Richard Osman's House of Games - Season 6
![Richard Osman's House of Games - Season 6 Richard Osman's House of Games - Season 6](/imgp/no-photo.jpg)
Season 6
![BBC Two BBC Two](/imgp/dlZ1aTcxRm9FYjNoZFZoclRrUUlmVFFtL2d5L1JuNDNMaXMxN3FJY1VuUFIxWVlKem9rYmdrNFlTRitkRkFGN3h0YjJ5czZEUHJRSkNiOEhKUThhWlU3YmxKdkF4RnhQZU1DZTZwN0RDQTA9.jpg)
![Episode 1 Episode 1](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGtTdUh4ZlM1NmRDREVnNnl2VzlyWHVlemErQjJvN1BCdWZUcHZJRk9lV2wzeHNoYldmNGlTdk1WL2F0SmppdTE=.jpg)
Episode 1
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Hannah Cockroft, Neil Morrissey, Penny Smith and Rhys Stephenson take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 2 Episode 2](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMG1WbFRieTAyaHllS3dqVTdXVjlzUEtSdUQxSW5SYnJVL01qZU9oWXN0aEdIb1JSRzFiejhOL2JFcE8yWGFzdzQ=.jpg)
Episode 2
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Hannah Cockroft, Neil Morrissey, Penny Smith and Rhys Stephenson take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 3 Episode 3](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFpiWjVvQ2xSdTVXWDNybzl4azcxM3dHeU5OWkdvd2gxaUNwcnhRSGdPTmpEUkJaNXVIVkZ0NCtpV0ZzNTFlcWY=.jpg)
Episode 3
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Hannah Cockroft, Neil Morrissey, Penny Smith and Rhys Stephenson take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 4 Episode 4](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMDVuc1prQWh0TzdTU05iaHQreUdVTmxpS2t0U3dLb1RjWlkzUVhuSFA3aTV1U0YyVHMrNkFQREhieVU5UThRQVo=.jpg)
Episode 4
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Hannah Cockroft, Neil Morrissey, Penny Smith and Rhys Stephenson take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 5 Episode 5](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEFrZFZIejR0VjFLZWk3WGRkSFdSR3BuRDI2b1JhZjh2OHdya1RWRDZ4SFVEbTk4ajk4SG9YTTBYNytWY2p2a0k=.jpg)
Episode 5
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Hannah Cockroft, Neil Morrissey, Penny Smith and Rhys Stephenson take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 6 Episode 6](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMExiZTdqOUpWTXNuZWsza1FGWEFSRmliNXNTRnM2akZJTXRnckNyYUJOc29KbGtqblFENFJrTjNVK3VvejIwZHE=.jpg)
Episode 6
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Rob Deering, Katya Jones, Jayne Middlemiss and Phil Tufnell take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 7 Episode 7](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFNhZ0xQWU13WjZyZWhQTEpQQ3VISFhCcG01ejE5Z0FpK1drajlibmkrK01zT3FvUURqcHJxTEFmamoxTytvdTQ=.jpg)
Episode 7
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Rob Deering, Katya Jones, Jayne Middlemiss and Phil Tufnell take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 8 Episode 8](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMG5oUDNkSGUvUjltR09VaFNwTEVIWmNPemp3NFY3NnBXVTB4bjY3ZWtzVkIvM3NNVlFnZUdkV0REQk4rcDhhNGI=.jpg)
Episode 8
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Rob Deering, Katya Jones, Jayne Middlemiss and Phil Tufnell take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 9 Episode 9](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMDVmbG0zdTg5STY5a1BtV1UwRXFOVDI4U3RKdVFSR3FFZXRVTDBET3h4aVpBOHFaZkNsNFdYaXc4N3pSVEV6V0s=.jpg)
Episode 9
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Rob Deering, Katya Jones, Jayne Middlemiss and Phil Tufnell take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 10 Episode 10](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHd6aW9uUjRHNks1bkFkMUUwOEIwcW56SHN5YjEzdkFPQmxZd080WXFPTEZuQnN4VWk1czBuTlY0UDRub1pjbTM=.jpg)
Episode 10
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Rob Deering, Katya Jones, Jayne Middlemiss and Phil Tufnell take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 11 Episode 11](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHdQeU5CM2FKS2dWVGZhUVVwc1daNFE5ZTFjQm9tenNPZi9sZms1U1FDNEFwbm93aTNPVmpMYmJDMjQ0UzcxdFY=.jpg)
Episode 11
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Charlie Baker, Val McDermid, Martin Offiah and Rebecca Lucy Taylor take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 12 Episode 12](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFI5UlpVMjlHdHhNdCtMODVBL3RGTEw4S2hNcXF4M0F1NEMrTUVDd3dWVkRBQ3VyQVV1c3ViNlAyK3NwWmIxUTY=.jpg)
Episode 12
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Charlie Baker, Val McDermid, Martin Offiah and Rebecca Lucy Taylor take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 13 Episode 13](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGtEQkJ0UmpYTlhoWlFGd2kyUHRIWnowa0RYRVpOT1BxTWpiM3ZlU2NBdi9OMWdpTFM4enNLOFJMUGVDUGJLdVA=.jpg)
Episode 13
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Charlie Baker, Val McDermid, Martin Offiah and Rebecca Lucy Taylor take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 14 Episode 14](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHA2b2FIVjc0WGVNUkZaeFdFL1dFbFBoekJ3SDJnUEVOMFdWOExxemZsUDAxblF3T01pd01YK0x0SlpHYUkzTGQ=.jpg)
Episode 14
