Judge Judy - Season 21

Season 21


Death Threat and Racial Profiling?!; Check Bouncy House?
A man says towing company owners made outrageous accusations to police, causing him to be falsely arrested; a good Samaritan says her ``friend'' scammed her with bad checks.

You Sound Like a Fool!; Gambling Getaway Gone Wrong!
A poodle is accused of biting a stranger; an $800 ``loan'' for gambling causes a fight between exes.

The Fixer!; Motorcycle Regrets
A father sues when his teen daughter's car title is not handed over to her; a motorcycle is impounded as its new owner is returning it.

Dangerous Drinking!
Exes' arguments lead to tazing, stabbing and jail time.

Bad Babysitter Barter; Matching Tattoo Fail!
A single mother barters baby sitting services with another child's father; ill-fated matching tattoos between ex-lovers.

Be Afraid ... or Not!; DWI Disability Fail
A young woman says she feared for her safety when her ex destroyed her property; a former military buddy is accused of fraud with a woman's disability checks.

Baby Daddy Bye Bye!; Haircutting Double-Talk?
Unwed parents fight over cheating; a salon owner says he traded haircuts for a custom-built kitchen island.

21st Birthday Party Down the Toilet!; Volvo Custody Fight
Disgusting bathroom conditions ruin a birthday party; a car buyer sues for repair costs and storage fees.

Eye Witness Wow!; Pack Your Bags ... Guilt Trip!
An estranged wife is accused of smashing a rental car with a brick; a woman says her son returned her vehicle in a state of complete disrepair.

Car in Captivity; Speed Eviction?!
A car's owner says a mechanic held the vehicle hostage for 10 months; a couple say their landlord rented the same apartment twice.

World's Greatest Landlord?!; Online Attorney Fraud?!
A generous landlord bails his new tenant out of jail and buys her a new car; a phony attorney is sued by a very unsatisfied client.

Double Baby Daddy Drama!; Go Bang Your Heads Against a Wall!
A man's two baby-mamas get into a violent confrontation; a pregnant teen fights with her ex over unpaid loans and utilities.

The Ever-Changing Dog-Attack Story; Fumigation Fence War!
A boy is bitten by an unleashed dog; a fence falls on a woman's car.

Rottweiler Puppy Fail; Pro-Bono Publicist Scam?!
A man sells the disobedient pooch he was trying to train to be a service dog; an entertainment manager says her former publicist stole her ideas.

Icy Road Spin Scare!; Dune Buggy Bamboozle
A young couple fight over who will pay for damages when he crashes her car; the new owners of a dune buggy say they did not get the vehicle they ordered.

Parking Insanity Caught on Tape!; Single Mom Mess
A security camera catches a parking-lot fight; criminal charges are filed when roommates cannot agree on rental terms.

Rage Against the Door!; Convicted Felon Wants Guns Back
A man claims his ex tried to break down his door in a fit of rage; a woman says police told her not to return her baby-daddy's BB guns to him.

Disorderly Cousin Conduct?!; Show Me the Proof!
Unpaid rent and complaints to police follow when cousins move in together; a woman offers photos as evidence her former roommate was a thief.

Cyclist in the Ped Crossing Smash!; Neighbor From Hell?!
An SUV-driver hits a bicyclist in a crosswalk; a single father says a neighbor gave him a car to make his life easier.

Mechanic Crosses a Line?!; Unbelievable Car Deal!
A mom and her teen son learn that a mechanic cut corners in fixing up the boy's car; a young woman says she never looked online for her car's value.

Assault of the Landlord?!; Pedestrian Slam in a Parking Lot!
A landlord claims an unwanted house guest broke in after locks were changed; motorist denies hitting a pedestrian.

Co-Parenting BBQ Snafu!; Prized Tennis Shoes Feud!
A toddler witnesses a violent altercation; a teenager sues her ex-boyfriend for an unpaid loan.

Friendly Loan or Cry for Help?; White Noise Leads to Homelessness?!
A man is accused of sharing a tragic story to get a sizeable loan; tenant claims an illegal eviction left her homeless.

Father Scams Inmate?!; Brother's Gift Backfires?!

Teen Lies to Police!; Rodent Disposal Fee Fight!
A teenager claims he took the fall for a friend after a car accident; a woman sues her stepgranddaughter for unpaid rent and rodent disposal fees.

Stealing From the Disabled?!; Stalking and Harassment?!

Ex-Wife Gets the Pit Bull?; Mercedes Custody Battle

Pot-Bellied Pig Bite!; Two Bedrooms Too Small!

