Total Drama World Tour - Season 1

Total Drama World Tour - Season 1

Season 1

DatesJun 10, 2010 - Apr 24, 2011


Walk Like an Egyptian, Part 1 (Pilot)
Season 1Episode 130 min

Walk Like an Egyptian, Part 1 (Pilot)

The 17 contestants see the plane and all of the accommodations. They then compete in a challenge where they have to navigate around a pyramid to reach the finish line. They can choose to either climb on top of the pyramid, or go under the pyramid (a majority of the cast chose the latter). Duncan quits mainly due to refusing to sing and having to listen to Gwen and Courtney argue the whole way up the pyramid. Three teams are made (names chosen by the teams themselves) according to who finished the challenge first. They are also given a reward. DJ, LeShawna, Harold, Lindsay, and Bridgette are on Team Victory and are given a stick. Owen, Alejandro, Noah, Sierra, and Tyler are on Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot, and are given a goat. Courtney, Heather, Izzy, Cody, and Gwen are on Team Amazon and are given a camel. Ezekiel is the last to finish the race, but is not eliminated because of Duncan quitting, so Chris places him on Team Victory.
Jun 10, 2010
Walk Like an Egyptian, Part 2
Season 1Episode 230 min

Walk Like an Egyptian, Part 2

The remaining contestants are forced to compete in a camel race to the Nile, bringing their rewards to the finish line. Chris tells them that each reward has a "special surprise" (the stick being a divining rod, the camel being a camel, and the goat being small). Izzy and Sierra switch teams because of Sierra's interest in Cody and Izzy's interest in Owen. Chris catches Duncan humming the song from the previous episode while lounging in the plane, but Duncan denies it. Alejandro tries to win everybody over with compliments and remarks, but Heather doesn't buy it, though she admits he's a good manipulator. In the second challenge, the contestants must weave a basket and row across The Nile to the finish line. Ezekiel is eliminated due to accidentally feeding the team's reward to a crocodile. Even though he was voted off, he holds onto one of the plane's tail wings, refusing to give up, and hinting a possible return to the game.
Sep 9, 2010
Super Crazy Happy Fun Time Japan
Season 1Episode 330 min

Super Crazy Happy Fun Time Japan

The contestants figure out they are in Japan after Chef slashes the door open and they fall in a giant bowl of rice. The first challenge was a game of giant pinball with each team having a pinball partner (Teams Victory and CRRRRH got a panda and Team Amazon had Cody and Sierra instead), Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot won thanks to Alejandro's care for the panda. The second challenge was writing and producing a Japanese commercial for the brand new Total Drama Yum Yum Happy Go Time Candy Fish Tails. Team CRRRRH chose to do a Japanese monster mash style commercial, Team Victory chose to do a samurai style commercial, and Team Amazon did a commercial with the leftovers. In the end, Team Amazon won because of Chef's love for exploding donuts. Overall, Harold quit because the samurai style was his idea. Instead of being pushed out of the plane, he "kills" himself with a toy lightsaber and falls out.
Sep 16, 2010
Anything Yukon Do, I Can Do Better
Season 1Episode 430 min

Anything Yukon Do, I Can Do Better

The episode opens up with Team Amazon relaxing in the first-class area of the plane. Cody's relaxation is interrupted when Sierra starts rubbing his foot and ends up paralyzing him. In the loser area, LeShawna is playing with the num-yos Harold gave her. Chris walks in, and the contestants begin to complain about Japan. The plane begins to land, terrifying Owen. The plane lands in Yukon. Chris explains that the contestants won't be getting coats, causing them to huddle together for warmth. The first challenge involves team crossing the cassum by jumping from shard to shard. Once at the sleds, the first one there must climb up the mountain while carrying their team on the sled. Team Victory won the first challenge thanks to DJ mysteriously getting there. During the challenge, DJ accidentally got his eyes frozen by crying too much and ended up getting his team lost and hitting a baby seal. Alejandro continues to manipulate the contestants on Team Victory to his pleasure and their elimination, as he starts to flirt with Bridgette, causing her to get distracted. Bridgette starts to kiss Alejandro, but gets tricked and stuck to a pole. Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot won thanks to Owen's weight causing a rapid speed which accelerated the sled. In the end, Bridgette got eliminated for kissing a pole and not crossing the finish line with her team. Before being eliminated, she tries to warn her teammates about Alejandro being evil, but gets pushed off the plane.
Sep 23, 2010
Broadway, Baby!
Season 1Episode 530 min

Broadway, Baby!