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Charlie Baker, Val McDermid, Martin Offiah and Rebecca Lucy Taylor take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 15 Episode 15](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEVhblF1Y3FaRTJVNy9ReDJGRmZoZU5KUEU3TkNVdVVMMzAwa1kwME5BekIxRys5Y2dUTGdBS055MnNJNGtTZUE=.jpg)
Episode 15
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Charlie Baker, Val McDermid, Martin Offiah and Rebecca Lucy Taylor take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 16 Episode 16](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFNObm5STStpL3VsOVlMdERIVXZRVHV6MGJ3RFlnS1cxU1pjUk5ZcnFvS0tucUxmL0s1TjJDTkFuUm5lS2k3REM=.jpg)
Episode 16
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Eddie Kadi, Natasha Raskin Sharp, Charlie Stayt and Faye Tozer take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 17 Episode 17](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMDlBd1ZBeWxhc1k2QjBRZHVOVi9naTZ5TGtMMFh5ZzIvenJyR3JvNjUrVmZmWlo2b0pPQVBBVEFGcXE1TTIrNHE=.jpg)
Episode 17
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Eddie Kadi, Natasha Raskin Sharp, Charlie Stayt and Faye Tozer take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 18 Episode 18](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEVPMk1kYXJDNE1pVUN5cnpvaGt0Z0MrcytTcjVZWHIzKy9RSVp3Tnc5Um42eUs0aEdsbjJaTG5QcVprQkZKY3I=.jpg)
Episode 18
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Eddie Kadi, Natasha Raskin Sharp, Charlie Stayt and Faye Tozer take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 19 Episode 19](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMDMzVnNMbkYzaTQ5RnNUZW8zSGo5WkhNM0hMN2ZyN0VEcG52RzhjSk9WM2pzWTlpVDVqd3RuVHl3Y014UDE5a0o=.jpg)
Episode 19
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Eddie Kadi, Natasha Raskin Sharp, Charlie Stayt and Faye Tozer take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 20 Episode 20](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMG9zUXdReE9HSFVnK01XeUh1TTZ6QXpRSVFrNjlEQ3cya3dwWDE1a1lWcmNuQXA5TEw4N0RuSWpkMWZuNUgybVM=.jpg)
Episode 20
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Eddie Kadi, Natasha Raskin Sharp, Charlie Stayt and Faye Tozer take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 21 Episode 21](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMG1UVlU3VStPNzE2SjdYTXVSdEQ5ZnpsV0gva2txR1Y0QXNJTVRYM0FSZmU1UVBBOTBoQWZMRFY5RURrdnp3MnM=.jpg)
Episode 21
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Toby Anstis, Kerry Howard, Evelyn Mok and Joe Sugg take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 22 Episode 22](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkME0xRzAzUjBpc2hHNFlLcndHenVhRklIdUVWcnBsTEhyeTJtNFFGS3JYOGF5WDhYd2NJMHFyUUR6clBWdUNpcGQ=.jpg)
Episode 22
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Toby Anstis, Kerry Howard, Evelyn Mok and Joe Sugg take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 23 Episode 23](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGR6M1lrUTRVZGxnU0tSRSt1VzRNTkMwU0U4bytGaFZWTm1kTUtmZ3c2NEFDZFY2S0E1REZBTnlIeHByN0JTeEw=.jpg)
Episode 23
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Toby Anstis, Kerry Howard, Evelyn Mok and Joe Sugg take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 24 Episode 24](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFVsU2xleTlSZkVoR2RRdzdza0FaRjBhTGxmeTBPamUyWGE4OHJCd3FtNTRGSU9iZktLemwxVXNMWExHUmZVRnc=.jpg)
Episode 24
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Toby Anstis, Kerry Howard, Evelyn Mok and Joe Sugg take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 25 Episode 25](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGJoQnFseE10Z2Y3TFcreTBDaURqeVRyVThKTXZKM2diZXZKNFlneHhLejhlaUpWWFFlb0pEMHgyUFZaYWl2L1k=.jpg)
Episode 25
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Toby Anstis, Kerry Howard, Evelyn Mok and Joe Sugg take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 26 Episode 26](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEtzbExJZXIyYUtaZnRna2p5MFk0RGFNaktkN0xZVTZjeDIzZElZY2V1eUhvUVRaR29DT3FmanNiQUNmMjNXak4=.jpg)
Episode 26
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Diarmuid Gavin, Roo Irvine, John Kearns and Claire Richards take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games suitcase, or will they be tempted with the House of Games decanter?
![Episode 27 Episode 27](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFhXVWxHWU5nQndFS2tqSmd3QXo4eUdDdUZSaWpvSlhYNTVqWEUwRUlsZU0rcmFlcUV3VFIrQnBBRk91UWNNT1Y=.jpg)
Episode 27
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Diarmuid Gavin, Roo Irvine, John Kearns and Claire Richards take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games suitcase, or will they be tempted with the House of Games decanter?
![Episode 28 Episode 28](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMDJRRGJvVHJFUjl6L1V4SlBTajFQeExwRnlKc2YreXJEci8yVW9qcDFaVnFySHZXdFB4Qk5DbVpJckoybDBWSVM=.jpg)
Episode 28
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Diarmuid Gavin, Roo Irvine, John Kearns and Claire Richards take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games suitcase, or will they be tempted with the House of Games decanter?