Arkansas Handyman Hustle?!; Mobile Homelessness?

Knife Fight Threat!; Meter Fraud?!

Retirement Payday Fail!; Teen Drives Into Wall!
A man's ex-lover wants repayment of a sizeable loan; a teen is accused of driving his sister's car through a bedroom wall.

Nervy Squatter Lawsuit?!; Well-Behaved Courtroom Dog
Roommates sue each other for unpaid rent, an illegal lockout and harassment; a small dog waits patiently as its owner goes after a woman whose large dog attacked it.

Thanksgiving Day Breakdown!; Sun Roof Strife!

Tree Huggers vs. Tree Choppers; Mistaken Trailer Identity?!

Wedding Carriage Ride Failure?!; Terrible Landlord or Miserable Tenant?!

Charity Golf Drama!; Who Let the Cat Out?

Teen's Savings Stolen by Mom?!; Double Surgery Beatdown!

Pool Man in Hot Water?!; Upside Down Truck Deal?!

The Picasso of Upholstery; Blue Book, Shmoo Book!

Illegal Entry and Photo Shoot?!; Malamute Mayhem!

Exotic Fish Payback!; Skateboarder Tragedy!
A raiser of exotic fish sues her business partner for travel expenses to a reef-and-reptile convention; a skateboarder collides with a parked car at high speed.

Young Girls Salon Fail!; 2x4 Vandalism Victim?

Crock of Baloney!; Pit Bull Chomps Chihuahua!

Hothead Road Rage?!; Joy Ride or Hell Ride?

Squatter Denial?; Good Samaritan Bitten in the Face!

Boxing Coach Space Invader?!

Single Mom Settlement; Dog Bite, Huge Settlement

Teen Road Trip Lie!; Botched Bodywork?!

Jealous Baby Mama Cat Fight!; Free Wheeling and Dealing!

Road Rage? Never Get Out of Your Car!; Impounded Car Custody Scramble!

God's Gift to Women on the Hot Seat!

Lesbian Mud Slinging!; Deceased Dad's Equipment Recovery

Pomeranians and the Police!; Underage Drinking and Online Bullying?!

Revealing 911 Call!; Trust Your Instincts!

A Roommate's Violent Eviction?!; Out of Work, Pregnant and Swindled?!

Ex Brothers-in-Law Repo Feud!; $20,000 Child Support Payback!

Teen Corrupted by Drug Offers?!; Odometer Scam?

Bride Bursting at the Seams?!; Uber Driver Collides With Teen Driver?!

Squatter Extortionist?!; Entrepreneur on the Hot Seat!

Warning: Adorable Puppy in Court!

Winning Lottery Ticket Thief?!; Read What You Sign!

This Is Not Show and Tell!; Smoked Out!

Bring Back My Child!

Mom the Mechanic?!; Dog Etiquette 101

Handyman Shows Off Gunshot Wounds?

Repoed for a Crazy Amount!; Dog Grooming Business Fail

Jealousy Turns to Violence?!

Elder Abuse Arrest?!; Deceased Husband ... and Boyfriend?!

Bad Attitude Ex-Boyfriend?!

Teen Child Support Woes!; Baby Car Seat Slip-Up!

Innocent Onlooker Steps Up!; Officer Byrd Nudged by a 13-Year-Old!

Hostile Work Environment?; Trampoline Park Accident!

Jealousy-Fueled Vandalism?!; Fire Pit Craziness?! Bitten Buyer?!

Most Wanted Shoplifter?!; The Reluctant Landlord?

Faulty Family Business?!

Horse Tragedy in Unsafe Stables?!; Barter Fail!

Parents on the Run From Each Other!?

Felon Gets Hustled?!; Intoxicated Roommate Woes?!

Lame Horse Trespassing?!; I'm Tired of Paying for Weed!

Engagement Ring Confusion!; Too Much Money Too Soon?!; Drunk Cyclist?

New Boat Owner Fail!; Sister Fighting DUI

Malicious Call to Child Protective Services?!; Horrible Tenant?!; Intersection Collision!

When Inebriated Lovers Fight!; Bad Grandmother?!
A former couple describe their physical fight; a woman denies owing her grandson for a loan and accuses him of stealing a priceless statue.

Four-Dog Pile-Up!; Spray Gun Mist Mess!
Four dogs get involved in a vicious fight, leaving their owners to feud over damages; a car collector says a fellow storage unit owner damaged his vehicles.

$100,000 Dog Attack Nightmare!

Debutante Dud?!; Cars Held Hostage?!

Sick Boxer Puppy Scam?!; Baby Caught in the Middle!

