Pokémon - Season 4

Season 4
Johto League Champions


A Goldenrod Opportunity
Our heroes have finally reached the next stop on the road to Johto: Goldenrod City! Looking to challenge the city's Gym Leader, Ash finds out the gym is closed for the day. Knowing they must wait until tomorrow, the gang decides to shop around and enjoy the city when they run into a local trainer, Whitney. After a close-encounter with Team Rocket, our heroes find out Whitney is actually the Goldenrod City Gym Leader! Whitney says that even though it is her day off she will battle him, but will ash be able to beat her and win his third Johto Badge?

A Dairy Tale Ending
Whitney takes our heroes to her uncle's Miltank farm in the outskirts of Goldenrod City. Here they sample the finest in Miltank dairy products and learn how to groom and care for these Pokemon. Ash realizes this is a great opportunity to study Miltank first hand and hopes it will help him against Whitney's Miltank in their next battle. After learning about Miltank and coming out victorious in a battle against Team Rocket, Ash thinks he has found out the perfect way to combat Miltank and challenges Whitney to a rematch.

Air Time
Following his victory against Whitney, Ash and the others sit down to have breakfast at the Goldenrod City Pokemon Center. Suddenly a man introduces himself as the producer of Poketalk Radio, and invites Ash to an interview at their radio show. However, when Team Rocket disguise themselves as famous performers, things might not go exactly as planned.

The Bug Stops Here
Ash and friends arrive at the National Park where the Bug Catching Contest is about to start. They reunite with Casey who is also competing. As the contest starts, Ash and Casey decide to see who can get the best pokemon. Meanwhile, when Team Rocket is denied entry into the competition, they steal the costume of one of the employees and sneak into the park. When their plan fails, they resort to their old ways and prepare a trap to catch Pikachu.

Type Casting
Ash and friends come across a river where the bridge across it has been washed out due to a recent storm. They see a man in a boat nearby and ask him for a ride. He says he will give them a ride if they can find the pokemon Sudowoodo. They begin their search and come across Marie and Pierre, two scientists who are also after Sudowoodo, trying to figure out what type it is. Realizing they must be related to the guy with the boat, they join them on their quest to find Sudowoodo. However, Team Rocket are also hot on their trail planning to find Sudowoodo first.

Fossil Fools
Ash, Misty and Brock have reached the famous Ruins of Alph. Summoned there by a note from Professor Oak they join him and an old student of his, Foster in a facility for studying Pokemon fossils. Foster has made an amazing discovery, live pre-historic water-type Pokemon thought to be extinct for thousands of years! However, their habitat is being threaten by an unknown force, and Ash and friends go to find out what it is.

Carrying On
On the way to Ecruteak City, Ash and friends see a flying Pidgey being attacked by a huge Fearow and decide to intervene. They bring the Pidgey to the next town and luckily find its home, and discover it is a member of the "Carrier-Pidgey Express", a business run by a boy named Malachi and his grandfather. They deliver letters to the nearby islands. Ash and friends join Malachi as he goes to make his rounds for the day, but Team Rocket appears and wants to capture all of the Pidgey.

Hassle in the Castle
In order to escape the rain, Ash and friends go inside a nearby castle. They venture into the castle and they discover it is actually a clinic where the doctors use pokemon to heal the patients. Team Rocket sneaks into the castle and steals some of the food. When they are discovered, they dash towards another room. Dr. Anna tells them not to go in there, so she and Brock follow them, but then the entrance to the dungeon becomes blocked. While Ash, Misty, and Anna's assistant go to find the entrance to the dungeon in the forest, Brock and Anna must survive the booby trapped maze in order to get out of the dungeon in one piece.

Two Hits and a Miss
On the way to Ecruteak City, Ash saves an old man from getting trampled by a rampaging Tauros. Seeing promise in Ash, he invites everyone to his Dojo. Before he can do anything, a trainer named Shiro appears and wants to battle Kenzo for leadership of the Dojo. Due to his bad back, his granddaughter Chigusa steps in, much to his annoyance. However, Team Rocket crashes the battle, and even though they defeat them, they must call off the battle for one day. Kenzo however does not believe Chigusa has the talent to battle Shiro or eventually take on the Dojo. Instead, he wants Ash to do it. Ash does not want to, so he Misty, and Brock decide to help Chigusa train with her Hitmontop and prove that she can defeat Shiro the next day. When it comes time for battle, will she be able to defend the Dojo?