The episode starts off with Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot relaxing in the winners cabin. Team Amazon's female members (except for Sierra) complain about the loosers section. Heather tries to manipulate Sierra and Cody into obeying her, which fails to work, as they both know of Heather's villainous personality. Alejandro continues to manipulate Team Victory by smuggling them food and trying to win them over. The contestants figure out their in New York after falling in a boat and landing on water. The first challenge involves the contestants climbing to the top of the Statue of Liberty getting the baby carriges on top of Lady Liberty's crown, then racing down to the boats, and finally driving to Central Park. The contestants figure out the ropes are made of wool when trying to climb them. Alejandro manipulates Sierra into revealing humiliating things about Chris's past, such as him having his own cooking show that got cancelled after one episode, making terrible movies about talking cats, and being a boyband. Eventually, Chris has enough of Sierra and tells her to zip it. Team Amazon wins the first part, later discovering the only way to go down is to slide down a fireman's pole. During the second part, the contestants race to Central Park, New York going through a sewer and end up being chased by a giant alligator who tries to eat them. Team Victory won the second part giving them the shortest path. The second challenge involved the teams pushing their carriges along a pre-deterimied path to turtle pond and bobbing for giant apples with only their heads and loading the carriges. Afterwards, teams have to race to the heart of New York. During the challenge, one member of each team had to stay in the carrige (Cody, Lindsy, and Noah) and sing during while racing. DJ this time hurts a turtle. During the challenge, Heather switches Team CRRRH's carriage with a real carriage. They got to the heart first but lost because of Heather. In the end Team Amazon won once again. The prizes were candy (which Cody greedily started taking), apples (which Sierra wanted to thank Chris for), and an electric meat grinder (which Heather threw out of the plane).
Sep 30, 2010
Aftermath: Bridgette Over Troubled Water
Season 1Episode 630 min

Aftermath: Bridgette Over Troubled Water

The episode starts off with the hosts, Geoff and Blaineley introducing the show. They begin to talk to the contestants that could not compete in season three, only to find that they do not mind not being able to participate. Blaineley is upset, as she had hoped that they would be filled with jealousy and anger. Instead, no one seems to mind not participating in the season and are enjoying their time away from Chris and Chef. Then, Geoff and Blaineley reveal that two eliminated contestants that are missing. Duncan and Ezekiel seem to have vanished after their eliminations. The host's tell the audience Chris is looking for Duncan, where as Ezekiel is stalking the current cast. Blaineley then goes into the other two contestants who were eliminated, and attempts to introduce Bridgette. Geoff, upset with Bridgette over her relations with Alejandro brings out Harold instead. They sing Baby, dedicated to LeShawna.
Oct 7, 2010
Slap Slap Revolution
Season 1Episode 730 min

Slap Slap Revolution

The episode stars off with Teams Victory and CiRRRRH in the losers cabin, to their dismay a hole opens up and begins to suck up everything. Team Amazon (except for Cody) is relaxing in the winners cabin. Cody tries to protect himself from Sierra by hanging string with bells tied but it ends up not working. The contestants discover that they're in the German Alps when they see them from the window and Chris begins to speak German. After falling from the plane, Chris tells them that they have to sing softly or risk a ‘song-alanche.’ Tyler causes an avalanche after being overjoyed that Lindsy finally remembers him. Also Alejandro continues his tactics by distracting and flirting with LeShawna. When they make it up the hill, their challenge awaits: grind meat into a giant sausage, and then ride the sausage down to the bottom of a deadly hill. Team Amazon yells and gets mad at Heather for tossing out their electric meat grinder reward – they could have used it here and won for sure! Team Victory makes a great big sausage, and Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot is forced to make Owen their sausage after he eats all the meat, while Team Amazon is forced to turn their sausage into a snowboard after Sierra uses most of their meat to make a "meat Cody". During the first challenge's second part ravage goats try to attack the contestants. Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot won. The rewards were hats(Metal, Fur, and Regular). At the bottom of the hill teams get their second challenge – a dance competition that turns violent when they start slapping each other off the platform! Each team had to have 2-3 dancers per team ( LeShawna & DJ, Sierra, Cody & Heather, Al, Owen, and Noah) The coordinator was Chef to the contestants' dismay. The challenge begun when it became a survival of the fittest. Team Amazon won when Alejandro gave up. In the end, LeShawna was eliminated and thrown off by Alejandro.
Oct 14, 2010
The Am-AH-zon Race
Season 1Episode 830 min

