Pokémon - Season 21

Season 21
Sun & Moon: Ultra Adventures
Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon—Ultra Adventures is the twenty-first season of the dubbed version of the Pokémon anime. It is the second season of Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon. The season follows Ash and his classmates as he continues his journey, attending the Pokémon School in the Alola region.


A Dream Encounter!
One night, Ash has a dream and the next day, Ash finds the Pokemon he encountered in his dream and is determined to keep his promise.

Now You See Them, Now You Don't!
Looking after Nebby, Ash and his classmates realize that Nebby can teleport them to places, causing Ash and Pikachu to get lost.

Deceiving Appearances!
Ash and his classmates visit Aether Paradise run by Lillie's mother Lusamine. Whilst there, a Ditto escapes and the gang have to find it among the other Pokémon.

A Masked Warning!
Whilst giving his Pokémon a bath, Ash thinks about Gladion which results in Nebby teleporting him, Pikachu and Lycanroc to his location.

Night of a Thousand Poses!
Ash's classmates attend a sleepover at Kukui's house where they are joined by Professor Burnet where Lillie starts thinking about her mother.

Mission: Total Recall!
Having seen Gladion and Type: Null again, memories are starting to return to Lillie and have caused a relapse of her fear of touching Pokémon, being unable to touch Snowy. Lillie decides to travel around Alola with Ash & Nebby to revisit areas in order to get all her memories back. Eventually, they arrive at the Aether Paradise where Faba is plotting to abduct her to prevent her from remembering what happened to her as a child. Will she remember?

Faba's Revenge!
With her memories awakened, Lillie has overcome her fears of touching Pokémon, so is enjoying hugging & playing with the various Pokémon at the Pokémon School. However, since her memories revealed Faba to have been at fault, Faba is now reacting and is plotting to kidnap Nebby and use it to open Ultra Wormholes to summon the Ultra Beasts. Will he be successful?

Family Determination!
With Lusamine having been taken into Ultra Space by Nihilego, Nebby having evolved into Cosmoem and unable to move, and Lillie encountering her childhood fears, Lillie & Gladion decide to head to Poni Island in order to find a way to get through to Ultra Space to save their mother. Meanwhile, Ash consults with Hala after learning that Lillie has run away. Will he be able to help?

Revealing the Stuff of Legend!
Ash & co. have come to the Altar of the Sunne in the hope of summoning Solgaleo to go to Ultra Space to rescue Lusamine. However, when they reach the altar, they find Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu and Tapu Fini who seem to intend to help. After doing a ceremony, Nebby starts to glow once more and evolves into Solgaleo. Will it be able to help out?

Rescuing the Unwilling!
Ash & co. have gone to Ultra Space on Solgaleo in order to find Lusamine, however to their surprise they find Lusamine has been enveloped by Nihilego and have to face off against her and the other Ultra Beasts, but with Lusamine's Pokémon strengthened by the Ultra Energy, they face a tougher battle than they had initially thought.

10,000,000 Reasons to Fight!
Ash has caught up to Lusamine with Solgaleo, but things are looking tense for his friends who are suffering at the hands of the Ultra Energy powered Pokémon owned by Lusamine. To top it off, with Lusamine having been fused with Nihilego, it's hard for Ash to rescue her as she attacks him. Lillie feels powerless to help her mother, but Ash soon discovers the ability to use a new move with Pikachu. Will they rescue Lusamine?

The Professors' New Adventure!
Ash & co. have returned to Alola from Ultra Space, having rescued Lusamine from the grasp of Nihilego. However, soon after, Solgaleo disappears and, when doing so, Kukui approaches Ash saying he has something important to tell him. Will Ash be able to find Solgaleo and what is Professor Kukui going to tell Ash?

Let Sleeping Pokémon Lie!
Ash & co. have started to take great interest in Samson Oak's Komala. Learning that it's always asleep and that it can even eat and battle while asleep, the gang are curious over how it and Samson Oak met. However, before too long, Jigglypuff soon arrives in the school and battles with Komala. Will Komala be able to defeat Jigglypuff?

