Millennium - Season 2
![Millennium - Season 2 Millennium - Season 2](/imgp/MW9PcXR6eHUzVWVyUnJFUzBVNW1LK0xBQmFzRFVLTE1BU2dhZHdkUEZyVzFtSWtZdHVwbjVqaE8xcE9rU0NDTUNld3BsanY0ZTJVZm05c01Md3d1VkE9PQ==.jpg)
Season 2
![FOX FOX](/imgp/dlZ1aTcxRm9FYjNoZFZoclRrUUlmVFFtL2d5L1JuNDNMaXMxN3FJY1VuUFIxWVlKem9rYmdrNFlTRitkRkFGN1ZzRjVzWXp2aW9yQldWNTRUVXVFQkh6NDlxT2l5cnRzRzBIZ0ZnYlFNd0U9.jpg)
![The Beginning and the End The Beginning and the End](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHNtVCt4K09pTHNrdjZWNlczV3VYNU1DY3Mvc3p5RVRLWnJNbWNiTUN1RHFOWDl5bzFqa0RLWEs0OGhzc1F6Wjg=.jpg)
The Beginning and the End
When the Polaroid Man abducts Catherine at the airport, Frank is left to try and find her whereabouts. Watts arrives with some of the Millennium Group members and offers to help him track down his wife, and also offers Frank the chance to become a full member of the Group. Meanwhile, Frank must rely on his visions to track down the Polaroid Man when his profiling skills fail to help him find the Polaroid Man.
![Beware of the Dog Beware of the Dog](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHhBVGEzQmI3clh0MnFweDRyTjh1NFJob1VabUFuSjR0MnhsVkhoamIzL2FmdmI2cXJnenRyaEJDS0oyQmVhcUI=.jpg)
Beware of the Dog
When and old couple are attacked in their RV by a pack of vicious dogs, Frank is contacted by the Millennium Group and asked to investigate the killings. Frank finds it difficult to understand why the Group should be interested in animal attacks, but it persuaded to go and upon arrival he learns more about the motives of the Millennium Group from a mysterious old man. Meanwhile Catherine puts their yellow house on sale.
![Sense and Antisense Sense and Antisense](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFdlRHZJbk9ualhVSnlMbDdwRlBjZ2d3WkRSNm83TGhXZjJUSzVyNVdFWHZDN3kzcmRXaG93bjdOMXY0dUprZUw=.jpg)
Sense and Antisense
Frank assists in the hunt for a man who is apparently infected with a deadly, highly contagious virus. Frank and Peter then begin to wonder if a member of the Human Genome Project could have tampered with the DNA that controls human violence.
![Monster Monster](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHc1Y1NhdjFYajRUVkEyTWFtSjJKYXlrQ3Z4RU9ndzI5Mi93aThYSFI3Y2ZKZW9vVUlValNOb0p4S0w5K2pibFE=.jpg)
Frank and the new Millennium Group member, Lara Means investigate the owner of a daycare center accused of committing child abuse-only to find Frank at the center of a similar investigation. Will Frank be able to solve the baffling mystery, before more children are killed?
![A Single Blade of Grass A Single Blade of Grass](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMDBBYS9oUDF1bTg2aldwdHk3MExLcXlJT0p1bjBwaDBsc01ia0F1c1FzdC9lK1VUdnhMRDVUQlhvQ2xkYnRUSis=.jpg)
A Single Blade of Grass
When a Manhattan construction site unearths a body of a Native American man, Frank is called in because it seems he was slaughtered in an apocalyptic ancient ritual. At the site Frank learns more about the Indian culture and he begins to unearth many strange prophecies involving the resurrection of Indian men and the destruction of the white man from the west. Frank also begins to learn a little more about his visions.
![The Curse of Frank Black The Curse of Frank Black](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHNYWFU3anZBa0RSVm1mU0crTklRVEVZQlcxbjdDZW9RR2VBM0FnTm5xbytPdW5DeUNaQTRtVzJRbURLd1BXZ0Q=.jpg)
The Curse of Frank Black
On Halloween night, Frank is haunted by the ghosts of memories that have long passed. They spring from his childhood to the death of Bletcher, Frank is left to wonder if someone — or something — is trying to send him a message.
