Q+A - Season 13 / Year 2020

Season 13 / Year 2020


Australian Bushfires
New host Hamish Macdonald takes Q+A to Queanbeyan, sharing the stories of bushfire-affected communities and giving people impacted the chance to ask questions and take part in a conversation about disaster management and recovery.
This episode was originally going to broadcast live from Bega, however, the ongoing fire situation made Bega too unsafe for the panel and audience.

Climate Solutions (Live from Melbourne)
Hamish Macdonald hosts a conversation on climate solutions, with tonight's panel:
Osher Günsberg, TV and radio host
Jennifer Westacott, Business Council of Australia CEO
Sophia Hamblin Wang, Sustainability entrepreneur
Matt Evans, Chef and farmer
Martijn Wilder, Chair of Australian Renewable Energy Agency
With a musical performance from Paul Kelly, performing his new single.
*Unfortunately, Audrey Zibelman has withdrawn from Monday's program. She has been replaced on the panel by Martijn Wilder.

On the panel tonight are:
Katie Allen, Liberal MP for Higgins
Clare O'Neil, Shadow Minister for Innovation, Technology and the Future of Work
Jacqui Lambie, Independent Senator
Jack Manning Bancroft, Founder and CEO of Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience
Simon McKeon, Investment banker and former Australian of the Year

China - A Healthy Relationship?
Coronavirus has brought Australia-China relations into sharp focus. Hamish Macdonald examines the implications for our economy, region and community with Wang Xining, Stan Grant, Raina MacIntyre, Jason Yat-sen Li & Vicky Xu.

The Australian Identity: Who Are We?
Q+A explores who we are and what it is to be Australian. Hamish Macdonald is joined by Nova Peris, Tarang Chawla, Marlee Silva and Lehmo to ask how can we settle unfinished business and bring our better selves to the fore.

Education - Are We Failing?
Are Aussie kids getting the education they need? Our global education ranking has plunged, results in reading, maths and science are in decline, and a toxic culture of sexism and bullying persists in too many high schools.
Joining Hamish MacDonald live from the ABC Studios in Sydney:
Tanya Plibersek, Shadow Minister for Education
Adrian Piccoli, Director, Gonski Institute and former Deputy Leader, NSW Nationals
Eddie Woo, High School Maths Teacher and Internet Sensation
John Collier, Principal, St Andrew's Cathedral School Sydney
Vy Tran, Year 12 Student at Mac.Robertson High School Melbourne

The Corona Challenge: Are We Prepared?
Australia is staring down a virus crisis and it's impacting everyday life. Travel bans are increasing, schools are closing, the share market is spooked and GP clinics in chaos. Is Australia prepared for another major crisis?

Ask The Doctors
With Coronavirus spreading and stricter controls in place, the need for clear medical information has become paramount. Q+A asks medical experts Dr Norman Swan, Prof Paul Kelly and Prof Sharon Lewin to answer your questions.

Coronavirus: The Cost
With strict bans on travel and group gatherings, thousands of businesses, jobs and livelihoods have evaporated as we face a devastating and widespread economic downturn, not seen for generations.

Coronavirus: Stories From The Frontline
Frontline health workers are frantically preparing for a surge in seriously ill patients. Q+A brings together doctors and nurses from emergency wards, ICUs and fever clinics, and GPs facing a lack of protective equipment.

Surviving Lockdown
Tonight's guests are:
Matt Preston, Food writer and author
Craig Foster, Refugee advocate and former Socceroos captain
Julie McCrossin, Broadcaster and comedian
John Anderson, Former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia
Christine Morgan, CEO, National Mental Health Commission
With a cross to author and former teacher, Gabbie Stroud, a special appearance from TV presenter and landscape architect Costa, and a performance by The Wiggles.

Covid-19: Where to Next?
Recent data is encouraging, but Australia now faces some serious questions about the next phase of our battle to contain coronavirus. Should we lock down until there is a vaccine or is the social and economic damage too much?

Education in the Age of Covid-19
Students and teachers face big disruption in our education system. Hamish Macdonald asks the panel when should we ease restrictions and safely re-open schools and universities, plus the impact and inequity of remote learning.
Panellists: Nick Coatsworth, Deputy Chief Medical Officer; Lisa Jackson Pulver, Deputy Vice Chancellor, University of Sydney; Mark Scott, Secretary, NSW Department of Education; Lian Davies, Principal, Whittlesea Secondary College; with a live cross to Dan Tehan, Minister for Education.