A Hot Water Battle
Ash and friends stop at a Hot Spring to relax for the day. While playing a game, Chikorita, Cyndaquil and Totodile become angry with each other. When the ball they are playing with rolls away, the three of them give chase, but eventually become lost inside of a cave with Meowth. Now they must work together if they are to get back to their trainer. Meanwhile, Jessie and James are beginning to think of a new scheme to capture the starter pokemon.

Hook, Line and Stinker
Ash and friends arrive at a lake where a competition called the Seaking Catching Competition is going to be held. The goal is to catch the biggest Seaking, and the winner gets the grand prize of a trophy and a year's supply of chocolate. Ash, Misty, and Brock decide to enter, and the competition becomes super important to Misty when a trainer with a Poliwrath insults her and her Poliwhirl and says she has no chance against him. She sets out to prove that she can beat him.

Beauty and the Breeder
On the way to Ecruteak City, Ash and friends stop in a town where Suzy, Brock's Vulpix's original owner, is planning on meeting them. They meet up with Suzy and go to have lunch with her. She says that she will be entering a beauty contest and she wants to use Vulpix, and she wants Brock to enter with her. However, he has a little competition from Suzy's close friend Zane. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is planning on crashing the ceremony and stealing all of the pokemon.

A Better Pill to Swallow
Ash and friends encounter a man named Old Man Shuckle who uses Shuckle to produce medicine. There is an especially rare one that has a purple shell that has a special juice that it produces. Team Rocket steal the Shuckle and drink the juice which makes all of the pokemon in the area fall in love with them. Ash and friends set out to find them and get the Shuckle back.

Power Play!
Ash and friends run into Gary and his newly evolved Umbreon in a forest clearing. Ash challenges Gary to a battle, but all of his pokemon are not paying attention and Gary walks off. Meanwhile, Team Rocket take over a Power Plant and cause a blackout, and Ash must team up with Gary in order to restore the power to the nearby town.

Mountain Time
Ash's and friends are traveling through a windy mountain past and meet a mountain patroller named Benji and his dad. Team Rocket show up and steal Pikachu and Togepi, but the winds botch their escape attempt and they wind up on an unstable rock that could fall into the ravine below any second. Ash and friends must team up with Benji and his dad if they are to get their pokemon back.

Breaking for lunch at a spot in the forest, our heroes notice a nearby Wobbuffet and begin to look around for it's teammates, Team Rocket! Although there's no sign of Team Rocket, everywhere they look there are more Wobbuffet popping up. They follow them to a Wobbuffet Village and find out the village is about to have their annual Wobbuffet fair. During the festival a group of punk crash the festival, and due to festival rules, no one can battle inside the village during the festival. They must now find a way to stop the punks, and the solution maybe something they had never suspected.

Imitation Confrontation
Ash and friends arrive at a Pokemon Center and Nurse Joy is nowhere to be found. All of a sudden she comes from around the corner with Chansey, but Brock says this is not Nurse Joy. He is right, as Duplica takes off the costume and reveals herself and Chansey goes back to being Ditto. Nurse Joy is currently doing a check up on Duplica's new Ditto, nicknamed "Mini-Dit". Unlike what happened with her first Ditto, Mini-Dit can transform perfectly, but it remains the same size as a Ditto. Knowing this, Team Rocket hatch a plan to steal Mini-Dit ans use it for their evil purposes.

The Trouble with Snubbull
Madame Muchmoney's Snubbull has once again caught up with Team Rocket. Meanwhile Ash and friends run into Madame Muchmoney who is desperately searching for Snubbull. Things take an unexpected turn when Snubbull evolves into a Granbull. With a new powerful pokemon that loves Meowth, Team Rocket decide to use Granbull to capture Pikachu, and to demand a giant ransom from Madame Muchmoney.

