Folktales from Japan - All Episodes

Season 1

S01E01The Old Man Who Made the Dead Trees Blossom; The Man Who Bought Dreams; The Rat Sutraavr. 1, 2012
S01E02Little One Inch, The Rolling Rice Ball, The Cow's Marriageavr. 8, 2012
S01E03The Old Man and His Bump, The Transforming Hood, The Love Potionavr. 15, 2012
S01E04Strong Tarou, The Village of the Nightengales, Hirabayashiavr. 22, 2012
S01E05Urashima Tarou, The Monkey Buddha, Comparing Treasuresavr. 29, 2012
S01E06Kintarou, The Two Squid, The Three Crymai 6, 2012
S01E07The Fish Wife, The Rich Pond Snail, The Lying Girlmai 13, 2012
S01E08The Carpenter and Oniroku, The Bear and the Fox, The Priest and the Child Cross the Rivermai 20, 2012
S01E09Shippeitaro, The Son Who Went to Heaven, Comparing Lazinessmai 27, 2012
S01E10Sannen-Netarou; The Last Lie; Happy, Splendid, Wonderful!juin 2, 2012
S01E11The Wife Who Wouldn't Eat; The Snot-Nosed Boy; The Priest And The Boy Who Had To Pee!juin 9, 2012
S01E12The Furuya Forest; The Traveler's Horse; A Crow in the Dark of Nightjuin 16, 2012
S01E13The Teapot Raccoon Dog; The Razor Fox; Sosou Soukuroujuin 23, 2012
S01E14Orihime and Hikoboshi; The Old Woman's Skin; Potato Rollingjuin 30, 2012
S01E15The Fire Man; Rat Sumo; The Priest and the Kid's Pupupatapatajuil. 7, 2012
S01E16The Straw Headman; The God of the Bathroom; Niou and Dokkoijuil. 14, 2012
S01E17The Winged Robe of Heaven; The Child Kidnapped by Eagles; The Konnyaku Interrogationjuil. 21, 2012
S01E18The Painted Wife; Left Behind; If You Pick Up Moneyjuil. 28, 2012
S01E19Ubasute Mountain; The Letterbearer Of The Water God; The Lucky Samuraiaoût 5, 2012
S01E20Princess Kaguya; The Demonic Little Sister; Scary Meat Bunsaoût 12, 2012
S01E21Umisachihiko And Yamasachihiko; The Day The Kappa Came; King Enma Screws Upaoût 19, 2012
S01E22Three Axes; The Monkey's Groom; The Tengu and the Thiefaoût 26, 2012
S01E23The Farting Wife; The Cat and The Teapot Lid; Chakurikakifusept. 2, 2012
S01E24Mouse Takes A Groom; The Pebble Letter; The Silence Contestsept. 9, 2012
S01E25The Listening Hood; The Dog and Cat's Treasure; The Ghost's Poem Readingsept. 16, 2012
S01E26Tanokyuu; Tee-tee The Little Monk; The Fake Jizo Statuesept. 23, 2012
S01E27Orihime and Hikoboshi; The Village of the Nightingales; The Monkey Buddhasept. 30, 2012
S01E28The Tengu's Cloak; Grannie Demon Is My Matchmaker; King Enma Is Hachigoro-donoct. 7, 2012
S01E29The Horse Mountain Woman; The Shrimp Goes to Ise; What Sickness?oct. 14, 2012
S01E30The Cat Wife; The Gonzo Bug; The Long-Nose Fanoct. 21, 2012
S01E31The Mountain Pear Hunter; The Old Woman In the House; The Centipede Gets The Doctoroct. 28, 2012
S01E32The Rich Charcoal Maker; The Tree That Grows Gold; The Priest's Towelnov. 4, 2012
S01E33Straw Bale Touta; The Fox Gives Birth; Cling And Holdnov. 11, 2012
S01E34The Three Brothers; The Wolf's Eyebrows; Dokkoishonov. 18, 2012
S01E35The Treasure Gourd; The White Rabbit of Inaba; The Bald Wifenov. 25, 2012
S01E36The Crane Repays A Debt; Slaying the Demon of Ooeyama; The Water of Youthdéc. 2, 2012
S01E37The Three Charms; The Child and The Cat Picture; The God of Povertydéc. 9, 2012
S01E38The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse; Oshira; The Tortoise and the Haredéc. 16, 2012
