SciShow - Season 8 / Year 2018
Season 8 / Year 2018
The Science Behind Football's First-Down Line
Can You Actually Die from a Broken Heart?
Molecule Architecture: SciShow Talk Show with Dr. Oryon Berryman
Egyptian Blue: How an Ancient Pigment Could Save Lives
How the First Americans Got There
What Makes Radiators Bang So Loudly?
The 1918 Pandemic: The Deadliest Flu in History
The 7 Coolest Active Space Probes
What Do Dogs See When They Watch TV?
How Close Are We to Curing Alzheimer's
How Kodak Discovered Radioactive Rain
How Meltdown and Spectre Make Your Computer Vulnerable
Is Sitting Too Close to the TV Really Bad for You?
Shrimp Treadmills and 5 Other Odd Research Projects
A Deadly Mistake That Led to Safer Medicine | Elixir Sulfanilamide
Why Does Getting Water Up Your Nose Hurt So Much?
Science for Getting Swole: An Exercise Compilation
Why Don't Humans Have Penis Bones?
The Trouble with This Year's Flu Season
What Happens When You Get Electrocuted?
8 Things People Get Wrong About Animals
Salted Nukes: An Even More Dangerous Bomb
Why Does Sweat Turn Shirts Yellow?
SciShow Quiz Show: Bears, Beats, Battlestar Galactica?
Why You Might Want Parasitic Worms
Why People Keep Eating Tide Pods
Why Do Stink Bugs Stink?
6 Units of Measurement We're Still Using for Some Reason
How the White House Killed Two Presidents
What Happens to Birds During Hurricanes?
Working on Pathfinder: SciShow Talk Show
How African Dust Feeds Florida's Crops
What This Video Will Do to Your Friends' Brains
Can Dogs Smell Fear?
7 Organs You Could Totally Live Without
The Surprisingly Useful Medicines Hiding In Pee
What Causes 'Old People Smell'?
Attachmente Theory: How Your Childhood Shaped You
We're Getting Closer to Real-Life Tricorders
A Vaccine Against... Cancer?
How Do Skiers Win Races?
6 Bacteria with Awesome Superpowers
How a Blizzard Creates Thundersnow
Why Does the Cold Make You Pee?
Fecal Shields, and 5 Other Ways Animals Use Poop
Why Echidnas Are Evolutionary Misfits
These Ant Paramedics Save Their Injured Comrades
Why Does Salt Make Food Taste Better?
SciShow Quiz Show: When Science Meets Pop Culture
3 Things Fish Shouldn't Be Able to Do
Could Humans Ever Breathe Water?
How Pregnancy Is Like Growing an Alien Inside You
The Key to an Artificial Heart ... and Open-Heart Surgery
A Blood Test for Brain Damage, and AI Eye Doctors
Where Should I Put My Wi-Fi Router?
6 'Undetectable' Poisons (and How to Detect Them)
When Sled Dogs Saved an Alaskan Town
What Are Eyeballs Made Of?
Stevie Boebi and Huckleberry the Beaver: SciShow Talk Show
Optogenetics: Using Light to Control Your Brain
We Just Found Out Fat Cells Can Move!
Do You Really Sing Better In The Shower?
6 Supplements That Might Actually Help You
Slug Sex and Bubble Rafts: Nature's Most Unusual Slime
Should You Talk to Your Plants to Help Them Grow?
Football, Dementia, and the Future of Sports
Why Frogs Sometimes Fall From the Sky
How Tattoos Really Work... At Least in Mice
Why Do Some Harmonies Sound Prettier Than Others?
7 of the Strangest Allergies
3 of the Biggest Experiments Ever
Why Do the Planets Orbit in the Same Plane?
Why Babies Are (Scientifically) Amazing
How Intergalactic Particles Are Attacking Your Laptop
The First Known Bird Could Fly, But Super Awkwardly
Why Do Geiger Counters Make That Clicking Sound?
