American Horror Story is an horror television anthology series. Each season is conceived as a self-contained miniseries, following a disparate set of characters and settings, and a storyline with its own beginning, middle, and end. While some actors appear for more than one year, they play completely different roles in each season.
Based on NY Times Bestselling author James Patterson's #1 hero, Cross is a crime thriller that follows the investigations of brilliant forensic psychologist and DC Metro Detective Alex Cross. Together with his best friend and partner Detective John Sampson, Cross delves into the psyches of America's most insidious killers while fighting to protect his family from the dangers of the criminal world.
The Doctor and his companion, Ruby Sunday, travel across time and space, having adventures from the Regency era in England to war-torn future worlds, from the dawn of human history to distant alien worlds. Throughout their adventures in the TARDIS – a time-traveling ship shaped like a police box – they encounter incredible friends and dangerous foes, including a terrifying bogeyman and the Doctor's most powerful enemy yet. And everywhere they go, they find adventure, terror, fun, chases, joy, and monsters.
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