function. Mom took the watch on a date with her lover, and when dad called, he heard this… After recording his wife's date with her lover, the enraged husband filed for divorce after 25 years of marriage and, as expected, demanded a DNA test for the child. So from whom did the unfaithful wife, caught by a child's watch, give birth to her fourth son?

Sept. 18, 2019
Выпуск 265. Породнились раньше времени?
Season 3Episode 1951 min

Выпуск 265. Породнились раньше времени?

At the age of 31, a woman does not know the truth about her birth. The older sister said she was bought. Grandma says she was adopted. And the mother swears: she gave birth to it herself. A woman wants to know her biological family, because for a year she has been calling a resident of Turkmenistan her own brother. Will the official mother also turn out to be biological?

Sept. 19, 2019
Выпуск 266. Жила с семью мужчинами! Кто отец?
Season 3Episode 2050 min

Выпуск 266. Жила с семью мужчинами! Кто отец?

The man brought a new lover into the house and soon found out that she was pregnant, but only from whom? After all, 6 more men lived in the apartment with them! The child has been a year and a half now, and it is still unknown who the father is. So which of the seven will have to pay alimony for the next 17 years?

Sept. 20, 2019
Выпуск 267. Звезда экрана отрекается от отца!
Season 3Episode 2149 min

Выпуск 267. Звезда экрана отрекается от отца!

Boris Nemtsov's mistress, the star of Soviet cinema and Russian chanson, returned from America to Russia to find out the truth about her birth. Natalia Lapina found out that a childhood friend may be her paternal brother. Is the actress and singer really born as a result of her mother's infidelity? And who will be shocked by the result of the genetic examination?

Sept. 23, 2019
Выпуск 268. Стала женщиной в 11 лет!
Season 3Episode 2251 min

Выпуск 268. Стала женщиной в 11 лет!

The girl was only 11 years old when an adult man started living with her. At the age of 13, she became pregnant, and at 14 she gave birth to her first child. Now a young mother from Chelyabinsk requires a DNA test from an adult lover who does not even think to recognize her daughter and pay alimony. But alimony is just "flowers", because a positive result of a genetic examination will prove the seduction of a minor, and this is a serious criminal term. From whom did the girl give birth at the age of 14?

Sept. 24, 2019
Выпуск 269. Где мать сестёр из Америки?
Season 3Episode 2350 min

Выпуск 269. Где мать сестёр из Америки?

An American citizen from North Carolina applied to the DNA program to identify the Russian biological mother of her American daughters. The adopted daughters of the O'Hare family came to Russia to find out why they ended up in America and which of their biological relatives remained in Russia. Who will the American sisters find after flying over the ocean, or will a journey of nine thousand kilometers never give an answer to their questions?

Sept. 25, 2019
Выпуск 270. Потерял память!
Season 3Episode 2451 min

Выпуск 270. Потерял память!

The man woke up in Khabarovsk in a pool of blood and with a punctured head. He doesn't remember who he is or where he came from. In 21 years of unconsciousness, he went through five courts to establish his identity, but all in vain. However, a resident of St. Petersburg recognized him as a missing sibling. Has their relationship been confirmed?

Sept. 26, 2019
Выпуск 271. Сын бесплодного моряка?
Season 3Episode 2549 min

Выпуск 271. Сын бесплодного моряка?

The sailor returned from a voyage, and his beloved wife meets him pregnant. However, the sailor has a certificate of infertility in his hands. The wife accused of infidelity after the divorce filed a lawsuit against her infertile husband. Now he has a alimony debt of more than a million rubles. Did he really "fuck and throw"? Or can a man really not have children?

Sept. 27, 2019
Выпуск 272. Кто из близняшек родил дочь?
Season 3Episode 2653 min

Выпуск 272. Кто из близняшек родил дочь?

After the death of the twin sister, the woman claimed the rights to her official daughter. Galina assures that it was she who gave birth to a daughter on the passport of her twin sister Margarita. But the documents were not reissued because of an elaborate scam - Margarita wanted to get maternity capital for her daughter for the birth of her third child. Rita's sister has died, and her daughter can now be taken to an orphanage. What will the twins' family say? Which of the sisters is the real mother? Will Galina be able to prove that Rita is her daughter and what will the DNA test show?

Sept. 30, 2019
Выпуск 273. Уголовник преследует сироту!
Season 3Episode 2750 min

Выпуск 273. Уголовник преследует сироту!

A round orphan from an orphanage is being pursued by a recidivist prone to violence. Why did the ex—convict suddenly decide that the girl was his sister? Does a round orphan from an orphanage have both a mother and a father? The pupil of the orphanage demanded a genetic examination, as she had already lost her apartment.

Okt. 1, 2019
Выпуск 274. У девственников родилась дочь?
Season 3Episode 2851 min

Выпуск 274. У девственников родилась дочь?

A 19-year-old virgin was saving himself for an innocent bride, and when a girl approved by her mother became pregnant, accused her of fraud and abandoned her. Now the whole village accuses the single mother of easy behavior, and the failed mother-in-law does not recognize her granddaughter, and then accused the young mother of having an affair with her own brother. The neighbor also did not stay away and wrote a statement to the girl about the seduction of a teenage son. So who made an 18-year-old innocent bride a mom?

Okt. 2, 2019
Выпуск 275. Тётя из Израиля и новые племянницы?
Season 3Episode 2948 min

Выпуск 275. Тётя из Израиля и новые племянницы?

After a wealthy aunt from Israel found a niece from Russia in the NTV studio, a call rang. A resident of Irkutsk assures that she is the fruit of criminal love between her 15—year-old mother and Nella Abramovna's brother. Is it possible that after 64 years, a genetic examination will force a woman to justify herself for the sins of her own brother?

Okt. 3, 2019
Выпуск 276. Американка против русских девочек!
Season 3Episode 3050 min

Выпуск 276. Американка против русских девочек!

An American woman from Chicago flew across the ocean to abandon four Russian girls from Sterlitamak at once. She requested four DNA tests to clear the debts from the family. The girls' mother agreed to a genetic examination because she was sure she was right.

Okt. 4, 2019
Выпуск 277. Чья дочь с шестью пальцами?
Season 3Episode 3151 min

Выпуск 277. Чья дочь с шестью пальцами?

The girl was born with six fingers on her hands and feet. She had an operation 12 years ago. All these years, the official father paid alimony until he found out that a six-fingered forester lived in a nearby village. So which of the men is the biological father of the girl: the official dad or someone else's uncle with six fingers?

Okt. 7, 2019
Выпуск 278. Мать украла сына у 16-летней дочери?
Season 3Episode 3250 min

Выпуск 278. Мать украла сына у 16-летней дочери?

A teenage girl gave birth at the age of 15 and managed to name her son Seryozha when her mother, fearing shame for the family, stole the baby. Even before her mother's death, her daughter did not forgive her, because for 37 years she has been crying about a missing child. But exactly 37 years ago, on the other side of the city, a childless couple suddenly had a boy, Alyosha. Is the adopted Alyosha and the missing Seryozha really the same person?

Okt. 8, 2019
Выпуск 279. Муж – насильник или рогоносец?
Season 3Episode 3350 min

Выпуск 279. Муж – насильник или рогоносец?

The mother of three daughters has endured the bullying and humiliation of her tyrant husband for 20 years, who now threatens to get even with her cruelly. However, the former spouse calls himself a victim and requires a DNA test from the eldest daughter.

Okt. 9, 2019
Выпуск 280. Любовница на 40 лет моложе!
Season 3Episode 3451 min

Выпуск 280. Любовница на 40 лет моложе!

A married pensioner who has lived with his legal spouse for more than 30 years has fallen in love again. The heart of a 66-year-old pensioner was conquered by a young gypsy woman who claims that she gave birth to someone else's husband's son. Inspired by feelings for a young mistress, the pensioner has already spent three million on her from the family budget. The lawful spouse begs to dispel the gypsy charms with the help of a DNA test, because her husband's mistress met with other men.

Okt. 10, 2019
Выпуск 281. Запуталась в любовниках!
Season 3Episode 3550 min

Выпуск 281. Запуталась в любовниках!

Having escaped from one sadistic lover, a pregnant woman got into the house of another tyrant. She gave birth and got pregnant again, and was abandoned again. And all because the pregnant woman complained of harassment by her lover's father. And he did not believe her and accused her of having an intimate relationship with his brother. Which of the four applicants will be the father of two children?