Arrest Him for Fraud?!; Pay Me Back Auntie!

I Love You, But I Don't Owe You!; 33-Year-Old RV Bust!

Uber Accident Victim?!; Divorce Debit Drama!; Bongs and Pipes ...Oh My!

Social Security Fraud?!; Ex-Lovers Break It Down!

German Shepherd Breeding Fail?!; It's Mostly Nonsense!

When Ex-Mother-in-Laws Attack!; Love Triangle Disaster!; Metal Pipe Slam?!

Doggie Daycare Disaster!; Mouth of Pain!

Divorced and Angry!

Dad Left in the Dark?!; Victim Compensation Funeral?

Renter Hell!

Don't Fence Me In!; Sister, I Don't Believe You!; Mess or No Mess?!

Hair Salon Rip-Off!; Cousins Go Dutch on Rent?; Friends' Fallout!

The Danger of Dog Parks!; Study Abroad Misfire; Friends Don't Let Friends Borrow Money

Time Share Fiasco!; Bad Luck Car Sale

Savage Dog Attack!; Medical Treatment Disaster
The owners of a German shepherd deny liability for a small dog's injuries; alleged loans for chemotherapy treatments tear a family apart.

Immigrant Battle!; I Smell Pot!

Where's the Ring?!; The Case of the Missing Car; Totaled Friendship!

Limo Driver Thief?; $50,000 Truck Custody Battle; Burn Baby Burn!

$100 Basketball Bet Turns Violent!; Quick! I Need a PIzza Oven!

Zip Line Rip-Off?!; Teen Purchase Pickle!

Judge Judy's Message to Congress!; Homeless or Helpless?!

Trust the Judge: Get a Lawyer!; Pigs Don't Live in Houses!

Slander and Cheating?; The Vanishing Tax Refund
A man says he caught his girlfriend cheating but forgave her four days later when she bought him a motorcycle; a woman sues her ex-boyfriend for an unpaid loan to buy a car: she says he promised to pay her back with a tax refund that never appeared.

Charity Singer Gets Shafted?!; Handyman Drama

Sick Cat Travel Alert!; 96-Year-Old Wants What She Wants!

Inside Job?!; Senior Skip Day!

Quinceanera Party Fail?!; Rabbit Hutch Crunch!

Man Enraged by Police Arrest?!; The Biting Black Cat!

Bitter Custody Battle; Mechanic Mayhem

How Do You Support Yourself?!; Don't Cross the Yellow Line!

Bloody Assault at the Comedy Show!; Wedding Chapel Catastrophe!

Ex-Girlfriend Escape Caught on Tape!; Show Me the Money Trail!

Unbelievable Lawsuit!; Cheating, Guns and a Stolen Laptop?!

Shhh ... Don't Tell My Husband!; Cash up Front, Friend!

Boiling Water Poured on High Roommate?!; Tell the Truth!

Pregnancy False Alarm Vandal?!; Mustang Mishap

Repo Man Chased Down!; What's a Pyredoodle Puppy?!

Wild Pigs That Bite?!; Sinking Boat

A Mother's Revenge on Her Son's Ex?!; Homeless and Looking for Payback?!

Childcare Center Revenge?!; Man's Mani/Pedi Fail

Abuse of the Justice System?; You Should Know Better by Now!

Child Hit by Car!

Basketball, Lies and the Police!; Wedding Kiss and Make-Up?

Angry Brother Vandal?!; Don't Give Away My Cat!

Daughter Steals $10K From Mother?!; Hawaiian Cash Flow Fail!

Heartbreaking Mother/Daughter Identity Theft; Deer Takes Another Car Down!

Child Support Feud!; Don't Prey On My Daughter!

Exotic Fish Mass Funeral!; That's No Excuse for Driving Drunk!

Playing House With a Baby!; Bad Tempered Landlord?

Muzzle Your Pit Bull!; Rebellious Grandson Rent Control?!; I Should Have Let My Wife Speak!

Bookkeeper Caught Stealing!; Friend Bailout Bummer!

Good Samaritan or Stalking Friend?; Blindside Collision?

Off-Road Vehicle Swindle?!; Uninsured and Driving Drunk?!; Wipe That Smile Off Your Face!

Botched Wig Order?!; Casual Gambler Demands Payback!

If You Love Your Child ... Don't Do This!

Gun Play and a Knife Fight?!; Most Respectful Bad Driver Award!

BB Gun Playdate With Dad Gone Wrong!; Bullets and Boyfriends!

Stuck With the Bill Behind Bars?; Lyrical Lips Singer Scam?!

