Let's Make a Deal - Season 15

Let's Make a Deal - Season 15

Season 15

DatesSep 25, 2023 - Dec 22, 2023
Previous SeasonNext Season


Season 15Episode 160 min


There are $15,000 reasons to watch LMAD! The 15th season kicks off with a guaranteed Mega Money win! Then, a king tries to go "0 to 80" for a new car & a flower pot plays "Five Card Wayne". Plus, Wayne sings the blues with Poseidon. Wayne Brady hosts.

Sep 25, 2023
Season 15Episode 260 min


This LMAD is a touchdown! A racecar driver hopes to find her prize match in "The Dealing Game". Then, a mad scientist plays "3 of a Kind" for a new car. Plus, 3 traders visit the Wishing Well & 2 traders face off for cash in a "Dice Duel". Wayne Brady hosts.

Sep 26, 2023
Season 15Episode 360 min


This LMAD rocks! A golden angel hopes to win a car in a game of "Gold Rush". Then, an apple plays "Remember When" for another. Plus, Jonathan reveals the latest "Book Club" selection and Wayne & Jonathan give prize clues using sound effects. Wayne Brady hosts.

Sep 27, 2023
Season 15Episode 460 min


Chef's Kiss to this LMAD! Princess Peach tries to level up with a game of "Movin on Up". Then, another trader visits the Cash Register for a chance at $10,000! Plus,Tiffany & Jonathan deliver the latests breaking prize news! Wayne Brady hosts.

Sep 28, 2023
Season 15Episode 560 min


It's a wild new LMAD! Mother Nature takes a ride on the cash train & a dinosaur rider hopes to spell himself a good deal. Then, Jonathan helps a giraffe make some "expert phone calls". Plus, a delivery driver tries to "Go Big or Go Home for a new ride. Then Wayne Brady hosts.

Sep 29, 2023
Season 15Episode 660 min


All the deals will go on this LMAD! A trader visits the "Cash Register" for a chance at $10,000. Then, a P.E. teacher rolls dice, hoping to "move on up" to a new a car! Plus, Wayne & Jonathan engage is a prize "debate" & Waldo finds a fortune cookie. Wayne Brady hosts.

Oct 2, 2023
Season 15Episode 760 min


This LMAD is a main event! A butterfly flutters through a game of "Speed Lock" for a car. Then a moon goddess and a die try to spell winner to win $10,000! Plus, 3 traders "draw straws" for cash and Jonathan reads from Cat's diary. Wayne Brady hosts.

Oct 3, 2023
Season 15Episode 860 min


Extra! Extra! LMAD is coming in hot! A newsie tries to "keep on rollin' all the way to a car. Then, cowgirl plays for a $10,000 "Gold Rush". Plus, brady bug makes some "expert phone calls" for prize clues & the latest gadget is revealed in "Wayne's Tech Corner". Wayne Brady hosts.

Oct 4, 2023
Season 15Episode 960 min


This LMAD brings the party! A Pickle plays "Dice Checks" for a Mercedes & a penguin takes her chances with the "LMAD Lotto" to win another car. Plus, a giraffe gets some Good News/ Bad News from the spirit of Jonathan.Wayne Brady hosts.

Oct 5, 2023
Season 15Episode 1060 min


The LMAD paints a beautiful picture! A tourist hopes to win $10,000 by picking the correct key. Then, a man in a giant flower hat tries to win a car. Plus, Wayne & Jonathan compete in a "poetry battle," giving prize clues to a matador. Wayne Brady hosts.

Oct 6, 2023
Season 15Episode 1160 min


Breast cancer survivors & thrivers fill the LMAD audience to celebrate their victory over cancer with a chance at cash & prizes that include trips to Paris & Australia. Plus, it's Mega Money Monday, so one lucky trader is guaranteed to win $15,000! Wayne Brady hosts.

Oct 9, 2023
Season 15Episode 1260 min


Traders are ready to win milk money on this LMAD! A Broadway performer turned boxer tries to accelerate her way to car. Then, an alien takes a ride on the "Cash Train". Plus, 3 traders play "Numbers Up" for cash & a milk carton visits the ATM. Wayne Brady hosts.