Okt. 11, 2019
Выпуск 282. Тайна разлучённых двойняшек!
Season 3Episode 3652 min

Выпуск 282. Тайна разлучённых двойняшек!

The mother confessed to her daughter before her death that she had a twin sister, from whom she was separated in the maternity hospital. Only a DNA test can reveal the terrible truth about the fate of two sisters. Is it really the fault of the vicious love triangle of an unfaithful husband and two sisters? Why were the twins separated shortly after birth 54 years ago?

Okt. 14, 2019
Выпуск 283. От кого родила восьмиклассница?
Season 3Episode 3750 min

Выпуск 283. От кого родила восьмиклассница?

At the age of 14, she was seduced by an adult man, and at 15 she already became a mother. To get away from prison, a 26-year-old man promised to marry a seduced girl, and as soon as the case was closed, he refused both her and the child. Now only a DNA test can give a criminal case a go again and prove the seduction of a minor.

Okt. 15, 2019
Выпуск 284. Пять тестов для бездомного!
Season 3Episode 3851 min

Выпуск 284. Пять тестов для бездомного!

The hero of this issue decided that it was better to become homeless and live on the street in snow, rain and cold than to pay alimony for five children. He was picked up by a successful businessman and took himself to guard the cottage. For four years now, the runaway father of many children has been living in someone else's dacha and engaged in someone else's household. But the bailiffs found him there, because his alimony debt exceeded a million rubles. The man refuses five children, claiming that his wife constantly cheated on him.

Okt. 16, 2019
Выпуск 285. К маме в Питер из Грузии!
Season 3Episode 3950 min

Выпуск 285. К маме в Питер из Грузии!

In sunny Georgia, he has everything he needs for a happy life: a beautiful wife, children, his own vineyard and a hazelnut plantation. But for 36 years he has not been able to forget how in the fifth grade in the nurse's office he saw his card, in which it was written: "Adopted." The Georgian businessman only knows about the woman who gave birth to him, her name is Antonida, and the city is St. Petersburg.

Okt. 17, 2019
Выпуск 286. Поматросил и бросил?
Season 3Episode 4050 min

Выпуск 286. Поматросил и бросил?

A loving sailor went through different women, and now he accuses his ex-wife of cheating, whom he seduced when she was only 14 years old. The man is sure that the son to whom he was deprived of parental rights is a stranger to him by blood. He intends to undergo a genetic examination to prove the infidelity of his ex-wife to the whole country.

Okt. 18, 2019
Выпуск 287. Дочь из Королевства?
Season 3Episode 4150 min

Выпуск 287. Дочь из Королевства?

The son suggested to his mother to hire a private detective to find his father. Instead, the young man found out that his mother had moved him and his sister to the Netherlands from Samara, where she took them to an orphanage. Now the brother and sister have flown from Amsterdam to Moscow to get to know their biological mothers…

Okt. 21, 2019
Выпуск 288. Сын из Королевства?
Season 3Episode 4249 min

Выпуск 288. Сын из Королевства?

A 32-year-old businessman from the Netherlands could not have imagined that, after asking his mother about his father, he would find out that he and his sister were born in Russia, in different families. A childless Russian woman, who became the wife of a European, took the children from the Samara orphanage and took them to the Netherlands. 18-year—old Sasha has already recognized her biological mother - a drinking cleaner of entrances. Who turned out to be her brother's mom?

Okt. 22, 2019
Выпуск 289. Война свекрови и невестки!
Season 3Episode 4349 min

Выпуск 289. Война свекрови и невестки!

She nursed her future husband in her arms, and years later his mother insisted on their wedding. However, now the mother-in-law considers her son a noble cuckold, because, according to her, the adult wife of her son walks right and left, and she gave birth to all four children from different men. The woman hates the walking daughter-in-law so much that she intends to deprive her of parental rights. Is it true that all four children are born from another man? On whose side in this war of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will genetic expertise be?

Okt. 23, 2019
Выпуск 290. Два отца одного сына
Season 3Episode 4451 min

Выпуск 290. Два отца одного сына

On the eve of his 50th birthday, a man dreams of only one thing - to hug his only son, from whom he was separated by a married mistress 25 years ago. The woman disappeared without a trace in an unknown direction and took the boy with her. The DNA program found the missing young man. So from whom did the married mistress give birth and was her ex-husband of 25 years looking for his son?

Okt. 24, 2019
Выпуск 291. Жена и любовница с одного огорода!
Season 3Episode 4551 min

Выпуск 291. Жена и любовница с одного огорода!

For 20 years, a loving pensioner lived quietly for two families. But when the mistress, younger by almost 20 years, without waiting for a marriage proposal, demanded alimony for her son, the pensioner accused her of treason. And in response, she accused her lover's lawful wife of treason. Who are the fathers of the 10-year-old son of the mistress and the 36-year-old daughter of the wife?

Okt. 25, 2019
Выпуск 292. Мать не признаёт сына!
Season 3Episode 4651 min

Выпуск 292. Мать не признаёт сына!

For 34 years, a woman has been living in fear that her son is being brought up in someone else's family. She is sure that a child was substituted for her at the maternity hospital. The mother has the second blood type, the father has the first, and the son has the fourth, and this is impossible. The son does not believe in his substitution in the hospital, and the mother denies treason. Both have passed a genetic examination. What will be the truth 34 years after the birth of a woman in Orenburg?

Okt. 28, 2019
Выпуск 293. Двоюродные или родные сёстры?
Season 3Episode 4750 min

Выпуск 293. Двоюродные или родные сёстры?

Mourning at the grave of her beloved uncle, the woman learned that she could be his own daughter. To find out the truth about her birth, the woman offered her cousin to take a DNA test and establish if they really have one father for two? What secrets do the mothers of cousins still hide?

Okt. 29, 2019
Выпуск 294. Третий тест для безотцовщины!
Season 3Episode 4851 min

Выпуск 294. Третий тест для безотцовщины!

In the previous issue, a girl came to the DNA studio who claimed that her cousin was actually her own. The heroine's mother once said that she had met her niece's father. After two DNA tests with the official father and the father of her sister, the mother confessed to the girl that she gave birth to her from a completely different man. What will be the third DNA test for the girl?

Okt. 30, 2019
Выпуск 295. Кто отец актрисы Лапиной?
Season 3Episode 4950 min

Выпуск 295. Кто отец актрисы Лапиной?

Actress and chanson star Natalia Lapina has again passed a genetic examination. The woman decided at all costs to find out from whom her mother gave birth to her. If Natalia's suspicion is confirmed, and she and her sister have different fathers, then where is the artist's biological dad? An official dad, a business trip from Ukraine, a married employee of the Nizhny Novgorod morgue or an unknown man — who is Natalia Lapina's father?

Okt. 31, 2019
Выпуск 296. Бывшие делят дочерей!
Season 3Episode 5051 min

Выпуск 296. Бывшие делят дочерей!

A man alone brings up three daughters from different wives, since mothers do not need them. The eldest daughter herself ran away to him from her mother, although according to the documents he is nobody to her. Now the father of many children is in a panic: the guardianship authorities can deprive the girl's mother of parental rights, and send her to an orphanage. The schoolgirl begs her dad not to give her away, but the man himself does not know whether he is a father or not. Who is being raised by a single father - a native blood or the daughter of an ex—wife's lover?

Nov. 5, 2019
Выпуск 297. Чудом нашлась или хорошо пристроилась?
Season 3Episode 5151 min

Выпуск 297. Чудом нашлась или хорошо пристроилась?

As if out of the blue, a 20-year-old beauty appeared on the threshold of Maria, who grew up in a foster family and called herself her paternal sister. Overjoyed, Maria let her supposed sister into the house, and now she can't kick her out. Allegedly, the sister lives on everything ready, makes eyes at Maria's husband and is not going to move out of the apartment. After six months of living together, Maria is sure that she has become a victim of a con artist, and can remain without a husband and without an apartment. Who is this girl — native blood or a fraud?

Nov. 6, 2019
Выпуск 298. Совратитель 11-летней стал отцом?
Season 3Episode 5250 min

Выпуск 298. Совратитель 11-летней стал отцом?

A man has served five years for molesting an 11-year-old girl, and now requires a DNA test on his official 12-year-old daughter. The girl's mother assures that their relationship began at the age of 13, and when she gave birth to his beautiful daughter and it came to inheritance, he refused to recognize her. That's just the man's current wife does not believe a single word of the former, since her husband is infertile. So does the criminal who served time for the seduction of a minor have a daughter? And does she need such a father?

