Postman Pat - Season 1

Postman Pat - Season 1

Season 1

DatesSep 16, 1981 - Dec 9, 1981
Next Season


Pat's Finding Day
Season 1Episode 115 min

Pat's Finding Day

Pat calls to the Post Office and today most of the post is for Katy and Tom because it their birthday. Pat goes to deliver the post to them. Poor Katy is not having a happy birthday because she has lost Sarah-Ann, her doll that she takes everywhere. Pat's round then becomes a search for the missing doll. He comes across a load of other things but not the doll. Will he find Katy's missing doll in order to save the day?

Sep 16, 1981
Pat and the Magpie Hen
Season 1Episode 215 min

Pat and the Magpie Hen

During his lunch break, Pat falls asleep on a hill above Thompson Ground, leaving his lunch box open and his keys just beside it. When he wakes up, he sees Dorothy Thompson's hens running off with his sandwiches and one with his keys. Pat follows the hen up a tree, but then the hen drops the keys and flies away. After falling out of the tree, Pat tells Mrs. Thompson about the hen and she comes to the conclusion that it must think its a magpie. Pat and Dorothy then go to get a ladder and Pat finds more than just his keys up in the tree. He also finds Mrs. Thompson's wedding ring which went missing the previous Easter and which she thought she lost down the sink. Having lost his sandwiches, Pat later has some of Mrs. Thompson's dinner. Later on when Pat carries on with the post, he tells everyone else about the magpie hen and they wonder themselves if anything they lost was taken by the bird in question. On the way home, Pat sees some real magpies and wonders if they had taught Mrs. Thompson's hens how to take shining objects like them.

Sep 23, 1981
Pat's Birthday
Season 1Episode 315 min

Pat's Birthday

Pat always thought he had managed to keep the date of his birthday to himself. He tells Jess not to give his secret away.

But when he arrives at the Post Office, almost all of the post is for Pat. As he goes on his round, everyone he meets knows it's his birthday! How did all those people know?

Sep 30, 1981
Pat's Rainy Day
Season 1Episode 415 min

Pat's Rainy Day

It is a heavy rainy day in Greendale. Even the letters are wet when Pat goes to the Post Office to collect them. The rain has stopped. Pat goes to deliver his wet letters. Some people still have their lights on in their homes as the weather has been so dismal. Pat stops to see what has happened to Peter Fogg. Peter's old tractor is bogged down and he has fallen over in the mud. He then prepares to go home to change and then get his new tractor to pull the old one out of the mud. Pat bids him farewell and sets off again. At the village school, the children are looking to see if the rain has stopped. Charlie Pringle collects the letters, as Bill Thompson is off school at Thompson Ground, helping his father with the sheep. Pat watches the children have fun in the rain and then drives over to Greendale Farm where Peter Fogg shows him his new tractor with the bulldozer plough. Pat gives him his post and sets off again.

The church roof is leaking, and the Reverend Timms is having trouble catching drops of water in the buckets. Pat promises to ask Ted Glen to have a look. Pat buys some bananas from Sam Waldron. Pat is heading up into the hills when he is stopped by Mrs Thompson. The road has to be cleared, due to a blockage of mud. Alf tries to get through with his tractor, but gets stuck. Bill brings his model plane and Pat ties an SOS message to it and flies it over to Peter, giving him the message to clear the blockage with his tractor and bulldozer plough.

It seems ages since the plane has gone. Just when Pat is thinking it has crashed, he hears an engine coming along the road and sees Peter on his tractor. He clears the mud away and there is just enough room for Sam to get through and then Pat. Pat sees Ted mending a wall. He asks Ted to have a look at the church roof. Ted says he'll go along when he's finished. Miss Hubbards stops for a chat. Pat suggests she turn back otherwise she'll have to swim home. However, it'll take more than a drop of rain to stop Miss Hubbard and she heads on her way. Pat heads on his way too. It looks like there'll be rain again, but Pat will be able to sit by a warm fireside once he's delivered all the letters.