Post-covid World Order
COVID-19 is changing the world as we know it. Economies are being destroyed and the global power balance is shifting. With our borders closed and our old allies struggling, where does Australia fit into this new world order?
Panellists: Dave Sharma, Liberal Member for Wentworth and Former Diplomat; Penny Wong, Shadow Foreign Minister; Michael Fullilove, Executive Director, Lowy Institute; and Elaine Pearson, Australia Director, Human Rights Watch.

The Premiers
Driving big decisions and making plans under pressure our state Premiers have emerged powerful leaders in the COVID crisis. Daniel Andrews (Vic), Gladys Berejiklian (NSW) and Annastacia Palaszczuk (Qld) answer your questions.

Young And Free?
Life after COVID-19 will be different for all of us, particularly young Australians. The crisis-driven economic downturn is hitting young people hard with job losses, lockdowns and a financial burden for many years to come.
Panellists: Yael Stone, Actor and Climate Advocate; Sophie Johnston, Commissioner, National Youth Commission; Tim Fung, CEO and co-founder, Airtasker; Danielle Wood, Economist, Grattan Institute; and Innes Willox, CEO, Australian Industry Group.

Australia Reimagined
The big ideas to build a better Australia. COVID-19 is forcing us to innovate and change how we work and live. Can we seize this moment to reimagine our future? How will it shape technology, the economy and our society?
Panellists: Lucy Turnbull, Former Lord Mayor of Sydney; Jordan Nguyen, Engineer, Futurist and Broadcaster; Alan Finkel, Chief Scientist; Rae Johnston, Science and Technology Editor, NITV; Genevieve Bell, Anthropologist and AI Specialist; and a live cross to Women's Advocate, Georgie Dent.

Our Energy Future
How will we power our economic recovery? The Federal Government unveiled its roadmap for Australia's energy future, shifting focus from coal to gas but will the new energy plan benefit all Australians now and into the future?
Panellists: Matt Canavan, Queensland Nationals Senator; Zali Steggall, Independent MP for Warringah; Joel Fitzgibbon, Shadow Minister for Agriculture and Resources; Zoe Whitton, Citi ESG analyst and Investor Group on Climate Change; and Sophia Hamblin Wang, sustainability entrepreneur.

Hard Truths
It's been a week of turmoil: our economy is in recession and a workplace relations reset is looming. Protests are sweeping the streets of America and abroad, with some describing it as a long overdue reckoning for Australia.

The Future Of Sport
Australian sporting institutions are making hard decisions about their financial position, how to bring back crowds and navigate closed state borders. Many grassroots clubs are struggling to survive COVID-19 restrictions.

Australia: Secret State?
Secrets, Spies and Hidden Trials: Balancing national security with your right to know. Closed courts, police raids on journalists and whistleblowers facing jail. Is Australia becoming a secret state? Who decides what we know?

Saving the Arts and 'Brain Farts'
Joining guest host, Virginia Trioli are panellists:
Paul Fletcher, Minister for Communications, Cyber Safety and the Arts
Bill Shorten, Former Labor leader
Katie Noonan, Singer, producer and songwriter
Yasmin Poole, Writer and youth advocate
Sue Morphet, President, Chief Executive Women
Katie Noonan will close the show with a performance of one of the songs from her new album, The Sweetest Taboo.

Borders, Booze and the Big Spend on Defence
Politics, memoirs and problem drinking. Hamish Macdonald returns to discuss the first electoral test of the COVID-era the Eden-Monaro by-election. Plus defence policy, racism in the arts & media, alcohol consumption and more.
Panellists: Shaun Micallef, Television host; Brooke Boney, Today Show entertainment reporter; Christopher Pyne, Former Liberal MP; and Terri Butler, Shadow Minister for the Environment and Water.

Julia Gillard on Q+A
In a Q+A special, Hamish Macdonald is joined by former Prime Minister Julia Gillard as she reflects of her political career, experiences on the world stage and her passion for education, equality and mental health support.

Disrupted Recovery
The path to our new normal is changing rapidly. As life opens up for much of the country, our two most populated states are battling to contain a growing number of COVID cases. How long can we afford this stop-start scenario?
Panellists: Sarah Henderson, Liberal Senator for Victoria; Adam Bandt, Leader of the Australian Greens; Margy Osmond, CEO of the Tourism and Transport Forum; Jodie McVernon, Epidemiologist, Doherty Institute; L-FRESH the LION, Hip Hop artist from south-west Sydney; with a live cross to Michael Gunner, Chief Minister of the Northern Territory.