S01E39The Jizo Statue With The Hat; The Mortar That Made Salt; A Guest On New Year's Evedéc. 23, 2012
S01E40Momotaro; Princess Flowerpot Head; The Story of the Twelve Signs of the Zodiacjanv. 6, 2013
S01E41We Stopped The War; The Giant Snake And The Hunter; Otter's Housejanv. 13, 2013
S01E42The Snake Boy; The Kappa And The Straw Shoes; The Fava Bean, Straw, & Charcoaljanv. 20, 2013
S01E43The Wind God and the Children; The Lacquer Brothers; The Ama no Jyaku and the Childjanv. 27, 2013
S01E44Blessings Of Heaven And Earth; The Leaf Hachibei; The Ginger Wifefévr. 3, 2013
S01E45The Bridge Where You Buy Miso; The Cat Congregation; The Old Man Who Swallowed Birdsfévr. 10, 2013
S01E46The Hiding Snow; The Three Riddles; The Deep Voicefévr. 17, 2013
S01E47The Farting Priest; The Demon Mask That Wept; Starfirefévr. 24, 2013
S01E48The Seven Swans; The Mysterious Love Poem; O is Hardmars 3, 2013
S01E49The Cry That Split The Night; Octopuses Don't Have Bones; The Former Dogmars 10, 2013
S01E50The Thousand League Sandals; The Mountain Priest & the White Wolf; The Days Pass So Fastmars 17, 2013
S01E51Yamata no Orochi; The Satori Woman and the Bucket Maker; Return the Smellmars 24, 2013
S01E52The Rich Charcoal Maker;Grannie Demon Is My Matchmaker; What Sickness?mars 31, 2013

Season 2

S02E01Mother's Crystal; The Rolling Rice Ball; The Golden Archesavr. 7, 2013
S02E02Bat; The Old Man and His Bump; Lunch Worksavr. 14, 2013
S02E03Snake and Fox Repay a Debt; The Old Man Who Made the Dead Trees Blossom; The Pheasant and the Crowavr. 21, 2013
S02E04Tears Overflow; Strong Tarou; The Skylark and the Water of Youthavr. 28, 2013
S02E05Mother and Daughter Slay a Demon; Kintarou; The Farting Girlmai 5, 2013
S02E06The Radish Samurai; The Furuya Forest; The Golden Horse Poopmai 12, 2013
S02E07When the Moon's Ring Disappears; The Rat Sutra; A Punch as a Rewardmai 19, 2013
S02E08The Mermaid's Feast; The Fox and the Bear; The Beginning of Manmai 26, 2013
S02E09The Red Thread; The Cow`s Marriage; Beyond the Mirrorjuin 2, 2013
S02E10The Carp Wife; The Snot-Nosed Boy; The Giant Beanstalkjuin 9, 2013
S02E11The Monkey Repays a Debt; Little One Inch; The Gourd Boyjuin 16, 2013
S02E12The Female Fox; Hirabayashi; The Wild Warrior and the Ox Cartjuin 23, 2013
S02E13The Dragonfly Rich Man; The Fish Wife; Ikkyuu-san's Funny Storyjuin 30, 2013
S02E14Monkey Masamune; The Days Pass So Fast; The Woodcutter & the Mountain Granniejuil. 7, 2013
S02E15Minister Yuriwaka; The Fire Man; The Priest and the Boy and the Poisonous Mochijuil. 14, 2013
S02E16The Talking Fish; Urashima Tarou; The Demon's Handprintjuil. 21, 2013
S02E17The Swallow with the Broken Leg; Left Behind; The Legend of the Nine-Headed Dragonjuil. 28, 2013
S02E18Filial Devotion in Dreams; Rat Sumo; A Story of Stolen Melonsaoût 4, 2013
S02E19The Tree in the Pot; Princess Kaguya; The Monk and the Foxaoût 11, 2013
S02E20Earless Houichi; Niou and Dokkoi; Badger Disasteraoût 18, 2013
S02E21A Story of Futons; Chakurikakifu; The Dancing Bonesaoût 25, 2013
S02E22Dandarabochi and the Giant Sandals; The Painted Wife; The Fox in the Bagsept. 1, 2013
S02E23The Puppet Master; The God of the Bathroom; The Whale and the Sea Cucumbersept. 8, 2013
S02E24Unspeaking Okiku; Ubasute Mountain; The Sumo Wrestler's Little Sistersept. 15, 2013
S02E25Monkey Crab; The Straw Headman; Head Lakesept. 22, 2013
