Supernatural: The Animation (2011)
In this anime adaptation of the first two seasons of the U.S. series Supernatural, Sam and Dean Winchester lose their mother Mary to the Yellow-Eyed Demon when they are young. Their father John comes from a line of supernatural Hunters, and trains his sons in the family business. When he disappears, they go hunting on their own, fighting monsters and looking for the Yellow-Eyed Demon.
Recent Episodes
Episode | Name | Airdate |
S01E22 | All Hell Breaks Loose (2) | Apr 6, 2011 |
S01E21 | All Hell Breaks Loose (1) | Apr 6, 2011 |
S01E20 | What Is and What Should Never Be | Apr 6, 2011 |
S01E19 | Loser | Apr 6, 2011 |
S01E18 | Crossroad | Apr 6, 2011 |
Jared Padalecki
Jensen Ackles
Hiroki Touchi
Yūma Uchida
Annakin Slayd
Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester
Dean Winchester (J)
Sam Winchester (J)
Dean Winchester
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