Voter Fraud and Rabbits?!; Judge Reveals Secret to Living Longer!

Stealing Power!; Rats in the House!

Professional Driver Crash!; The Ultimate Sister Betrayal!

High at Work? You're Fired!; I'm Just Trying to Get Home!; Raise Your Hand if You Were Sober!

Ex-Lover's Expensive Mistake!; Shoot My Dogs if You See Them!

Sick and Kicked Out?!; Child Attacked by Out of Control Dog?!; Friends Don't Loan to Friends!

Infant Breaks Leg in Daycare?!; Hair Straightening Trauma

Auto Accident with a Twist!; Mother Son Drama!

Creative Estate Planning Bust!; Watch Out for the Deer!

Fear in a Cramped Rental!; Clueless Landlord?!; Security Deposit Abuse?!

Foster Care Horror Story?!; Lose the Ring if You Don't Like Him!

Online Dating Fail!; Who's Telling the Truth?!; Restraining Order Roommates?!

Give Me My Prize Money!; Lesbian Marriage Fail

Internet Romeo Smackdown?!; Sweet 16 Party Upset!

Defective Pug Puppy?!; Salvaged Car Fraud?!

I Only Fear God and Judge Judy!; Fake Dreadlocks Disaster?!
A Marine is sued after helping a homeless man; a woman says a stylist's attempt at fake dreadlocks resulted in pain and hair loss.

Sister Brother Breakdown!; Neighborhood Hit and Run!

Eyelash and Tanning Business Bust?!; Surprise Evidence!

Mother Leaves Toddler in Car

Family Movers and the Police Chase!

Fraud and Forgery?!; Contractor Conman?

Dysfunctional Household?!; My Tenant, the Vandal?!

Man Suspects He's a Father!; Dog Custody Battle!

Lying Teen's False Imprisonment?!; Don't Be Late for Court!

Outrageous Mother on a Rampage?!; Child Support Nightmare

Father and Son Jail Time?!; Car Lot Bug!

Teen Fighting, Lying and Pregnancy?!; Alabama Landlord Shakedown

Trip to Italy Fail!; Super Bowl Overtime Controversy!

The Great Slot Machine Heist?!

Don't Be a Selfish Parent!; Paint Job or Scam Job?

Anger Mismanagement; Ex-Con Hook-Up Hijinx?!

Vacation Disaster!; New Franchise Owner Upset

Puppy Mill Advocacy Gone Wrong; Say No to the Dress... and the Married Man!

Mean Girls Stage an Intervention?!; TV Takes the Fall!

Ex-Boyfriend's Attack Caught on Video?!; Don't Act Like a Baby!; Failed Engagement Fallout

Beer Pong Gone Wrong?!; Woman Attacked During Beauty Treatment?!

Spaniel Mixed Blessings; Choking Scare at Day Care?!

Family Living in Car Seeks Driveway Rental?!

Stay Out of Big Limos, Lady!

Yorkie Struck and Killed!; Playing House Nightmare!

Vandalized Office, Mudslinging Business Partner?!; Don't Believe Everything You Read Online!

Harley Handshake Deal?!; Rottweiler Puppy Death Drama

Cousin Helping Cousin Catastrophe!; Don't Run Away if You Did Nothing Wrong!

Neighbor Nastiness Caught on Video!

Defibrillator Pawn Shop Shocker!; Mercedes-Benz Deal of the Century?!

Frantic 911 Call or Frenzied Fight?; Debt Payoff for Dud Car?!

Child Deprived of Food on Dad Day?!

What's a Broken Finger Between Brothers?; Car Theft or Goodwill Donation?; Skateboarder Lucky to Be Alive!

The Joy of Music... Murdered?!; It Was Not an Engagement Ring!

I Don't Have Rent... Take My Car!; Who Stalked Who?!

Landlord Lock Out?!; Wronged Man Returns for Justice?!

Damages From Police Invasion?!; Teens' Camaro Clash!

Couch-Surfing Son Sued by Mother?!; Retaliatory Freeway Brake Tapping?!

Great Childhood Friends, Lousy Roommates!; Short Temper, Long Rap Sheet!

Pomeranian Custody Battle!; Day Care Serial Conman?!

Remodel Fail in Old Hickory, Tennessee!; Woman's Weak Defense

Go Find Yourself Another Harlequin Great Dane!; Judge Judy Shares Her Husband's Approach to Telemarketers

Pregnant Ex-Lover Anger?!; Attending a Funeral or Arrested?

HOA President Accused of Leaks and Lies; Harley Motorcycle Work-to-Own Fail!

