Zoey 101 - Season 3
![Zoey 101 - Season 3 Zoey 101 - Season 3](/imgp/MW9PcXR6eHUzVWVyUnJFUzBVNW1LK0xBQmFzRFVLTE1BU2dhZHdkUEZyVjdJWUtWMk8zQ0FZOWlkTEExKzlaVU4xS2FLUHVsNkZkN25VeHAvZUhrelE9PQ==.jpg)
Season 3
![Nickelodeon Nickelodeon](/imgp/dlZ1aTcxRm9FYjNoZFZoclRrUUlmVFFtL2d5L1JuNDNMaXMxN3FJY1VuUFIxWVlKem9rYmdrNFlTRitkRkFGNzMwTm5WSGFZemRjUjJOZlBQaDFFZkJhN0FxUTV1bEJZTm5QU1Iram9hM3c9.jpg)
![Surprise Surprise](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGh4ZUVMTlc3Q3lpTUZKU1p5U2hOT1UzMWhLem85NjdGSDc4T0NRNEdsMHJic2VKS3dBaHUwQWlpZkRNTmQ0VFQ=.jpg)
It's the start of a new school year, and Zoey and Lola have a new roommate: the really weird and kooky Quinn. Zoey also has a romantic dilemma involving her good friend Chase.
![Chase's Girlfriend Chase's Girlfriend](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGgya2IzMTE2eFc4Q21VN08vc2s3WWlMQlpRZy9kRVNiUUZEWE1jQ2RmSWF6d0tBRG5YU29DVTZ3b0RyZlVCOWg=.jpg)
Chase's Girlfriend
Zoey receives an unsettling ultimatum from Chase's new girlfriend, Monica; Quinn has an ulterior motive for helping Logan improve his basketball game.
![Hot Dean Hot Dean](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHVhMm5CQzRrdDNSd3MzUUVnSEc4dHVoZUdrME92bFZhTG85UjQvMHYrVHlIdjQydW1Mbnk0YkFXMnUvbVV1dWI=.jpg)
Hot Dean
Zoey attempts to play cupid and bring her brokenhearted resident advisor Coco (Jessica Chaffin) together with the school's cute new dean.
![Zoey's Tutor Zoey's Tutor](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMElleW9UWkVWczZJZ3dyM0NnVjZtbmE4YmhsV2pTN1c2bUpyMVh0Um1LeDdydjAzWE5Dcml1MEVNbEdsWWVDUXk=.jpg)
Zoey's Tutor
Zoey gets help in chemistry from a surprising source; Quinn tries to rid the girls' dorm of a rat.
![The Great Vince Blake The Great Vince Blake](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGphOCt1N1hTSktBS01XYktlM2NTNUhLNElEcm9vYkpFN0xFVkg2R051aXNQd3BKaVZaL3lNUXBEYk1wWFl0ZVM=.jpg)
The Great Vince Blake
Chase has to decide whether to tell a teacher that he caught a star football player cheating on classwork, even though it means PCA could lose its championship game. In other happenings, Zoey and the girls lobby for healthier vending-machine snacks, with mixed results.
![Silver Hammer Society (a.k.a Gold Circle) Silver Hammer Society (a.k.a Gold Circle)](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEh5V3JOVHk5SGZnY0JPQ2lHcnhrUS8zTHYrbFdTZGZWTFd4TzQvNmhYR2VYN2VvZlhPOWo3UnJPOFkzWERtZi8=.jpg)
Silver Hammer Society (a.k.a Gold Circle)
Logan is desperate to be accepted into a secret society at school; Quinn acts like she's hiding something when she tells her friends that she has yet to meet a new transfer student.
![Michael Loves Lisa Michael Loves Lisa](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGJUVlFKUWJHWnZYZC8ySStNaEpHS2V5c1dBcG1MeG9qejZwNWpQb2FMWUhzWEtRbmJ0VEkrSUd4RytzV3BhaU4=.jpg)
Michael Loves Lisa
Michael's attraction to Zoey's friend Lisa (Lisa Tucker) proves to be a distraction as he tries to win a talent contest. Also, Logan challenges Chase to a go-cart race.
![Wrestling Wrestling](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHpnSG13RjgwSmVsUzFqT2tXMHhVL1RrM1gyeW9Dd3M0QWhET3o2ajBJd2oyT1NxZEFvL3k0eWU0VVpNdDJKTWY=.jpg)
Zoey joins the wrestling team after breaking up a fight, but the coach won't let her on the mat. At the regional tournament, she finally gets a chance to wrestle---in a championship match against a tough 16-year-old boy.
![Zoey's Balloon Zoey's Balloon](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGh4NDUwSVBMSWdNeS9RYVQ5UVlqdElPdk9CVjBzcDY1TDRjYUptOFJjSFVXSVk3ZHNnRTJrMmY5aXJaOFRWNnQ=.jpg)
Zoey's Balloon
For their psychology class, Zoey and pals write down their secrets and tie them to balloons. But the project takes a dark turn when someone learns Zoey's secret and begins blackmailing her about it.