![19:19 19:19](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEpNS0ovTFFVRmlpZmUyQjhjNW4wTEl4aE9CaElyUy9xN0xiaS9PUkRwcXhFZ0FrZVZ3L3lISEkvZ290K3FacHI=.jpg)
Frank and Peter help in the search for a bus load of school children. When they mysteriously vanish, they soon work out that the children have been kidnapped by a man who believes that World War III has just begun.
![The Hand of Saint Sebastian The Hand of Saint Sebastian](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMDBscVNMcUt0REYwWWxiVDM0TzBvNkZxNVBNbzVHYnVsRnBEMHRHWmo5OVhOdWRsWmxJaVVRYU9tNG05d3JQdE8=.jpg)
The Hand of Saint Sebastian
Peter wants to find out more about the origins of the Millennium Group and together he and Frank travel to Germany. Together they set out on a dangerous mission to track down 'The Hand of Saint Sebastian', an ancient relic that promises to save the world from millennial disaster...
![Jose Chung's Doomsday Defense Jose Chung's Doomsday Defense](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHRwRW5hN2xMVFhXUTQ5N1RHcUtBWlJLYlY4RS9LWS9qZ2F0UDdnYnl4VkxyTytRYjNlVkRJMUFxTEYxLzFaRm8=.jpg)
Jose Chung's Doomsday Defense
Frank helps a famous writer when his new book ''Doomsday Defence'' upsets the followers of a cult. As Frank tries to track down the members who have killed the person responsible for giving Jose his information, he also has to find a killer to wants to kill the three antichrists.
![Midnight of the Century Midnight of the Century](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMDdPTTdhSnl3ZmxRYy8yaHd6M1N4T1krUlZiVitCZit0TEVRWDVXcHZLeUNqNHl1ZG1WbUF0T1BYTFZGbEdTazA=.jpg)
Midnight of the Century
On Christmas Eve, Frank's past returns to haunt him when it becomes apparent that Jordan may be in communication with his dead mother. So Frank tries his best to improve his relationship with his father who he has not spoken to for many years when he begins to have visions of his childhood.
![Goodbye Charlie Goodbye Charlie](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEdwaHVvZXhObndscnBNR1pxR0pzYUlXR3ljM05GclpvcUw0bFg2TVJ1M1BTUHhzSnpDeWhjWllsVS9oS1h6WTE=.jpg)
Goodbye Charlie
Frank and Lara investigate to try and stop a ''killer'' that seems to enjoy helping terminally ill patients commit suicide. The killer is unlike anyone Frank has ever had to face in all his years as a profiler. But what it really comes down to is the motivation of the murders mercy... or murder?
![Luminary Luminary](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHYrL1hiZEFvSGQvSUlnMWdPU3pXOGIrUHBNZkg0NHVOcE1lZEwxYjN3ZEJNMnR3WWlsd1E0TmVJNllCUy9TdjY=.jpg)
Frank is closer than ever toward initiation into the Millennium Group but he puts his membership at risk when he sets out to Alaska alone to search for a missing boy. But the Group warn him that they want no part of his rescue attempt so Frank must go alone...
![The Mikado The Mikado](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHdvR1l0TGoxM0dZK0lGNkk4dGZvdUFXUFNKbXVvOFRoQ2V4a1UzS2FoU3VaeFJtL2RWamU0U2tXdXplOWlNdHQ=.jpg)
The Mikado
After three teenagers accidentally witness a real-life murder on the internet, so begins the hunt for the killer to stop his crimes. Roedecker helps Frank and Peter mount a national search for the felon, that may be the infamous Avatar killer from the 1980's. One who Frank knows well from his work in trying to catch the killer in the 1980's.
![The Pest House The Pest House](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFhjYVhPelpaSlFhdmJJVThrTnNUWFhrSEJEMWJPb1g0WFYxeE91VVlTWXdEOVFuU2duZXdjRmdSdU5RdGlwUk8=.jpg)
The Pest House
When a murder, half-based on an urban legend, comes to the attention of the Millennium Group. Peter and Frank travel to the local psychiatric hospital to interview the inmates, but according to Dr. Stoller, the patients would have been unable to commit the murders. The murders continue, each one different to the last, but all matching various patients' modus operandi...
![Owls Owls](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGZrSDM1akU0NWsva3pmbDBGTUZzWHAwbFZZdDRIeTB6WHk4TXVLdm9BRloxT3lteXd3RXlxd2hxTjdlclNzeks=.jpg)
Members of the Millennium Group discover a piece of the crucifixion cross in the Middle East and attempt to transport it back to safety. However, it appears the Group is not totally unified and is actually made up of two factions, the Owls and the Roosters, both believing in a different form of millennial change. Before long Frank and Lara become embroiled when the Owls begin hacking into their computer systems causing problems...
