La Doña - Season 2

Season 2


El regreso
Altagracia Sandoval is in Brazil determined to regain her power and businesses. In Rio de Janeiro, at the famous Rio Carnival, disguised as a garota and behind a mask to meet again the businessman who has taken her construction company.

Detrás de la venganza
Mónica is desperate to find Saúl and Altagracia does not hesitate to accompany her daughter in her search. An enemy from the past reappears and uses contacts to take revenge. It is Braulio Padilla, who was believed dead.

En la mira de Arcoíris
During the shooting at the hotel, Navarrete's men take Altagracia out of the room to kill her; but León arrives in time to save her. Vidal closes the case of Saúl Aguirre's death.

Dinero sucio
Noelia receives an offer in exchange for working for Arcoíris. La Doña manages to negotiate with Navarrete, believing that he has her daughter. The businessman confesses that he does not have Mónica.

Arranca el Juicio a Altagracia
La Doña is in the dock, while the Monkeys' relatives describe how Altagracia got rid of Rafael Cabral. Noelia identifies one of the attackers and it turns out to be an important clue for León Contreras.

In the trial of La Doña, the defense presents León Contreras as an inept policeman. A video showing how Altagracia killed Rafael Cabral is not accepted as evidence but unleashes controversy. Noelia realizes that he was manipulated.

Nuevos socios
The judge frees Altagracia. Cabral, indignant, yells murderer from the rooftops. Outside, the abused women explode with joy when they learn that La Doña was not convicted.

Divide y vencerás
Altagracia makes a bet to find her daughter and the kidnapper goes crazy while identifying the traitor. The first of whom he suspects is Mauricio, and he locks him up. On a TV message, he offers money in exchange for information about Mónica.

La pista
Altagracia receives a photograph of Mónica subdued. The nurse, threatened by Braulio, takes the message to the police station to report where the hostage is. Vidal is in command of the rescue operation and Contreras cannot believe what he sees.

Todo por Mónica
Romelia and Mauricio double the amount to free Mónica. The exchange already has place and time. La Doña will go alone, as the kidnappers demand. Daniel puts a microphone on her. Altagracia arrives at the meeting point.

Mauricio takes La Doña away at gunpoint. He discovers that she has a microphone and that someone is chasing them. They go into a tunnel. Now, he tries to contact his accomplices to free Mónica, but no one responds.

La guerra de Altagracia
Altagracia changes her mind and now trusts León to rescue her daughter. Duncan and La Felina exhume Braulio's remains as they investigate with a photo of Ernesto Palmar whether it is the same person.

El despojo
La Doña looks for a place to get away from all evil. León watches her and is impressed by her beauty when he sees her naked. A panic room for Mónica and a group of escorts offer a sense of calm that won't last long.

Toca fondo
La Doña yells in pain and in a desperate act aims at the head. León Contreras interrogates Gaetano to tell him who he was talking to, just before the attack on Altagracia's house. Mónica's death shocks everyone.

Revuelo en el funeral
Navarrete moves his contacts for the transfer of Mónica's remains to Mexico at La Doña's request and attends the funeral. His presence raises suspicions and León confronts him, but the bully does not explain anything. Karen stops them just in time.

Truculentos deseos
Every relationship supposes an exchange for La Doña, she makes more than a proposal to Navarrete. Altagracia asks him for support to avenge her daughter's death. They make love. He refuses to help her at first, but eventually gives in.

El plan b
Mauricio Preciado is an important witness to reveal the rest of the accomplices who kidnapped Mónica. Bribery doesn't work this time, but Altagracia always has an ace up her sleeve.

El traslado
Everything is ready for the truth to come out. La Doña's operation is advanced to get Mauricio out of the hospital. Cisco is the connection to coordinate movements. A dead man serves as a decoy.

El olfato de León
León confronts Altagracia, she pretends not to know anything about Mauricio Preciado's fate and goes after Sebastián. Contreras ties up the dots and corners Cisco with the new department he acquired.