![Episode 29 Episode 29](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHkyTXljbkZjSGV0cTc1NmRKUmkxT08yZm9MaytDUUZzVkQ1aW9kbGdtaUJFQmEyQnUzdlUxS25YVzN3QzdQMjc=.jpg)
Episode 29
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Diarmuid Gavin, Roo Irvine, John Kearns and Claire Richards take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games suitcase, or will they be tempted with the House of Games decanter?
![Episode 30 Episode 30](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMDdkMndkWXBrVFIzVWpvM3hkanBIZG9CSlZkN0U4blRpOXhJUzhHa1FheWM3UHpmWTVxVmVBWXNSNWRKdWYxaHo=.jpg)
Episode 30
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Diarmuid Gavin, Roo Irvine, John Kearns and Claire Richards take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games suitcase, or will they be tempted with the House of Games decanter?
![Episode 31 Episode 31](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGQ1VHlUNWEvK0h1UkFqTE50cFZ2QWV6SDRsWm92dnA1WWhqOHNtSjBYUkRKeS82MHBwQXBiWW5HNmVFYkJsTHo=.jpg)
Episode 31
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Cally Beaton, Louis Emerick, Helen George and Justin Moorhouse take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 32 Episode 32](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFU5RXdhVXVDaW5aZ1didHNEODNrNVJkYWl1ZHFQTkFjK3krMDNQY0Zrek1DYWxNc05XY3A4NFB2K3ZFOXYrUTM=.jpg)
Episode 32
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Cally Beaton, Louis Emerick, Helen George and Justin Moorhouse take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 33 Episode 33](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHJWMFlNM3hYUlR6OWl2UW14WkxZVFY3NVFCczJXTDJ0VTk5ZjMzMnd2RjkrNmRtQXN2K0YwelhRYlYvSllsOTU=.jpg)
Episode 33
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Cally Beaton, Louis Emerick, Helen George and Justin Moorhouse take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 34 Episode 34](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFJjOXU2RW90ZTVKOHNXT3JWUkMrZDBQcmtvUFA3eXp0Nm9aVktTalVvQ2ZwN3V1MlA4TE9lWFhrNWYxcEpYYUk=.jpg)
Episode 34
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Cally Beaton, Louis Emerick, Helen George and Justin Moorhouse take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 35 Episode 35](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMElZZzZ0eWVCeDFwSVhKYWNUWGVZNDVuY2l6QUNnYlVRNGc0M0Jzd0lsM3J1ZFhjRDRqQ0h4TmdqRnFpVTBZTmY=.jpg)
Episode 35
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Cally Beaton, Louis Emerick, Helen George and Justin Moorhouse take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 36 Episode 36](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEplR3c1QStPRkJiUTlWcFRmc2pucjNhOGRGM080MGpVeXZGbmJDcnBCSzNWekhFYzdTRXhvQUwvZklEamFvemU=.jpg)
Episode 36
Every day this week, previous contestants Radzi Chinyanganya, Janet Ellis, Darren Harriott and Suzi Ruffell take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Facing their second chance to win a prize, will the winning stars opt for the iconic House of Games dartboard, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 37 Episode 37](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEZPTVlPQ1J2b2xQYnRjc1o4VVFXVnRiUGxCMTc2M3dVYmNLVThieW9UZCtLZ1hzRjZPcUdyZk5LUll1SGpNejI=.jpg)
Episode 37
Every day this week, previous contestants Radzi Chinyanganya, Janet Ellis, Darren Harriott and Suzi Ruffell take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Facing their second chance to win a prize, will the winning stars opt for the iconic House of Games dartboard, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 38 Episode 38](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHV3VmhEUDFESFV4RWtmRXQ3c3RhYUZxUzhlYTNMMkFmVkdJbkVJL1UvSTUyK2R2WThsSWh5cGRiQllNNGoxbVI=.jpg)
Episode 38
Every day this week, previous contestants Radzi Chinyanganya, Janet Ellis, Darren Harriott and Suzi Ruffell take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Facing their second chance to win a prize, will the winning stars opt for the iconic House of Games dartboard, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 39 Episode 39](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFZkaWFLVzAwbmVHZk9mTjJNWEFTa1A2RElFcmt4RWxiV2tnV2tkS3JNZXlkZHZjVExXNGZacjlFV1FJeVYrTEs=.jpg)
Episode 39
Every day this week, previous contestants Radzi Chinyanganya, Janet Ellis, Darren Harriott and Suzi Ruffell take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Facing their second chance to win a prize, will the winning stars opt for the iconic House of Games dartboard, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 40 Episode 40](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMG9qMzR5Y3ViRE1pTHJwM3FFK09QdmI3RktYTFFpczcvQmJGR0NmRllxcUVNLzY1cnhIRjVmeE5YQWJkQ2RRK0I=.jpg)
Episode 40
Every day this week, previous contestants Radzi Chinyanganya, Janet Ellis, Darren Harriott and Suzi Ruffell take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Facing their second chance to win a prize, will the winning stars opt for the iconic House of Games dartboard, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 41 Episode 41](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHVIWmpyc3J2MUZzcCsvbDduN0tIaDA3VXBaZXpHV2RxeFJCNnFUaHBRdWMvSjRzVjFZaGN5V0lFclZWZ2hhNGs=.jpg)
Episode 41
Every day this week, previous contestants Sian Gibson, Jean Johansson, Iain Stirling and Rav Wilding take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Facing their second chance to win a prize, will the winning stars opt for the iconic House of Games dartboard, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 42 Episode 42](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHBTaXhkM29OL2xrcDU3b1FIL3gzNDBDYkZpVHRlTkZ1Vnc0VGdrYkVsTzQyOFdEdnFDamZDcjExaTNNTDVhUW4=.jpg)