7 Organisms That Can Clean Toxic Waste
What Happens If You Use Your Feces as Fertilizer?
Will Stress Really Make You Go Gray?
The Truth About the Five Stages of Grief
How to Survive a Nuclear Attack
Pain-Killing Hunger and Superpowered Diabetic Fish
Meet the World's Most Terrifying Caterpillar
8 Medications with Surprising Secondary Uses
How the Oldest Rocks on Earth Changed History
Why Do Some Drugs Make Your Pupils Wider?
Two Fungi That Produced a New Type of Antibiotic: SciShow Talk Show
3 (Actually Safe) Ways to Fight Climate Change
Why Is It So Hard to Make a Male Birth Control Pill?
Why Do You Get Hangry?
6 Animal Noses That Outsniff Dogs
Solving the Mystery of Darwin's Lifelong Illness
Is There Less Oxygen in the Winter Since It's Colder?
Why Is It So Hard to Fix Traffic?
Do Spicy Food Lovers Live Longer?
Lemurs Are Into Networking, Too!
Can You Keep Donating and Regrowing Your Liver?
6 Accidental Discoveries You've Probably Never Heard Of
Do You Have a Maximum Heart Rate?
How Worried Should You Be About Smart Home Security?
SciShow Quiz Show: Pit Stains & Climate Change
The Hardest We've Ever Pushed Matter
These 'Fossilized Brains' Might Not Be Brains At All
Why Do Some Shots Make Your Arm Hurt So Much?
6 Diseases That Have Shaped Human History
Does Stretching Before Exercise Actually Help?
Does Wine Really Need to Breathe?
Why Nutrition Studies Keep Contradicting Each Other
3 Times Scientists Did Weird Experiments With Rubber Ducks
New Insights Into What Fruit Fly Sex Is Like
Why Do You Stick Out Your Tongue When You Concentrate?
The Biggest Sloth That Ever Lived, and 6 Other Gigantic Animals
Weird Places: The Endless Lightning at Lake Maracalbo
The Super Strong Painkiller Hiding In Your Spit
Learn To Taxidermy | SciShow Talk Show
Do Essential Oils Really Work? And Why?
Your Asthma and Allergies Aren't Causing Mental Illness
Do Surgical Masks Really Protect You from the Flu?
7 Animals with Really Wild Tongues
How Scientists Protect the World's Most Famous Art
How to Build a Rocket Engine in Your Kitchen (Experiment Episode)
What Happens If You Stop Pooping?
How 6 Rare Diseases Are Changing Everyday Medicine
Meet Zealandia: The Earth's '8th Continent' (and Real-Life Atlantis)
What's the Best Position to Sleep In?
SciShow Quiz Show: A Different Kind of Animal Wonders
How Quarks Fixed the Mess That Was Particle Physics
Is YouTube Giving Us All ADHD?
Do Brown Eyes See Better?
8 Boss Invertebrates That Eat Whatever They Want
The Earth's Internet: How Fungi Help Plants Communicate
Why Don't Humans Have a Mating Season?
A Giant Underground Lake on Mars! | Breaking News
Could the Plague Rise Again?
Why Cancer Labels Are Super Misleading
Why Do Prosthetic Limbs Feel Way Heavier Than Biological Ones?
6 "Vegetarian" Animals that Will Give You Nightmares
The Sad Truth About the Turmeric in Your Golden Latte
This Binge-drinking Tree Shrew Could Probably Outdrink You
Giant Antarctic Sea Spiders | SciShow Talk Show
No, You Don't Have a "Reptilian Brain"
What Happens If You Fuse All Your Chromosomes? | SciShow News
What Happens If You Eat Mold?
5 Things Humans Got Really Wrong About Our Bodies
Why You Might Want Someone Else's Poop Inside You
Why Do I Sweat So Much?