Fight of Our Lives
The pandemic has already taken a terrible economic toll and the recovery will take longer than predicted. Who will benefit and who will lose out from reduced subsidies? Will it be enough to keep our hardest-hit sectors going?
Panellists: Bill Bowtell, Adjunct Professor, UNSW and Strategic Health Policy Adviser; Gigi Foster, Economist, UNSW; George Megalogenis, Author and journalist; Cassandra Goldie, CEO of Australian Council of Social Service; and Karen Soo, Executive Officer at the Haymarket Chamber of Commerce. With a live cross to Simon Birmingham, Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment; and Katy Gallagher, Shadow Minister for Finance.

The Frontline
Hamish Macdonald is joined by a panel of frontline workers and medical experts leading the fight against COVID. What are the lessons learned so far? Were we too complacent? How are hospitals and frontline staff holding up?
Joining Hamish on the panel live are:
Kerryn Phelps, Former AMA President and City of Sydney councillor - Sydney
Lucy Morgan, Respiratory physician, Nepean Hospital - Sydney
Vyom Sharma, General Practitioner - Melbourne
Abbey Fistrovic, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Emergency Dept, Royal Melbourne Hospital - Melbourne
With a live cross to:
Andrew Laming, Queensland Liberal MP, ex Queensland
Ged Kearney, Victorian Labor MP – Melbourne
Musician and doctor Gordi will close the show with a live performance.

State of Disaster
The impact of Victoria's state of disaster: Will businesses survive and what powers do police and state government have? How will border closures impact the nation? How do we look after our mental and emotional well being?
Panellists: Tim Wilson, Victorian Liberal MP; Kimberley Kitching, Victorian Labor Senator; Dinesh Palipana, Emergency doctor and disability advocate; Michele O'Neil, ACTU President; Paul Waterson, CEO, Australian Venue Co.; and Killian Ashe, Psychiatrist, Royal Melbourne Hospital.

Media and Misinformation
The pandemic has turned Australia in two parts: the states opening up and those locked down. With border closures in place, how do we stay united? In the time of COVID it's vital we trust our media and sources of information.
Panellists: Barnaby Joyce, Nationals Member for New England; Michelle Rowland, Shadow Communications Minister; Antoinette Lattouf, Journalist and diversity advocate; Niki Savva, Columnist and author; Ziggy Ramo, Musician; and Sinead Boucher, Chief executive and owner of Stuff Ltd.

Generation Covid
Young Aussies are facing unemployment, underemployment, drained savings and super, bigger debts, disrupted school life and serious mental health challenges. COVID is making young people fearful and anxious about their future.
Panellists: Scott Yung, Education entrepreneur; Ahmed Hassan, Co-founder and Executive Director of Youth Activating Youth; Kate McBride, Farmer, Western NSW; and Hamani Tanginoa, University student and musician. With a live cross to Andrew Bragg, Liberal Senator for NSW; Anika Wells, Labor MP for Lilley; and Jordon Steele-John, Greens Senator for WA.

Panel of Wisdom
We draw on the collective wisdom of some highly respected Australians. How do their life experiences shape what they take away from the COVID-19 crisis? Where do they think our focus should be? How do they imagine our future?
Panellists: Kerry O'Brien, Journalist and Author; Jillian Broadbent, Chancellor, University of Wollongong and leading businesswoman; Colin Barnett, Former Premier of WA and Adjunct Professor at UWA; Ray Minniecon, Pastor; and Ronni Kahn, CEO and Founder, OzHarvest.

Border Wars
The political battle over state borders is heating up. Hard border closures are helping contain COVID cases but have caused massive problems for business, health care workers and families in need of medical attention.
Panellists: Michael McCormack, Deputy Prime Minister; Krisitina Keneally, Shadow Home Affairs Minister; Dr Omar Khorshid, Australian Medical Association President; Kim Rubenstein, Legal scholar and citizenship expert; and Tania de Jong, Social and business entrepreneur.

The Age of Loneliness
The pandemic has cut us off from our communities, workplaces and each other. We interact online more, but our sense of isolation is growing. Loneliness is predicted to be the next public health epidemic of the 21st Century.
Panellists: Gus Worland, Gotcha4Life Founder; Sarah Wilson, Author and TV Presenter; Hugh Mackay, Psychologist and author; Michelle Lim, Scientific Chair, Ending Loneliness Together; and Rosemary Kayess, Associate Director Disability Innovation Institute UNSW.

US Election 2020: Four More Years?