S02E26The Mermaid's Feast;Mother and Daughter Slay a Demon; The Pheasant and the Crowsept. 29, 2013
S02E27The Little Chestnut: The Day the Kappa Came; The Oryuu Willowoct. 6, 2013
S02E28The Silver Temple; The Pebble Letter; The Famous Blade Kisenbamaruoct. 13, 2013
S02E29The Sparrow with the Severed Toungue; The Horse Mountain Woman; The Dance of the Catsoct. 20, 2013
S02E30The Ear Statue; The Centipede gets the Doctor; Benten's Swampoct. 27, 2013
S02E31The Village of the Dragonflies; The White Rabbit of Inaba; The Fortune Telling Competitionnov. 3, 2013
S02E32The Three Masks; The Tengu's Cloak; The Flying Doornov. 10, 2013
S02E33The Old Woman and the Giant Octopus; Dokkoisho; The Tengu of Ashitaka Mountainnov. 17, 2013
S02E34The Mysterious Blacksmith; The Fox Gives Birth; Senkamejonov. 24, 2013
S02E35The Cracking Mountain; The Three Charms; The Kappa and the Handwashing Basindéc. 1, 2013
S02E36The Ghost Well; The Man Who Bought Dreams; Tougorou the Potato Diggerdéc. 8, 2013
S02E37Sacrificial Inari; The Crane Repays a Debt; The Cotton in the Cotton Hatdéc. 14, 2013
S02E38The Joroku Statue; The God of Poverty; The Carp in the Basindéc. 21, 2013
S02E39The Gold Horse of New Year's Eve; The Jizo Statue with the Hat; Odote-samadéc. 28, 2013
S02E40The Safflower Ship; The Story of the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac; Sent Saltjanv. 5, 2014
S02E41The Deer Springs; Tail Fishing; Hachiroutaroujanv. 12, 2014
S02E42The Herrings and the Old Woman; The God of Wind and the Children; The Spider's Determinationjanv. 19, 2014
S02E43Snake Lake; The Deep Voice; The Priest, the Kid, and the Fava Bean Treejanv. 26, 2014
S02E44Sumo Inari; The Fava Bean, Straw, and Charcoal; The Man of the East & the Man of the Westfévr. 2, 2014
S02E45The Stink Vine; Shippei-Tarou; Half-Naked Buhyoufévr. 9, 2014
S02E46The Whispering Vinegar; The Old Man Who Swallowed Birds; The Tengu and The Sky Journeyfévr. 16, 2014
S02E47The Snow Woman; Oshira-sama; The 600-year-old Womanfévr. 23, 2014
S02E48Cowlove Pass; Momotarou; Seibei the Soba Eatermars 2, 2014
S02E49The Demon who Became a Rock; Octopuses Don't Have Bones; Ryuuguu Abyssmars 9, 2014
S02E50Raita and the Demon; 'O' is Hard; The Burnt Statuemars 16, 2014
S02E51Gonpachi and Tsubaki; The Thousand League Sandals; Mother and Child Hillmars 23, 2014
S02E52The Ear Statue; The Kappa and the Handwashing Basin; The Little Chestnutmars 30, 2014

Season 3

S03E01The Mountain Grannie of Mt. Choufuku; Sadaroku and Shiro; Zashiki-Warashiavr. 6, 2014
S03E02Render the Fat; The Star Wife; The Rich Kashikiavr. 13, 2014
S03E03The Phoenix; The Wood Buddha and the Gold Buddha; Shibahamaavr. 20, 2014
S03E04The Monk and the Turtle; Kijimuna; The Stingy Memorialavr. 27, 2014
S03E05The Sending Star; The Promise with the Master of the River; Gonbei the Duck Huntermai 4, 2014
S03E06Takohachi the Headman; The Rich Man and Bracken; The Wife's Talentmai 11, 2014
S03E07Eating in Order; The Old Woman Who Became a God; Yayoi's shipmai 18, 2014
S03E08Masakichi and the Jizo Statue; The Bee and the Bandit; The God of Deathmai 25, 2014
S03E09The Sun and the Golden Rope; The Kid and the 31 Characters; Ushiwakamarujuin 1, 2014
S03E10The Trout Repays a Debt; The Foreigner's Cowbones; The Six Warriorsjuin 8, 2014