Oct 10, 2023
Season 15Episode 1360 min


A LMAD episode with some tasty wins! A cow "goes for a spin" for a car. Then, Thor tries to score a "Perfect 10" for $10.000. Plus, a strawberry tries to find her prize match in "The Dealing Game" & 3 traders visit the "Wishing Well".Wayne Brady hosts.

Oct 11, 2023
Season 15Episode 1460 min


It's a whole new deal on this LMAD! A new groom rolls dice, trying to move on up to a new car. Then, 2 traders play "Rock, Paper, Scissors" for a chance at $10,000! Plus, 3 traders try to score a "power play" & Jonathan reads minds. Wayne Brady hosts.

Oct 12, 2023
Season 15Episode 1560 min


Order up on a new LMAD! A medicine woman "smashes for cash," hoping to win $20,000. Then, a striped trader plays "Car Pong" for a new Jetta! Plus, a couple tries to make a deal with Dr. Wayne & a Turkey enters a "Zonk Free Zone". Wayne Brady hosts.

Oct 13, 2023
Season 15Episode 1660 min


This LMAD is the "wheel deal!" One trader tries to go "0 to 80" for a new car, while another plays "Five Card Wayne for $10,000!" Then, Wayne & Jonathan perform "30 Second Theater." Plus, Tiffany debuts her Teriyaki Sauce & Jonathan gets a stunt double. Wayne Brady hosts.

Oct 16, 2023
Season 15Episode 1760 min


Clap your hands! This LMAD is real! A pickle races to unlock a huge win for a new car. Then, a Hawaiian tourist & a far out trader hope to spell winner for $10,000! Plus, some extreme closeups could win a fairy princess some cash. Wayne Brady hosts.

Oct 17, 2023
Season 15Episode 1860 min


This LMAD is a sweet treat! A fairy plays Car Pong for a new Nissan & a villain tries to Smash for Cash to win $20,000! Then, a couple hopes to make a deal connection with Dr. Wayne. Plus, Jonathan offers a toy whale stuffed with a hidden prize. Wayne Brady hosts.

Oct 18, 2023
Season 15Episode 1960 min


Your daily LMAD pick me up is here! A bouquet plays "Tic Tac Deal" for $10,000. Then, a couple tries to "play it safe" to win a Caribbean Cruise. Plus, Wayne & Jonathan recite an improvised poem & 3 traders hope to make a "power play." Wayne Brady hosts.

Oct 19, 2023
Season 15Episode 2060 min


Bingo! You got LMAD! A cookie hope to "race to the finish" for a new car and then the stage comes alive with the sound of a contestant trying to accelerate her way to another! Plus, Wayne & Jonathan gives prize clues "in so many words"! Wayne Brady hosts.

Oct 20, 2023
Season 15Episode 2160 min


This LMAD episode is straight fire! A firefighter plays "Dice Checks" for a Lexus & another trader plays "3 of a Kind" for an Audi! Then, a bride hopes to find her prize match in "The Dealing Game". Plus, 2 traders go on a "spending spree" & Wayne Brady hosts.

Oct 23, 2023
Season 15Episode 2260 min


Excalibur! A new LMAD is here! A knight tries to strike a "Gold Rush" for a new car. Then, a Mardi Gras trader plays "Remember When" for $10,000! Plus, Wayne & Jonathan make sound effects to give prize clues and a pair of traders enter into a "Silent Auction." Wayne Brady hosts.

Oct 24, 2023
Season 15Episode 2360 min


This LMAD will get your heart pumping! An aerobics intructor plays "Car Pong" for a new ride. Then, a couple hopes to win "Smash for Cash" to win $20,000! Plus, a tourist is offered a purse with a hidden item & "Jonathan Bighead" makes an appearance. Wayne Brady hosts.

Oct 25, 2023
Season 15Episode 2460 min


Get spicy with a this LMAD! A 80s trader plays "Go Big or Go Home" for a new car and more! Then, a bottle of mustard takes a ride on the "Cash Train". Plus, a rocker visits "Tiffany's Court" & 3 traders go for a "power play", Wayne Brady hosts.

