SciShow - Season 6 / Year 2016
Season 6 / Year 2016
Miracle Fruit: How to Trick Your Taste Buds
What Happens When You Swallow Hair?
SciShow Talk Show: Dr. Amanda Duley, Brains, & Joy the Macaw
Nadine The Robot Is Amazing And Creepy
3 Misconceptions About Juice Cleanses
What Happens When You Hold Your Pee?
The Strange, Smelly Science of Decomposing Bodies
5 Ways Humans Have Changed The Earth
Why Does Alcohol Burn When You Drink It?
Animal Survival Skills: Poison Edition
SciShow: Resolutions Compilation
Are Ancient Grains Really Better For You?
The Hunt for the Highest Melting Point
Why Shouldn't You Take Medicine with Grapefruit Juice?
6 Common Misconceptions About Cancer
Why Are Some World Records So Hard to Break?
What Are Muscle Knots?
SciShow Talk Show: The Science of Corvids & Dick Cheney Masks
Zika Virus: What We Know (And What We Don't)
When Sex is Hard
Where Does Love Come From?
Do Humans Have Pheromones?
Special Valentine Science!
How 18th-Century Medicine Killed George Washington
Why Do We Sneeze?
What If We Killed All the Mosquitoes?
The Future of SciShow
What Causes Growing Pains?
3 People Who Probably Saved Your Life
Mind-Controlled Limbs and Home-Made Skin
Why Do We Have Leap Years?
What are Those Things on Airplanes' Wings?
SciShow Talk Show: Kallie Moore, Ancient Life, And A Dragon
Precision Medicine and the Science of Clumsy Robots
Should You Use Hydrogen Peroxide to Clean Wounds?
The Bacteria That Make Perfect, Tiny Magnets
Are Sore Muscles Growing?
The Future of Air Travel
Why Do Some Noises Make You Cringe?
Pink Lake Mystery Solved!
Why Does Plane Food Taste So Bad?
10 Plants That Could Kill You
3 Ways Science Can Improve Your Pie
Why Can't You Remember Being a Baby?
SciShow: FAQ Compilation
Extreme Animal Milks You Probably Don't Want To Drink
AI vs. Human: The Greatest Go Tournament Ever
Why Does My Face Turn Red When I'm Angry?
10 Dangerous Fashion Trends
Why Do We Have Butt Hair?
Why Do I Feel Lightheaded When I Stand Up?
4 Plants That Are Great for Humans
Neanderthals: Smarter Than You Think
What is Selfing?
What Are Eye Boogers?
10 Ridiculous Scientific Names
Why Owls Are Night Ninjas
Urinal Cakes: Why?
Why Avocados Shouldn't Exist
Synthetic Life & The Science of E-Cigs
What are Scars?
7 Things We Don't Know About the Ocean
How to Get Drunk on Bread
Why Do We Get Freckles?
Is There Such a Thing As An Addictive Personality?
Awesome Animal Dads
Bleaching in the Great Barrier Reef, and a Zika Update
Are Those Really Blackheads?
9 Weird Ways Animals See the World
Aphids: Weird Poop, Weirder Babies
Why Does Water Go Stale Overnight?
SciShow Talk Show: Crash Course Physics Host Dr. Shini Somara & Sydney the Brush-Tailed Bettong
The Strange Blue Glow That Saved Lives
Another Zika Update & Quantum Physics Gamers
What is Restless Leg Syndrome?
9 Animals That Will Outlive Us
The Fern That Cooled the Planet
What Makes Fresh Air Fresh?
The Awesome Power of Citizen Science
The Physics of the Weird and Wonderful Theremin
Genetic Superheroes and Brains on LSD
Why Is Freezer Burn Ruining My Food?
9 Futuristic Materials
Pneumatic Tubes: Transportation of the Past... And Future?
Why Does Running Water Make You Want To Pee?
SciShow: Bees Compilation
What Causes Food Cravings?
The Science of Men
Do Negative-Calorie Foods Exist?
10 Surprising Chemicals Your Body Makes
Weird Places: Devil's Kettle Falls
Why Do Birds Sing in the Morning?
Why an Entire Field of Psychology Is in Trouble
Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer?
The Amazing Humanoid Diving Robot
Why Is My Body Temperature 37 Degrees?
9 Extreme Bug Mating Rituals
Life as a Sea Cow
Why Is My Whiteboard So Dirty?
Honey: Bacteria's Worst Enemy
Diary of a Citizen Scientist with Sharman Apt Russell
The Fate of Boaty McBoatface & UAE Wants to Build a Mountain!
Why Do Old Books Smell So Good?
10 Fantastic Fungi Superpowers
Weird Places: Movile Cave
Are Multivitamins Really Good For You?
Why Do We Procrastinate?
The Science of Sunbeams
The Truth About Painkillers and Empathy, and a Hyperloop Test!
Why Do We Jump in Our Sleep?
The Truth About 10 Famous Inventions
Antimicrobials Inspired by Animals
How Do Blacklights Make Things Glow?