S03E11Matsu goes to Ise; The Zatou's Tree; The Powerful Servantjuin 15, 2014
S03E12The Weasel and the Rat; Kotaro and the Dragon; The Thunder God and the Girljuin 29, 2014
S03E13The Treasure Swamp; Tatsukohime; Kurohime and the Dragonjuil. 6, 2014
S03E14The Carried Priest; The Man Who Knew Hell; The Ghost Ladlejuil. 13, 2014
S03E15The Bride on a Hazy Moonlit Night; Hitomokko Mountain; The Flying Shedjuil. 20, 2014
S03E16Ikkyuu-san Defeats the Tiger; The Mountain God and the Child; Tsurumizukajuil. 27, 2014
S03E17The Mole and the Sun; The Fox Repays a Debt; Drinking Teaaoût 3, 2014
S03E18Dragon God Granny; You Can't Shake Sleeves You Don't Have; The Raccoon Wood of Shoujou Templeaoût 10, 2014
S03E19The Buddha That Keeps Away From Fire; The Curse of the Willow; The House That Would Not Eat Salmonaoût 17, 2014
S03E20The Soul that was Hunted by the Dead; Octopus Bhaisajyaguru; The Bursing Willowaoût 24, 2014
S03E21The Bean and the Priest Statue; The Reed Spring; Swan Passaoût 31, 2014
S03E22Asamutsu Bridge; The Strong Wife; The Flower-Watching Ghostsept. 7, 2014
S03E23The Preist Statue Falls in Love; The Flat Nose of the Trickster Fox; A Room with an Owlsept. 14, 2014
S03E24The Cat's Teacup; Monogusatarou; The Monkey and the Toadsept. 21, 2014
S03E25The Kannon Statue of Love; The Box That Doesn't Open; Candle Confusionsept. 28, 2014
S03E26The Old Man Who Made Flowers Bloom; The Thousand Coin Orange; Paradise Thiefoct. 5, 2014
S03E27The Crane Repays a Debt; Tower of Boars; Lightning and the Stone Urnoct. 12, 2014
S03E28The Extending Head; Strong Tarou; Kijimuna and the Sea Godoct. 19, 2014
S03E29Nopperabou; Princess Kaguya; Sutokuinoct. 26, 2014
S03E30Soba and Mochi; Crab Questions and Answers; The Old Man and His Bumpsnov. 2, 2014
S03E31Kintarou; The Cat of Nekodake; A Bull Running on a Moonlit Nightnov. 9, 2014
S03E32The Straw Rich Man; The Bow and Arrow Brothers; The Shrine Priestess' Dancenov. 16, 2014
S03E33The Woodcutter and the Monster Crab; The Monster Tamer; Rolling Rice Ballsnov. 23, 2014
S03E34The Racoon's Spinning Wheel; The Two Moons; Ubasute Mountainnov. 30, 2014
S03E35The Blessing the Rat Brought; Urashima Tarou; The Kajika Folding Screendéc. 7, 2014
S03E36Little One Inch; The Wolf Rock; The Meguro Pikedéc. 14, 2014
S03E37Zenroku the Sawyer; The Feather Robe of Heaven; The Hermit Orangedéc. 21, 2014
S03E38The Gods of Poverty Play Sumo; Trip, Trip; The Hat Jizou Statuedéc. 28, 2014
S03E39The Teapot Racoon Dog; The Anbarayami Horse; The Stone Door of Heavenjanv. 4, 2015
S03E40Wakahime of Ryuuguu; The Salt Millstone; The Escaped Sparrowjanv. 11, 2015
S03E41The Two Virutes; A Trip to Udo; The Monkey Priest Statuejanv. 18, 2015
S03E42Momotarou; The Mountain Bird's Arrow; The Thunder God that Married the Soba Stand Ownerjanv. 25, 2015
S03E43Ofuku and the Oni; The Oni's Toshitori; The Priest and the Racoonfévr. 1, 2015
S03E44The Golden Egg; The Man Who Became a Turtle; Sannennetaroufévr. 8, 2015
S03E45The Horsefly Repays a Debt; The Thunder God and the Doctor; The Painted Wifefévr. 15, 2015
S03E46The Water Seed;The Blessing Rat; The Hermit Who Did Nothingfévr. 22, 2015
S03E47The Weight Fox; The Most Important Man in the World; The Hina's Yobayashimars 1, 2015
S03E48The Mountain Grannie & the Traveling Performer; Sentoku's Money; The Stonefish's Lovemars 8, 2015