Oct 7, 1981
The Sheep in the Clover Field
Season 1Episode 515 min

The Sheep in the Clover Field

It is a cloudy morning, but the sun brightens up, and Pat is having a late day after his van gets stuck in the mud, when he is forced to stop because of Sam Waldron's van. Peter Fogg soon comes along in his red tractor to pull Pat out. When he arrives at the Post Office, Mrs Goggins shows him a newspaper article about Major Forbes' bull.

Later Ted stops Pat and they have to get some sheep out of a field filled with clovers. Pat and Ted get chased by a bull and Ted thinks he's broken his ankle so Pat goes to fetch Dr Gilbertson from the village, then Dr Gilbertson bandages Ted's ankle, then Pat takes Dr Gilbertson and Ted home.

Oct 14, 1981
Pat's Tractor Express
Season 1Episode 615 min

Pat's Tractor Express

Pat calls at the post office to collect a registered letter to the camp site, and a parcel for Granny Dryden. Pat has to help Peter Fogg get some wandering sheep out of Mr. Jackson's Garden, then he delivers Granny Dryden's parcel and asks her to get a new digital watch, then he deliver some eggs and a registered letter to some campers.

The letter is too valuable to leave and the campers are at the waterfall. Pat's van can't travel the bumpy road so Miss Hubbard borrows a tractor and takes him on a rather bumpy ride to the waterfall. When Pat returns to his van, he sees that a hen has got in and laid an egg.

Oct 21, 1981
Pat's Thirsty Day
Season 1Episode 715 min

Pat's Thirsty Day

Greendale has not had any rain for weeks, and its a very hot day today, and the water supply has had to be turned off. When Pat arrives at the Post Office, Mrs. Goggins gives him some lemonade to quench his thirst.

Later Granny Dryden shows Pat an old water pump in the village. Can Ted fix it in order to get a water supply working?

Oct 28, 1981
Pat's Windy Day
Season 1Episode 815 min

Pat's Windy Day

It is a windy day in Greendale and Pat is finding it difficult to steer his van. Alf Thompson is nearly blown off his feet. Suddenly, Pat sees a fallen tree blocking the road; he stops and gets out to look at it. Peter Fogg is on the other side; he walks off to get a chainsaw to cut the tree up. Pat takes the branches away so Peter can lift the tree out of the way.

After the road is unblocked, Pat goes back to his van, but it has gone. He soon finds it safe and sound next to Sam's Mobile Shop. Sam had moved the van to protect it from branches that may be a threat to its paint work. Suddenly as Pat drives on his way, the van's engine starts to splutter and clank. Pat stops and gets out to check the engine and the wind blows his hat off. Pat chases after the hat but he cannot catch it and the wind blows it into a stream. So Pat gives up on it and goes back to the van. He soon spots the trouble with the engine; a cable has snapped, but it is no trouble to fix. Pat puts the problem right and is soon on his way again.

When Pat calls at the school, his letters get blown away. The children help to catch them and Bill Thompson takes them to the Headmaster. Towards the end of his windy round, Pat sees a flying towel belonging to Granny Dryden. He helps her catch her washing and she shows him a scarecrow which is wearing Pat's hat. Pat puts his hat back on his head, thanks the scarecrow for looking after it for him and heads off for home in his van.

Nov 4, 1981
Pat's Foggy Day
Season 1Episode 915 min

Pat's Foggy Day

It is foggy in Greendale and Pat is driving carefully along the road. He soon arrives at the post office late, but there is no sign of the letters yet, so Mrs. Goggins invites him into her sitting room for some tea and biscuits. Then before Pat can eat his favourite biscuit, the postman from Pencaster arrives with the mail. Pat helps Mrs. Goggins to sort the letters and is soon on his way again.