Ariados Amigos!
Ash, Pikachu, and Brock take a break by the lake while Misty heads deeper into the forest with Togepi. As Misty picks some flowers, Togepi wanders over to a very strange looking bush. It appears to have legs...spider legs! Summoned by Misty's shrieks, Ash and Brock discover an Ariados in the bush. Just then, Aya, Fuchsia City Gym Leader Koga's younger sister, appears before everyone. She is happy to see them again and tells them that she is studying Pokemon Jujitsu at a nearby Dojo. She invites them to the Dojo where they all decide to take part in the different classes. However, Team Rocket is once again planning to strike and steal as many Pokemon as the can.

Wings 'N Things
Continuing the journey to Ecruteak City, Ash and friends arrive in a town where a happy little Yanma is constantly going around and accidentally breaking every window in town with its Sonicboom attack. Yanma's trainer, Zachary, loves his Yanma and wishes that his Yanma would stop. However, Zachary's father tells him that he needs to release Yanma back into the wild. Zachary is confused on what to do, and Ash and friends are there to help him decide what to do.

The Grass Route
On the way to Ecruteak, Ash and friends are caught by the sight of a Skiploom racing by. They follow it, and encounter its trainer, Ephram. He and his Skiploom are training for the upcoming annual Grass-Type tournament, a contest for Grass Pokemon only. Confident he can win any "local" tournament, Ash decides he and Bulbasaur will enter as well. Ephram and his Skiploom train hard as the tournament quickly approaches. However, Ash doesn't think it is necessary for someone of his Pokemon prowess to prepare. The next day the tournament starts, and with two mystery trainers in the competition, who will emerge victorious?

The Apple Corp!
Catching a sweet scent on the breeze, Ash and Pikachu follow their noses to a nearby apple orchard. As Misty and Brock follow, they warn him not to eat the apples that don't belong to them. No sooner is this said than Pikachu is caught red-handed with couple of cores! Once Ash proves Pikachu's innocence to the orchard owner, Ash, Misty, and Brock agree to help Charmaine find the real thieves.

Houndoom's Special Delivery
Continuing on the way to Ecruteak City, Ash and friends are peacefully walking when Team Rocket attacks. When Weezing uses Smokescreen, Togepi uses Metronome which causes it to teleport away. Misty becomes frantic trying to find her young pokemon. Together with Ash and Brock she begins a long desperate search for the young pokemon. Meanwhile, a Houndoom finds Togepi who is crying, afraid to be alone. Houndoom grabs the young pokemon and takes it with on its delivery journey.

A Ghost of a Chance
Arriving in Ecruteak, Ash immediately heads to the Gym to challenge it's leader for his next Johto League badge. Our heroes soon realize this isn't a normal gym....it bursts into flames as soon as they enter! Trying to douse the flames with their water Pokemon, they find out the blaze is fake. It's actually Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar instigating the illusion. Then the Gym Leader, Morty shows up and asks them what they are doing in the tower. After explaining Morty explains the history of the two towers. Ash asks for a gym battle, but when Togepi and Pikachu wander off, they must tend to Team Rocket.

From Ghost to Ghost
The time finally comes for Ash's fourth Gym Battle in the Johto League. In the Ecruteak Gym, he must face Morty and his team of powerful ghost Pokemon. But Ash has already been witness to Morty's Gengar and been stunned by the Pokemon's power. Does he have a chance against a whole team of such powerful Pokemon phantoms? As Ash thinks over battle strategies, Nurse Joy overhears and suggests he uses his Noctowl, but will that be enough to win the battle?

Trouble's Brewing
After winning his Fog Badge at the Ecruteak Gym, Ash and friends learn of a tea ceremony happening in town and decide to check it out. Inside they find out it is run by five sisters. Misty befriends the youngest sister, Sakura. Sakura wants to start a Pokemon journey and asks if she can join Ash, Misty, and Brock. They agree, but her sisters don't. Her sisters propose a challenge, they have a set of battles, and if Ash, Misty, and Brock defeat them Sakura can go. They agree and the battles begin.