Nov. 7, 2019
Выпуск 299. Сестра из телевизора?
Season 3Episode 5350 min

Выпуск 299. Сестра из телевизора?

A resident of Rostov-on-Don recognized her own sister in a psychologist from Moscow. That's just the psychologist does not believe that he can be a stranger in his family. The psychologist's mother assures: she did not adopt the girl, but gave birth to her herself. Is the striking resemblance of the two women a mere coincidence?

Nov. 11, 2019
Выпуск 300. Один любовник на троих женщин!
Season 3Episode 5451 min

Выпуск 300. Один любовник на троих женщин!

Two mistresses of one man joined together to prove that each bore him a son. The lover ran away from both women when they were five months pregnant, and categorically does not recognize children. The new woman of the loving man is now also pregnant, she is in the sixth month. Was she going to suffer the same fate as a single mother? And will the exes be able to defend their honor or are the doubts of their common lover justified?

Nov. 12, 2019
Выпуск 301. Потерявший память муж вдовы?
Season 3Episode 5550 min

Выпуск 301. Потерявший память муж вдовы?

21 years ago, a man named Alexander woke up with a broken head and in a pool of blood in Khabarovsk. In Alexander, who lost his memory from the Far East, a widow from the Kemerovo region recognized her... husband. Two decades ago, she was informed that her husband drowned in a storm off the coast of Kamchatka, and his fish-eaten body is impossible to recognize. Is it possible that a drowned fisherman and a man who has lost his memory are the same person and his wife and son have been waiting for him all these years?

Nov. 13, 2019
Выпуск 302. Трижды рогоносец?
Season 3Episode 5650 min

Выпуск 302. Трижды рогоносец?

She wanted family happiness for her son so much that she forced him to marry a pregnant girl. And when her daughter-in-law made her a grandmother three times, the woman realized that she had made a mistake with the choice, and all her grandchildren were not her relatives. The official father of the children sided with the mother, because he saw his wife with his lover with his own eyes. Who is he — a father with many children or a cuckold three times?

Nov. 14, 2019
Выпуск 303. Кто родил Филиппа?
Season 3Episode 5749 min

Выпуск 303. Кто родил Филиппа?

At the age of 24, Philip does not know where his mother got him from. She claimed that she gave birth to a son herself, but a DNA test denied their relationship. After the program aired, the viewer recognized her son in the guy. The woman claims that 22 years ago her two-year-old son was stolen from the hospital, and this is definitely Philip. Did Philip's mother commit a crime and steal the child?

Nov. 18, 2019
Выпуск 304. Три матери для Филиппа!
Season 3Episode 5850 min

Выпуск 304. Три матери для Филиппа!

After a negative DNA test with his own mother, the hero of the program, Philip, checks every version of his birth. Why doesn't the mother who raised him admit where she got her son? What does his godmother and her 14-year-old daughter have to do with the birth of Philip? And who recognized the young man's mother as a maternity hospital worker? Will Philip finally find his own mother by blood?

Nov. 19, 2019
Выпуск 305. Изнасиловал жену и её дочь?
Season 3Episode 5950 min

Выпуск 305. Изнасиловал жену и её дочь?

A first-grader daughter confessed to her mother that her stepfather was going to bed with her. The mother immediately believed her daughter and after all, she herself became a victim of a roommate! A man accused of terrible crimes is ready to justify himself to the whole country. Why doesn't he recognize the daughter from his ex? So what was the fault of this family drama — terrible crimes or sophisticated female revenge?

Nov. 20, 2019
Выпуск 306. Три имени и четыре фамилии
Season 3Episode 6049 min

Выпуск 306. Три имени и четыре фамилии

She was born Svetlana, became Lyudmila in an orphanage, and Tatiana in a foster family. Now a woman is looking for her mother by her birthmark in the form of a world map. The heroine has no data about her own family, because her adoptive parents have already died, and searching for people related by blood is a vital necessity for a woman because of a deadly disease. Will the genetic examination give hope for recovery?

Nov. 21, 2019
Выпуск 307. Девочка с улицы ждёт маму!
Season 3Episode 6148 min

Выпуск 307. Девочка с улицы ждёт маму!

A three-year-old well-groomed baby stood and cried alone in the middle of the street of Engels, Saratov region. After 20 years, the girl turned to the DNA program to find out where her mother was and how she ended up on the street. And at the same time, a man turned who is trying to find out the fate of the child of a brutally murdered sister. The girl from the street and the brother of the murdered woman will see each other for the first time in their lives. Will they get answers to their questions?

Nov. 25, 2019
Выпуск 308. От кого родила сирота?
Season 3Episode 6249 min

Выпуск 308. От кого родила сирота?

The husband caught his wife cheating and now does not recognize the daughters, and the mother-in-law refused the granddaughters. However, the walking wife assures that she was faithful and did not even look in the direction of other men, since the tyrant husband beat her for every offense. That's just the mother-in-law can prove every betrayal of a walking daughter-in-law. So from whom did she give birth to her husband's daughters?

Nov. 26, 2019
Выпуск 309. Сестра через 33 года?
Season 3Episode 6348 min

Выпуск 309. Сестра через 33 года?

For 33 years, a Moscow psychologist wants to know the fate of his sister. After a negative genetic test with a TV viewer, she herself turned to the DNA program for help. Now she has another meeting. Did her own sister not get lost at all, but did everything on purpose so that she would not be found? What secret were the parents of the two women hiding?

Nov. 27, 2019
Выпуск 310. Кто богаче – тот и папа?
Season 3Episode 6448 min

Выпуск 310. Кто богаче – тот и папа?

Sisters from the Kostroma region stood up for the honor of their brothers. Women accuse a single mother of debauchery: they say, she has affairs with everyone in a row, and hangs children on those who are richer. The alleged fathers also do not understand how you can become the father of a seven-year-old child if you met with your mother only once 10 years ago. How will the village passions end?

Nov. 28, 2019
Выпуск 311. Родила от одноклассника?
Season 3Episode 6550 min

Выпуск 311. Родила от одноклассника?

The school romance ended with the birth of a son. Now classmates are taking the most difficult test in life — a DNA test. The boy's mother is accused of promiscuous relationships, even her brother is convinced that a classmate cannot be a father. However, there is also someone to intercede for the honor of a woman. So did a school romance lead to the birth of a son, or did classmates have nothing to do with it?

Dez. 2, 2019
Выпуск 312. Внучка от убитого сына?
Season 3Episode 6649 min

Выпуск 312. Внучка от убитого сына?

A 17-year-old teenager killed his stepfather. At his funeral, it became known that the murdered man had a mistress who gave birth to his daughter. Now the mother of the deceased wants to know for sure: did her son really become a father before his death? The mistress has no doubt: the DNA test will be positive. But the civilian wife of the murdered man is convinced that paternity will not be confirmed. Did the man manage to become a father or did the mistress start everything for the sake of money?

Dez. 3, 2019
Выпуск 313. Подросток требует тест от отца!
Season 3Episode 6750 min

Выпуск 313. Подросток требует тест от отца!

A 14-year-old teenager has passed a DNA test with an official father who does not believe in their blood relationship. The man insists that he is not the father, and the guy needs to look for his mother's lover. That's just the lover has no idea that he can have a 14-year-old son.

Dez. 4, 2019
Выпуск 314. Разлучённые родителями?
Season 3Episode 6849 min

Выпуск 314. Разлучённые родителями?

The daughter accuses the mother of stealing her father and brother from her. After all, after parting with his wife, the man took his son, and left his daughter to his ex-wife. After 20 years, the brother and sister met to find out the secret of their birth and understand why their parents separated them from each other. Are they really people related by blood, or did the parents separate the children for a reason? What secret will be discovered after a quarter of a century?

Dez. 5, 2019
Выпуск 315. Мать или не мать слепого сироты?
Season 3Episode 6950 min

Выпуск 315. Мать или не мать слепого сироты?

A 4-year-old boy was hospitalized with terrible injuries, because of which he became blind. He had a note with his name and date of birth, but no information about his parents. He grew up in a boarding school for the deafblind and will soon receive an apartment from the state. And then the bell rang "Hello, son! I'm your mom." Did the mother really remember her son after 14 years? Or is the guy an ideal victim for scammers who are ready to call themselves anyone, even their own mother, for the sake of an apartment?