On the way, the lights on Pat's van are not much help in the fog, so he stops to check a sign post, only to discover that it is a crossroads sign. Pat does not know which way to go, so he walks along the road, trying to see through the fog without losing sight of his van. Suddenly, he sees someone standing in a field. Pat thinks it is Ted Glen out after rabbits, so he goes over with a letter for him. Pat touches Ted on the shoulder, but he does not move. Pat puts the letter in Ted's pocket. Still, he does not move. Finally, Pat gives him a nudge. The figure spins round and it turns out to be a scarecrow. Pat feels very silly, but luckily no one has seen him, so he says goodbye to the scarecrow and makes his way back to the road. Alf Thompson passes by on his tractor and shows Pat the correct way to go. Pat is on his way again and he soon sees Sam Waldron at the side of the road. Pat stops to buy some cough sweets from him.

The next stop is at the church and Pat gives some letters to the Reverend Timms. The Reverend remarks that not even fog will stop Miss Hubbard coming to choir practice. When Pat returns to his van, he discovers that Jess is gone. Pat goes out into the fog to search for him. He soon finds Jess, but now they are both lost in the fog and cannot find the road again, let alone his van. Meanwhile Miss Hubbard finds Pat's van on her way to the church, but there is nobody inside. She and the Reverend ring the church bells and Pat is able to find his way back. Back at the church, Pat has had a cup of tea prepared for him and there is also some milk for Jess. Suddenly Miss Hubbard spots the sunshine coming in through the stained glass window. A breeze has blown the fog away, so now Pat and Jess can deliver the post without any trouble at all. As they drive along in the van, they spot the scarecrow again. Pat reckons that he is still waiting for a letter.

Nov 11, 1981
Pat's Difficult Day
Season 1Episode 1015 min

Pat's Difficult Day

One morning, Miss Hubbard is surprised when she sees that Pat's van is still outside his house. She rings her bicycle bell to wake Pat up. Pat's alarm-clock has failed to wake him up, She tells him he has to get to work. Pat rushes out to his van without any breakfast but almost forgets his hat. He runs back inside to get his hat and trips over Jess. Pat puts his hat on his head, picks Jess up and drives off to work in a big hurry.

It is past 9.00 at the Post Office. Mrs. Goggins is fixing a messy parcel. Pat soon arrives and as he gets out, his hat falls off and as he bends down to pick it up, his van's door slams on his bottom. Pat tells Mrs. Goggins his alarm-clock did not wake him up and she shows him the messy parcel she is fixing. His hat gets caught in the sticky tape! Pat pulls it off and the tape sticks all over his fingers. Mrs. Goggins pulls it off and finally puts the rest of the parcel together.

Pat stops his van near a spot where Ted Glen is fixing a fence. As Pat gives Ted his parcel, it just falls to bits and lots of nuts and bolts roll into the grass. They look for them but with no luck. Bill Thompson comes over and lets them borrow his magnet. Pat uses the magnet to pick up all the bits of metal.

Soon, Pat is on his way again, and when he arrives at Thompson Ground, Alf tells him to leave the letters on the table and Pat accidentally bumps into Alf's ladder. He wobbles wildly about as he tries to hold the ladder and Alf drops his bucket on Pat's hand. Pat hurts his wrist and now he will not be able to drive his van. Mrs. Thompson binds up the hand for him just as Sam Waldron drives in and they tell him about Pat's accident. Sam decides to help Pat get the post through by taking him and Jess in his mobile shop around the village on his own rounds. Pat is delighted, so they take all the post out of Pat's van and put it into Sam's mobile shop.

Sam takes Pat to see Dr. Gilbertson to look at his injured hand. The Doctor tells Pat his wrist is not broken and that he will soon be alright in a few days, but she gives him some cream to soothe it. Pat and Sam then set off on their rounds; Sam sorts out the people's shopping and Pat gives them their post. At the end of the day Sam takes Pat and Jess home. Pat hopes that tomorrow will be a normal day.