The Am-AH-zon Race

The episode begins with Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot in the economy class section. Owen begins to drool in his sleep and blabber about airplanes. Alejandro commands him to stay quiet, but Owen wakes up in a frenzy and accidentally punches Alejandro in the face, giving him a swollen right eye. Alejandro then complains that Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot needs to be in the first-class section after that day's challenge. Meanwhile, Team Victory, now down to just DJ and Lindsay, is on the opposite side of the economy class section. DJ suddenly regrets voting off LeShawna, and remembers his curse. Team Amazon, in first-class for the fourth time, enjoys their relaxation. Sierra begins to "surf the Net", however, she was staring into a drawing of her and Cody on a pizza box while using a real mouse as an actual computer mouse. The three teams exit the plane as Chris welcomes them to Peru; home of the Amazon River. He explains that the challenge is to hike along an ancient Peruvian trail all the way to Machu Picchu. Chris then gives each team walkie-talkies, in case of an emergency. The hiking trip begins, and Team Victory chooses the left path. Tyler gets Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot to also choose the left path in order to stay with Lindsay. Team Amazon ends up taking the right path. Team Victory reaches the zipline first, and they get the privilege of using the T-Bar. DJ ziplines down, while Lindsay rides on his shoulders. Meanwhile, Team Amazon hikes down a trail, Cody thanks Gwen for taking his epipen, but Gwen confesses that she has no idea how to use it. Cody leers at her and explains that she has to jab it into his naked butt cheek, and Gwen tosses the epipen back to him in disgust. Suddenly, Cody is grabbed by an enormous mosquito, but Sierra knocks it down with a stone. She catches him as he falls and assures him of her devotion towards his safety. Team Amazon is stopped in their tracks as they notice two Zing-Zings sitting around a fire. Meanwhile, Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot still needs Tyler, Noah, and Izzy to cross the zipline. Tyler removes his pants and uses it as a makeshift T-Bar. It works for a short while, but it then catches on fire, and he falls into the water. The Zing-Zings have tied Team Amazon to a tree, and Cody suggests that the batteries in the flashlight in his back right pocket could be used inside the walkie-talkie. However, he cannot reach it. This time, DJ slaps innocent monkeys who only want their bananas back. Team Victory reaches Machu Picchu first, and Chris, once again, announces that they are maintaining the first place slot. He worries about DJ's condition, who is bawling over having hurt his seventh animal's. Team Amazon, still in the same place as the previous day, is wide awake except for Gwen, who is sound asleep due to Cody's epipen. Heather is confused for a goddes. In the end, Team Amazon faces elimination until Chris then reveals that the elimination was fake and Heather wouldn't be taking the Drop Of Shame after voting Heather off.
Nov 4, 2010
Can't Help Falling in Louvre
Season 1Episode 930 min

Can't Help Falling in Louvre

The contestants arrive in Paris, France and everything but love is in the air for these teens. As the three teams struggle to complete their challenge, Sierra is having trouble coping with Cody revealing he voted for her. DJ tries his hardest to either throw the challenge or get rid of a "curse" he believes he has, but an unexpected twist ultimately gets Lindsay eliminated instead, much to Tyler's dismay.
Nov 18, 2010
Newf Kids on the Rock
Season 1Episode 1030 min