All That Glitters!
When a flock of Murkrow steal Ash's badges and James' prized bottle cap collection, it becomes a race to get to the Murkrow first and reclaim their prized possessions.

The Light Fantastic
Parched from a long desert journey, our heroes are excited to see a promising sparkle in the distance. As they press toward this spectacle, a city in utter ruin unfurls before them. This desolation notwithstanding, they are able to locate an intact Pokémon Center and learn from the Joy in residence that there ruins had once been a great city, inhabited by a tribe of people who were known for the reverence they showed to Remoraid.

Hearing a rustling sound, Misty awakens to find an adorable Teddiursa that had wandered into the abandoned cabin where she, Ash, and Brock are staying for the night. She is overjoyed to gain such a cuddly companion, but beginning the following day, Misty and friends face a string of troubles. In all cases, the Teddiursa is quick to point out the culprits, blaming other Pokemon belonging to Ash, Misty and Brock. When both Teddiursa and Brock's backpack go missing, they finally figure something is strange about this Teddiursa, and must now find it and get Brock's backpack back.

Moving Pictures!
On the way to Olivine City Ash and friends run into their old shutterbug friend Todd, who is now traveling far and wide in search of the dream photo opportunity - a close up of the Legendary Pokemon Articuno. Their reunion is cut short when a chunk of solid ice comes falling out of a perfectly blue sky. Out heroes examine the object and discover that a Sunkern is frozen inside. Observing the Pokemon to still be alive, Ash and friends rush it off to be treated at the Pokemon Center. They can't find one, and instead find a lodge run by a old lady named Sophia. She knows exactly how to treat the young pokemon. She then tells Ash and friends about the Sunflora that used to inhabit the mountain. They decide to head to the mountain to see if they can find some Sunflora, but wind up being attacked by Team Rocket. After Team Rocket is defeated, they continue their journey up the mountain. But will they find any Sunflora?

Spring Fever
Continuing on their search for Articuno with Todd, Ash and friends stop for a snack break. A trio of Swinub appears and takes Misty's rice cake. They jump to pursuit and soon learn that these Pokemon belong to a father daughter team of water prospectors. The Swinub's keen sense of smell allows them to detect substances buried deep underground, and they use this to find areas for resorts to come and build hot springs. Impressed by their ability, Team Rocket decide to capture the Swinub trio.

Freeze Frame
Ash, Misty, and Brock continue exploring the Johto region. They arrive at Mt. Quena, a special location in the Johto region famous for high winds and the Purity River, a river so pure that you can drink from it and feel immediately refreshed. A man named Cullen and his assistant Domino come to the nearby lodge to study the river. Team Rocket arrive and steal Pikachu. As they try to make their escape, the winds of the mountain toss them around and they wind up on top of the mountain. There, Domino reveals that she is actually a member of Team Rocket, and sends everyone on the balloon crashing into the lake on top of the mountain. After making it back to shore, Ash and friends once again encounter Mewtwo and his clones, and are soon caught up in the struggle between Mewtwo and Giovanni. Giovanni still wants to capture and use Mewtwo for his evil purposes, while Mewtwo wants to live a peaceful life with its clones and protect Mount Quena. Ash and friends vow to help Mewtwo in its quest, but will they be able to stop Giovanni, Domino, all of Team Rocket, and all their advance machines?

The Stolen Stones!
Continuing on their journey to Olivine City, Ash, Misty and Brock find themselves walking along a canyon bottom with unstable boulders above them. All of a sudden, a gust of wind knocks the boulders loose. At the last second they are saved by a pack of Arcanine. Their trainers, Ramona and Keegan, appear and ask them if they are OK. They are delivering Fire Stones to a nearby town and offer Ash and friends a ride part of the way to Olivine City. However, Team Rocket appears and steals the Fire Stones. Now Ash and friends must help Ramona and Keegan get them back.