S03E49The Thief's Loss; The Horse, Dog, Cat, and Chicken Go on a Journey; Stories for Ten Coinsmars 15, 2015
S03E50The Horse and the Kaaranbe; The White Fox Repays a Debt; Sarasarayasaramars 22, 2015
S03E51Momotarou; Kintarou; Urashima Taroumars 29, 2015

Season 4

S04E01Monkey and Crab; Greedy Kihachi; The Spider's Twillavr. 5, 2015
S04E02Scary Buns; The Raindrop Monster; The Carpenter and Onirokuavr. 12, 2015
S04E03Kachikachi Mountain; Long Arms and Long Legs; Mountain Monk Rockavr. 19, 2015
S04E04Ash-Covered Haitarou; The Tengu's Sake; Kanekichi the Flute Playeravr. 26, 2015
S04E05The Fox of Battari Stream; Celebratory Sumo; Quiet Contestmai 3, 2015
S04E06The Cow-herding Priest Statue; Tanokyuu; Whale Bridgemai 10, 2015
S04E07Tenshiki; The Snot-Nosed Kid; Mayoigamai 17, 2015
S04E08The Priest Becomes a Carp; The Pot's Song; Teapotmai 24, 2015
S04E09The Listening Hood; You There, Grandpa?; The Carrot, the Burdock, and the Radishmai 31, 2015
S04E10The Hornless Sazae; The Willowleaf Fish; The High Priest Who Came to the Villagejuin 7, 2015
S04E11Eat Miso Beans Even if You Have to Go Back Three Leagues; Netarou of Asa; Tarou of the Broken Bowljuin 14, 2015
S04E12The Man Who was Faster than a Horse; The Incredibly Strong Oni Tayuu;The Kappa and the Gourdjuin 21, 2015
S04E13Two Young Boys with a Destiny; Osan the Fox and Yosaburou the Raccoon; The Underground Countryjuin 28, 2015
S04E14The Story of the Man Who Was Always in a Hurry; The Cat of Unpenji Temple; The Yama-Ori Rich Manjuil. 5, 2015
S04E15The Cat's Play; Hanbei Daimyoujin; The Gourd Kannonjuil. 12, 2015
S04E16We Still Don't Know; The Thunder and the Mulberry Tree; Earless Houichijuil. 19, 2015
S04E17The Priest Statue That Goes Round; The Priest Statue That Faces Sideways; Inside the Teacupjuil. 26, 2015
S04E18The Bean Stalk and the Heavenly Mansion; Otei's Story; Moyabuneaoût 2, 2015
S04E19Urashima of Kurobe; Yachabou; Oshidoriaoût 9, 2015
S04E20The Cursed Blade that Sank into the Swamp; The Plate Mansion of Banchou; Zensuke, the Badger, and the Kappaaoût 16, 2015
S04E21The Giant Octopus's Hat; The Buried Secret; The Unibrow Raccoonaoût 23, 2015
S04E22The Kappa Kid; The Priest and the Kid's 'Who Ate it?'; The Sparrow and the Woodpeckeraoût 30, 2015
S04E23Hakke Hachitarou; Ohatsu Kannon; The Monster of Red Lakesept. 6, 2015
S04E24Sleep and Wait For Good News; The Farting Old Woman; The Black Kite's Eggsept. 13, 2015
S04E25Monster Temple; Eggplant Grannie; The Tengu's Invisibility Capesept. 20, 2015
S04E26The Tea Pot; The Mountain-Folding Rich Man; The Tenshikisept. 27, 2015
S04E27Momotarou; The Frogs Who Didn't Respect Their Elders; The Water of Youthoct. 4, 2015
S04E28The Old Man and His Bump; Buzz! Buzz! Serve Sake!; The Hammer's Handleoct. 11, 2015
S04E29Kintarou; The Lightning God's Handprint; The Master of Lyingoct. 18, 2015
S04E30The Teapot Raccoon; The Difficult Marriage Question; Three Merchantsoct. 25, 2015
S04E31The Rolling Riceball; The Demon's Bath; Lake Headnov. 1, 2015
S04E32Urashima Tarou; The Crane`s Gift; Gosuke-don`s Businessnov. 8, 2015
S04E33Little One Inch; The Wind God & the Children; The Lord Goes Thumpity-Thudnov. 15, 2015
S04E34Three Talismans; Saruya`s Rock; The Rat Takes a Husbandnov. 22, 2015