Episode 42
Every day this week, previous contestants Sian Gibson, Jean Johansson, Iain Stirling and Rav Wilding take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Facing their second chance to win a prize, will the winning stars opt for the iconic House of Games dartboard, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 43 Episode 43](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFpyTUJpTG9xSm96RkdWaW1tSnhsZWdtTkZ2NUV2b2JzN1cwUjhaOWJ2anQ5TjRDZFlpNEE1b3B6QkJkcVBpTE0=.jpg)
Episode 43
Every day this week, previous contestants Sian Gibson, Jean Johansson, Iain Stirling and Rav Wilding take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Facing their second chance to win a prize, will the winning stars opt for the iconic House of Games dartboard, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 44 Episode 44](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGdUQTdaaEg0MjdyQ1BzK3pTN1pPd3lGNFFMeVdhM3hLQ2IyT1poZ29TUUU3Slp5WDJEODBqbllRVlFJcFNGUEk=.jpg)
Episode 44
Every day this week, previous contestants Sian Gibson, Jean Johansson, Iain Stirling and Rav Wilding take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Facing their second chance to win a prize, will the winning stars opt for the iconic House of Games dartboard, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 45 Episode 45](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMDludGZ2NWgwS3NrZUJQRkREYkRxWTdvRDV5TUVNR3FXQmN1Qy9CY3F0RXdnc29pUmh4dzlyWnZxcVluY2U0Vjk=.jpg)
Episode 45
Every day this week, previous contestants Sian Gibson, Jean Johansson, Iain Stirling and Rav Wilding take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Facing their second chance to win a prize, will the winning stars opt for the iconic House of Games dartboard, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 46 Episode 46](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMG5BZ1ovamJYSWl4T2lIVDF3RjhjcTIyaFVVOEprRWJhOWhWSEJkQkhXbVR1UGJVUGJrOTdSZE5FYURvSzFxUUY=.jpg)
Episode 46
Every day this week, former winners Tim Key, Jamie Laing, Sunetra Sarker and Laura Whitmore take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Facing their second chance to win a prize, will the winning stars opt for the House of Games golden goblets, or will they be tempted with the must-have House of Games golden fondue set?
![Episode 47 Episode 47](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMG9rcmRUVUJBbjVTem5GNjArMnBaTVFyeWlhc213T2RXUTl6a1lNcXNnSUZMa2o5RzB5OHFRUEhyVXl6K0RyaGg=.jpg)
Episode 47
Every day this week, former winners Tim Key, Jamie Laing, Sunetra Sarker and Laura Whitmore take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Facing their second chance to win a prize, will the winning stars opt for the House of Games golden goblets, or will they be tempted with the must-have House of Games golden fondue set?
![Episode 48 Episode 48](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEpnVGs1MFZ1V1VWS0NPMUVsWGVWUnQ1UkpSSi9ITytuMG82RE5UYy9SRE5Kd1RzOFVhQnFEMlJ5QWFaWC9EeXc=.jpg)
Episode 48
Every day this week, former winners Tim Key, Jamie Laing, Sunetra Sarker and Laura Whitmore take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Facing their second chance to win a prize, will the winning stars opt for the House of Games golden goblets, or will they be tempted with the must-have House of Games golden fondue set?
![Episode 49 Episode 49](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHNMNUppTlBkU0J0WkNuMHRyY1JiczF3YzUxY2dGcWpjVjN2bWFRSHZaaWpJOVNFZWlBbkkzYVl3UnNuOEVWeGc=.jpg)
Episode 49
Every day this week, former winners Tim Key, Jamie Laing, Sunetra Sarker and Laura Whitmore take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Facing their second chance to win a prize, will the winning stars opt for the House of Games golden goblets, or will they be tempted with the must-have House of Games golden fondue set?
![Episode 50 Episode 50](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEYrQW9iS0I5VlFsNFQ1aGNJOUNFc09VOWpKVjlORW1aNEtxc1VGRk9QVFFNUGtUTE0wczhYWTVWSi9waGZsanI=.jpg)
Episode 50
Every day this week, former winners Tim Key, Jamie Laing, Sunetra Sarker and Laura Whitmore take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Facing their second chance to win a prize, will the winning stars opt for the House of Games golden goblets, or will they be tempted with the must-have House of Games golden fondue set?
![Episode 51 Episode 51](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMDlXL3ViMUdUdi8yRlRCSHpRVjY4WkJHUFYrMjR1VzYveVB6Y0Rab1hWRG9IaEtGM0FYbnN0NXROYmZyVERwVks=.jpg)
Episode 51
Every day this week, former winners Yasmine Akram, Stephen Mangan, Ingrid Oliver and Tom Rosenthal take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Facing their second chance to win a prize, will the winning stars opt for the House of Games golden goblets, or will they be tempted with the must-have House of Games golden fondue set?
![Episode 52 Episode 52](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEpSOU9DWXBUcVNJWUhjaWFJMkxqalgwK2RQK0dpU3Y2aTQzU1NZWi8vR0ZZazNZZEs2V0NrY2RGcERpQTk1WnM=.jpg)
Episode 52
Every day this week, former winners Yasmine Akram, Stephen Mangan, Ingrid Oliver and Tom Rosenthal take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Facing their second chance to win a prize, will the winning stars opt for the House of Games golden goblets, or will they be tempted with the must-have House of Games golden fondue set?