The Dex Can't Help It!
Rotom Dex is one of Ash's companions and is a Rotom in a Pokédex. After being hit by Pikachu's electricity, it is pushed out of the Pokédex and goes into Kukui's Washing Machine. It tries to go back to being in the Pokédex, but keeps failing and changes to all the different forms. Will Rotom be able to return to the Pokédex?

Fighting Back the Tears!
After a shopping trip, James' Mareanie encounters a Mareanie it used to have unrequieted love for. The other Mareanie proclaims its love for James' Mareanie, but James' Mareanie dismisses it as it likes James now. Due to this, James and the other Mareanie battle. Will James be able to keep Mareanie?

Tasting the Bitter with the Sweet!
Lana's sisters return from the forest, with a tale that they were saved by a large mysterious Pokémon. This brings memories back to Lana and Mallow of a time they were stuck in the forest and the Pokémon helped them. Thinking it was the same Pokémon, they go to the forest to thank it. Will they be able to find it?

Getting a Jump on the Competition!
Ash & Co. have gone to Mount Lanakila on Ula'ula Island. When there, they learn about PokéSled Jump, a sport where trainers and Pokémon ride on sleds together to go down the mountain. Everyone decides to enter the tournament, including Team Rocket and Hala. Who will win the competition?

A Mission of Ultra Urgency!
As if from nowhere, an Ultra Wormhole opened and Ultra Beasts have started to pour through. Ash & co. are tasked by Lusamine to capture the Ultra Beasts and return them to their home world. Ash & Co. set off on their quest but it is harder than they thought it'd be. Will they manage to calm the Ultra Beasts?

Acting True to Form!
After his ice cream gets eaten by Jessie, Meowth storms off in tears and meets an Alolan Meowth. Jessie & James start to think that Alolan Meowth would be a better fit for their group, and start hatching plans to get Pikachu with it. However, Meowth refuses to give up his position in Team Rocket so plans to get Alolan Meowth out of the group, but it seems the Alolan Meowth has plans of its own...

Pushing the Fiery Envelope!
Ash & Co. have seen a Battle Royal on TV and gets excited when he hears that if you go to the venue, you have a chance to battle the legendary Battle Royal Master, the Masked Royal. In the first match, Ash loses when the Masked Royal's Incineroar defeats his Litten, so Ash gets determined and insists he'd win a rematch. How does the rematch go?

Satoshi and Nagetukesaru! Touchdown of Friendship!!
While out shopping, Ash encounters a group of Passimian. He learns that there has been a fight between the Passimian of Melemele Island and Akala Island over who will be the leader, and the Melemele Passimian lost. Ash wants to help the Passimian who lost, but when it doesn't work, he decides he must join them as a Passimian to help out. Will Ash be able to help them win?

Turning Heads and Training Hard!
A former graduate of the Pokémon School, a well known trainer called Ilima, has returned to the School. Many legends are said of this mysterious trainer and Ash & co. decide to spend some time with him to see if the legends about him are true. However, before too long Team Skull show up to cause mischief. Will the group and Ilima be able to stop them?

Smashing with Sketch!
As part of their Pokémon School campaign, Ash & co. play Poké-Ping Pong, a game of Ping Pong with your Pokémon, taught by Ilima. While playing, they learn Ilima is a skilled player and is set to enter a tournament soon. Ash & Co. decide to go watch the tournament, but they soon learn that a player that defeated Ilima in a prior tournament will also be taking part. Will Ilima be able to win?

Love at First Twirl!
The mysterious Ultra Beast, Poipole, appears once again, seemingly attracted to Pikachu's electricty. At one point during the school day, while Ash is distrated, Poipole appears and takes Pikachu somewhere. What does Poipole want with Pikachu? When Team Rocket soon appear, trouble may be abound for both the Pokémon. Will they be able to protect themselves?

Real Life... Inquire Within!
It's time for a special work experience project at the Pokémon Center. However, when Nurse Joy falls ill, Ash & Co. decide to look after the Pokémon Center in her absence by taking care of Pokémon, delivering medicine and various other tasks. However, things are tougher than they thought, especially when Team Skull show up with their injured Pokémon. Can Ash & Co. heal them?