S04E35Princess Kaguya; Princess Hachikatsugi; Princess Kaminaganov. 29, 2015
S04E36Monkey Crab; Cow Demon; The Boundary Between the Northern and Southern Villagesdéc. 6, 2015
S04E37The Old Man Who Made Flowers Bloom; The Umi Bouzu; Comparing Transformationsdéc. 13, 2015
S04E38The Crane Repays a Debt; Chinchin Kobakama; The Monster and the Mountain Grannydéc. 20, 2015
S04E39The Umbrella Priest Statues; The Great Year's Fire; The Snow Womandéc. 27, 2015
S04E40The Man Who Bought Dreams; The Badger of Eagle Mountain; Ishibumi-sama Heals Illnessjanv. 3, 2016
S04E41Rolling Yams; The Gama Frog's Oil; The Arasaka Rich Manjanv. 10, 2016
S04E42The Rat Sutra; The Great Snake of Gondayuu Lake; A Tale of Yomedajanv. 17, 2016
S04E43The Fire Man; Shouninbaru; Deetarabocchijanv. 24, 2016
S04E44The Ear Priest Statue; The Cow That Dove into Tega Swamp; The Man Who Cut Reedsjanv. 31, 2016
S04E45The Ghost Who Raised a Child; Oman Cherry Blossoms; The Oso Fox and the Blacksmithfévr. 7, 2016
S04E46The Wife Who Didn't Eat; Yawn Achoo Poo; The Ushi no Koku Mairifévr. 14, 2016
S04E47The Sparrow with the Severed Tongue; The Dream of the Mortar Seller; The Fox Wifefévr. 21, 2016
S04E48The Forest of Furuya; The Tengu and the Potato; Kanne and the Princess`s Kakegorofévr. 28, 2016
S04E49The Village of Nightingales; The Rich Man and Gatarou; The Soul That Went into a Different Girlmars 6, 2016
S04E50Zashikiwarashi; The Lazy Husband and the Nagging Wife; The Peach and the Red Demonmars 13, 2016
S04E51Wintermelon Princess; The Former Dog; The Shocked Daikon Radishmars 20, 2016
S04E52Chinchin Kobakama; Saruya`s Rock; The Badger of Eagle Mountainmars 27, 2016

Season 5

S05E01Momotarou / The Sobagaki Priest / The Nose and Morning Gruelavr. 3, 2016
S05E02The Pond Snail Rich Man; Yaobikuni; The Child of the Giant Snakeavr. 10, 2016
S05E03Yatsubakezukin; Even The Sardine's Head Begins with Faith; Onisuke and Hikoshichiavr. 17, 2016
S05E04Shippei Tarou; A Field of Rape Blossoms That Bloomed Overnight; The Light on the Buddha's Foreheadavr. 24, 2016
S05E05The Cow's Marriage; Shibahama; The Ocelot and the Priestmai 1, 2016
S05E06Ushiwakamaru; The Demon Granny of Adachigahara; The Days Fly Bymai 8, 2016
S05E07The White Rabbit of Inaba; The Giant, Strange-Colored Deer; The Jewel of Sangosumai 15, 2016
S05E08The Pond Snail Sisters; The White Snake Girl; The Blue Tengu and the Red Tengumai 22, 2016
S05E09The Cat from the Dragon Palace; Sashisaba and Tsurushigaki; The Fart-Sellermai 29, 2016
S05E10The Monkey Groom; Otojo's Fire; The Oil Seller and the Foxjuin 5, 2016
S05E11Monogusa Tarou; The Flute of the Moonlit Night; Shrimp and Crowjuin 12, 2016
S05E12Umisachihiko and Yamasachihiko; The Stupid Groom and the Crab Loincloth; The Demons Who Passed Through Demon Passjuin 19, 2016
S05E13Niou and Dokkoi; Cowbear-sama; Yashagaikejuin 26, 2016
S05E14Orihime and Hikoboshi; The Mercy of the Priest Statue; Yatsuhashijuil. 3, 2016
S05E15The Oyster Mushroom at the Bottom of the Valley; The Bride`s Present; The Tree Peony and the Ratjuil. 10, 2016
S05E16The Story of the Tengu on Dainichiyama; The Fox`s Gift; The Child That Kidnapped an Eaglejuil. 17, 2016
S05E17The Boy and the Fox; One Piece of Kannon`s Thigh-Meat; Gonzou Bugjuil. 24, 2016
S05E18Oitekebori; The Flying Man and His Flying Journey; Otogirisoujuil. 31, 2016