The Smell of 14 Cats in the Morning?!; Store Owner or Drug Dealer?!

All Expense Paid Trip to Trinidad?!; Handicapped Senior Accused of Raging Vandalism

Co-Worker Embarrasses Man Online; Ex Gets Short End of the Lizard Stick?!

Dangerous Football League?; Property Brothers They Are Not!

Boss Steals Worker's Car?!; Gimme Back My Camera!

Salon Thievery?!; You're an Idiot!

Don't Defame Your Contractor!; Deadbeat Dad?!

Section 8 Housing Upset?!; Junkyard or Legit Auto Business?

Miniature Schnauzer Return Policy Problem!; Irritating Landlord or Lease-Breaking Tenant?; Caught in the Act?

Bedbug Battle!; Small Business Fail!

Outlandish Landlord Demands?!; Mushy Agreements and Alleged Child Abuse?

Mega Landlord Fail?!; On Again, Off Again Home?; Mother Daughter Feud!

You Made Me Lose My House!; Disgusting Dog Mess?!

Sneaky Boyfriend Discovery?!; Mommy Dearest Debt?

Home Not So Sweet Home!; Teen Custody Fight for Pit Bull; Party Profit Dispute!

Pocket Pit's Owner Attacked by Chow?!; Homeless Teen Meets Good Samaritan?; Back to Mommy

28 Police Visits in Two Weeks?!; Ex-Friend Repo Drama!

Someone Stole My Car!

Suspicious Church Fire Payday?!; Cabin Renovation Gone Wrong?

Costa Rican Vacation Con?!; Teen Mother vs. Godmother

Beauty School Dropout?

Car Payment Meets Child Support!; Unlucky Van Story

Let's Grow Marijuana?!; Woodworking Hobby Fail

House of Stolen Cards?!; Judge Discovers Tampering of Evidence?!

Lifetime Protective Order Against Neighbor?!
A seven-year feud between two neighbors escalates and ends in court with incriminating video evidence of harassment and property damage

Defective Doberman?!; Minister of Mischief?!
A breeder sues a man for selling her a dog that has a genetic disorder, and he counter sues, saying he lost business because of her bad online reviews; a man loans a pastor $4,000 to right his traffic wrongs and take a trip to Vegas.

Roommate Cat Fight?!; Pink Eye, Stink Eye!
A restaurant server claims she was 'football tackled' by her roommate because she was ignoring her during an argument..... A woman claims she suffered an eye infection after a makeup artist applied a permanent tattoo.

Ex-Lover Restraining Order?!; Don't Show Me the Money!

Adoption Turmoil?!; Harassment and Deception?

Agoraphobic Dog-Owner Heartbreak!; Sob Story Payday?

Don't Steal My Little Sister's Money!

Mobile Home Towing Nightmare; Bed Bug Head Board!

Get Me On Oprah?!

Double Salary Snafu!

Grandparent Custody Shuffle; Dog Owners Must-See TV! Warning!

Going, Going ... Gone!; Grandmother's Payback?!

Take Your Anger Management Classes ... or Else!; Don't Let Friends Drive Your Car!

Deployment, a Dead Dog and a Crash?!; Good Samaritan or Social Security Thief?!; Roommates No More!

Daisy Duke Spinout!; Vacation Nightmare

Introducing ... the Attacking Chiweenie!; Expensive Hobby, Supportive Wife!

Suicide, Sadness and Life Insurance?; Move to Ohio Fail!

Dial 911 for Murder?!; Unfit for Children?!

Tree-Killing Mystery; You Just Don't Get It!; School Bus-Driving Mom Sues Son!

Kennedy Assassination Translation Fail!; Boiling Water Fight!

Duplex Confusion; Uber Roommate Argument

Home for Eight Children; Widow Payback?!

On Second Thought ... I'm Outta Here!; The Disabled Ex-Husband and the Trashed Convertible?!; Judge Judy Doesn't Believe You!

Hot Mess of a Long-Haired Cat?!; Shoddy Bathroom Remodel?

Custody Battle Chaos?!; Landscaping Grief

Caught Cheating?!; No Drinking, No Partying, No Random Boyfriends?!

All Sales Are Final!; One-of-a-Kind Hardwood Table Feud!

Dog Smashes Into Car?!; Domestic Violence and the Paint Job!?

Eyewitness to Hit and Run!; Botched Bridesmaid Dresses?!

Financial Elderly Abuse?!; Speeding, Crashing, Suing!

Man's Fuzzy Memory of Assault?!

Broken Jaw Party Foul!; Quick! Hide the Pontiac?!
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