Dez. 9, 2019
Выпуск 316. Дочь умершего отца?
Season 3Episode 7050 min

Выпуск 316. Дочь умершего отца?

The son confessed to his mother that he was divorcing his wife, since his official daughter was a stranger to him by blood. But the man did not have time to formalize the divorce: on the eve of the divorce, he died in a car accident. The wife and daughter inherited and flatly refused a DNA test. But even after 18 years, the mother of the deceased intends to achieve the truth.

Dez. 10, 2019
Выпуск 317. Папа для мамы в подарок!
Season 3Episode 7150 min

Выпуск 317. Папа для мамы в подарок!

A Muscovite dreams of undergoing a genetic examination with a resident of Chebarkul in the Chelyabinsk region. After all, this is how she will be able to give her mother her own father. The name, surname, year of birth and even the residence permit of the alleged grandfather of the Muscovite are known. But will her mother be happy with such relatives?

Dez. 11, 2019
Выпуск 318. Родила мужу от брата и соседа?
Season 3Episode 7250 min

Выпуск 318. Родила мужу от брата и соседа?

The husband recorded his neighbor's wife in the stairwell and his own brother as lovers — they say they are the happy fathers of his son and daughter. All three underwent DNA tests to find out from whom the unfaithful wife gave birth.

Dez. 12, 2019
Выпуск 319. Подмена мальчиков в роддоме?
Season 3Episode 7349 min

Выпуск 319. Подмена мальчиков в роддоме?

A German citizen was told: at birth, he was replaced in the maternity hospital of the city of Jurga in the Kemerovo region. The man who called himself his own brother is sure that a DNA test will prove a substitution. Since the mother of the Russian German is no longer there, he decided to take a genetic test with his own father and sister. Did the mothers of the two boys really raise each other's sons?

Dez. 16, 2019
Выпуск 320. Подменённые сыновья?
Season 3Episode 7450 min

Выпуск 320. Подменённые сыновья?

Continuation of the story about a Russian German who suspects that he was replaced in the maternity hospital. There have always been rumors around the heroes' family that their child was replaced in the maternity hospital, and they even knew who exactly is the second substituted child. But the adults could not agree and find out where whose child is. Almost 60 years after the birth of sons, only a DNA test can give an unambiguous answer. Did they really get mixed up in the hospital?

Dez. 17, 2019
Выпуск 321. Внебрачная дочь Леонова?
Season 3Episode 7551 min

Выпуск 321. Внебрачная дочь Леонова?

At once two women recognized their own niece in a non—poor graduate of the boarding school, and each assures that it is her brother who is the girl's father. The heroine herself has been supporting an unemployed man for a year now, who called himself her father. Is there a girl's biological father among all the candidates? Or will she need additional genetic examinations to find out the blood dad?

Dez. 18, 2019
Выпуск 322. Дочь школьников!
Season 3Episode 7650 min

Выпуск 322. Дочь школьников!

At the age of 30, the woman became a grandmother. A 15-year-old classmate of her son said that she got pregnant from him. A young grandmother met her granddaughter from the maternity hospital and raised her up to six months, when a classmate of her son suddenly confessed: her adult friend could be the father. The second alleged grandmother also wants to raise her granddaughter. And the young mother herself, even two years after giving birth, cannot say for sure from whom she gave birth. So who is Grandma?

Dez. 23, 2019
Выпуск 323. Где русские родители американской дочери?
Season 3Episode 7749 min

Выпуск 323. Где русские родители американской дочери?

The American, born in Magnitogorsk, came to Russia for a DNA test, which she had dreamed of all her life. The girl does not know her biological family, since at the age of two she was adopted by a couple from the USA. What did she learn about her family?

Dez. 24, 2019
Выпуск 324. Тёща против зятя-иностранца!
Season 3Episode 7849 min

Выпуск 324. Тёща против зятя-иностранца!

The mother-in-law wants to tear her son-in-law to pieces for her granddaughter. The son-in-law assures that her walking daughter gave birth to a lover. And the girl's mother herself is ready to prove to her husband that she was faithful to him and deprive him of parental rights. So who is the father of the child?

Dez. 25, 2019
Выпуск 325. Гулящая сноха?
Season 3Episode 7948 min

Выпуск 325. Гулящая сноха?

The office romance of the boss and the subordinate ended with a wedding, and she gave birth to two boys for him. That's just the husband's parents refused to accept first the daughter-in-law, and then the grandchildren. The mother—in-law and the father-in-law are sure that the son got a walking wife, and the children are direct proof of her infidelity. So who is the dad of the two boys?

Dez. 26, 2019
Выпуск 326. Тётя из Германии?
Season 3Episode 8050 min

Выпуск 326. Тётя из Германии?

A German citizen flew to Moscow to find out the fate of the sons of her brutally murdered niece. What happened to the two brothers after they were left without a mother? At the same time, another niece wants to know the fate of her missing sister's daughters. Where did the two girls who were considered orphans with living relatives disappear?

Jan. 13, 2020
Выпуск 327. От кого родила танцовщица?
Season 3Episode 8150 min

Выпуск 327. От кого родила танцовщица?

A belly dancer sued her ex-husband, a shepherd. The man flatly refuses to acknowledge his paternity and the alimony debt of half a million. The ex-husband accuses his wife of infidelity, saying that she was not the only one she charmed with her seductive dances. And the ex-wife intends to defend her honor. So from whom did the passionate dancer give birth?

Jan. 14, 2020
Выпуск 328. Разлучённые акушеркой сёстры-двойняшки?
Season 3Episode 8250 min

Выпуск 328. Разлучённые акушеркой сёстры-двойняшки?

A woman gave birth to twin girls right at the railway station in the Altai Territory. One of the babies was given to the family of a high-ranking railway worker from China. After 70 years, one of the sisters is sure that she has found another. That's just the alleged twin sister is shocked and does not believe that this can be.

Jan. 15, 2020
Выпуск 329. Родила от 16-летнего?
Season 3Episode 8351 min

Выпуск 329. Родила от 16-летнего?

A 16-year-old teenager entered into an adult relationship with an 18-year-old girl who gave birth to a son. Six years later, a young man declares that he could not have become a father at such a young age. Moreover, the alleged father threatens his former mistress: if the child is really his, he will write a statement against her about the seduction of a minor. On whose side is the law and genetic expertise?

Jan. 16, 2020
Выпуск 330. Умерла или украли в роддоме?
Season 3Episode 8450 min

Выпуск 330. Умерла или украли в роддоме?

33 years ago, a newborn Ksyusha was stolen from the maternity hospital. Many years later, the baby's relatives want to find out what really happened on that fateful day. Why do children from the same family call their missing sister by different names and how did her life and the fate of her blood relatives turn out after the incident in the maternity hospital?

Jan. 17, 2020
Выпуск 331. Табор ушёл, а дочь осталась?
Season 3Episode 8550 min

Выпуск 331. Табор ушёл, а дочь осталась?

The only daughter of world-famous Russian scientists found out that her parents gave her 14 televisions. The successful and wealthy heiress was educated in the USA, traveled all over the world and was shocked when she found out that she might have been born to the 14-year-old daughter of a gypsy baron. For the first time she saw a woman who could be her biological mother.

Jan. 20, 2020
Выпуск 332. От кого родила после изнасилования?
Season 3Episode 8650 min

Выпуск 332. От кого родила после изнасилования?

After a brutal rape, a woman gave birth to a son. Only now she doesn't know who Dad is — a sadistic ex-husband or her lover. They both refuse the boy, and their families are sure that there was someone else. From whom did the raped wife give birth?

Jan. 21, 2020
Выпуск 333. Мама – бомж или москвичка?
Season 3Episode 8751 min

Выпуск 333. Мама – бомж или москвичка?

The graduate of the orphanage was given a document stating: his mother is a homeless person, who abandoned him immediately after birth. After 20 years, the hero intends to help a homeless mom, if she is alive. The specialists of the DNA program managed to find out that the full namesake of the hero's mother is a native Muscovite, and she really gave birth to a son, Roma, only all these years he has been living next to her. Is a homeless mother and a prosperous Muscovite really the same woman?

Jan. 22, 2020
Выпуск 334. Сын бесплодного мужа?
Season 3Episode 8850 min

Выпуск 334. Сын бесплодного мужа?