![Chase's Grandma Chase's Grandma](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHhCOVhYU3I4dW04ZzN3YkpxYzZqYndlYW43bVBEaFV1bmdyeFEwU3VYbXorZ0p0YTJhSWd3V2Iya1FrOGlHdkI=.jpg)
Chase's Grandma
Zoey obsesses over getting a birthday present for Chase, and comes up with the perfect idea when she learns his grandmother's birthday is on the same date. Meanwhile, Dustin gets his arm caught in a vending machine, so Lola and Quinn try to hide him from Zoey.
![Quarantine Quarantine](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMG9na3lwSGlPWVI3dEg5Uy9pY1pDUXpOdXE5Q1prZHhOWk1xVFJsamtCZXlndkFvQTZuUEhUclZjZm0rNjJFYjU=.jpg)
Zoey's date gets put on hold when the girls are quarantined in their room because of Quinn, who has her own romantic dilemma involving Mark. Jack Salvatore Jr.
![The Radio The Radio](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHU3YWFZTjVoNE8xeEJTWlJWVFEwUUs3TC9mSUU2anJhdEkrb1JkWmlkemQ2WHJtTWRuUFhvZDljeDU2MzU1c1A=.jpg)
The Radio
Chase inherits an old radio that belonged to his grandfather, but rather than keep it, he sells it to Zoey for five bucks and a taco coupon.
![Paige at PCA Paige at PCA](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEtkMUhuVTIrWGd4UDRZNG9wVFd6c0lZOHI0WGhSRFhaTElCVGlFVUgyTkdnSHdZeXdXZmRqazFRK2xjdnZRalU=.jpg)
Paige at PCA
A science star considers attending PCA, prompting Quinn to rebel when she realizes that she may no longer be the smartest girl on campus. Meanwhile, Michael thinks he is going crazy.
![The Dance Contest The Dance Contest](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFhidHRhMzAyeXFhY2Rkb2MyVE1uMWtuM2k2ZVliZE1hNktiemd0bTNYZ2dTeDR6Vy9zdTJaNEIxTllQYWJCT2Y=.jpg)
The Dance Contest
An uncoordinated Chase enters a dance contest with Zoey after her first partner breaks a leg. Meanwhile, Lola fools a crush into thinking she's British.
![Favor Chain Favor Chain](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGpSUk5DMXAzbnl5RVdXNmNkblUrWjR5eGtRVGN2YzhOc1RyY3lndi9oOVdTSmNSTHVibGF0RjR3TXVTYkJuekc=.jpg)
Favor Chain
Zoey's all-time favorite author is appearing at a local event and Zoey's desperate search for a ride lands her in a disastrous chain of favors.
![Zoey's Ribs Zoey's Ribs](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEppTFVpOGlhVTA0V1p2QzRkYVUzNmJnL2NjS3h1RWFCeGhibTlwTzhzQy9vRTB3WUdqbmRvVkxSdjdKV2tTajc=.jpg)
Zoey's Ribs
Zoey inherits a truckload of ribs from an uncle she never met and decides to hold a rib cook-off.
![Curse of PCA Curse of PCA](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEIvdHVsYkpsUlR5SFIxcFFDQjd5MTJmR0R5ZzV4THFNbTBPSWd5bWhKYU1RY0xjTllMRzJnY3NwZGZ1NnJxNnc=.jpg)
Curse of PCA
The gang investigates the legend of a former PCA student who went insane while studying for a much dreaded exam.
![Drippin Drippin](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Michael invents a new slang word; Dustin is freaked out from a horror movie; the fire alarm in the guys' dorm is going off every night for no reason.
![Son of a Dean Son of a Dean](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Son of a Dean
Zoey starts dating the dean's son, and soon finds herself in the middle of a raffle-rigging scandal.
![Hands on a Blix Van Hands on a Blix Van](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Hands on a Blix Van
The kids try to win a trip to anywhere in the world by keeping their hands on a van sponsored by Blix, but Quinn doesn't play along and spends her time inventing a breath spray that accidentally causes nonstop laughter.
![Miss PCA Miss PCA](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Miss PCA
Lola and Zoey enter a beauty pageant on campus; Michael wants Quinn to think he's funny.
![Logan Gets Cut Off Logan Gets Cut Off](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Logan Gets Cut Off
Wealthy Logan is in for a serious change in lifestyle when his outrageous spending prompts his dad to cut him off.
![Goodbye Zoey, Part 1 Goodbye Zoey, Part 1](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGtDdlBlQW4vSWlpUXUyOHFNS1ZTTDNwTEJ2eHNXQ0l0cGcreFZJREc1TUErK3JBVnE0MzVuclZXSEhjc1JaUjU=.jpg)
Goodbye Zoey, Part 1
Zoey's dad is offered a job in London, and she must decide whether she wants to stay at PCA or transfer to an elite prep school in England.
![Goodbye Zoey, Part 2 Goodbye Zoey, Part 2](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMCttQnF4azdsQmptRy8vb2FkbWtQRHFLbzZ1WWlxVWRKcWhFd21TcjBQREQ5b2s1cGM3dk5xKzZYZWpiOGdzaWs=.jpg)
Goodbye Zoey, Part 2
Most of the gang is having trouble adjusting to life without Zoey. Chase, on the other hand, seems to have moved on and is now dating Gretchen, a Zoey look-alike.
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