![Roosters Roosters](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEZWUGc2QkRnSnBrRzlGZ0NUa1U2Tmg4bHptelpMMit5cUhONFU4aUdLMVR1TnZGOG1Pd0l4WFd1VTBNWEtXbGI=.jpg)
Frank continues to search for the answers he seeks as the Millennium Group interests deepens. However Catherine also begins to understand more of Frank's work as the true reason for her recent employment comes to light. Lara's visions also become more intense and she meets a surprising visitor.
![Siren Siren](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEpUdk5RQ1hQSFdCejM4TDFsSEgwbkRrbWhydTljTzdWaTZvOThicElNYXVWbzd0blIwY2FtQkZyNTdCWTl3YVY=.jpg)
A cargo ship carrying illegal Chinese immigrants is raided by I.N.S. On board they find a mysterious woman chained inside some quarters. Later, Jordan sees the woman in hospital and seems adamant that Catherine should help her... because she will save Frank's life. But the women is now the prime suspect in a number of deaths aboard a ship.
![In Arcadia Ego In Arcadia Ego](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMExZSHYrMDlYcTFJRnNENzdMeDdPQ3dXRFRpdGo2alpIMitrV0dsVVJTWnJjbXk2azhQSURHeGk4Z3hTcURWVFY=.jpg)
In Arcadia Ego
Frank and Peter attempt to track down two women who escaped from prison and try to help them when they learn that one of them is pregnant. However as Frank tries to work out who the Father could be the convicts believe they are witnessing the virgin birth.
![Anamnesis Anamnesis](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMDVFYVUrcnZYRUdNUU9yeVBKaUJKWkpGU3l1bnhjdVp5WmdiZWZFZnJqelhMajRKVU1BZThUZnZURzhVSW5oWkM=.jpg)
Catherine a Lara team up to investigate when five girls claim they saw a vision of the Virgin Mary. Catherine also begins to gain a deeper understanding of Frank's work with the Millennium Group.
![A Room with No View A Room with No View](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkME93dmRmUTlNU1FXMkszdW5oeEQrb3MvVzZqVmVaR3dEOUp2WDJnZ1BzNkpCVFFkVGRkT3hWcVVvLzdUVWo3OWc=.jpg)
A Room with No View
When Frank and Peter help track down Landon Brice, an ordinary teenager who recently went missing, they believe that the boy was abducted. But the investigation brings Frank to believe that Lucy Butler (the prime suspect in the murder of his friend Bob Bletcher) is behind an entire series of abductions so he sets out on a mission to avenge Bob's death.
![Somehow, Satan Got Behind Me Somehow, Satan Got Behind Me](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHJXdWNaR3RQMWtUV0JFYTg4bnBmQi9SR3JYUk04SjA4YW1PNU5QbUkxTlF2VGdPQi9vWG9IL0dBUlI5QTFUbXc=.jpg)
Somehow, Satan Got Behind Me
Four devils gather at a doughnut shop and swap stories about their dealings with mankind. But one thing all the devils have in common is that at some point in their lives they have run into Frank Black who somehow has the ability to see the devils' true forms.
![The Fourth Horseman The Fourth Horseman](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHc4VUhqNXlHRmFFeW9XMzNPc0NDTnNFa29rcWVCeVFXdGYxRDZ0S2pMOGp5YzcyS3YxdXhlemRhZElXSnNYaHo=.jpg)
The Fourth Horseman
Frank and Peter are quarantined after they come in contact with an unknown pathogen which has caused several people to die. Meanwhile Jordan experiences a terrifying nightmare and Lara Means disappears under mysterious circumstances.
![The Time is Now The Time is Now](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHVuZTJiWEF3VHdOYVhrK1pkNTJPOHVSRm9DcWpways4S2pIL0dUdkJsUVdSSUxrSTQzdVZQZVk0MGNweWtBYXE=.jpg)
The Time is Now
Frank continues his study of a bizarre, but extremely fatal disease as it continues to spread throughout the world. Frank also learns that he has been vaccinated for the disease and he undertakes an investigation into the Millennium Group that may cost him his life. But he finds that his wife and child, however, have not been vaccinated for the disease and that soon their life's may be at risk....
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