Oct 26, 2023
Season 15Episode 2560 min


This LMAD is a recipe for fun! A trader with a big heart plays "Cash Register for a chance at a $10,000. Then, a zonk catcher rolls to "move on up" to a new car win. Plus, 3 traders hope to win money in a mini vault. Wayne Brady hosts.

Oct 27, 2023
Season 15Episode 2660 min


Sundae Funday on this LMAD! A wrestling fan races to unlock a $10,000 win! Then, an angel and a butterfly try to spell winner for a car. Plus, three traders "draw straws" for a chance at cash and maybe even a tall drink of Wayne? Wayne Brady hosts!

Oct 30, 2023
Season 15Episode 2760 min


Get ready for some scary good deals on this Halloween episode of LMAD! A pirate hopes to smash some costumed pigs for cash. Then, a sorcerer tries to cast a spell on a game of "Car Pong". Plus, Jonathan Bighead offers some chilling prize clues. Wayne Brady hosts!

Oct 31, 2023
Season 15Episode 2860 min


Wayne Brady hosts! All the deals will go in this LMAD! A jedi master tries to make a "Tic Tac Deal" to win $10,000! Then, a sunny couple "plays in safe" for a new car. Plus, 1 trader shows how being Tiffany's Protege is a piece of cake & Wayne and Jonathan perform "30 Second Theater". Wayne Brady hosts.

Nov 1, 2023
Season 15Episode 2960 min


It's a candy coated LMAD with sweet deals! A firefighter "races to the finish" to win a new car! Then, the king answers multiple choice questions for cash. Plus, Tiffany reads from Jonathan's Diary and Wayne gets a personal assistant. Wayne Brady hosts.

Nov 2, 2023
Season 15Episode 3060 min


There's no show like LMAD! A scarecrow tries to go "0 to 80" for a new car & an 80s workout instructor plays "Five Card Wayne" for $10,000! Plus, 3 traders tey to "spell out a deal" & Tiffany eats marshmallows as a prize clue. Wayne Brady hosts.

Nov 3, 2023
Season 15Episode 3160 min


Get ready for a berry fun LMAD! A cookie rolls to accelerate her way to a new car. Then, an Egyptian races to the finish for $10,000! Plus, one trader is guaranteed to win $15,000 for Mega Money Monday & Wayne reveals his latest Tech Corner gadget. Wayne Brady hosts.

Nov 6, 2023
Season 15Episode 3260 min


It's game on for a new LMAD! A baseball player tries to win a $10,000 "Winfall"! Then, a couple hopes to "move on up" to a new car! Plus, Cat's Sauerkraut is filled with a hidden prize and Tiffany & Wayne reveal the latest "LMAD Breaking News". Wayne Brady hosts.

Nov 7, 2023
Season 15Episode 3360 min


This LMAD is one fun circus! A ring master goes for a spin to win a new car. Then, a doll, an angel, & a hippie try to "Beat the Dealer" for $10,000! Plus, 3 traders try to find some "Big Booty", a robot gets a "Blank Check," & Jonathan helps make some "Expert Phone Calls". Wayne Brady hosts.

Nov 8, 2023
Season 15Episode 3460 min


Audience members dress up in outlandish costumes to get host Wayne Brady's attention in an attempt to make deals for prizes or cash. Wayne Brady hosts!

Nov 9, 2023
Season 15Episode 3560 min


Join the LMAD Adventure! A viking rolls dice to move on up to a car. Then, a puzzle hopes to put the pieces together to turn $2000 into $10,000! Plus, a mad hatter plays "Before or After" for $$$ & Jonathan uses an LMAD family photo as a prize clue. Wayne Brady hosts.

Nov 10, 2023
Season 15Episode 3660 min


This LMAD episode really guacs! An avocado races to unlock a new car! Then, a cowgirl & football player hope to spell winner for $10,000! Plus, Jon reveals the latest selection of the LMAD Book Club and 2 traders select "3 of 6 checks". Wayne Brady hosts.

Nov 13, 2023
Season 15Episode 3760 min


Enjoy a nifty new LMAD! A 1950s trader calls some experts for prize clues. Then, a playing card goes on a "Gold Rush" to win $10,000 & another trader hopes to "keep on rollin" to a new car! Plus, Tiffany draws pictures to help a boxer win cash. Wayne Brady hosts.