Rise and Shine, Starship!
Sophocles has found a massive piece of bamboo buried in the ground, but while unburying it, he finds a face which starts laughing. Thinking it's a character from a story he heard as a child, he requests everyone's help to dig it out. However, Team Rocket also have their eyes set on it. What is this Pokémon? Will Ash & Co. be able to protect it?

The Young Flame Strikes Back!
A strange man has appeared at Kiawe's family's farm stating he wants to buy it so he can build a new resort on the island. When they decline, the man starts harassing the family to try and take the farm against their will. Kiawe is angered and challenges the man to a battl but when he loses after Marowak fails with its Z-Move, things get rough. Will Kiawe be able to protect the farm?

Dewpider Ascending!
It's a time when the Pokémon, Dewpider, migrate to find a new place to live. However, for one, it's completely unable to find a new home. However, it soon crosses paths with Lana and falls in love with her, deciding to follow her to the Pokémon School. Will it be able to find a new home?

Sours for the Sweet!
Mallow's older brother has returned home from a long journey. He is enthusiastic about taking part in the local Alola Bread Festival, held only once a year. Ash & co. decide to help him prepare for the festival, but when the day of the festival hits, catastrophe strikes. Will they be able to participate in the festival?

Why Not Give Me a Z-Ring Sometime?
As they got a Darkinium Z a while back, when James' Mareanie learns the move Knock Off, they realise they need a Z-Ring in order to activate the Z-Moves. Giovanni informs them they may be able to get one from the Kahuna of Ula'ula Island, Nanu, so they head straight to the island. However, when they get there, they learn Nanu has gone on a journey to improve his skills and there's no sign of when he'll be back. Will they get a Z-Ring?

Tough Guy Trials!
Wanting to continue his Island Trial Challenge, Ash has come to Ula'ula Island in order to face the Kahuna, Nanu. However, Nanu has avoided him so Acerola helps Ash track Nanu down, but Nanu refuses his challenge. Acerola decides to convince Nanu to let Ash battle him to show he's ready. Will Ash be able to prove his worth?

Some Kind of Laziness!
Following his defeat against Nanu, Acerola has taken Ash to the Ruins of Abundance to receive training from the Guardian Deity, Tapu Bulu. With the travelling having many obstacles, when Ash finally gets to Tapu Bulu, it doesn't seem to care. Will Ash be able to convince it to help him train?

A Battle Hand-Off!
Before taking his rematch against Nanu, Ash has to partake in the trial. However, the trial ends up being against Team Rocket. Once again after Pikachu, Team Rocket finally show their true power when they unleash Mimikyu's special Z-Move, Let's Snuggle Forever. With the Z-Move doing major damage, the battle between Pikachu and Mimikyu is fierce. Who will win?

Guiding an Awakening!
It's time for Ash's rematch with Nanu to complete the Ula'ula Grand Trial. The challenge of this Grand Trial? Defeat all 3 of Nanu's Pokémon using only his Lycanroc. However, as the battle progresses, Lycanroc starts to get angry and stressed due to Nanu's Dark-type Pokémon. Will Ash be able to calm it and defeat Nanu?

Twirling with a Bang!
Another Ultra Beast, Blacephalon, has appeared in Alola and so the group set off to calm it. However, soon afterwards, another Ultra Beast, Xurkitree also appears. The two Ultra Beasts start battling with their explosive attacks. How will Ash & co. be able to calm these Ultra Beasts and get them home?

Showering the World with Love!
Heading to Hokulani Observatory, Ash & Co. are on assignment to observe the Pokémon Minior. While there, they befriend one of the Pokémon and learn Sophocles once befriended one but can't really remember it. However, it seems this Minior has a secret...

Not Caving Under Pressure!
Heading back from Mt. Hokulani, Ash & co. decide to take a shortcut through a cave. However, the group gets separated from eachother causing Lillie, Mallow and Sophocles to meet a group of Alolan Sandshrew. They learn that the Sandshrew are trying to protect their cave from a Tyranitar. Lillie decides to challenge the Tyranitar on behalf of Sandshrew. Will she be able to win?