S05E19Yotsuya Ghost Story; The Inn in the Grave; The Thief of Paradiseaoût 7, 2016
S05E20The Dead Wife's Evil Spirit; Nursemaid Cherry Blossoms; The Snake Samuraiaoût 14, 2016
S05E21The Box of Jealousy; The Mirror and the Bell; The Cat's Teacupaoût 21, 2016
S05E22The Broken Promise; The Story of the Green Willow; Enma-sama is Hachigoro-doaoût 28, 2016
S05E23Magoshiroubuchi; The Zuitan Priest Statue; The Tale of Kotohimesept. 4, 2016
S05E24Careless Soukurou; The Decapitated Priest Statue; Genji and the Hoodsept. 11, 2016
S05E25The Man Who Saw His Own Funeral; Ghost Road; Kissaku`s Fallsept. 18, 2016
S05E26Shippei Tarou; The Demon Granny of Adachigahara; Otojo's Firesept. 25, 2016
S05E27The Fishwife; Obusaritee; The Fox Kid of Ankokujioct. 2, 2016
S05E28Meguro Saury; Kappa Dokkuri; The Giant Carp that Sank A Boatoct. 9, 2016
S05E29The Ginger Wife; The Tanuki`s Spinning Wheel; The Fox`s Birthoct. 16, 2016
S05E30Rokurokubi; Rat Sumo; Oshira-samaoct. 23, 2016
S05E31Heaven's Blessings, Earth's Blessings; Daikoku Buys Salt; Fujiwara Villageoct. 30, 2016
S05E32The Takohachi Rich Man; Bunshichi Mottoi; The Oryuu Willownov. 6, 2016
S05E33Yamata no Orochi; Lake Moon; The Demon and the Chinese Yamnov. 13, 2016
S05E34Three Talismans; Biwakuuna; A Treasure Entrustednov. 20, 2016
S05E35The Kappa of Ise; The Centipede Gets a Doctor; The Rich Man Who Became a Monkeynov. 27, 2016
S05E36Karoku and the Crane; The Shiranui Pine; Gohachi is Kidnapped by a Tengudéc. 4, 2016
S05E37Chikaratarou; The Son With the Most Filial Piety in the Village; The Bong-Bong Sharksdéc. 11, 2016
S05E38Snow Woman; The Geta Given by a Tengu; The Demon's Armdéc. 18, 2016
S05E39The Taishiko Dumpling; Dancing Yohei and the Brideless Fox; The Kanekkoori Wifedéc. 25, 2016
S05E40The Three Demons of Houraiji; Handprint Mountain; The Wife`s Hair-Cuttingjanv. 8, 2017
S05E41Shiitare Is a Thief; The Lightning`s Favorite Belly-Button; Maiden Passjanv. 15, 2017
S05E42The Priest`s Hand Towel; A Story of Fuki; A Thousand Ships of White Sesame Seeds and a Thousand Ships of Black Sesame Seedsjanv. 22, 2017
S05E43Sadaroku and Shiro; The Man Who Healed the Dragon`s Eye; The Talisman Bead of the Onijanv. 29, 2017
S05E44The Badgers of Noto Island; Fukusuke-san, the God of Blessing; Shiro and the Little Kidfévr. 5, 2017
S05E45Starfire; Yam Forest; The Ageha Butterfly Repays a Debtfévr. 12, 2017
S05E46The Medicine That Works Here and There; The Monster Master; The Frog of Kyoto, the Frog of Osakafévr. 19, 2017
S05E47The Tanuki Forest of Shoujou Temple; The Night Forest of the Hina Dolls; The Man Who Almost Became a Catfévr. 26, 2017
S05E48Momotarou; The Guardian of Farts; The Mitten Crab Repays a Debtmars 5, 2017
S05E49Kintarou; The Curse of the Utou Bird; Yattobei and the Tengumars 12, 2017
S05E50Urashima Tarou; The One Ka Priest; The Body-Throwing Stonemars 19, 2017
S05E51Little One Inch; The Great Snake of Onnagawadani; The Rain-Calling Bodhisattvamars 26, 2017

Season 6

S06E01Sameuratarou Became a Rock; Koukichi Flies Through The Skyavr. 2, 2017
S06E02The Bamboo Shoot Child; The Demon Kite of Ikinoshimaavr. 9, 2017
S06E03The Catfish God; Inou Tadatakaavr. 16, 2017
S06E04Kappa Stone; The Moss Ball of Akan Lakeavr. 23, 2017
S06E05The Hunter and the Oni, The Three Shrine Festival of Asakusaavr. 30, 2017