Nov 14, 2023
Season 15Episode 3860 min


Next stop: LMAD, destination: fun! A couple of tourists make sound effects for cash! Then, another trader takes her chances with the "LMAD lotto," hoping to win a new car! Plus, puzzle piece and toothpaste tube go head to head in a "Dice Duel" for cash. Wayne Brady hosts.

Nov 15, 2023
Season 15Episode 3960 min


This LMAD is filled with positivi-tea! A trader plays "Winfall" for a new car! Then, a pair of grandmas hope to keep "movin on up" toward another! Plus, Wayne & Tiffany deliver "breaking news" filled with the latest prize clues. Wayne Brady hosts.

Nov 16, 2023
Season 15Episode 4060 min


Polly want an LMAD? A sorceress plays "Five Card Wayne" for $10,000 & more! Then, a cow hopes to go "0 to 80" for a new car! Plus, a chips & salsa couple tries to draw themselves a deal & Jonathan offers a souvenir T-Shirt with a hidden prize. Wayne Brady hosts.

Nov 17, 2023
Season 15Episode 4160 min


What does the fox win on this LMAD? A unicorn tries to score a Perfect 10 to win $10,000! Then, Rosie the Riveter goes for a spin for a new car. Then, a foxy trader plays "The Dealing Game" to find her perfect prize match. Wayne Brady hosts.

Nov 20, 2023
Season 15Episode 4260 min


Deals ahoy on this LMAD! An African queen tries to "keep on rollin" her way to a new car! Then, a honeybee hopes to "move on up" to another. Plus. 2 traders "flip the cash" for a big payday & Jonathan shows off his mind reading skills. Wayne Brady hosts.

Nov 21, 2023
Season 15Episode 4360 min


Time for some monkey business on LMAD! A couple of pirates hope to turn $2000 into a $10,000 win! Then, a triathlete rolls dice to move on up to a new car. Plus, Jonathan & Wayne offer a plush monkey stuffed with a hidden prize. Wayne Brady hosts.

Nov 22, 2023
Season 15Episode 4460 min


This LMAD is a hopping good time! A bunny "goes for a spin" for a new car. Then, a biker, a tourist, and a pageant queen try to "beat the dealer" for a Caribbean vacation. Plus, a USA superwoman makes "expert phone calls" for prize clues. Wayne Brady hosts.

Nov 27, 2023
Season 15Episode 4560 min


This LMAD is the energy boost you need! A cold brew coffee & a painter play "Rock, Paper, Scissors" for $10,000! Then, a Hawaiian tourist keeps on dancing, laughing, singing and rollin to a new car. Plus, Wayne & Jonathan square off in a "song battle". Wayne Brady hosts.

Nov 28, 2023
Season 15Episode 4660 min


Do-nut sleep on this new LMAD! Another trader hopes to accelerate to a new car win! Then, Wayne & Jonathan sing improv clues, using song styles from the "LMAD Jukebox". Plus, a clown takes a ride on a "Cash Train". Wayne Brady hosts.

Nov 29, 2023
Season 15Episode 4760 min


It's cowabunga time on this LMAD! A fairy rolls to "move on up" to a new car. Then, a hula dancer tries to pick the right key to unlock $10,000! Plus, Wayne & Jonathan launch the latest episode of the "LMAD Podcast". Wayne Brady hosts.

Nov 30, 2023
Season 15Episode 4860 min


This LMAD is fully stocked with deals! A sorceress spins to win a new car. Then, 3 traders try to make deals together with "no complaining" & another enters a "zonk free zone". Plus, a couple tries to sculpt themselves a deal for cash & more! Wayne Brady hosts.

Dec 1, 2023
Season 15Episode 4960 min


An LMAD with some relish on it! A hot dog plays "Five Card Wayne," hoping for a meaty $15,000 Mega Money Money win! Then a gold digger tries to go "0 to 80" for a new car. Plus, Wayne & Jonathan give clues "in so many words" & Tiffany gets a protege. Wayne Brady hosts.