How U.S. Airports Might Revamp Security... Using Game Theory
Why Scientists are Giving Robots Human Muscles
Why Florida's Red Tide Is Killing So Many Animals | SciShow News
How Do Polarized Sunglasses Work?
5 Devastating Security Flaws You've Never Heard Of
Do Bacterial Cells Store Memories?
Are Broken Bones Stronger After They Heal?
Scientists Had Some Bad Ideas | Scishow Quiz Show
Why Is It So Hard to Make a Realistic Twitter Bot?
A Zombie Gene Keeps Elephants from Getting Cancer | SciShow News
Why Doesn't Your Sphincter Get Tired?
6 Popular "Home Remedies" That Don't Actually Work
Using One of the Deadliest Neurotoxins for Beauty... and Medicine?
Why Does Scratching Make Itching Worse?
Could Scientists Predict the Next Political Crisis?
Killer Bees: The Real Zom-bee Apocalypse
New Bacterial Enzymes Could Revolutionize Blood Donations | SciShow News
How Do Turtles Live So Long?
The Moth That Drinks Bird Tears & 6 Other Absurd Diets
How Do You Know If You Have Food Poisoning?
Hardcore Mice use Scorpion Venom as a Painkiller
Studying Polar Bears from a Monster Truck | SciShow Talk Show
Is There a Safe Way to Use Your Phone and Drive?
A Brand New Type of Brain Cell | SciShow News
Why Is Your Cat So Disgusted With You?
8 Crafty Plants That Have Mastered Deceit
Does Eating Breakfast Really Help You Lose Weight?
Why These Weird Carnivores Smell Like Popcorn
What Does "Organic" Mean, and Should You Buy Organic Foods?
The Oversized Invasive Carrot That Can Give You Third Degree Burns
Parasitic Wasps Found Inside 30 Million-Year-Old Flies | SciShow News
The Baller Rat That Kicks Rattlesnakes in the Face
6 of the Planet's Best Hunters
Turns Out "The Lorax" Is Probably a Real Monkey
Why Are Your Headphones Always in a Knot?
SciShow Quiz Show: Invest in Your Digestion!
The Mystery of the Biggest Genomes
Luzia Among Specimens Likely Lost in Brazil Museum Fire | SciShow News
Can Cold Showers Really Improve Your Health?
6 Dangerous Diseases Hiding in U.S. Backyards
The Secret to Becoming Immune to Mosquito Bites
Why Don't Birds Have Vertical Tails Like Airplanes?
How Much Junk Is in Your DNA Trunk?
Why the Weak Nuclear Force Ruins Everything
People Are More Forgiving Than You'd Think | SciShow News
Where Are All the Electric Airplanes?
6 Animals with Extraordinary Adaptations to Cave Life
What's at the Bottom of the Deepest Lake in the World?
Why Does Putting a Finger Under Your Nose Stop a Sneeze?
Hare Hair & Fuzzy Bunnies | SciShow Talk Show
The World's Next Ocean
The Oldest Known Animal May Be a Weird, Fleshy Oval | SciShow News
3 Ways We Could Transform the Future of Food
5 Bizarre Aircraft That Pushed the Boundaries of Engineering
The Biggest Volcanic Eruption in Human History
The Horrifying Truth About Swimmer's Itch
The Randomness Problem: How Lava Lamps Protect the Internet
How Pocket Calculators Changed Electronics Forever
Making Antivenom out of Human Antibodies | SciShow News
Does Using Your Phone Really Hurt Your Sleep?
6 Surprisingly Helpful Invasive Species
How We Fixed the Most Radioactive Place on Earth
Why are Dead Bugs Always on Their Backs?
Toxic Shock Syndrome: Way Beyond Tampons
Fairies, Goblins, and Pirates: A Fantastic Quiz Show
Why Can't We Make a Good Salt Substitute?
7 Wacky Ways Birds Use Feathers
Why Carbon Dating Might Be in Danger
How Do Thermal Imaging Goggles Work?