S06E06Anju and Zushiou, Kicchomu-san the Sharpmai 7, 2017
S06E07Granny Orin and the Bottle Rock, The Madara Demon God and Kannon-samamai 14, 2017
S06E08The Akoya Pine; The Spicy Lotus Root of Higomai 21, 2017
S06E09Chikaraishi Plays Sumo; The Great Buddha of Naramai 28, 2017
S06E10The Golden Ladle, The Chaguchagu Ponyjuin 4, 2017
S06E11The Wolf Rich Man, Shouki-san and the Demon Roof Tilejuin 11, 2017
S06E12Doukan! / Priest Enkuujuin 18, 2017
S06E13The Beefy Biceps Given by a Ghost; The Yummy Miso of Hacchousakijuin 25, 2017
S06E14The Giant Barley Straw Snake; Uesugi Youzan Makes It Workjuil. 2, 2017
S06E15The Tofu Priest Statue; Hiraga Gennaijuil. 9, 2017
S06E16Houko-san; Wabicha and Senno Rikyuujuil. 16, 2017
S06E17Tanuki Fields; The Orange Boat of Bunzaemonjuil. 23, 2017
S06E18The Pilgrim and the Bath; The Slaying of the Monster of Himeji Castlejuil. 30, 2017
S06E19The Power Given by an Ogre; The Okesabushi of Okeiaoût 6, 2017
S06E20A Story of Sage Kume; The Moon, the Buddha, and My Sobaaoût 13, 2017
S06E21Osengafuchi; The Medicine-Seller of Toyamaaoût 20, 2017
S06E22Daikoku-sama and Denzaburou the Rich Man; The Tanuki Priest and Kenchin Soupaoût 27, 2017
S06E23The Dream-Telling Priest Statue; The Iwatsuki Dollsept. 3, 2017
S06E24Ninja Isuke and the Oosanshouuo; Arita-yaki Shine Like Persimmonssept. 10, 2017
S06E25The Rice-Spouting Priest Statue; The Dog Goes to Isesept. 17, 2017
S06E26The Sesame Seed Manjuu; The Beginning of Dougo Hot Springsoct. 1, 2017
S06E27Heishirou of Dokkoi Makabe; Standing on Mt. Fujioct. 8, 2017
S06E28The Bikki Wife; The Oumi Merchantoct. 15, 2017
S06E29The Ship Ghosts of Usa; The Tanuki War of Awaoct. 22, 2017
S06E30The Rain of the Setomono Festival; The Silkworm and the Wife Lordoct. 29, 2017
S06E31Eyeball Swapping; The Byakkotainov. 5, 2017
S06E32The Priest and the Old Tanuki; Otane's Lakenov. 12, 2017
S06E33The Man Who Wanted to be a Black Kite; The Mountain Princess of Yakushimanov. 19, 2017
S06E34Wanting To Be Poor; The Blessings of Uzuminov. 26, 2017
S06E35Yajiemon and the Big Bear; Nikkou Toushougu and Hidari Jingoroudéc. 3, 2017
S06E36The God Riding on a Cucumber; Use an Abacus to Make Kaga a Million Kokudéc. 10, 2017
S06E37The Farting Wife; The Chef of Shuri Castledéc. 17, 2017
S06E38The Mountain Granny's Mochi; Namahagedéc. 24, 2017
S06E39The Invisible Man; The River Otter of Shimanto Riverdéc. 31, 2017
S06E40Three Grains of Rice, Three Grains of Gold; Jirochou of Shimizujanv. 7, 2018
S06E41The Swordsman and the Bale of Straw; The Pack Carriers of Mackerel Highwayjanv. 14, 2018
S06E42Mountain Granny Shrine; Sugawara Michizane and the Legend of the Flying Plumjanv. 20, 2018
S06E43The Paper Bag Wind; Tanabata-san's Presentjanv. 27, 2018
S06E44The Mountain Monk Tanuki; The Doll Stones of Kintai Bridgefévr. 3, 2018
S06E45Yagorou-don and the Men; The Bug-Sending of Tsugarufévr. 10, 2018
S06E46Ishidoumaru; Konoshiro and Matsue Castlefévr. 17, 2018
S06E47The Colt that Escaped from a Painting; The Cold Soup Grannymars 3, 2018
S06E48The Monk Who Went to Hell; Mito Mitsukuni Is Hungrymars 10, 2018
S06E49The 16th Day Cherry Tree; Monkey Bridgemars 17, 2018
S06E50The Gongen-sama on the Northern Mountain; Anchin and Kiyohimemars 24, 2018

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