Newf Kids on the Rock

The host's hometown in Newfoundland is visited as the eleven teens compete in their next challenge. With Team Victory down to its last member (DJ), who desperately wants to be eliminated, Heather and Alejandro try to align him on their side as an ally by all means possible. In the end, Team Victory and Team Chris share the reward and no one is sent home due to Chris's good mood.
Nov 25, 2010
Jamaica Me Sweat
Season 1Episode 1130 min

Jamaica Me Sweat

After the plane runs out of gas, the final eleven are stranded in Jamaica. Owen is starting to have second thoughts about his romantic relationship with Izzy and tries to break up with her. As a result, both end up severely injured, with Izzy removed from the competition due to the severity of her injury, but not before she officially breaks up with him. Meanwhile, Alejandro's actions from the previous episode are intentionally revealed and because of this, DJ is finally eliminated, ending Team Victory.
Dec 2, 2010
Aftermath: Revenge of the Telethon
Season 1Episode 1230 min

Aftermath: Revenge of the Telethon

The second installment of the aftermath includes a fund-raiser in order to pay for the plane's fuel. The four eliminated contestants are interviewed, while trying to convince the viewers to donate five hundred thousand dollars. After a rampage thanks to Blaineley, the goal is increased to one million dollars. Will they reach the enormous goal in a mere thirty minutes or will Total Drama be gone for good?
Dec 9, 2010
I See London...
Season 1Episode 1330 min

I See London...

With only two teams remaining, the host takes the remaining contestants to London, England, where their goal is to capture "Jack the Ripper" (who is really Ezekiel in a costume) before he catches them. In the end, Duncan is caught by Courtney and Gwen with Jack being caught by Team Chris, giving Duncan a return on the latter team as a consolation for losing. Noah attempts to reveal Alejandro's true intentions, yet he is too late and instead gets eliminated as a result. In the end, Gwen and Duncan kiss, to which Tyler walks in on.
Dec 16, 2010
Greece's Pieces
Season 1Episode 1430 min

Greece's Pieces

The final nine go to Greece to compete in an Olympics challenge. Duncan and Gwen are nervous about their kiss last episode. Tyler reveals the secret, thanks to Alejandro, and a fight breaks out and tension between Gwen and Courtney grows. After Team Amazon wins, Chris decides not to eliminate anybody just because of the growing drama.
Dec 30, 2010
The Ex-Files
Season 1Episode 1530 min

The Ex-Files

After breaking up with Duncan, Courtney decides to get revenge by flirting with Tyler after being encouraged by Alejandro. The two teams must search Area 51 for intact alien artifacts and bring them back to the Total Drama Jumbo Jet. During the challenge, Duncan and Gwen bump into each other and have their second kiss, thus officially starting a relationship with each other. In the end, Team Amazon wins again and Tyler is voted off due to a mistake that costs his team the challenge.
Jan 6, 2011
Picnic at Hanging Dork
Season 1Episode 1630 min

Picnic at Hanging Dork

The remaining eight contestants travel to Australia, where tension really flares after a previous kiss. Alejandro and Duncan's strategy to weaken Courtney proves to work well, while the other team is divided into two alliances. In the end, Team Amazon loses, and a tiebreaker occurs between Courtney and Gwen. Courtney manages to win, and Gwen is eliminated resulting in Team Amazon's first elimination.
Jan 13, 2011
Sweden Sour
Season 1Episode 1730 min

Sweden Sour

The two teams land in Sweden to compete in a "Viking" capture the flag game. Courtney still tries to flirt with Alejandro, while Cody misses Gwen. Owen becomes aware of Alejandro's true nature thanks to Noah and warns Duncan, much to his surprise. Alejandro starts to reveal his true feelings for Heather. In the end, Chris reveals that there will be no elimination again, sparing Courtney, while leaving the rest of her team upset and disappointed.
Jan 20, 2011
Aftermath Aftermayhem
Season 1Episode 1830 min

Aftermath Aftermayhem

After Blaineley forces Bridgette into doing a world tour of Total Drama fan countries, Geoff becomes fed up. The three new guests join the peanut gallery, where five of them get the opportunity to re-join the competition. However, Blaineley ends up winning instead.
Jan 27, 2011
Niagara Brawls
Season 1Episode 1930 min