A man is ready to prove to the whole country that he cannot have children, and his wife gave birth to a trucker lover 17 years ago. In response, the man's wife demands alimony and assures: she gave birth to a son from him. And while adults cannot agree, the 17-year-old boy himself asked his father for a genetic examination. Does the young man have to look for his biological father all over Russia?

Jan. 23, 2020
Выпуск 335. Русская американка!
Season 3Episode 8951 min

Выпуск 335. Русская американка!

American Laura wrote to someone else's sister and brother: "Hello, I'm your Sveta," and they grew up in an orphanage and can't believe that their sister lived in Pennsylvania for 25 years.
But if they have one mother, then why does the daughter of this woman categorically deny that the mother could have given up the child at all, not to mention three? So did Laura write to her blood relatives?

Jan. 27, 2020
Выпуск 336. Родила не сына, а дочь?
Season 3Episode 9049 min

Выпуск 336. Родила не сына, а дочь?

The mother asked her adult son for a DNA test, because she is sure that he is not her native. Allegedly, 38 years ago, she took someone else's baby out of the hospital, and now she decided to find her blood child. The son is already an adult and believes that in this way the mother is only trying to hide the betrayal. But the woman's daughter believes her, because she is constantly confused with some girl who looks like her like two drops of water. So, Mom gave birth to a girl, and brought a boy home. What happened 38 years ago — substitution, treason, or mother and son doubted their relationship in vain?

Jan. 28, 2020
Выпуск 337. Рабство длиною в жизнь!
Season 3Episode 9151 min

Выпуск 337. Рабство длиною в жизнь!

The man claims that he spent 30 years in slavery, and only by a miracle he managed to escape. The daughter and son refuse to recognize their father in the stranger, because when he disappeared, they were not even five years old. Their mother doesn't believe in the slavery story either. Does the family recognize the fugitive slave as their husband and father, who went missing 30 years ago?

Jan. 29, 2020
Выпуск 338. Тюремная брачная ночь!
Season 3Episode 9250 min

Выпуск 338. Тюремная брачная ночь!

The man got married right in prison. The wedding night was also held there, and a week and a half later the young wife announced that he would soon become a dad. The man's parents are sure that the daughter-in-law came to their son in prison already pregnant. And after the divorce, the former said that she gave birth to her husband again, this time — a girl. According to the law, the baby was registered to him. As a result of the prison romance, the man became the father of two children, whom he does not recognize. Then from whom did his wife give birth?

Jan. 30, 2020
Выпуск 339. На работу – через постель?
Season 3Episode 9350 min

Выпуск 339. На работу – через постель?

To get a dream job, the girl agreed to an office romance with a married boss. Now the 28-year-old heroine of this story is a mother of five children, and the man declares that he has never cheated on his wife. Who should I trust — a subordinate or a boss? And what will be the five genetic examinations?

Feb. 3, 2020
Выпуск 340. Пять тестов для начальника!
Season 3Episode 9448 min

Выпуск 340. Пять тестов для начальника!

28-year-old Victoria Privalova declared to the whole country that she had given birth to five children from a married 64-year-old boss. That's just the boss categorically denies the office romance and assures that he has never cheated on his wife and in general is not even really familiar with Victoria. The word of the boss against the word of the subordinate: which of them is telling the truth, and who is blatantly lying? What will happen when five envelopes with the results of genetic examinations are opened at once in the studio of the program?

Feb. 4, 2020
Выпуск 341. Увидеть папу, пока не ослеп!
Season 3Episode 9550 min

Выпуск 341. Увидеть папу, пока не ослеп!

A visiting builder made a girl a child in memory of himself. Now the boy is 12 years old, he is rapidly losing his eyesight and dreams of seeing his father at least once with his own eyes. The alleged father is ready to take his son if the DNA test turns out to be positive. Why did he have doubts and did the girl herself give her a reason not to believe?

Feb. 5, 2020
Выпуск 342. Разлучённые в роддоме сёстры-двойняшки?
Season 3Episode 9651 min

Выпуск 342. Разлучённые в роддоме сёстры-двойняшки?

At the age of 16, Eleanor found out that her name was Lyudmila and she had a twin sister, from whom she was separated immediately after birth. Since that day, she dreams of seeing her sister at least once in her life and finding out her fate. But did the second girl from the twins know that her mother abandoned her immediately after giving birth and that she had a sister? Will twins separated at birth be able to find each other 49 years later?

Feb. 6, 2020
Выпуск 343. Подменили дочь после домашних родов?
Season 3Episode 9749 min

Выпуск 343. Подменили дочь после домашних родов?

The older sister said to the younger: "You were replaced at the hospital." The younger one is shocked and is sure that the older one just decided to settle personal scores with her. At the same time, the mother of both sisters perfectly remembers which girl she gave birth to at home. It remains to wait for DNA tests.

Feb. 10, 2020
Выпуск 344. Подмененные дочери?
Season 3Episode 9851 min

Выпуск 344. Подмененные дочери?

Two families do not believe that their daughters were replaced in the maternity hospital, and the older sister from the first family is convinced: the mother gave birth to one girl at home, and brought another from the maternity hospital. Two women born on the same day — whose life have they been living for 47 years? Did two mothers leave the hospital with other people's daughters?

Feb. 11, 2020
Выпуск 345. Доярка наставила рога скотнику?
Season 3Episode 9951 min

Выпуск 345. Доярка наставила рога скотнику?

"They are not ours! Not mine! I got them": the mother-in-law demanded two DNA tests from the daughter-in-law at once. She is sure that her son's wife, while she was legally married, changed lovers one by one. The mother of many children does not deny: she really recorded children for her husband both from him and from her connections on the side. But where is whose child and does a father with many children have any children at all?

Feb. 12, 2020
Выпуск 346. Чужая Нигина или своя Наташа?
Season 3Episode 10051 min

Выпуск 346. Чужая Нигина или своя Наташа?

A resident of Tajikistan named Nigina told a pensioner from the Urals that she was her niece Natasha. The pensioner is embarrassed that the alleged niece does not remember anything about her family, but is already asking for money to return home. So who is crammed from Tajikistan in the niece to the Russian aunt — a native blood or a fraud?

Feb. 13, 2020
Выпуск 347. Нагуляла сына и бросила?
Season 3Episode 10151 min

Выпуск 347. Нагуляла сына и бросила?

So that no one would ever find out that they adopted someone else's child, the husband and wife moved from Russia to Ukraine. But at the age of 14, a teenager found a secret document and demanded from his parents the truth about their blood relationship. Since then, the boy has grown up, become a successful businessman and wants to know what happened to his biological parents. Who were his mom and dad? And how did the businessman react when he found out the truth?

Feb. 17, 2020
Выпуск 348. Мама лёгкого поведения?
Season 3Episode 10250 min

Выпуск 348. Мама лёгкого поведения?

The man intends to prove that his ex-lover first sold herself for money, and then gave birth to children from clients. That's just the ex says that he came up with everything, because he does not want to recognize his sons and pay alimony. On whose side is the truth and the results of genetic examinations?

Feb. 18, 2020
Выпуск 349. Отец брошенных сирот?
Season 3Episode 10351 min

Выпуск 349. Отец брошенных сирот?

Two sisters from Chelyabinsk grew up in a guardian's family since childhood and could not think that they had blood relatives until their aunt from Germany applied to the DNA program. After the program aired, a woman called the editorial office, who stated that she had known the sisters since their birth. Do girls really know their fate? Why were their parents not at home when the hungry and cold girls were taken away from there by kind people? Who will they see in the NTV studio and will they be able to forgive?

Feb. 19, 2020
Выпуск 350. Американский брат?
Season 3Episode 10450 min

Выпуск 350. Американский брат?

Residents of the village of Pskov region are looking forward to meeting with a 75-year-old rich American employee of an oil company from Pennsylvania. The American is sure that the second family of his father, a tank driver, lives in the Pskov village. His mother had told him since childhood that his father had died in the war. But the American is sure that Dad just went to another Russian woman who gave birth to other children for him. Did an oilman from the USA find his native in a Russian village?

Feb. 20, 2020
Выпуск 351. Умершая Лена – это живая Гульназа?
Season 3Episode 10551 min

Выпуск 351. Умершая Лена – это живая Гульназа?

At the age of 17, Gulnaza found out that she was an adopted daughter in an Uzbek family, and her mother's last name was Mironova. in the DNA studio, the woman met with her alleged maternal brother Igor Mironov. The man said that he had a sister, Lenochka, who, according to her mother, died. Also, two sisters who also grew up in an orphanage came to the studio of the program, and their mother confessed before her death that they had an older brother. Did the children, scattered by their mother in different orphanages, meet for the first time in their lives?