![Episode 53 Episode 53](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEY1dktSem9HVW9ZeTlrNi9zL2lhcGxiYWxSUDJDUVoyUHFid2IxZjhvUmlFTVBCTWxoeVNQUGVES3hiT3FUSlo=.jpg)
Episode 53
Every day this week, former winners Yasmine Akram, Stephen Mangan, Ingrid Oliver and Tom Rosenthal take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Facing their second chance to win a prize, will the winning stars opt for the House of Games golden goblets, or will they be tempted with the must-have House of Games golden fondue set?
![Episode 54 Episode 54](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFdQTzZJZFl0QUgwQzF0Rlc4dWRKcnA4VkdqRDhWd0FQUjFpcU9FNmd1dEV2OEtQcTV5N1RucjVYd0J0Sm5KdzA=.jpg)
Episode 54
Every day this week, former winners Yasmine Akram, Stephen Mangan, Ingrid Oliver and Tom Rosenthal take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Facing their second chance to win a prize, will the winning stars opt for the House of Games golden goblets, or will they be tempted with the must-have House of Games golden fondue set?
![Episode 55 Episode 55](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEIvdjhOY3Q1bVk2anNlYVRRQzZjOWxEMkpqUVRjdm5IZkNROUtjS0dsdnlvM3ZQMy8rUW5ra2NKeGlYeXd3c2s=.jpg)
Episode 55
Every day this week, former winners Yasmine Akram, Stephen Mangan, Ingrid Oliver and Tom Rosenthal take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Facing their second chance to win a prize, will the winning stars opt for the House of Games golden goblets, or will they be tempted with the must-have House of Games golden fondue set?
![Episode 56 Episode 56](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEhVSSs1dFZiRHI2QW5SWFBJZkpJcWYrelYrU2xDUFBNQUg2UWpxanNOVlVTb3AxY1VFU1Y0a09Kc2ZPNEpsK3M=.jpg)
Episode 56
Every day this week, former winners Maggie Aderin-Pocock, Cariad Lloyd, Gareth Malone and Mike Wozniak take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Facing their second chance to win a prize, will the winning stars opt for the House of Games golden goblets, or will they be tempted with the must-have House of Games golden fondue set?
![Episode 57 Episode 57](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEEzYWtKN1ZsYjRtMllqZXdUVWVDaDlWbzVidDlpakFUd0RmM2JoeEtBc240SmtYa25RcURKS0Qvalk0Z3QwcGc=.jpg)
Episode 57
Every day this week, former winners Maggie Aderin-Pocock, Cariad Lloyd, Gareth Malone and Mike Wozniak take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Facing their second chance to win a prize, will the winning stars opt for the House of Games golden goblets, or will they be tempted with the must-have House of Games golden fondue set?
![Episode 58 Episode 58](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGpQM284dmh2OUdZZXNiYlRFRlpFVXozdHRxSks2UmRkSFJsOG04c1E2a2VuYnZSQm1tRG1yYWQ1MnRmWFNHQ28=.jpg)
Episode 58
Every day this week, former winners Maggie Aderin-Pocock, Cariad Lloyd, Gareth Malone and Mike Wozniak take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Facing their second chance to win a prize, will the winning stars opt for the House of Games golden goblets, or will they be tempted with the must-have House of Games golden fondue set?
![Episode 59 Episode 59](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEtsVFFyQ0owMlAwQmRpRXRFVUphbE9DZkdHSE1KeHo1VkYxTUN0cXY2ZnhUU01ZaUcrUTBiZTlZWE1uRXBTc28=.jpg)
Episode 59
Every day this week, former winners Maggie Aderin-Pocock, Cariad Lloyd, Gareth Malone and Mike Wozniak take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Facing their second chance to win a prize, will the winning stars opt for the House of Games golden goblets, or will they be tempted with the must-have House of Games golden fondue set?
![Episode 60 Episode 60](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMDVSQWMzRVhiUjhVZnN2cVVjK1kva3BrRGttamJrU003cngxekRNTS9HZ2lpcm53R1hoNTlyV0VqTWprTXNyRmo=.jpg)
Episode 60
Every day this week, former winners Maggie Aderin-Pocock, Cariad Lloyd, Gareth Malone and Mike Wozniak take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Facing their second chance to win a prize, will the winning stars opt for the House of Games golden goblets, or will they be tempted with the must-have House of Games golden fondue set?
![Episode 61 Episode 61](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEFlbDNzOEVvZGdMcEtDclV5VzZDL0FMNC9MNHJwVUs2V2xBcTRUZllUMHlkeFhkWFNmMmdnUmUvZjh1YldzVWo=.jpg)
Episode 61
Every day this week, former winners Stephen Bailey, Charlie Brooks, Ria Lina and John Thomson take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Facing their second chance to win a prize, will the winning stars opt for the House of Games golden goblets, or will they be tempted with the must-have House of Games golden fondue set?
![Episode 62 Episode 62](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEp3RGp3bGFrR2M4QXd6RnYrZEppbTg2a09zWi9ZQVcwdHNjeFFPL2N2T2ZVL3YvR3lMb2lEbWZta2ZvZnJzQTY=.jpg)
Episode 62
Every day this week, former winners Stephen Bailey, Charlie Brooks, Ria Lina and John Thomson take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Facing their second chance to win a prize, will the winning stars opt for the House of Games golden goblets, or will they be tempted with the must-have House of Games golden fondue set?