Quiz Show: Michael Aranda vs. Emily Graslie
How Do Touchscreens Work?
Top New Species for 2016, and a Perching Robot!
Why Do Newborn Babies Get Jaundice?
8 Cheesy Science Facts
Do You Really Have a New Body Every 7 Years?
Why Are There Bacteria In My Yogurt?
The Science of Alcohol: From Beer to Bourbon
Why is Indigo in the Rainbow?
The New Superbug!
Why Can Mosquitoes Transmit Zika, But Not the Flu?
SciShow Talk Show: Biocrust with Rebecca Durham
How Can We Clean Up the Oceans?
How Do Marine Mammals Hold Their Breath For So Long?
8 Strange New Deep Sea Creatures
Great Minds: Margaret Hamilton
New Ancient Human Fossils!
Underwater Discovery and Adventure: The Story of Jacques Cousteau
10 Discoveries Made in National Parks
Jimmy Carter's 'Cancer Cure'
Why Do We Itch?
Can I Die From Too Much Water? Blood? Oxygen?
How to Make a Hologram
Meet the 4 Newest Elements!
Is the Y Chromosome Disappearing?
10 Strange-Looking Prehistoric Animals
Where Do Our Facial Expressions Come From?
How Do Noise-Canceling Headphones Work?
The Sweet and Lowdown on Sweeteners
Sprites, Jets, and Glowing Balls: The Science of Lightning
Vantablack: The Darkest Material Ever Made
Why Does Garlic Ruin Dates?
5 of the Worst Computer Viruses Ever
Octopuses Are Ridiculously Smart
Why Do We Stretch in the Morning?
Is Science Reliable?
Air Conditioners: Coolest Idea Ever
Solar-Powered Plane and Contagious Shellfish Cancer
Why Do Babies Smell So Good?
The 10 Oldest Fossils, and What They Say About Evolution
Great Minds: James Hutton, Founder of Geology
Why Do My Ears Pop?
Brood Parasites
The Psychology of Trolling
Are Self-Driving Cars Safe?
Why Isn't a Kilogram a Kilogram?
10 Cute Animals With Secretly Scary Behaviors
Hypercanes: The Next Big Disaster Movie?
Why Is The Sound Of Chewing So Awful?
A Brief History of Life: Survival Is Hard
Wasp Nests and Bee Hives
Healing Ozone & Studying Ecstasy
Why Do Cats Like Catnip?
10 Things We Didn't Know 100 Years Ago
Cryonics: Could We Really Bring People Back to Life?
What Is Taurine and Why's It in My Energy Drink?
A Brief History of Life: When Life Exploded
The Science (and Dangers) of Booze in Humans
How to Make Pokémon GO
Why Don't Penguins' Feet Freeze?
9 Weird Ways Animals Communicate
Colored Noise, and How It Can Help You Focus
How Do Toys Glow in the Dark?
Learning Mnemonics: Can You Really Hack Your Memory?
SciShow Talk Show: Carl Zimmer & Genetics
A New Map of the Human Brain!
Why are Insects Attracted to Light?
7 Myths About Movement
Immortal Cells Turn 96
What's the Best Position for Pooping?
A Brief History of Life: Dinosaur Time!
The Future of 3D Printing
Antibiotics In Your Nose!
Are There Really Insects in Yogurt?
7 Weird Things That Happen Before You're 7
The Deal with Protein
Why Do Ribbons Curl?
Vanessa Hill of BrainCraft & Sugar Gliders | SciShow Talk Show
Babies With Three Parents
Mutant Mosquitoes in Florida
Does Radiation Make Air Travel Dangerous?
9 Amazing New Arachnid Species
The Deal with Carbs
What's the Ultimate Campfire Fuel?
A Brief History of Life: Rise of the Humans
Volcanoes: Mother of Disasters
Life-Changing Birdsong
Why Do My Eyes Glow Red in Photos?
8 Incredible Record-Breaking Bridges
The Physics of Roller Coasters
Why Do Women Live Longer Than Men?
SciShow Talk Show: Tabetha Boyajian
Will the Periodic Table Ever Be Complete?
Fish Pee: The Coral Reef Superfood
What's the Best Way to Pour Beer?
7 Super Toxic U.S. Sites
Skateboarding Science: Master the Ollie!
Are Hand Dryers Sanitary?
CRISPR: A Gene-Editing Superpower
Can Seawater Fix California's Drought?
The Oldest Fossils Ever Found!
What Makes Sourdough Bread Sour?
8 Strange Animal Sleeping Habits
How We Eradicated Cattle Plague
Why Does Virtual Reality Make Me Sick?
Quiz Show: SciShow Host Showdown
The Bernoullis: When Math is the Family Business
Why Can't You Digest Grass?
Does Beer Actually Help Breastfeeding?
5 Psychology Experiments You Couldn't Do Today
Stealth: How to Hide a Plane
How Can I Make A Traffic Light Turn Green?