The Dunsparce Deception
Ash, Misty, and Brock are still journeying toward Olivine City when they come across a boy named Bucky who seems to be looking for something. He introduces himself and explains that he's looking for a Dunsparce. Recently, he and his family went away to visit his sick grandfather. When they came back, he found out that a swarm of Dunsparce came through town and all of his friends captured one, but now he doesn't have one. They decide to help the young trainer, but interference from Team Rocket could hamper that plan.

The Wayward Wobbuffet
Knowing our heroes are still en-route to Olivine, Team Rocket lie in wait. Dressed as scientists, they explain they've just repaired the amazing "PokePod." To test it out, Pikachu is placed in the pod and locked in tight. When Team Rocket reveals their true identity and runs, Ash and Co. are chase in hot pursuit. When they catch up to Team Rocket, there isn't a PokePod or Pikachu in site! Realizing Wobbuffet was hiding for the hand off, Ash chases after it. In Wobbuffet's quick retreat, it trips dropping the Pikachu containing PokePod and falls into the rapids of a nearby river. Since the only way to release Pikachu from the PokePod is the key around Wobbuffet's neck, Ash, Misty, Brock and Team Rocket begin an all out race to find Wobbuffet first.

Sick Daze
When Brock falls ill, Ash and Misty must do all of the chores that he normally does. This includes cleaning up after themselves, cooking, getting firewood, and taking of Brock. To make matters worse, Team Rocket is planning on ambushing them to take all of their pokemon.

The Ring Masters
Ash and friends are passing through a town where a Sumo Competition is about to be held. Ash, competitive as always, decides to enter the contest with his Snorlax. But will he be able to win without any training in sumo wrestling?

The Poke Spokesman
On the long trek to Olivine City, our heroes notice Pikachu looks a bit worn out. All of a sudden a man named Simon appears and starts talking to Pikachu in pokemon language! He takes them to his rest stop to heal Pikachu. Officer Jenny shows up and claims that Simon is swindling money from trainers. Ash, Misty, and Brock then set out to prove his innocence.

Control Freak!
On the way to Olivine City, Brock's Golbat begins to act strangely and flies to a archeological dig site. A girl named Tierra is there using ultrasonic waves to help dig up a special artifact, an ancient gold mask and scepter that once belonged to a queen. Together they have the power to control any Pokemon. Team Rocket hears this and plans to steal it.

The Art of Pokémon
Ash and friends arrive in a town where a group of Smeargle are constantly painting on everything and everyone. The townspeople have had enough and demand something be done about it. However, after seeing the amazing works they can make, Ash, Misty, and Brock decide to help their trainer, Jack, convince the townspeople that they are not doing anything wrong.

The Heartbreak of Brock
At the end of a long day, our heroes search for a Pokémon Center in a small town near Olivine City. Unable to locate one they ask a local lady for directions. She explains the nearest Pokémon Center is ten miles away! Too exhausted to extend today's journey, the gang decides to set up camp in a local park. As he gets water from a nearby fountain, Brock notices a Nidorina approaching to take a drink. Running after Nidorina is her trainer, who trips and almost falls into the fountain. She is narrowly saved by Brock and immediately falls head over heals in love with him. Introducing herself as Temacu, she insists Brock and his friends stay with her at her father's house. They agree, but what will happy when a girl actually loves Brock and will do anything for him?

Current Events
Ash and friends stop for a rest near a Power Plant. While on a walk, Ash and Chikorita encounter Jigglypuff. They run inside to avoid it, but now they are stuck inside. To make matters worse, they plant is guarded by tons of Electric Pokémon, and Team Rocket is also inside the building. Will they be able to get out?

Turning Over a New Bayleef
Now that Chikorita has evolved into Bayleef, it is bigger then it once was. However, it has yet to realize how much stronger it has gotten. After tackling Ash a few times, he yells at Bayleef, and it runs away. Everyone goes off in search of her. Meanwhile, Bayleef slips and falls into the river. Our heroes follow the scent, which leads them to an old woman's house. Ash is relieved to see Bayleef, but Bayleef wants nothing to do with Ash. Now Ash must prove to Bayleef that he still cares about her, and fend off Team Rocket.