![Episode 63 Episode 63](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGFiRTNFV1JkRk5pUE8xY3dVZy81UFk2TWNydXdMKzJwT2RsR0N3RU9Mb2N3bGd2dnl3SlRBZXZlVCtFSUU1M04=.jpg)
Episode 63
Every day this week, former winners Stephen Bailey, Charlie Brooks, Ria Lina and John Thomson take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Facing their second chance to win a prize, will the winning stars opt for the House of Games golden goblets, or will they be tempted with the must-have House of Games golden fondue set?
![Episode 64 Episode 64](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGlKOWc5VnZxTWk4cXhFM09oTmp5RWpuSFB5ZkhLNng5TlR6QXhFUE42UG9BZWRweDJmT2VWUGdCQTl3SUF4NGE=.jpg)
Episode 64
Every day this week, former winners Stephen Bailey, Charlie Brooks, Ria Lina and John Thomson take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Facing their second chance to win a prize, will the winning stars opt for the House of Games golden goblets, or will they be tempted with the must-have House of Games golden fondue set?
![Episode 65 Episode 65](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEhrS2k1MUFqNTVNK0NqZW54YlJNMTdZbTRQUzk1VWFyUHUvbXZFY2ZLMTlqOEFLRFh3cmJLK0pNd1Z0bzJlOW4=.jpg)
Episode 65
Every day this week, former winners Stephen Bailey, Charlie Brooks, Ria Lina and John Thomson take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Facing their second chance to win a prize, will the winning stars opt for the House of Games golden goblets, or will they be tempted with the must-have House of Games golden fondue set?
![Episode 66 Episode 66](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGY5NVIvWnY5bldxdEJCVm1KaTU0OHlnVTBoMXVJZm9YTGNHbWQrYVJiT2dqNEhqaVQ5ajNScUVTYUJ0ZWFWTWQ=.jpg)
Episode 66
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Ashley John-Baptiste, Simon Rimmer, Claire Sweeney and Esme Young take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games suitcase, or will they be tempted with the House of Games decanter?
![Episode 67 Episode 67](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEtUa1pQSWx4cmtSUVpmOGVvbzUxQWt1ZnVWNGpoTHo4OXN4K3ozZ05EekIrc2dZdFFUUnNLTEZ5T1pHWmNMSnI=.jpg)
Episode 67
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Ashley John-Baptiste, Simon Rimmer, Claire Sweeney and Esme Young take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games suitcase, or will they be tempted with the House of Games decanter?
![Episode 68 Episode 68](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFMrSDY0TEk3ckNScGNoalJUYXFMSGJqbUxJMmFRSjdpM05KUHdvc1o5dkV0WExIUDlzb2JnSnFSZUk1aVkraXk=.jpg)
Episode 68
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Ashley John-Baptiste, Simon Rimmer, Claire Sweeney and Esme Young take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games suitcase, or will they be tempted with the House of Games decanter?
![Episode 69 Episode 69](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMDNCSHpSY0xUcS9WeDVkUWdwd0hhci84QTd4ZDhqcUMvcEs3Q0NqWTdJU3A1dWF0RjgrM2w2RU5WaktpMGdyZlA=.jpg)
Episode 69
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Ashley John-Baptiste, Simon Rimmer, Claire Sweeney and Esme Young take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games suitcase, or will they be tempted with the House of Games decanter?
![Episode 70 Episode 70](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMERuMlZLTGFYTk5BMmN3ajM5ak1ZK0lCUkhQaFdtaGdGaGZVMW9jdU5FKzVBQVpvVlo0b0RCOHV2QUIrZHllSFE=.jpg)
Episode 70
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Ashley John-Baptiste, Simon Rimmer, Claire Sweeney and Esme Young take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games suitcase, or will they be tempted with the House of Games decanter?
![Episode 71 Episode 71](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFZZUlNsQnlTUkRVbVZmZlRYcm90M2QwaVhyOWdZYlNCYXZXUHQ0cG5RbXlNR0hXbUdyaW1oUXUvWkZVRFV6RWI=.jpg)
Episode 71
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Kevin Eldon, Sarah Keyworth, Laila Rouass and John Whaite take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games suitcase, or will they be tempted with the House of Games decanter?
![Episode 72 Episode 72](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkME14bGNjSGF0alJMTVI2b2l5aUp6SU5XSXA5Q1JKUjU1MGxOek5CR1lEdHc2WEtqRllUWTd6VnI2bWMwQU1KZlo=.jpg)
Episode 72
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Kevin Eldon, Sarah Keyworth, Laila Rouass and John Whaite take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games suitcase, or will they be tempted with the House of Games decanter?
![Episode 73 Episode 73](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGhnemRUTmNGVG9lS1Y3Zzk1S1FQUGszOE1uVmtVcmcwL0J6RnNsSUNqSThOMmtIUVhPbnVqeXd3SjN4bW5ra1Y=.jpg)
Episode 73
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Kevin Eldon, Sarah Keyworth, Laila Rouass and John Whaite take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games suitcase, or will they be tempted with the House of Games decanter?