A Young Royal Flame Ignites!
Once again, Ash & Co. go to the Battle Royal Dome to see another Battle Royal. However, in the match, the Masked Royal seems to be in trouble when his Incineroar is in trouble due to dirty attacks. Ash's Torracat can't stand watching it and rushes into the ring. This causes Ash to join the Battle Royal as "Royal Ash". Can they get victory?

All They Want to Do is Dance Dance!
At the Pokémon school it was decided that the group will hold a PokéDance presentation where the Pokémon will participate in dances created by their trainers. All the trainers get in depth in making a dance that fits their Pokémon but when the day finally comes, Team Rocket appears and attacks, capturing all the Pokémon. Will Ash & Co. be able to get them back?

Dummy, You Shrunk the Kids!
Aether Foundation member Faba has returned to the Pokémon School. He has come to show off a machine that will shrink anything, no matter how big. However, the machine malfunctions and Ash, Lillie & Sophocles get shrunk down and due to trouble, get stuck outside. Will Ash & Co. get back to the school and get back to full size?

The Shape of Love to Come!
Ash & co. meet Mina, a trainer who paints pictures. Together with her Ribombee, she's able to tell how Pokémon truly feel. On learning that Ash's Poipole likes to paint pictures, she takes a look and can sense great happiness but also sadness from the pictures. How does Poipole truly feel?

The Long Vault Home!
While at the Pokémon School with various athletic equipment, a Stakataka appears. The group immediately try to stop its rampage, but their Beast Balls won't hit it. As it's not moving, the group decide to leave it and regroup for the next day, but when they return it has started to move towards the city. Will Ash & Co. be able to stop it?

I Choose Paradise!
As they have been constantly having to assemble to take on the Ultra Beasts that appear in Alola, Ash & Co. are taken to a Pokémon Steam Paradise resort, where they also take their Ride Pokémon in order to get some rest. However, while relaxing, Team Rocket soon appear and kidnap various Pokémon. Will Ash & Co. be able to stop them?

Filling the Light with Darkness!
The adults in Alola have started to act all lethargic and sleepy. To investigate this mystery, the Ultra Guardians head to the Altar of the Sunne to investigate, joined by Gladion. However, soon after they arrive an Ultra Wormhole opens up and Lunala exits, closely followed by the mysterious Ultra Beast, Necrozma. What does Necrozma want?

Full Moon and Many Arms!
Lunala and Necrozma have appeared at the Altar of the Sunne and start battling. Ash & co. start to try to battle Necrozma to help Lunala but their attacks have no effect. However, to make things worse, a group from Team Rocket have also appeared and are trying to catch both Lunala and Necrozma. When all seems to be useless, Nebby returns from the Ultra Wormhole. What will happen? Will they be able to stop Necrozma and Team Rocket?

The Prism Between Light and Darkness!
With Lunala recovered, Ash & Co. join it through the Ultra Wormhole in hunt of Necrozma who has taken over Solgaleo. When through the wormhole, they find themselves on Poipole's homeworld but things on this world are not alright. In addition to this, the special unit from Team Rocket is also going through the wormhole with their eyes set on Necrozma. Can they also be stopped?

Securing the Future!
With the strength of all of their Z-Moves combined, Ash, Lana, Kiawe & Gladion do their best to rescue Nebby and help Necrozma. However, back in Alola, Team Rocket are still trying to get into the wormhole to get Necrozma. Will Ash & Co. be able to help Necrozma return to being what is known in legend as The Blinding One and will they be able to save Poipole's world and Alola?

A Plethora of Pikachu!
Ash & Kiawe have gone to the Pikachu Valley where many Pikachu live. When there, they meet a trainer who loves Pikachu. As the Pikachu come in many varieties in the valley, Ash's Pikachu is somewhat amused, but when Team Rocket show up, their Mimikyu starts going wild, and when its Z-Move is used, things get bad. Will Ash & Co. be able to protect the valley?

Turning the Other Mask!
Ash & Professor Burnet have learned that the Masked Royal is going to hold a meet & greet on Melemele Island, they are eager to go and invite Professor Kukui with them. However, as Professor Kukui is the Masked Royal, he can't do that so he has to make a plan to get out of it, and when one of his rivals appears, things start to get messy. Will Kukui's plan succeed?
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