Doin' What Comes Natu-rally
When our heroes stumble upon a one-day street performance, they get to see all types of Pokemon with unique skills. Anxious to know the future, Misty volunteers to have her fortune read by Natu. A young boy named Mackenzie and his Pokemon, Natu begin the reading but make several mistakes. Embarrassed, Mackenzie runs away with Natu before Misty's future is revealed. The gang follows Mackenzie and suggests he wear a mask during his performances to help boost his confidence. Misty explains if he wears the mask no one will know who he is. Mackenzie's father likes the idea too, believing the mask will lend an exciting element to the performance. When Mackenzie returns to the stage, will he and Natu be able to remember the routine and use Natu's Future Sight to tell patron's fortunes?

The Big Balloon Blow-Up
When our heroes come across an unusual formation in the middle of a grassy field, Brock believes it is a crop circle placed there by aliens! Just then, something comes hurtling out of the sky towards them. A far away voice calls down an apology for almost hitting Ash with the object. Skyler, a boy training for a hot air balloon race, introduces himself to the gang and explains he was practicing for the upcoming event. Getting a marker as close to the center of the large, circular target by throwing it from the hot air balloon is one aspect of the competition. Intrigued by the hot-air balloon racing circuit, Ash quickly makes up his mind to enter as well. When Brock reminds him they don't have a chance of winning without a hot air balloon, Skyler's father says he has something to help them out. Pulling a balloon out of his shop, he begins to fill it up and to our heroes surprise, it's a Pikachu shaped hot air balloon! When Team Rocket decides to enter the race as well, Jessie and James sabotage several of the balloons the night before the big event. Who will win the big event?

The Screen Actor's Guilt
Ash and friends become wrapped up in helping a movie star keep one of his best friends close to him when his manger threatens to pull them apart.

Right On, Rhydon!
On the way to Olivine City, Ash and friends run into a girl who is trying to build a tunnel threw a mountain, but leaking water is causing her Rock Pokemon to stop digging. In order to finish the tunnel, Ash and friends decide to help her capture a Rhydon that likes water and lives nearby.

The Kecleon Caper
On the way to Olivine City, a blimp lands in the town that Ash and friends are in. It turns out that there are two sick Pokemon on board and Brock is allowed to treat them. The two pokemon are Kecleon, and after being healed they go on a hiding spree. Not knowing whether or not if they are on the blimp, Ash, Misty, and Brock decide to help find them.

The Joy of Water Pokémon
40 years in the past, the Legendary Celebi flees through time to escape a poacher, accidentally bringing a young boy named Sammy with it. In present times young Sammy encounters Ash and friends in the same forest. They soon discover Celebi, and when a Team Rocket agent arrives to capture Celebi, they must evade the agent and keep Celebi safe while it recovers from its last encounter. But for how long can they keep it safe, and will Sammy be able to make it back to his own time?

Got Miltank?
As Ash, Misty, and Brock head to Olivine City, Team Rocket attacks. In the battle, Cyndaquil and Weezing's attacks cause an explosion and Cyndaquil is separated from Ash. When Cyndaquil wakes up it is in an oasis with a Miltank. Ash then sets out to find it.

Fight for the Light!
Ash finally arrives in Olivine City and is ready to battle the Gym Leader. At the Gym a girl named Janina arrives and claims to be the Gym Leader. Ash begins to have his battle with her, until the real Gym Leader, Jasmine appears. She apologizes for Janina, and says that at the moment she can not accept his battle because her Ampharos is sick. They head down to the Lighthouse where Ampharos is in order to help it. However, Team Rocket is planning on capturing the pokemon while it is weak.

Machoke, Machoke Man!
Ash, Misty, Brock and Janina sail toward Cianwood City. They go to the store to get Ampharos' medicine. After say goodbye to Janina, they walk towards the Cianwood Gym. They stop when they see a man battling a Machoke on the beach. It turns out that he is Chuck, the Cianwood Gym Leader. He accepts Ash's request for a battle and they head to the gym. Will Ash be able to win his fifth Johto Badge?
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