![Episode 74 Episode 74](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMDVOWmlIZ1NTWHFPN2FvcHIwc0tQSFlxR0NqL0ZpcFd2UkhtcmhBZFRCaDdFYW41S0tFT0N3c3VvMzhiWnFjRU8=.jpg)
Episode 74
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Kevin Eldon, Sarah Keyworth, Laila Rouass and John Whaite take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games suitcase, or will they be tempted with the House of Games decanter?
![Episode 75 Episode 75](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGpFR1hqTUtWcDU0QnRSWC9SdTJWUVFWeElwZmU5Vkpyd2ZSRk52OG9mejJCU3V4b1dVM3JTWFFLMENBMHRvWm4=.jpg)
Episode 75
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Kevin Eldon, Sarah Keyworth, Laila Rouass and John Whaite take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games suitcase, or will they be tempted with the House of Games decanter?
![Episode 76 Episode 76](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMDlDQjY5NXFHZkZEK0xkV21BYjI5Z0wrWm5EUGFpR2ZpMGJsTEtNV00xb1Fmd1JTaHgvMXJJMGhWWXE2RWc3WGE=.jpg)
Episode 76
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Adrian Chiles, Greg McHugh, Sukh Ojla and Jayne Sharp take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games suitcase, or will they be tempted with the House of Games decanter?
![Episode 77 Episode 77](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFNhSE5RNGVPek5UYTNFeGZyY0xBTXVRVFFveDczeHJoZ3RGVDhBNUtpbTJyajR6ZXVwejhIZS9LbHkrQnlVZFo=.jpg)
Episode 77
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Adrian Chiles, Greg McHugh, Sukh Ojla and Jayne Sharp take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games suitcase, or will they be tempted with the House of Games decanter?
![Episode 78 Episode 78](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGYrQTFmZ2dVZURzQmU3UDNkODdyU0d6MkZsSGFVbC8wOThTTTc1aXdLeForMFhQeUFDL25yS1ZWTThvZno0bzU=.jpg)
Episode 78
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Adrian Chiles, Greg McHugh, Sukh Ojla and Jayne Sharp take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games suitcase, or will they be tempted with the House of Games decanter?
![Episode 79 Episode 79](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHRjaDVMRCtwWkxXNk5JVFROZ0grY0pCa1Jqck5nMit5RWp3RUgwTno3Y2pQSFE1VHBFbGtFbzlqZzFWZWU1Rng=.jpg)
Episode 79
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Adrian Chiles, Greg McHugh, Sukh Ojla and Jayne Sharp take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games suitcase, or will they be tempted with the House of Games decanter?
![Episode 80 Episode 80](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGgxMXV0RFBaL1lkL2EvSm5oT2RCc1JET0YyakdNK0JjWnNHczBndnZzaTd4aWc0dU9rWXhiS29HV1FHZzlieU4=.jpg)
Episode 80
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Adrian Chiles, Greg McHugh, Sukh Ojla and Jayne Sharp take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games suitcase, or will they be tempted with the House of Games decanter?
![Episode 81 Episode 81](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEQzcVNzNkp2VHNtcjl3WGpMQ3FLRGl5RWxxRHhXZkV3YjhmRXhCZEw2ckhjaGdwa20zVkd4eVNaOHVOdE9CZmY=.jpg)
Episode 81
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Jasmine Harman, Dave Johns, Professor Suzannah Lipscomb and Jason Mohammad take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games suitcase, or will they be tempted with the House of Games decanter?
![Episode 82 Episode 82](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGMwOGxxT1R2aUJqb2lneWQwL0pmUWJZYTNFMlg3NDRJbFFhSXhZMnU0WmZXSUlkM1N5UkFwYlRVZ1I0Z0haVC8=.jpg)
Episode 82
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Jasmine Harman, Dave Johns, Professor Suzannah Lipscomb and Jason Mohammad take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games suitcase, or will they be tempted with the House of Games decanter?
![Episode 83 Episode 83](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMC8xK0d5VmFIam9zOXR0VTRISlRCQ1JNN2srTjVqTFlBTUt1dWpySWV5OG5UOGlNRmFvLzRFaEk0ZElYb2E1TGM=.jpg)
Episode 83
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Jasmine Harman, Dave Johns, Professor Suzannah Lipscomb and Jason Mohammad take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games suitcase, or will they be tempted with the House of Games decanter?
![Episode 84 Episode 84](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEFkR0RMTGRvVDdnL0JtaFZHMk9PenV4NytlVFdDWENOUDNTWFM3R3diQTk5QndTRVlNbTAwR0tGYmZSQ0FZNG0=.jpg)
Episode 84
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Jasmine Harman, Dave Johns, Professor Suzannah Lipscomb and Jason Mohammad take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games suitcase, or will they be tempted with the House of Games decanter?
![Episode 85 Episode 85](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMDhFWGpEb3ZHVlZ6Z3ZJTTVzSW0rQlJ1Qko5K0dNVHpzNkpZaDg0SURZdGtkYXRZd2FJY25RemhxUEpqK0J3azg=.jpg)
Episode 85
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Jasmine Harman, Dave Johns, Professor Suzannah Lipscomb and Jason Mohammad take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games suitcase, or will they be tempted with the House of Games decanter?
![Episode 86 Episode 86](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFZETXF0MzFjTWtVamxURWR5b2hzWHFva3QrUzR5dVlLSDZtMEY5ajFtMnozOTJ1dHB0MzZiYkZFS0hkY0MxTUQ=.jpg)
Episode 86
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Kriss Akabusi, Grace Dent, Tim Lovejoy and Lauren Steadman take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games suitcase, or will they be tempted with the House of Games decanter?