Niagara Brawls

The remaining seven are dumped in Niagara Falls for their next challenge, where it is revealed that Blaineley is debuting onto the show and that the teams have merged. The challenges have a wedding theme, leading to added tension for three particular couples. Alejandro tries his hardest to convince Duncan, Heather and Sierra to vote off Owen, ultimately causing Owen to take the Drop of Shame.
Feb 3, 2011
Chinese Fake-Out
Season 1Episode 2030 min

Chinese Fake-Out

The final seven go to China for a visit to the Great Wall. Tension continues between Heather, Courtney, Duncan and Alejandro and Cody plans to establish the connection between him and Sierra. Blaineley allies with Chef, but in the end, she is voted off along with Courtney due to another tie in votes and the show's budget problems.
Feb 10, 2011
African Lying Society
Season 1Episode 2130 min

African Lying Society

The final five arrive in Tanzania for their next challenge; hunting down Ezekiel, now feral due to hiding out in the plane all this season. Sierra's obsession with Cody peaks and Heather and Alejandro continue to doubt their attraction towards each other. In the end, Alejandro wins the challenge and Duncan is sent home for the second time after a close vote.
Feb 24, 2011
Season 1Episode 2230 min


The final four contestants are on their way to Easter Island to compete in a egg hunt themed challenge as Heather and Alejandro maneuver to become closer to the end through manipulating others. In the end, Heather won the challenge, but when Sierra was spared due to it being a reward, Heather gets frustrated and picks Alejandro to stay in first class with her.
Mar 3, 2011
Awww, Drumheller
Season 1Episode 2330 min

Awww, Drumheller

The final four head to Alberta, Canada to participate in an archeology-themed challenge. Alejandro frames Heather to anger Sierra. However, when Heather becomes trapped, he decide to save her. Afterwards, Sierra is eliminated despite winning the challenge due to destroying the plane on accident, sparing Alejandro from elimination.
Mar 10, 2011
Hawaiian Style
Season 1Episode 2430 min

Hawaiian Style

The Total Drama Aftermath show reveals the location of the finale is Hawaii. The four most recently eliminated contestants are brought out before the peanut gallery is split into three teams and a final challenge is revealed; a representative of each team competes in a surfing competition to win the finalists a possible advantage for the finale. Geoff regains Bridgette, but with Blaineley joining as well.
Mar 20, 2011
Planes, Trains and Hot Air Mobiles
Season 1Episode 2530 min

Planes, Trains and Hot Air Mobiles

With the Total Drama Jumbo Jet destroyed, the three remaining contestants (plus a tag-along Sierra) must engage in a full-out, no-rules race to Hawaii. Alejandro confronts Heather about attempting to vote him off earlier, enlisting the help of a stowaway in defeating her. Meanwhile, Cody works with Sierra to reach the finish line and in the process, develops a strong bond with her. In the end, Heather guarantees herself a spot in the final two, while Cody and Alejandro tie for second place.
Mar 27, 2011
Hawaiian Punch
Season 1Episode 2630 min

Hawaiian Punch

Total Drama World Tour has reached its final episode, where one of the final three will win a million dollars. Alejandro and Cody engage in a tie-breaker to determine a spot in the final two, and with one last manipulation from Alejandro, Cody gets eliminated. Chris then announces the final challenge with Heather against Alejandro which involves climbing Hawaii's active volcano with a wooden dummy of your opponent. During the challenge, Cody and Harold volunteer to help Heather, while Lindsay and Courtney choose to help Alejandro. In the end, Heather manages to trick Alejandro (by saying that she loves him), which distracts Alejandro, giving Heather the opportunity to bring Alejandro to his ultimate downfall in the game. However, after a misunderstanding, Alejandro still gets the win, after Heather throws Alejandro's dummy into the volcano. Later on, Ezekiel reemerges and steals the million dollar case from Chris, but then falls into the volcano (similar to the death of Gollum from The Lord of the Rings), and nobody gets the million dollars. The volcano then erupts, potentially harming everyone present, and Alejandro is the only one who suffers major injuries caused by the volcano's lava. Alejandro is then put inside a robot by Chef and Chris due to his extensive injuries, an obvious parody of the creation of Darth Vader from Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith.
Apr 24, 2011

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