De la misma sangre
Altagracia feels guilty for Mónica's death, she knows she was killed to get revenge on her. Regina tries to comfort her, but it doesn't take long to bring out all the fear she has. For her, Isabela's life hangs by a thread.

Adorable mensajera
Eleonora has the perfect excuse to invite La Doña to a family dinner to talk about the relationship between her niece Isabela and her son Lucho and to observe her rival closely. Braulio asks for Carmen Ortiz and cannot find her.

Enemigo a la vista
Mónica's death has La Doña upside down, for not discovering the murderers. She no longer believes in the police and thinks of Noelia to investigate. She hands her an envelope with photographs of Los Monkeys. León thinks that Sebastián is another Arcoíris.

Atrapado en el infierno
Eduardo is in a living hell and cries regretfully, while his parents ask him on television to surrender to the police. León offers certain guarantees that the press interprets as an amnesty, but his strategy could be stained with blood.

A car at full speed violently collides against the vehicle driven by León Contreras while taking his son to school. Fátima runs to help them. The other driver runs away. Braulio and Alfonso make a dirty play against Altagracia.

Psicópata a prueba
Lucho manipulates and convinces his girlfriend Isabela to say what is convenient for him and thus evades responsibility with his parents and the authorities in the attack. The alibi works at first, but a misstep throws him off his feet.

Pasión desenfrenada
Navarrete complains at La Doña for her visit to Contreras at the hospital. Altagracia uses her best card, allying herself with León to take revenge on the murderers. She signs a document that will make her mourn for the rest of her life.

Un loco suelto
León flees and frantically searches for those responsible for his son's death. He follows Nando's lawyer, interrogates him, and tortures him into confessing if he paid Vidal to free Nando with Eduardo's help.

La gran batalla
Eleonora rejects La Doña and soon their rivalry becomes public. Altagracia underestimates Eleonora's work and she meddles in what hurts her the most. The answer is overwhelming. She slaps her. Navarrete receives the complaint and minimizes the issue.

Formar a un Arcoíris
Eleonora discovers the monster she has created. A selfconfessed murderer who, in addition to holding her responsible for his hatred for women, justifies his crimes. She assumes he killed Eduardo too, even though Romelia pulled the trigger.

Fiel hasta la muerte
Navarrete and Altagracia make love. He finds a ring that puts La Doña's fidelity in check. Lucho begins to hate her because she makes him look bad in front of everyone. Arcoíris is about to film Noelia's rape and crime.

Ansias de matar
León knows every second counts to save Noelia. He confronts Navarrete accusing his son as the leader of Arcoíris. Lucho makes up another alibi, and Isabela hesitates to help him. Meanwhile, he tortures the victim, and she looks for a way to escape.

La presa o la evidencia
Lucho plays the hunter with Noelia, while Navarrete describes his son as a true gentleman. Before, he tortured her with electric shocks until she passes out. Noelia, without strength, runs to save her life, while paint bullets are shot at her.

Ni un dedo encima
Isabela does not appear and, as hours pass by, Regina despairs. La Doña confronts Lucho and warns him that if he messes with her niece, prison will be nothing compared to the hell she will make him live.

El rompecabezas
Noelia becomes the most important piece in the case against Arcoíris, as the only living witness. León knows that they will try to silence her. Lucho prepares his next attack and listens to Romelia's advice.

El error de la Doña
Altagracia asks León for protection. She fears another attack. As a policeman, he defiantly assures that Lucho is a psychopath who manipulates Isabela. And, as a man, he cannot avoid his weakness and is carried away. They kiss for the first time.

All the clues point at Lucho. León verifies that what was found in the lake proves his theory. The bodies belong to Arcoíris's and Pérez Urresti's victims. Even Isabela, blind with love for him, needs to clear up doubts.

León va con todo
Contreras does not give up, even if it is the last case of his career. Vidal gives León the green light to go ahead with the Arcoíris case but warns him. Navarrete looks for the lawyer to protect his son.

La loca verdad
Eleonora brings up all her anger and reveals too many things. Stunned, Isabela reproaches Altagracia for being Navarrete's lover. Eleonora tells Isabela that it is not her fault that Lucho harmed those women.