![Episode 87 Episode 87](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEx2Wm9jbGgxTzFGN0tzWjNTSG0vZkxyOUZOSVR3TG5uR2FKZ1RoWm5hY0VZSVpwUDhrVjZkbzF0anFBaWpiU0Y=.jpg)
Episode 87
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Kriss Akabusi, Grace Dent, Tim Lovejoy and Lauren Steadman take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games suitcase, or will they be tempted with the House of Games decanter?
![Episode 88 Episode 88](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHpiemNCUGZMVlhQUlZWbGswK2VaUDBpajVpa0JuaHBxdVdFR1ZyRC9uYkFTZkZrcnJuUTh4cGplY0tYdE9yNGE=.jpg)
Episode 88
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Kriss Akabusi, Grace Dent, Tim Lovejoy and Lauren Steadman take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games suitcase, or will they be tempted with the House of Games decanter?
![Episode 89 Episode 89](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMElha0pWZzVtQjljRk9DK0dmSmlqTk84UEh4MnVydWtqajQyMDNmS2VtTDNyNG4zWnd1QitOOUxNRllTV2VyRzU=.jpg)
Episode 89
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Kriss Akabusi, Grace Dent, Tim Lovejoy and Lauren Steadman take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games suitcase, or will they be tempted with the House of Games decanter?
![Episode 90 Episode 90](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGZBMkVhNGJNclhWZzFVU0V4cUN1U3A5VUttY2RmYTBVM0VmNUZkSzEvalFXUjQ3cnQ3eTh0Vi9vLzRrQ3B3Qmc=.jpg)
Episode 90
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Kriss Akabusi, Grace Dent, Tim Lovejoy and Lauren Steadman take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games suitcase, or will they be tempted with the House of Games decanter?
![Episode 91 Episode 91](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFM4U0o1TC8weWx6TmRhaVFUQzM5RGJ3aXVCdS9DZUhYQjdWTUdsdFhqUFBCb0N6UDZaUVVOV2pXa05LdzZRM2c=.jpg)
Episode 91
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Jon Culshaw, Harriet Kemsley, Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen and Verona Rose take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 92 Episode 92](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMDZwN3czM3gvTUx3SWgvbUxlaFViYnpxL1VZMUdyV1VCM3NmUlhCNG8vSDQ5OXkwcXNVRzBXREV1b1UxTU5tb2w=.jpg)
Episode 92
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Jon Culshaw, Harriet Kemsley, Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen and Verona Rose take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 93 Episode 93](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGluM2hoOVRFYncrYStRVnZmcFIvZ2pFejh4NnFvUVRReUYrbDU3cG9SSHArMW9XR3g4bzF2VzRLNGZUUDVhZmU=.jpg)
Episode 93
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Jon Culshaw, Harriet Kemsley, Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen and Verona Rose take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 94 Episode 94](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMDFGZnpvOG9HR28wd29DdkJpcHNpKzh6eHNYMU5TV2RRWTc1SmtaYzN3N05sb3p5d1M1dCtZcElScVltaU55cTk=.jpg)
Episode 94
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Jon Culshaw, Harriet Kemsley, Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen and Verona Rose take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 95 Episode 95](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGVxTitrTUMybUpaMTZVdy9vdkx1SFZXQW1YdlQzamtMbEZ0cHN5M0xMa2UwZUx4ZEJmQWI5Y0VOR1NQYm9qc1E=.jpg)
Episode 95
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Jon Culshaw, Harriet Kemsley, Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen and Verona Rose take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 96 Episode 96](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEFqeFYyTVlFTFZoVGhnMVduVmRnU1ljMGRGbGZmV1BmOEhtOE8wQ1FFeCtrTGk0Rm5lSGN4dElGdTFCWnhQYzQ=.jpg)
Episode 96
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Mike Bubbins, Kirsten O'Brien, Christine Ohuruogu and Kai Widdrington take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 97 Episode 97](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMElHdjVrN3YrYzJEaWh0c00vdm1ySklRZzVmdE93ejdXQTRxb2J1T3lOdGQwNm5HU1dpS0VSejdQNDhBUkI2bEU=.jpg)
Episode 97
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Mike Bubbins, Kirsten O'Brien, Christine Ohuruogu and Kai Widdrington take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 98 Episode 98](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMElHdjVrN3YrYzJEaWh0c00vdm1ySklRZzVmdE93ejdXQTRxb2J1T3lOdGQwNm5HU1dpS0VSejdQNDhBUkI2bEU=.jpg)
Episode 98
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Mike Bubbins, Kirsten O'Brien, Christine Ohuruogu and Kai Widdrington take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 99 Episode 99](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMElHdjVrN3YrYzJEaWh0c00vdm1ySklRZzVmdE93ejdXQTRxb2J1T3lOdGQwNm5HU1dpS0VSejdQNDhBUkI2bEU=.jpg)
Episode 99
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Mike Bubbins, Kirsten O'Brien, Christine Ohuruogu and Kai Widdrington take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Episode 100 Episode 100](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMElHdjVrN3YrYzJEaWh0c00vdm1ySklRZzVmdE93ejdXQTRxb2J1T3lOdGQwNm5HU1dpS0VSejdQNDhBUkI2bEU=.jpg)
Episode 100
Every day this week, celebrity contestants Mike Bubbins, Kirsten O'Brien, Christine Ohuruogu and Kai Widdrington take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the much-coveted House of Games decanter, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
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