Road to Recovery
After the devastating impact of bushfires and COVID-19, what should our economic recovery plan look like? The government's Technology Roadmap sets out a gas-led recovery. All as Australia braces for the next bushfire season.
Panellists: Mike Cannon-Brookes, Co-founder and co-CEO of Atlassian; Darren Chester, Minister for Veterans' Affairs and Defence Personnel; Mark Butler, Shadow Minister for Climate Change and Energy; Marian Wilkinson, Investigative journalist and author, The Carbon Club; and Yun Jiang, Editor, China Story blog at the Australian National University. With a musical performance from Alex the Astronaut.

Budget Special
It's one of the most important budgets in our history. How will the Government meet the challenge of the pandemic recession? How long will financial support remain in place? What is the plan to get Australia working again?
Panellists: Naomi Simson, Founder, RedBalloon; Jane Hume, Assistant Minister for Financial Services and Superannuation; Jim Chalmers, Shadow Treasurer; Jane Halton, Health expert and former head of Australia's Finance Department; and Nicki Hutley, Economist, Deloitte Access Economics.

Anthony Albanese on Q+A
One-on-one with the man who wants to be Prime Minister - Anthony Albanese. He takes your questions on how he'd lead Australia out of the pandemic, plus his alternative agenda including free childcare for low income earners and a live performance from Sarah Blasko.
Panellist: Anthony Albanese, Opposition Leader.

Social Disconnect
We post, tweet, like and share - but what are the consequences of our growing dependence on social media? With concerns over mental health and political disinformation, how do we retain the positive aspects of connectivity?
Panellists: Tristan Harris, Former Google Design Ethicist and star of "The Social Dilemma"; Marc Fennell, Tech Reporter and Author; Julie Inman Grant, eSafety Commissioner; Matt Ford and Jack Steele, The Inspired Unemployed; Sally Rugg, Executive Director, change.org; and Jocelyn Brewer, Cyberpsychologist.

An Ethical Australia? Accountability, Ethics And Leadership
In these challenging times, who holds the powerful to account? Are the standards of our leaders slipping? With public trust in our politicians and institutions at an all-time low, how do we achieve a more ethical Australia?
Panellists: Ken Henry, Former Treasury Secretary; Dave Sharma, Liberal Member for Wentworth; Tanya Plibersek, Shadow Minister for Education; Simon Longstaff, Executive Director, The Ethics Centre; Dani Larkin, Lawyer, Uluru Dialogue Leadership Group

US Election: Trump vs Biden
It's the contest that's captivating the world: Donald Trump vs Joe Biden. Who will win the US Election and what does it mean for Australia? Will Trump once again defy his critics and the predictions and secure a second term?
Panellists: Kim Hoggard, Former senior Republican White House staffer; Damien Cave, Australian Bureau Chief, New York Times; Salvatore Babones, Political sociologist, University of Sydney; Lydia Khalil, International Security Expert; and Greg Sheridan, Foreign Editor, The Australian.

Malcolm Turnbull, Jenny Hocking, Bob Carr, Paul Kelly and Jan Fran
On Q+A tonight ... Former PM Malcolm Turnbull returns to the panel along with the Australian historian who took on Buckingham Palace and won, Professor Jenny Hocking.
They're joined by former NSW Premier Bob Carr, political editor Paul Kelly and one of our youngest and most forthright commentators Jan Fran.
On the agenda: the US election, implications of the Queensland election, the 45th anniversary of Gough Whitlam's dismissal, the Integrity Commission proposal, and national secrets.
Panellists: Malcolm Turnbull, Former Prime Minister of Australia ; Bob Carr, Former Labor Foreign Minister ; Jenny Hocking, Author, The Palace Letters ; Paul Kelly, Editor-at-large, The Australian ; Jan Fran, Media Commentator and Broadcaster.

Sex, Lies and a Better Politics
Its been a big week: allegations of sexual misconduct and a toxic culture for women in Canberra, Trump clings to power in a bizarre post-election campaign, Labor spats over climate policy and a potential vaccine breakthrough.

Live From Penrith
Western Sydney is booming, now the third largest economy in Australia. But COVID has hit hard - especially jobs - and it's a scenario faced by outer suburbs in many major cities where population booms but infrastructure lags.
Panellists: Stuart Ayres, NSW Minister for Jobs, Investment, Tourism and Western Sydney; Richard Marles, Deputy Opposition Leader; Dai Le, Fairfield City Councillor; Amani Haydar, Artist, lawyer and writer; and Amanda Rose, Founding Director of Western Sydney Women.

How has 2020 Changed You?
2020 has been a year like no other. From drought and bushfires to a global health pandemic, 2020 has changed our cities, our regions and our very way of life. Q+A wants to know how it's changed you. (Final for 2020)
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