Dec 4, 2023
Season 15Episode 5060 min


This LMAD will be music to your ears...& eyes! LMAD's Biggest Fan hope to go on a $10,000 "Gold Rush". Then, another trader plays "Remember When" for a new car. Plus, Tiffany reveals her viral Tiktok dance & Jonathan gets a stunt double. Wayne Brady hosts.

Dec 5, 2023
Season 15Episode 5160 min


An LMAD with No Zonks? One can hope! A couple tries to match "3 of a Kind" for a new Lexus. Then, a classic TV character plays "Dice Checks" for a chance at $25,000! Plus, a student hope to match with a prize in "The Dealing Game." Wayne Brady hosts.

Dec 6, 2023
Season 15Episode 5260 min


It's raining prizes on this LMAD episode! A trader dressed as peanut butter tries to "go big or go home" for a new car and more! Plus, another trader takes a ride on the "cash train" & a butterfly enters "Tiffany's Court". Wayne Brady hosts.

Dec 7, 2023
Season 15Episode 5360 min


This LMAD is the catch of the day! A flapper rolls dice to "move on up" to a new car. Then, an Egyptian queen hopes she can turn $2000 into $10,000, playing "Cash Register". Plus, Wayne & Jonathan engage in an "LMAD Debate". Wayne Brady hosts.

Dec 8, 2023
Season 15Episode 5460 min


Audience members dress up in outlandish costumes to get host Wayne Brady's attention in an attempt to make deals for prizes or cash.

Dec 11, 2023
Season 15Episode 5560 min


An LMAD with king size fun! A purple princess tries to "keeps on rollin'" for a new car. Then, a couple of construction workers hope to hit a $10,000 "Gold Rush". Plus, Cat Gray unveils his next blockbuster product- The Cat Sack! Wayne Brady hosts.

Dec 12, 2023
Season 15Episode 5660 min


You'll be jelly if you don't watch this LMAD! A rainbow plays the "LMAD Lotto" for a new Mercedes! Then, 2 traders face off in a "Dice Duel". Plus, a royal couple makes sounds to win cash and 3 traders take their chances in the LMAD Stock Market. Wayne Brady hosts.

Dec 13, 2023
Season 15Episode 5760 min


LMAD meets the big top in this show! A banana tries to "move on up" to a new car! Then a disco diva hopes for a $10,000 "Winfall." Plus, 2 traders play "Flip the Cash" & Wayne and Jonathan give prize clues in their circus-themed podcast. Wayne Brady hosts.

Dec 14, 2023
Season 15Episode 5860 min


This LMAD is full of five alarm fun! A couple hopes a game of "Five Card Wayne" will turn into a $10,000 win. Then, a cowgirl tries to go "0 to 80" for a car. Plus, Wayne and Jonathan perform "30 Second Theater." Wayne Brady hosts.

Dec 15, 2023
Season 15Episode 5960 min


Score a power play with this LMAD! A delivery driver tries to arrive at a "Perfect 10" for a $10,000 win! Then, a flapper "goes for a Spin" for a new car. Plus, a genie plays "The Dealing Game" to find her prize match & 3 traders visit the Wishing Well. Wayne Brady hosts.

Dec 18, 2023
Season 15Episode 6060 min


This LMAD is a mixtape you won't stop playing! A trader dressed as "Brain Wady" hopes to "move on up" to a new car. A renaissance hopes to "keep on rollin'" to another! Plus, a cassette tape gets some breaking prize news from Jonathan & Tiffany. Wayne Brady hosts.

Dec 19, 2023
Season 15Episode 6160 min


Have a slice of fun with this LMAD! A cockroach plays "Car Pong" for a new ride. Then, a fairy hopes to smash for $20,000 in cash. Plus, 3 traders hope to make deals with "no complaining" & a wrestling couple makes deals with Dr. Wayne. Wayne Brady hosts.

Dec 20, 2023
Season 15Episode 6260 min


It's a special holiday episode here on "Let's Make a Deal"! Wayne Brady hosts.

Dec 21, 2023
Season 15Episode 6360 min


Deck the halls while watching LMAD! Mrs. Claus tries to find a chimney stuffed with $10,000! Then, one festive trader plays to win some epic holiday getaways. Plus, Jonathan Mangum makes Christmas sounds to win a trader some cash! Wayne Brady hosts.

Dec 22, 2023

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