Feb. 25, 2020
Выпуск 352. Сама не знает, от кого родила!
Season 3Episode 10651 min

Выпуск 352. Сама не знает, от кого родила!

The woman does not know from whom she gave birth to a son — a random business trip or a former lover. The latter nobly registered the child for himself, and, having received a birth certificate, immediately declared that he would not give his son to his own mother. The woman is horrified by the act of an insidious lover and begs for a genetic examination in the hope of returning the child to herself. Who is the real father of a two-year-old boy and does the father have the right to take him from his mother according to the documents?

Feb. 26, 2020
Выпуск 353. Конюх + строитель = сын?
Season 3Episode 10751 min

Выпуск 353. Конюх + строитель = сын?

Love in the count's ruins turned into a girl who worked as a village groom, childbirth and courts. When the child turned 8 months old, the alleged father tragically died, and for 9 years the woman has been trying to prove to his mother that she gave birth to her grandson. The pensioner refuses to recognize herself as a grandmother. So did the deceased son leave an heir after himself or did he die childless?

Feb. 27, 2020
Выпуск 354. Сын мужа и жены или любовницы?
Season 3Episode 10851 min

Выпуск 354. Сын мужа и жены или любовницы?

The woman buried her newborn daughter and, in order to recover from grief, adopted the boy Danila. After 15 years, the foster mother found out that her blood eldest daughter was terminally ill. The woman decided to apply for a DNA test to find out where the biological mother and father of her adopted child are. That's just a woman and a man whose data completely coincide with the data in the young man's birth certificate are the happy parents of three children. So who and why left Danil in the hospital?

März 2, 2020
Выпуск 355. Биомать, которая не рожала?
Season 3Episode 10950 min

Выпуск 355. Биомать, которая не рожала?

Danil, who was left in the hospital, grew up in a foster family. A woman whose data is entered in the guy's birth certificate will see him with her own eyes for the first time. A happy wife and a loving mother assures that she has only three children. And her children confirm this. Are the suspicions that the beloved husband secretly recorded her son from his mistress on her, will be confirmed? Or will the truth, which will be revealed after fainting, be much scarier? So who gave birth to him and why did he leave him in the hospital?

März 3, 2020
Выпуск 356. Мама лёгкого поведения – кто отец?
Season 3Episode 11050 min

Выпуск 356. Мама лёгкого поведения – кто отец?

Yulia Beloglazova provided intimate services for money, and now she is looking for who is the father of her child. A DNA test showed that Yulia's roommate is not the baby's dad. The girl's best friend suspected that her husband could have cheated on her with Yulia. The child's mother herself assures that the father is a casual lover named Karim. So from whom did the girl give birth? Or is the search just beginning?…

März 4, 2020
Выпуск 357. Кому квартиру в Подмосковье?
Season 3Episode 11151 min

Выпуск 357. Кому квартиру в Подмосковье?

The woman buried her son, and then found out that she herself was terminally ill. Now she can't decide who to bequeath her multimillion-dollar inheritance to. She remembers that her father had a son in his second marriage, and hopes that he will want to become the heir to millions. How will the first meeting of stepbrothers and sisters go? And are they really relatives, as indicated in the documents? Or will the huge fortune have another heir?

März 5, 2020
Выпуск 358. Зря не обменялись детьми после роддома?
Season 3Episode 11251 min

Выпуск 358. Зря не обменялись детьми после роддома?

The woman considered herself the most beloved daughter in the family, and at the age of 62 she was told that she had been replaced in the maternity hospital. It turned out that even in infancy, real parents came for her, who were given someone else's girl to change the babies. But they left with nothing. Is this another baby swap or neighborhood gossip?

März 10, 2020
Выпуск 359. 'Альфонс' не признаёт дочь?
Season 3Episode 11350 min

Выпуск 359. "Альфонс" не признаёт дочь?

The father does not recognize his official daughter, because he is sure that his ex-wife had a child on the side. In response, the woman claims that she was faithful to her ex-husband, and claims that he cruelly bullied her. Now the young mother receives threats from her ex-husband demanding to give up alimony. Whether he is a father or a cuckold, a DNA test will show.

März 11, 2020
Выпуск 360. Сестра из социальных сетей?
Season 3Episode 11450 min

Выпуск 360. Сестра из социальных сетей?

All her childhood she was subjected to domestic violence, and then she found out: she is a stranger by blood in her family. Having buried the one who raised her, the woman decided to find out the secret of her birth. That's just those whom she considers relatives by blood — brother and sister, are not ready to recognize her without a DNA test. How many children did one cuckoo mother give birth to and abandon?

März 12, 2020
Выпуск 361. Девочка с вокзальной лавочки
Season 3Episode 11551 min

Выпуск 361. Девочка с вокзальной лавочки

At the age of 14, Ekaterina was horrified to learn that she did not live with her own mother. She was found at 6 months old on a bench near the Orenburg railway station. The native mother left the baby and disappeared. The alleged biological relatives claim that at that time there was no child of that age in their family. But a family friend claims that there was a girl, and she personally gave her to the baby's house. Will Katya be able to find out the secret of her birth?

März 16, 2020
Выпуск 362. Опять не знает, от кого родила?
Season 3Episode 11650 min

Выпуск 362. Опять не знает, от кого родила?

The wife first signed up her husband for a son from a lover, and after a negative DNA test and a divorce, she gave birth to a daughter and assures: this time the father of the child is definitely her ex-husband! The man filed for divorce just when he learned the results of the genetic examination of the firstborn. Soon, however, he again proposed to his unfaithful lover. At first everything was fine, the woman gave birth to a daughter, but the partner changed his mind about getting married. What happened between them again and who is the father of the newborn?

März 17, 2020
Выпуск 363. Дочки потерянного отца?
Season 3Episode 11750 min

Выпуск 363. Дочки потерянного отца?

Two sisters dreamed of meeting their dad, whom they had never seen in their lives. After 30 years, one of them decided to find out why Dad refused them. Only the second one was against it, because she considered Dad a traitor. How will the first meeting of a man and his official daughters go? And is he really their real father?

März 18, 2020
Выпуск 364. Дочь требует тест у отца на брата!
Season 3Episode 11851 min

Выпуск 364. Дочь требует тест у отца на брата!

An 18-year-old girl begs her father and grandmother to recognize her younger brother. The girl's mother got married twice and divorced her father twice, so the mother-in-law is convinced that the daughter-in-law had her children between weddings and divorces. Did the ex-wife really walk twice from the ex-husband twice? Will they have a third wedding? Or will genetic testing separate them once and for all?

März 19, 2020
Выпуск 365. Отец или не отец слепого сироты?
Season 3Episode 11950 min

Выпуск 365. Отец или не отец слепого сироты?

At the age of 4, Kolya was thrown into the hospital with terrible injuries, because of which he began to go blind. The boy ended up in a boarding school for the deafblind. At the age of 17, he underwent a genetic examination with a woman who called him and confessed that she was his mother. The DNA test confirmed it. After the program aired, the mother disappeared, but the alleged relatives on the father's side wrote. They were shocked by Kolya's blindness and the fact that the boy grew up in a boarding school as an orphan. Will the guy find a loving family or do all the relatives need only his apartment from the state?

März 23, 2020
Выпуск 366. Внебрачная дочь нефтяника?
Season 3Episode 12049 min

Выпуск 366. Внебрачная дочь нефтяника?

The happy family of an oil engineer from Ukhta is on the verge of divorce. And all because the former mistress said that he is the father of her 15-year-old daughter. The legitimate wife is sure: her husband's ex-mistress just decided to shake off money from him in this way. Then the oilman himself wrote to the alleged illegitimate daughter. Did the enviable oilman become a father after a single night with his mistress?

März 24, 2020
Выпуск 367. Ваша мама меня бросила в роддоме!
Season 3Episode 12150 min

Выпуск 367. Ваша мама меня бросила в роддоме!

After the death of her mother, a stranger appeared on the doorstep of her inconsolable daughter, who said that the deceased had left her in the maternity hospital 48 years ago. The stunned woman refuses to believe that her loving mother could have abandoned her daughter, besides, there is no similarity between them. What happened in the Volgograd maternity hospital almost half a century ago? And who will two unfamiliar women turn out to be to each other?