How Mind-Controlling Parasites Teach Us About Brains
Extreme Engineering to Create the World's Stillest Rooms
How Researchers Made Mice Pups from Two Moms and Two Dads | SciShow News
Meet the Oilbird: A Bird that Thinks it's a Bat
6 Home Remedies Actually Supported by Science
Should You Really 'Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever'?
Why Do Batteries Taste Sour?
Precision Medicine | SciShow Talk Show
Why Do Some Doctors Still Use Bloodletting?
Can a Burger Really Give You Nightmares? | SciShow News
Why Can Severe Pain Make You Vomit?
7 Ridiculous Feats of Strength in the Animal Kingdom
Where Did Werewolf Myths Come From?
Do Zombies Float or Sink?
How Encryption Keeps Your Data Safe
How Being Obsessed with Health Can Make You Unhealthy
Hurricane Walaka Erases Entire Hawaiian Island | SciShow News
Why Does Sugar Make My Teeth Hurt?
5 Unsolved Mysteries About Dinosaurs
Will There Ever be a Cure for the Common Cold?
The Vine That 'Loves' Parasitic Wasps to Death
Animal Clothes & Exploding Toads | SciShow Quiz Show
That Time the US Government Poisoned Alcohol
Finally, Some Good News About Corals | SciShow News
Are My Electronics Making Me Sick?
7 Species That Really Are What They Eat
The Strange Case of the Missing Sunscreen Gene
What's the Hottest Chemical in the World?
How Quantum Mechanics Saved Physics From Ovens
How Engineers Are Turning Wind into Protein Powder
Purple Bacteria: Turning Poop Into Biofuel
Why Don't Birds on Power Lines Get Zapped?
5 Times Scientists Gave Animals Drugs (and What They Learned)
Hacking the Brain: The Future of Prosthetics
3 Groundbreaking New Toilets
The Secret Behind Bioluminescent Bays
The Science of Sleep
A Kilogram Is Now a Kilogram—Forever | SciShow News
What If Earth Spun the Other Way?
6 Foods That Are Toxic If You Prepare Them Incorrectly
3 Weird, Real Ways We Could Fix Icy Roads
How Close Are We to Building Force Fields?
The Science of Flint's Water Crisis
Can Screens Damage Your Eyes?
You Can Inherit Mitochondrial DNA from Both Parents! | SciShow News
How Do Fabric Brighteners Work?
5 Scientists with Ideas That Nobody Believed ... Who Were Right
Why Is Sperm Count Dropping?
Why Does Body-Temperature Air Feel Hot?
Cost-Effective Household Items | SciShow Quiz Show
3 Surprising Ways Your Intestines Affect You
The First Gene-Edited Babies Are Here, Like It or Not | SciShow News
Why Does Wasabi Burn Your Nose?
6 Remarkable Ways Animals Catch Their Food
Why Can't We Clone Endangered Species to Save Them?
How Do You Sing in Falsetto?
The Messy Path to the First Successful Organ Transplants
Why Real Avalanches Aren't Like Cartoons
Two Unbelievable New Transplants That Actually Worked
Dimmer Switches: Secretly Strobe Lights
5 More Strange Flying Machines
Why Do Tomatoes Taste So Bland?
Bdelloids: The Most Hardcore Animals in the World?
What's the Most Bitter Chemical?
Predators & Prey | SciShow Talk Show
Feathered Reptiles Ruled Earth's Skies... Twice! | SciShow News
What If We Killed All the Wasps?
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Poop
Is Burnt Toast Really Bad for You?
7 Unbelievably Hardcore Ants
3 Great Minds We Lost in 2018
Is Sitting up Straight Actually Good Posture?
Recently Updated Shows
Sandi Toksvig, Alan Davies and comedy stars swap even more funny facts on every subject under the sun. It doesn't matter if they're right, as long as they're quite interesting.
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