Nov 18, 1981
Pat Goes Sledging
Season 1Episode 1115 min

Pat Goes Sledging

Heavy snow has fallen in Greendale and Peter Fogg is clearing the roads with his tractor and bulldozer blade. When Pat calls at the Post Office, Mrs Goggins warns him about the ten foot drifts up at Intake Farm and gives him a parcel to take to George Lancaster at Hill Top Farm. Pat calls at Greendale Farm, where Katy and Tom throw a snowball at him. He throws one back, but it hits Alf by mistake. But Alf doesn't mind at all, as he knows it's only a bit of fun. The road is blocked and the tractor's bulldozer blade is stuck in a snowdrift. Pat offers to help Ted and Alf dig it out. After giving Mrs Pottage her letters, he sets off.

Peter is already digging when the men arrive. They help him dig the snow away. Peter tests the tractor. At first, the snowdrift doesn't move. He reverses the tractor and tries again. This time, he gets through. With the road now clear, Pat says goodbye to the twins and sets off again. He calls at the vicarage with a letter for the Reverend. But Dr Gilbertson is also there, as the Reverend has fallen on the ice and broken his leg. Pat gives him the letter and offers to deliver the Parish Magazines for the Reverend. Pat then goes up the hill to Thompson Ground.

When Pat arrives, he is told by Mrs Thompson that Peter had to go back down the hill because the snow was so bad. Pat plans to walk to Hill Top but Alf offers to take him on the farm sledge as he has to take some food for the sheep. Pat and Alf load up the sledge. Mrs Thompson gives them some groceries to take to George. They set off. The sheep are glad to see them. Pat and Alf notice that George's house is nearly buried! Since George is not in, Pat leaves the parcel and the groceries on the table.

Pat and Alf go back to Thompson Ground. At first, they fall off the sledge and tumble down a hill in the snow, but they get back on it and ride it all the way back. It crashes into the farm shed. Pat and Alf go inside for a cup of tea. Pat thanks Alf for the ride and sets off in his van. The rest of his round is in the valley. The roads have been cleared and gritted. Pat jokes to his cat: "No more digging or sledging today. It takes more than snow to stop us, Jess."

Nov 25, 1981
Letters on Ice
Season 1Episode 1215 min

Letters on Ice

Greendale is having a very hard winter and it has snowed again in the night. The weather is icy as well. Postman Pat is out on his rounds as usual, but he must go very carefully. Pat sees Sam Waldron out with his mobile shop. He offers to deliver Granny Dryden's shopping to her, as well as her letter from her daughter. Pat heads along the steep road to her cottage. He reads out her daughter's letter. Granny Dryden is so impressed, she gives Pat a cup of tea. Pat sets off again in his van. He stops at Ted Glen's workshop. Pat gives Ted a letter from his brother Bert in Australia. Ted gives Pat Bert's old skates and suggests he try them on the tarn. Pat heads off in his van again.

While Pat is on his way in his van, the wind blows the snow into deeper drifts. Soon, Pat has to stop because the road is blocked, this makes Pat think he will never get through with his letters now. So he decides to skate over the frozen Tarn to deliver the post. He finds it difficult to skate on the ice though. Pat gives a letter to Charlie Pringle. On the way back across the ice, Pat meets Mrs. Thompson. Jess is on the ice too. Pat picks his cat up and takes him back to the van.

Pat stops at the village school. No one is there, except for the snowman. Pat gives him a letter. He sees Ted and Miss Hubbard. The snow has buried her bicycle. Pat and Ted help her search for it. She soons find it. Pat opens the gate for her and sets off, bidding farewell to Pat and Ted. Pat sets off too, for home. Pat tells Jess the snow won't last forever

Dec 2, 1981
Pat Takes a Message
Season 1Episode 1315 min

Pat Takes a Message

It has been wild and windy in Greendale. Pat calls to collect an Australian stamp from the Reverend Timms, who will be visiting London to meet his sister Elsie from Australia.

When Pat arrives at the Post Office, Elsie phones Mrs Goggins to say she will come straight to Greendale because of her flight being diverted to Manchester, and Pat has to catch up with Reverend with the help of Miss Hubbard's bicycle and Ted's roller skates. Will Pat be able to stop the Reverend from catching the train to London?

Dec 9, 1981

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