Efecto dominó
The complaint against Lucho as leader of Arcoíris and an influential millionaire's son is already on TV. The psychopath, under pressure, despairs to regain control over Isabela. The crisis breaks out and Eleonora does anything for her son.

La sombra del pasado
León interrogates Daniel and Vidal is not satisfied with his style. Daniel is imprisoned on compelling evidence, while the investigation continues. Lucho turns into a wolf or a lamb as many times as necessary.

La Doña no perdona
Sebastián has no other way out than to collaborate with La Doña to catch Braulio Padilla. He is not entirely convinced that he has a new ally, so he takes Fernanda. Matamoros receives the order to act and the shooting breaks out.

Unidos por el dolor
Altagracia and León meet at the cemetery to mourn their dead. The tragedy melts them in a hug that seems endless. Fatima, the policeman's wife, sees them. For her, only the memory of her son unites them.

Pierde la cabeza por amor
Fátima looks for León but he isn't there. Karen reassures her about how close her husband and Altagracia are. The policeman and La Doña can't help it. They argue about Preciado and Céspedes, however, there is a step from the police to the passionate.

Corazón de León
Fátima knows that León was not at work. However, she plays along as far as she can. The policeman tries to speak, to be honest, as he still adores her. His heart is a tangle of feelings, it beats for Altagracia but feels pain for his wife.

Una zorra con clase
Eleonora has reason to break out in public again, especially if La Doña puts the finger on the sore spot. She tells Eleonora that she can be in the photo with Navarrete, but she has José Luis in her bed.

Muertos que hablan
Eleonora, desperate, is pushed to the limit and about to do a crazy thing. The discussion with Lucho, and Romelia's psychological torture for giving birth to a monster breaks out. Before leaping into the void, she leaves a message that makes the psychopath tremble.

La gran interrogante
León has everything to catch Lucho. Altagracia must choose with whom she stays: Navarrete or Contreras, as the psychopath now could go to prison. If she doesn't let him pass, she may be charged with obstructing justice.

El plan de León se derrumba
León Contreras is ready to announce the decision of his life. He tells Altagracia that he plans to ask his wife for a divorce. La Doña warns him that she did not promise anything, but if it is what his heart dictates, let it carry on.

Un mal día para Navarrete
León threatens Navarrete with making him pay for his son's death. Vidal tries to separate them. Fátima confronts him and asks him to put himself in her shoes. At Eleonora's funeral the scandal explodes and La Doña and Regina tell León all they know.

Lo pasado pisado
The die is cast. The road is clear for León and Altagracia. She leaves Navarrete behind, but is reluctant to leave the construction company. She won't let him use her power to protect Lucho. She orders to intervene her cell phone.

Cero fantasías
Noelia suffers so much while seeing León happy with Altagracia that, when she is close to him, her anger rises to the surface. Noelia reproaches Adolfo for having a relationship with Fernanda even though she had to do with Mónica's death.

La Doña fuera del juego
Everything is ready to blow Altagracia to pieces. Manuel places the bomb and Felina convinces La Doña to go to the restaurant with the businessman who replaces Navarrete. Duncan and his men are about to catch Manuel.

Huele mal
La Doña, fed up with Felina's strange attitude, wants to ask for the bill and leave. From the vantage point, she is watched over by a sniper who aims at her. La Doña is in danger. Braulio Padilla is before his father and threatens him with death.

Miedo a perder
Altagracia is in critical condition and unconscious. These are crucial hours to know if she will recover. León reflects aloud, he has never imagined that he would get here and makes a confession: he is in doubt if he wants to die or fight.

Navarrete's lawyer pressures Carla, the journalist, to discredit León. The same strategy he used against his client. The news bulletin shows the policeman in the worst scenario, in a war of low passions.

Una felina que tiembla
Beyond business with the Cartel de los Osos, Felina is worried about something she cannot stop thinking about. If Altagracia wakes up, she will betray her. León investigates who is responsible for the attack.

