One Star Reviews - Season 1
![One Star Reviews - Season 1 One Star Reviews - Season 1](/imgp/MW9PcXR6eHUzVWVyUnJFUzBVNW1LK0xBQmFzRFVLTE1BU2dhZHdkUEZyVVV2ZE8wbVpqR21IaFRiVGJuSHZKdFpaVGhMM3dsMVNEdERIcXpPbk9BSFE9PQ==.jpg)
Season 1
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I Learned to Fight with One of the Worst-Rated MMA Trainers on Yelp
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I Got a Haircut from One of Yelp's Worst-Rated Barber Shops
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I Got Work Done at One of Yelp's Worst-Rated Plastic Surgeons
![My First Spray Tan at One of Yelp's Worst Rated Tanning Salons My First Spray Tan at One of Yelp's Worst Rated Tanning Salons](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMDRmSWVON0VEK2x4c2liZnBxMXdkNXhFYjd6ZlVqV2pVOXJDWk1NOTN5ekliZ1F6eEZFWkFTRGlDYllVeFRJZE8=.jpg)
My First Spray Tan at One of Yelp's Worst Rated Tanning Salons
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I Learned Tango from One of Yelp's Worst Rated Dance Instructors
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Eating at the Worst-Rated Buffet I Could Find on Yelp
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Abandoned by the Captain of Yelp's Worst-Rated Fishing Voyage
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Getting My Bowels Flushed at Yelp's Worst-Rated Colonic Center
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Taking Amazon's Worst-Rated Boat Out to Sea
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Teacher Abandoned Me During Yelp's Worst-Rated Driving Lesson
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Yelp's Worst Rated Strip Club
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Channeling the Dead with Yelp's Worst-Rated Psychic
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Risking My Life at the Worst-Rated Flying School
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My Balls Got Lasered at a Worst-Rated Clinic
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Getting Buff with Yelp's Worst Rated Trainer
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Yellowjackets follows a girls' high school soccer team. In 1975, the Dearborn High Yellowjackets became the first team in state history to qualify for the Girls' U.S. Soccer Championship Series in Manchester, NH. They never got the chance to compete. Equal parts survival epic, horror story and pitch black coming of age, Yellowjackets tells the story of the (un)lucky survivors of a plane crash deep in the Ontario wilderness, chronicling their descent from a friendly, cooperative team to warring, cannibalistic clans. At the same time, it follows the lives they've attempted to piece back together nearly twenty-five years later, proving that the past is never really past and what began out in the wilderness is far from over.
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Harley Quinn
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