März 25, 2020
Выпуск 368. Родила от мужа или от насильника?
Season 3Episode 12250 min

Выпуск 368. Родила от мужа или от насильника?

A course of injections from a classmate nurse brought the man to the registry office and a happy family life. However, after becoming pregnant, the wife confessed that she had been raped by two men. The couple broke up, but after the man could not get pregnant with any of his new lovers. Why did the wife really give birth after the rape, and her husband is infertile?

März 26, 2020
Выпуск 369. Умершая сестра-двойняшка жива?
Season 3Episode 12350 min

Выпуск 369. Умершая сестра-двойняшка жива?

A citizen of Kazakhstan is sure that she is from twins, and her twin brother lives in Russia. The woman demands a DNA test from the alleged brother, and in response he calls her an impostor, because his sister was stillborn. Was there a medical mistake 43 years ago that separated brother and sister for almost half a century? Or is the suddenly revived sister just a fraud?

März 30, 2020
Выпуск 370. Любовница на два фронта!
Season 3Episode 12450 min

Выпуск 370. Любовница на два фронта!

For the sake of a 20-year-old mistress, a man abandoned his wife and three children, and when a new lover gave birth to his son, he doubted his paternity. The man is sure that his mistress gave birth to him not from him, but from his brother. So who is he to the boy — father, uncle or no one at all?

März 31, 2020
Выпуск 371. Дочь требует тест от мамы!
Season 3Episode 12551 min

Выпуск 371. Дочь требует тест от мамы!

The eldest daughter demanded a DNA test from her own mother, as she is sure that she did not give birth to her. According to the daughter's version, her mother took her in the maternity hospital from another woman. Mom herself admits that her daughter really does not look like anyone from their family at all. But the woman claims that she gave birth to her. What happened 30 years ago in a young family?

Apr. 1, 2020
Выпуск 372. Война бывших любовников!
Season 3Episode 12650 min

Выпуск 372. Война бывших любовников!

A young mother accuses the father of the child that he left her with a little daughter, but the young man does not recognize himself as a father, because the former herself broke up with him, saying that she gave birth to another. The guy is already preparing for the wedding with a new chosen one, and his bride is convinced that her lover does not have any children. So who is the father of a two-year-old girl?

Apr. 2, 2020
Выпуск 373. Внебрачная дочь Кузьмина?
Season 3Episode 12751 min

Выпуск 373. Внебрачная дочь Кузьмина?

The family of musician Vladimir Kuzmin is preparing for replenishment. The former lover of the musician decided to remind about herself and her 14-year-old daughter, who looks like him like two drops of water. Kuzmin is not against becoming a father again, but is it worth trusting women, of whom he had many around the world? Will Kuzmin become a dad once again? And how will the official children react to the new illegitimate one?

Apr. 6, 2020
Выпуск 374. Законная наследница?
Season 3Episode 12850 min

Выпуск 374. Законная наследница?

The Muscovite decided to rewrite the share in his metropolitan apartment for the children of his fourth wife. The man's only official daughter is outraged, because she has always been the sole heir. What was the ex-wife hiding from her daughter? And from whom did her mother actually give birth to her? Why does the star of TV series and Honored Artist of Russia know for sure who the father is?

Apr. 7, 2020
Выпуск 375. Жизнь после теста ДНК!
Season 3Episode 12952 min

Выпуск 375. Жизнь после теста ДНК!

The DNA program is two years old. Almost 500 families changed their fate in the broadcast studio. The talk show proved 10 substitutions in maternity hospitals, conducted 134 DNA tests to establish paternity and proved 24 infidelities. 131 meetings of lost children, parents, brothers and sisters took place in the studio. And what happened to the heroes of the talk show next?

Apr. 8, 2020
Выпуск 376. Жизнь после теста ДНК! Продолжение
Season 3Episode 13050 min

Выпуск 376. Жизнь после теста ДНК! Продолжение

For two years, the whole country has been following the "DNA": dramatic fates do not leave anyone indifferent. People who passed the DNA test for the first time told about what happened in their lives after opening the coveted envelope with the result of the examination.

Apr. 9, 2020
Выпуск 377. 127-я по счёту сестра?
Season 3Episode 13150 min

Выпуск 377. 127-я по счёту сестра?

The woman died in childbirth, and the grief-stricken widower, after asking the consent of the eldest 9-year-old daughter, gave the newborn girl to another family. The eldest cannot forgive herself all her life for having abandoned her sister, and has already found, as it seemed to her, her Luba 126 times. She applied to the DNA program and believes that the genetic examination with the 127th applicant will be positive.

Apr. 13, 2020
Выпуск 378. Тест на 'корону'!
Season 3Episode 13251 min

Выпуск 378. Тест на "корону"!

Russian celebrities are taking coronavirus tests one by one. The result of the test with fading is waiting for TV presenter Dana Borisova, who turned to the program for help. For the first time, a medical history from those who are infected: what kind of pain are they going through? What are their chances of staying alive? And who confirmed the fatal diagnosis?

Apr. 14, 2020
Выпуск 379. Разлучница отбирает детей!
Season 3Episode 13351 min

Выпуск 379. Разлучница отбирает детей!

The man's second wife accuses his first wife of having walked all their five children. The ex-wife herself does not deny that there were infidelities, but she gave birth to children from her husband. The man himself calls all the applicants for paternity by name, and is sure that the genetic examination will show that the children are not from him. So who turned out to be a father with many children in reality: a deceived cuckold husband with an experience or a would-be father greedy for alimony?

Apr. 15, 2020
Выпуск 380. Шесть тестов для пяти детей!
Season 3Episode 13449 min

Выпуск 380. Шесть тестов для пяти детей!

A father with many children said that his ex-wife had registered other people's children on him by blood. And she confirmed to the whole country that she cheated on her husband with other men, but she allegedly gave birth to five children from him. The husband is sure that among the ex-wife's lovers are not only neighbors, but also her own brother, from whom she gave birth to a daughter.

Apr. 16, 2020
Выпуск 381. Внебрачная дочь Дроздова?
Season 3Episode 13550 min

Выпуск 381. Внебрачная дочь Дроздова?

The mistress, who is 22 years younger, gave birth to the singer VIA "Blue Bird" daughter. Alexander Drozdov registered the girl for himself, gave her his famous surname and registered her in a Moscow apartment. That's just the close stars in one voice say that the singer has become a victim of a mistress who uses him for her own selfish purposes for the sake of the capital's square meters. Is Alexander really the father of an illegitimate child?

Apr. 20, 2020
Выпуск 382. Неизвестная из камышей!
Season 3Episode 13650 min

Выпуск 382. Неизвестная из камышей!

A three-year-old girl was found in Astrakhan in the reeds by the road. She didn't remember her own name or the names of her parents. Law enforcement officers handed her over to the baby's house. Now the girl is 28 years old and she wants to know who and why left her in the bushes. What kind of people are listed in her documents? And why are there no such people either among the living or among the dead? Who and why left the child to die on the road?

Apr. 21, 2020
Выпуск 383. Потерянный отец двойняшек?
Season 3Episode 13751 min

Выпуск 383. Потерянный отец двойняшек?

Mom told her twin sons that their criminal father abandoned her in the fourth month of pregnancy and was never interested in their fate again. However, 38 years later, one of the brothers decided to find out how the life of their father, whom they had never seen, turned out. How will the first meeting of a man with twin sons take place in his life? And who will they turn out to be to each other — relatives by blood and strangers?

Apr. 22, 2020
Выпуск 384. Родила сына от друга мужа?
Season 3Episode 13850 min

Выпуск 384. Родила сына от друга мужа?

The husband found his wife in bed with his friend and therefore filed for divorce. According to the wife's version, the husband cheated on her right and left, while she gave birth to his sons. While the mother and father are figuring out who cuckolded whom, the 22-year-old son is waiting with bated breath for the result of the genetic examination…

Apr. 23, 2020
Выпуск 385. Не знает, что приёмная?
Season 3Episode 13951 min

Выпуск 385. Не знает, что приёмная?

They were separated when one sister was only 5 years old and the other 1.5 years old. After 40 years, the older sister dreams of finding out the fate of the younger one, and at the same time look into the eyes of the mother from whom they were taken. That's just the alleged mother is an exemplary parent for an only daughter. And the alleged sister is absolutely sure that she knows all her relatives. Did a woman meet her daughters after 40 years?

Apr. 27, 2020
Выпуск 386. От кого родила актриса?
Season 3Episode 14051 min

Выпуск 386. От кого родила актриса?

