Beavis and Butt-Head - Season 2
![Beavis and Butt-Head - Season 2 Beavis and Butt-Head - Season 2](/imgp/MW9PcXR6eHUzVWVyUnJFUzBVNW1LK0xBQmFzRFVLTE1BU2dhZHdkUEZyVUdOb29qb0pRUUt5RmxZMGozK3ZUanZtOGpjY05QcnlVam9VS0Erc1M0YlE9PQ==.jpg)
Season 2
![MTV MTV](/imgp/dlZ1aTcxRm9FYjNoZFZoclRrUUlmVFFtL2d5L1JuNDNMaXMxN3FJY1VuUFIxWVlKem9rYmdrNFlTRitkRkFGN1ZzRjVzWXp2aW9yQldWNTRUVXVFQko1SU1kb1B6Nm12TWU1T0t4ZHpJRU09.jpg)
![Scientific Stuff Scientific Stuff](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGZndit1THBBemRzVmpMM2EvUmZVOGJWTWY5ZFUxSlRQU0szNkh4d3ZUM1ZFWWVkSGRxajRCMFZvYm9NMUNMcHY=.jpg)
Scientific Stuff
Mrs. Dickie shows how unimpressed she is with Beavis and Butt-Head's science project, she forces them to work on a new project with Daria Morgendorffer.
Good Credit
Beavis and Butt-head run up charges on Mr. Anderson's credit card at a pet shop.
![Burger World Burger World](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMExHYStOcDl1RmdncUlBTms1ZllKRnhKclYzdGd6V3pQSzJvSzE2N1U2K0FwWEVtMTBjemdSRWo3QzN3SDV4dlo=.jpg)
Burger World
Beavis and Butt-head's incompetence forces Mr. Anderson to wait in the Burger World drive-thru.
![Baby Makes Uh, Three Baby Makes Uh, Three](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHoxN1I4TFpFU2xFbi95VlAwdzRyK1BuY1RtQzREc1dhMVlSbGQzNUF0V3RBcERIN1A3RVRWZ0JwZW9hSVpNcWo=.jpg)
Baby Makes Uh, Three
Beavis and Butt-head must work together to care for a sugar sack "baby" because none of the girls in class want to partner up with them.
![Beware of the Butt Beware of the Butt](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMG1yR2Z5NXhzWXZ5cEF2QW1oaUZ2cGNmeTVHL012M0oxVmZrL2VSOHg0NWt4TDVLOENZMkg2Z1RMQzhFODJxMk8=.jpg)
Beware of the Butt
Beavis and Butt-head cause trouble a drive-in movie theater.
![At the Sideshow At the Sideshow](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEpiSzA3OXBZell4ZVdCeExIdEZseUFnR3JaczNSRmt3SVZLTk9zd1lrdzBPeE9FNjZGL3hHVXdUaGU1R0kvYzc=.jpg)
At the Sideshow
Beavis and Butt-head attend a freak show and try to score with the Rubber Band Lady.
![Customers Suck Customers Suck](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMDZ1Vk5YK2Voa2lyYld2bjNGNU9JMGR5VUlldHBMZnJXSm5hV2t6STlPeGVpTm8xUXRoSzBLS3Jqb25kYktJT3U=.jpg)
Customers Suck
Beavis and Butt-head mistreat the customers at Burger World.
![Sick Sick](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMDdXOFgvK0xkbWV0dnlnTHhVVkxLSFBUUG53UEZWQ05PNGJGbWxjZGVpWE0xUVNnOUp6eTg5MXQ5SkhiSS9IYkw=.jpg)
Beavis and Butt-head see a doctor after getting sick, hoping to score some powerful cold medicine.
![Home Improvement Home Improvement](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMC9kbFBRV2lYL0xVa3A0WnF1SVR6bUt3Sm5kR2YxRVJQSis1TGdXUWhVa2JFb0t2WGdWbDlMRjYwMjNEK1pEWlA=.jpg)
Home Improvement
Beavis and Butt-Head are hired by Mr. Anderson to paint his house
![Way Down Mexico Way (1) Way Down Mexico Way (1)](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMDRyUitwYlNZWFNyeHRHQzdrd1QzT3FZempUZUp5WmQ5OEVFVlFZK24xRFBKb3VJbU9UbktWLzRsaVluWmUvWSs=.jpg)
Way Down Mexico Way (1)
Beavis and Butt-Head take a trip to Mexico and on their way back to the States they are questioned by border agents
![Way Down Mexico Way (2) Way Down Mexico Way (2)](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Way Down Mexico Way (2)
Beavis and Butt-Head take a trip to Mexico and on their way back to the States they are questioned by border agents.
![At the Movies At the Movies](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFlJYTVURkFQMU02NnZhVGZDU0YxYkM0U2lwUEtlM09ZYkI0VnJTQ0pnZEdaMjNDUEZVZGRzYnRyanRWeTB6YlU=.jpg)
At the Movies
Beavis and Butt-head ransack the drive-in movie theater and take all the concessions.
![No Laughing (1) No Laughing (1)](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMDl2Vk1DZFVQckVhc0Z6djRHaFM2K0JTY3hPUUlJVzcvMGJhM0Z0T2JZMTlLbFlBaDFFRWNxN2tucEFPTUVtNVE=.jpg)
No Laughing (1)
Principal McVicker attempts a radical solution to Beavis and Butt-Head's stupidity and continuous laughing in class: they cannot laugh at anything they hear for a week, or risk being expelled and sent to a different high school.