The AI Gaming Revolution
Great Minds: James Clerk Maxwell, Electromagnetic Hero
A Scientifically Accurate, Life-Sized Dinosaur Model
Why Do I Get Dark Circles Under My Eyes?
8 Creepy Animals That Are Actually Harmless
Tiny Extremophiles Living in Rocks!
Why Can the Same Drug Treat Heart Attacks and Anxiety?
SciShow Talk Show with Toby Spribille & A New Lichen Discovery
3 Senses You Didn't Know You Had
Why Are Smartphone Batteries Combusting?
Should You Store Eggs in the Fridge?
7 Animals That Aren't What We Call Them
The Smokin' Science of Fire Extinguishers
What Are Those Lines on My Nails?
Cymatics: Turning Sound into Art
Game Theory: The Science of Decision-Making
Can Roller Coasters Help You Pass Kidney Stones?
How Do Concussions Cause Amnesia?
5 More Computer Viruses You Really Don't Want to Get
The Tiny Fish That's Changing Modern Medicine
Are Plastic Dinosaurs Made from Real Dinosaurs?!
SciShow Quiz Show: Olivia vs Hank
Do Menstrual Cycles Really Sync Up?
Nobels 2016: How Your Cells Stave Off Starvation
How Do Desensitizing Toothpastes Work?
6 Sleeper-Agent Pathogens That Can Make You Sick
Intersex Across the Animal Kingdom
Does Air on Planes Make You Sick?
The Science of Dank Memes
Sonoluminescence: When Sound Creates Light
The 2016 Nobel Prizes: Chemistry and Physics!
Does Music Really Make Babies Smarter?
10 Bizarre Ways to Avoid Being Dinner
Sensory Deprivation Tanks, and Other Overblown Human Closets
Why Do Cats Love Boxes?
Einstein's Greatest Mistake: SciShow Talk Show with David Bodanis
Where Do Domestic Cats Come From?
Happy Mole Day!
What Makes Fresh Cut Grass Smell?
9 of the Most Abundant Animals on Earth
Victorian Pseudosciences: Solving Murders with Eyeballs
Why Does Glitter Stick to Everything?
How Do You Get Rid of Acne?
3 Things Your Cat Should Not Be Doing
Using Devil's Milk to Kill Superbugs
Do Dead Batteries Really Bounce?
7 New Species Discovered in Cities
Bloody Amazing Facts About Vampire Bats
Am I Really A Visual Learner?
SciShow Quiz Show: Katelyn Salem vs. Hank Green
Weird Places: The Glowing Blue Lava at Kawah Ijen
Spinach That Detects Explosives!
Why Are Paper Cuts So Painful?
5 Things We Still Don't Know About the Solar System
The Best Way to Fight the Flu
How Do Insects Survive the Winter?
What Really Happened with Typhoid Mary?
The Science of Hypnosis
Saving the Elephants with Carbon Dating
Why Does Coffee Make You Poop?
8 Mind-Blowing Optical Illusions
What's the Difference Between Baking Powder and Baking Soda?
Why Can Applesauce Replace Butter? And Oil? And Eggs?
Building New Molecules: SciShow Talk Show
The Chemistry of Fried Food
Why Do Heart Cells Turn into Bone?
Can You Really Cook Alcohol Out of Food?
9 Scientific Cooking Techniques
What We Don't Know about E-Cigs
Where Does Your Music Taste Come From?
3 Ways Science Can Bust Art Forgeries
Food Compilation - Happy Thanksgiving!
Quick, Draw!: Doodling for Science
Why Did You Skip a Period?
7 Things You Should Know About Bed Bugs
Retroviruses: Microbial Supervillains
Where Do Diamonds Come From?
SciShow Quiz Show: Writer vs. Creator
Victorian Pseudosciences: Brain Personality Maps
The Best Atomic Clock Ever Built?
Why Don't We Have Elbowcaps?
7 Species That Were Saved From Extinction
Victorian Pseudosciences: Shocking People Back to Health
How Can One Person's Blood Save 2 Million Babies?
4 Billion Years in Under 10 Minutes
The Science of Airport Security
Why Days Are Getting Longer
How Do I Make My Batteries Last Longer?
5 Baffling Mysteries About the Universe
The Future of Human Evolution
Why Is Ice Slippery?
Dendritic Cells: Scishow Talk Show
The Strange Effects of Diamond Dust
Why Can't Monkeys Talk Like Us?
Why Does My Voice Crack?
8 Animals That Only Live in One Place
The Strongest Acids in the World
What Does Ultrasound Gel Do?
Bitcoin: How Cryptocurrencies Work
How Does IVF Make Babies?
Antimatter Light Spectrum Discovered!
Can You Get Too Much Sleep?
5 Videos on the Science of Memory
The Science of Getting (and Getting Rid of) a Tattoo
How Do Cats and Dogs Drink Water?
Geophysics and Earthquake Prediction
Springs, Bows, and Gears: Amazing Animal Jumpers
Record-Breaking Discoveries of 2016!
Should I Wear Sunscreen in the Winter?
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