En fila para matar
Navarrete arrives at full speed and faces Altagracia. Infidelity and the idea of taking his company away bring out his dark side. The threat of death. La Doña challenges him. Protecting his murderous son has ended her love for him.

No aclare, que oscurece
Felina uses her best arguments to convince La Doña that she had nothing to do with the attack against her. Altagracia and León ask her uncomfortable questions. A war is coming. She knows that betrayal in this business is paid back for blood.

Un clavo saca otro clavo
Noelia reveals who Olga is and Navarrete confronts her. Furious, he demands an explanation from his lover. León arrives and points a gun at her, saying he is invading private property. Lucho wants to intervene, but Genaro prevents him from doing so.

Por las buenas o por las malas
La Doña takes a belt and threatens Fernanda with whipping her, as they did with Monica, to refresh her memory, if she does not say everything she knows. Young Céspedes is terrified. Romelia sees Navarrete with a lover in the office.

Altagracia nunca rinde cuentas
Everyone notices La Doña has left the hospital and it is still unknown where she was. León interrogates her about her day and she hides information from him. For the first time, she tells him she loves him. Daniel intercedes for Fernanda to free her.

El enemigo en tu cama
Doing business with Arcoíris turns Romelia into an accomplice. La Doña brings out all her anger by exposing her in front of Navarrete. She's jealous and out of spite while seeing him with her lover. She accuses him of attempting against Noelia.

Un paso en falso
Altagracia seems to have found love and although it should be unconditional, she decides to hide what she plots from León, when she makes a complaint at the police station. Felina is the culprit of the fire but she accuses Padilla.

Golpe al ego de Altagracia
Felina plans how to take revenge on La Doña and hurt her where it hurts the most. After the closure of her spas, she will start with the smart building, to end her business prestige. Meanwhile, Altagracia moves her men to catch Cabral.

El precio de la venganza
Altagracia is transformed when she is filled with hatred. What she doesn't know is that León steps on her toes. A mixture of drugs and alcohol will explode Monica's killer's heart. Cabral offers resistance as they force him to swallow.

El zarpazo mortal
Everything ready to inaugurate the smart building. Felina infiltrates two of her team, to spoil Altagracia's event. Navarrete tells everyone that the idea was his and not Altagracia's.

Seducción infalible
León is out of the Arcoíris case. He doubts the Doña, he questions everything. She deflects the interrogation, asks him for a vote of confidence and the police officer is disarmed.

Mentes perversas
Romelia is in Altagracia's sights. As she is Francisco Vega's sister, one of The Monkeys, it's time to take its toll on her. Lucho offers to kill Altagracia and decides to include Diego and Lucho in the business.

La cacería
United by their thirst for revenge, Altagracia and Navarrete go after Romelia Vega. The confirmation of her nieces turns into a nightmare. The ladies in waiting go to church uninvited.

La confesión
Altagracia sets a trap to Romelia. Under psychological torture, she seeks to make her lose control and confess all her crimes, even being an accessory in Monica's murder. She makes her believe that her nieces died along with Navarrete.

No toquen a Regina
Regina prepares her trip without security. Altagracia insists that she needs them, especially after her statements on TV against Braulio and Lucho. Diego is the bait, becoming an accomplice in a situation he has never imagined.

El rescate
La Doña looks for Felina to locate Braulio and save her sister. Regina tries to convince Diego to help her escape, but not before suffering when she hears the harsh truth about who killed her daughter and the evidence she planted against Daniel.

El que las hace, las paga
Altagracia, Daniel and Noelia have Lucho in their hands. They want to make him pay and more than for the bloodshed. They are all accomplices. León must not find it out, even though he is another relative of a victim.

De la misma medicina
A chase at gunpoint makes Lucho run for his life, without imagining what awaits him. He falls into a trap. Some cameras monitor his movements and nothing or no one can get him out of there. Someone else is watching him and is ready to shoot.

El intercambio
Braulio and Altagracia make a pact in which both demand a life evidence. Diego is on the verge of death. Regina has reasons to fear for her life, hide her pregnancy and distance herself from Daniel. Llamas is in love with La Doña.
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