![No Laughing (2) No Laughing (2)](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
No Laughing (2)
Beavis and Butt-Head struggle hugely to avoid laughing during Buzzcut's sexual education class.
![The Butt-Head Experience The Butt-Head Experience](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFFVNGJBNkZraEh4TkJ6Q2ZmT2hteFZUUkZOQkcvR25pWGlSUit6dEFFaU1rTU1tdVJLV0FHZmVVMk9lUUh2dTg=.jpg)
The Butt-Head Experience
During a boring day at Burger World, Butt-Head falls asleep and dreams about being in a rock band with Beavis.
![Lawn & Garden Lawn & Garden](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGRwRzNDbW1ITmJSZ3Azam9Yd1A5M1d4NzIyUGFJd2NZbVZrWFRqdGVGWTJrYjVPSlFFb1VMdU9TVHJWeWNjaHY=.jpg)
Lawn & Garden
Beavis and Butt-Head are ordered to prune the top of Mr. Anderson's tree, but take a disastrous shortcut on their job by sawing through the trunk. The tree falls on his house and power lines, which fells utility poles onto parked cars.
![Stewart's House Stewart's House](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHJNTW43dXJ6MVV1Q1FCUW5qV0xLWk5WKzdOb3lJY1RIWnZoSjlCWE5MRWk5TUJKbnR1QWJ2N0FFZUlnMlZ6aVI=.jpg)
Stewart's House
Beavis and Butt-Head go to Stewart's house to watch a pay-per-view special, but get bored with it and cause chaos inside the house.
![For Better or Verse For Better or Verse](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkME1NZk5jYlJpTkxKM2pDSERQMmphVDVIWjFCTTB0T1BaMjR1TWNrYTJDQU9BRkNJazZTOVVDVmdRdXFRazBSNTM=.jpg)
For Better or Verse
Mr. Van Driessen makes Beavis and Butt-Head write haikus in class.
![Bedpans & Broomsticks Bedpans & Broomsticks](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEtpdEhGM3dwcFAzS0dWYW8ybXlTREg1ZlVEVWpaSmRDenNtTGMxc1BROVVqZ0NXcDJyVndPQlBhQ3h6c1orL20=.jpg)
Bedpans & Broomsticks
Beavis and Butt-Head torment a post-heart surgery patient, Billy Bob, by stealing his scooter and crashing it.
![Babes R Us Babes R Us](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEdPRnc2bXhGVkkzUkNhR2thYng2ZXptRnRYOG8zQTVubDRqdHpRSWNLWFlaWWl5ZXN6MUZlcHplWUVma09raUU=.jpg)
Babes R Us
Beavis and Butt-Head try out for a mud wrestling act at the local strip club, but are turned down because they are underage.
![Yogurt's Cool Yogurt's Cool](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGIrOHIyRHU3WFFHOE85b0FzdjBpVkYrYjJ0VU1GdVhBMzFiRFZYVTJIZFlpQU5qcG4zViszK1pEREhxQlZ5OGo=.jpg)
Yogurt's Cool
Beavis and Butt-Head buy frozen yogurt but are unimpressed by the taste of it. When refused a refund, they take a messy revenge on the mall.
![Heroes Heroes](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEoyVFJQR0dYZDE3WnU4ZThmd1NlNVZ4eGlZWWVVT1VpZEhFN05hKzA1ZGdoMGpjVy92U2hJV1cza29RMTg1ZEo=.jpg)
Beavis and Butt-Head go to a skeet shooting range, where they cause a Boeing 747 to crash by firing too high into the air.
![Sign Here Sign Here](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHdWekVIYno2ZmxaMGxTVFJVSHEzbUlvQkxZREorT3VvKzNVTFZ4Zkd3OFFjckx0YzZzSlZXeVNRTXdnMnJieEs=.jpg)
Sign Here
![Washing the Dog Washing the Dog](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHdPMk5EVWpQVjJ5OHJ2VktBbDQ0aCthTU5ZWU00VFk3cTlLdDVSRUtRS2U4bllFTm10alh4VkxyK1cvR3dlamo=.jpg)
Washing the Dog
Beavis and Butt-Head volunteer to wash Mr. Anderson's dog in hopes that he would leave them money in his will.
![Friday Night Friday Night](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEVzSDhOUHdhd1lrQVdpT0xZYnFyM2Q0MlNESmdJQTFJZloyWTYwMUVXVjhaZi9xck0zc2F1MlcrbnltVGxQV0I=.jpg)
Friday Night
Beavis and Butt-Head hang out at Maxi-Mart in an attempt to pick up chicks and meet a biker chick who uses them to shoplift.
![Be All You Can Be Be All You Can Be](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEVzSDhOUHdhd1lrQVdpT0xZYnFyM2Q0MlNESmdJQTFJZloyWTYwMUVXVjhaZi9xck0zc2F1MlcrbnltVGxQV0I=.jpg)
Be All You Can Be
Beavis and Butt-Head ponder enlisting in the U.S. Army as "Major Woody" and "Private Parts", but run afoul of Col. Dick Leakey. The boys end up causing havoc with some bullets and an active grenade.
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