A popular actress on the verge of divorce! The husband gave an ultimatum: either a DNA test, or he submits documents for divorce. Her husband accuses Marina Klyukvina of treason, because after nine years of unsuccessful attempts, she became pregnant during a long tour. Now the actress' son is already 16 years old, and he is shocked by his father's demand for a genetic test. And the actress herself is convinced: her husband has assigned her a lover for the whole country in order to leave the family to her friend. From whom did the actress give birth to a son?

Apr. 28, 2020
Выпуск 387. Мать требует тест от сына!
Season 3Episode 14150 min

Выпуск 387. Мать требует тест от сына!

The woman claims that she did not give birth to her youngest son, and asked to take a DNA test with her. The eldest son believes his mother, because his younger brother is completely unlike anyone in the family. However, some relatives are convinced that the cause of the conflict is a rich maternal inheritance, which the eldest son does not want to share…

Apr. 29, 2020
Выпуск 388. Африкандские страсти!
Season 3Episode 14250 min

Выпуск 388. Африкандские страсти!

The woman interrupted pregnancies 10 times, but still became a mother of many children. That's just the one she considers the father of her younger children, calls her a "call girl" and requires a DNA test. The man is sure that while he was earning money, his chosen one led a wild lifestyle. On whose side is the truth?

Apr. 30, 2020
Выпуск 389. Тайный сын известного певца?
Season 3Episode 14350 min

Выпуск 389. Тайный сын известного певца?

The woman claims that a holiday romance with a famous singer turned into the birth of her son for her. That's just the one who denies their relationship and assures that he has always been faithful to his wife. Another man claims to be the singer's alleged illegitimate son: a DJ from Novosibirsk is sure that a fan gave birth to him. So who is the boy's dad — a world-famous singer or a lonely DJ?

Mai 11, 2020
Выпуск 390. От кого родила мать-убийца?
Season 3Episode 14451 min

Выпуск 390. От кого родила мать-убийца?

When a drunk father rushed to strangle his 4-year-old daughter, the mother stabbed him in the back, and then in the chest. The sister of the murdered man intends to take the children for herself. That's just the man was not officially married, and there is no evidence that he was the father of the children. The killer of the roommate agreed to a genetic examination. She wants to establish his paternity in order to receive a survivor's pension. How does the family of the murdered man divide the children? And who really is their father?

Mai 12, 2020
Выпуск 391. Сын от бывшей жены?
Season 3Episode 14550 min

Выпуск 391. Сын от бывшей жены?

The woman said that eight years ago she gave birth to a son from a lover from Tajikistan, and he still refuses to recognize the child. The man says in response that while he was earning money for the maintenance of his beloved, she jumped on other people's beds. Where is the father of an eight-year-old boy? And does he have blood brothers and sisters in sunny Tajikistan?

Mai 13, 2020
Выпуск 392. Чужой или кровный наследник?
Season 3Episode 14651 min

Выпуск 392. Чужой или кровный наследник?

After the divorce, the man lived for almost a year in his one—room apartment with his son and two wives - a new and an ex. And soon it turned out that the apartment no longer belongs to him, because his ex-wife transferred it to her son. At the same time, she admitted that 20 years ago she gave birth to a child not from him, but from a lover. Is it possible that in his old age a man was left not only without a stake and a yard, but also without an only son?

Mai 14, 2020
Выпуск 393. Света с того света?
Season 3Episode 14750 min

Выпуск 393. Света с того света?

For 10 months the family searched for their Light and found... among the dead. After the funeral, Sveta came to life. Having visited her own grave, she accuses her relatives, they say, they deliberately buried her alive. Now she has only a death certificate from the documents. How can the Light rise from the dead now?

Mai 18, 2020
Выпуск 394. От кого родила сбежавшая жена?
Season 3Episode 14850 min

Выпуск 394. От кого родила сбежавшая жена?

The wife left her husband for her lover after seven years of marriage and left two children to the deceived spouse. Neighbors immediately reported: while the husband was on business trips, a queue of other men was lining up for his wife. Now he wants to know the fathers of his own children. So from whom did the wife who ran away to her lover give birth?

Mai 19, 2020
Выпуск 395. Две семьи одного фронтовика?
Season 3Episode 14951 min

Выпуск 395. Две семьи одного фронтовика?

On Victory Day, the daughter went to the website of the "Immortal Regiment" and was surprised to find a photo of her father there. Under the picture it was written: "Went missing in 1944." But he returned from the war alive and well, got married and became the father of five children. The daughter contacted a 77-year-old Muscovite who posted a photo, and was shocked that the woman considers herself the only daughter of her dad. Did the soldier not return to his wife and daughter, but started a new family? Or is one photo for two families a coincidence?

Mai 20, 2020
Выпуск 396. Отец или дядя?
Season 3Episode 15051 min

Выпуск 396. Отец или дядя?

The brother found the brother with his beloved. And when 9 months later she gave birth to a daughter, I realized that he was not the father, but the child's uncle. However, the second brother refuses to acknowledge his paternity. All the relatives of the girl were divided into two camps: some consider one brother to be the father, others - the other. So which of the two siblings will turn out to be the pope? Or is there a third candidate?

Mai 21, 2020
Выпуск 397. Актёр продал свой биоматериал!
Season 3Episode 15150 min

Выпуск 397. Актёр продал свой биоматериал!

To pay off his debts, the famous actor became a donor of biomaterial for a woman who decided to give birth with the help of artificial insemination. After 10 years, he wants to know if his daughter was born. But it turned out that the actor was not the only donor. So which of the donors is the girl's father?

Mai 25, 2020
Выпуск 398. Украденные близнецы?
Season 3Episode 15250 min

Выпуск 398. Украденные близнецы?

He gave her plots of land, fur coats, diamonds, and she accused him of domestic violence, as well as of stealing twin sons. Why did the children stay to live with their father, and their own mother is simply called Elya? What is the nanny of the children hiding and who is shocked by her confession? And will the former spouses be able to peacefully divide the children?

Mai 26, 2020
Выпуск 399. Певец признал чужую дочь?
Season 3Episode 15350 min

Выпуск 399. Певец признал чужую дочь?

The Honored Artist of Russia married his mistress, whom he secretly dated for several years while she was with another. The mistress, who became a wife, gave birth to an artist's daughter, like two drops of water similar to her ex. Did a woman, after marrying a pop star, have a lover again — this time her ex? Who is the father of a 10-year—old girl - a singer or his rival, from whom he took his beloved?

Mai 27, 2020
Выпуск 400. Родила от мужа или любовника?
Season 3Episode 15450 min

Выпуск 400. Родила от мужа или любовника?

Angelica and DNA: she claims that she gave birth to a son from a lover, but recorded him on her ex-husband. Now the young mother intends to prove who is who for her son. The official father is convinced that the son is not from him, and the alleged one does not believe that he is the father, because by the time they met Angelica was already pregnant. So from whom did the woman give birth?

Mai 28, 2020
Выпуск 401. Влюбилась в родного брата?
Season 3Episode 15550 min

Выпуск 401. Влюбилась в родного брата?

Teenagers fell in love with each other, not assuming that they are siblings. The girl's godmother is convinced of this. She believed her relative when she found out that she was adopted. 10 years later, she underwent a genetic examination with her first love and his mother.

Juni 1, 2020
Выпуск 402. Родила от любовника или уголовника?
Season 3Episode 15650 min

Выпуск 402. Родила от любовника или уголовника?

A woman fell in love by correspondence with a recidivist criminal and began to come to him on dates. And now she asks her former lover to recognize her son. The man categorically refuses paternity. How many alleged fathers does the 8-year-old son of a loving woman have in total?

Juni 2, 2020
Выпуск 403. Родная или чужая внучка?
Season 3Episode 15746 min

Выпуск 403. Родная или чужая внучка?

The grandmother wants to know if her son has a daughter from a former lover. And she herself does not know from whom she gave birth, because with a difference of five days she met two men at once. Only the second applicant for paternity denies intimacy. So who is the father of the newborn girl?

Juni 3, 2020
Выпуск 404. Завещал доказать измену!
Season 3Episode 15840 min

Выпуск 404. Завещал доказать измену!

Before his death, his father confessed to his eldest daughter that her younger sister was not her own at all. Is it really true? And why, after genetic testing between the sisters retired to Russia immediately flew a resident of Germany?

Juni 4, 2020

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