Judge Judy - Season 22

Season 22


Internet Obscenity Revenge?!; Wild Car Crash Caught on Tape!
A man claims he was provoked by his landlord to retaliate online after she slandered a Nigerian immigrant; a man speeds around a corner and slams into a utility pole, causing it to topple; he claims a stranger stole the car and wrecked it.

Child Abuse by Mom's Boyfriend?!; Bail Out Gone Wrong
After a man notices bruises on his son's body, he files for a protective order and sues the mother of his child for legal fees; a man accuses a good friend of reneging on a promise to pay him back for a jail bailout.

Wedding Ring Theft?; Don't Kiss Your Sister's Boyfriend!
A teenager having trouble at home is accused of stealing his sister-in-law's wedding ring and pawning it; a woman is accused of bashing her sister's car with a rock after accusations of cheating surface.

Worms Coming Up Through Drain?!
A young couple with a child save $3,000 for their first apartment but claim it was dreadful; they are accused of smoking pot.

Felony Kickbacks?!; Pomeranian Puppy Problem!
A woman claims she was fired from her job after a good friend accused her of asking for kickbacks from insurance referrals; a woman sues her ex-boyfriend for the return of a Pomeranian puppy he admits he took while she was in the shower.

Vicious Call to Ex-Lover's Boss?!; Roommate Roulette
A man suspended without pay after an ex-lover calls his boss sues for defamation of character; cousins call it quits as roommates shortly after moving in together and fight over a security deposit, boyfriends and rent.

Last Will and Testament Surprise; Silent Partner Rip-Off?!
A man who took in his sick sister is surprised when she leaves her entire estate to a cousin, who accuses him of theft; a man admits he accepted $1,800 from his friend but refuses to pay her back, because their car-flipping venture went belly up.

When Miniature Pinschers Attack!; If You Like Me ... Take Down Your Dating Profile!; Eviction Save!
A beloved pet is attacked by another dog while on a walk; a woman is sued for an unpaid loan to fly to Los Angeles to aid her actress daughter; a woman spends thousands to save her neighbor from being evicted only to learn she may not get paid back.

Quick! Take This Homeless Baby?!; Single Mother Mayhem!
All hell breaks loose when a woman asks her mother to take care of her homeless friend's child; young, single mothers move out of their family homes and decide to live together only to fight over who gets the master bedroom.

Harlequin Great Dane Rescue?!; Whatever You Do ... Don't Answer the Phone!
A woman demands that her Great Dane be returned after a long absence and an unnecessary medical procedure; a woman makes a $5,000 mistake when she answers a random call from a telemarketer.

Heartthrob Concert Chaos!
A 9-year-old's birthday party ends in accusations of assault, bullying and feuding mothers.

Drugs, Kids and Feuding Parents; Childcare Drama; Drug Arrests and Friendship Tests
A father is sued for claiming his children, who were taken by CPS, as dependents; a single mother gets a job but is accused of failing to pay for her children's daycare; after an arrest, a woman is bailed out by a friend who demands payback.

Teen Assaults Woman With Mace?; When Old Cats Attack
The judge accuses a mother of covering for her mace-wielding teenager who sprayed a woman in the face at a hair salon; a woman sues her neighbor for vet bills after a cat takes a swipe at her dog, causing injury.

Don't Sell Dogs to Teenagers!; World's Worst Roommate?!
A woman admits she made a mistake when she sold a German shepherd to an 18-year-old; when a man suffers a financial crisis, he spends his two roommates' money instead of paying the rent with it as promised.

Sardines and Dr. Pepper Vandal!; Motorcycle T-Bone Crash!
After fighting over bad checks and missing money, ex-lovers escalate to car vandalism; an uninsured motorist becomes accused of hitting a motorcyclist at high speed, causing the rider to flip over the car.

Unwed Teen Parent Turmoil & CPS Visits
An 18-year-old sues her child's father for the return of her belongings and for filing false CPS reports.

Mermaid Mural and Assault in the Yogurt Shop?!; Stylist Wars!
An artist claims a yogurt shop owner assaulted her and painted over a mural she spent over 200 hours on; a salon owner sues a former stylist for unpaid booth rent and lock change fees, and the stylist claims she falsely advertised everything.

Got $42,000? Plane for Sale!
A landscaper becomes accused of trying to scam an airplane owner out of his plane and faces a lawsuit for damages.

Family Business Money Triangle
A father and daughter team up on a stepmother to sue for an unpaid loan and for a false restraining order.

Childcare Payback!; Expensive Phone -- Throwaway Boyfriend?!; Telephone Pole Crash!
A daycare provider sues a couple for unpaid childcare fees for their two children; a young woman sues her on-again, off-again boyfriend for a loan to buy a pricey phone; a woman sues her ex-roommate and his girlfriend after he crashes her car.

Teen Joyriders Busted by Police!; Uninsured Boyfriend Destroys Car?!

Home Profits Snafu!; Can You Find the Scam?

You Can't Take the Fireplace With You!; Best Friend Split After Party Swipe!

Pekingese Chihuahua Mating Mess; Camper vs. Computer

I Will Never Help Another Soul Again!; Load a Bowl of Cannabis Vendetta?!; Oops! Lost My Checkbook!

Robbed by Lover While in Prison?!

Deliberate Finger Slam?!; I'm Not Paying for a Dry Wig!

Husky Attacks Bichon Frise?!; Sick Girlfriend Payback!

You Get What You Paint For!; Don't Fence Me In!

Baby's Ashes Stolen?!; Daughter's Bad Behavior Battle

Land Thief?!; Blown Stop Sign Slam?!; Fender Bender Battle!

Attack Victim Cradles Pit Bull Like a Baby?!; Two Lemon Cars Equals Lemonade?

Bullhorn Craziness Caught on Tape?!; Sublet Sorrow

Dogsitting Disaster!; Surprise! We're Squatters?!

Child Abuse Allegations and Assault? - Part 1

Spiteful Grandpa?; Timber! Healthy Tree Takedown!

Street Cat Fight in Front of Children?! Part 2; Young Waitress Dupes Older Man?

Slashed Tires and Stolen iPhone?; Moving Violation Bonanza!

Biker Tackled by Raging Motorist - Part 1

Groom Gets Cold Feet on Wedding Day!; Landlord Game Changer

Injured Cyclist Screaming Like a Lunatic?! - Part 2

Teen's Crash Cover-Up Story?!; Baby Daddy Called Home From Callie!

Drunk Man Rages Against Neighbor?!; Illegal Breeding?!

Make a Teenager Watch This Case!; Shot in the Arm While Driving!

When Friends Cut Friends?!; Judge Judy's Big Emergency Account?!

Homeless Ex Assaults TV?!; Massage Therapist Payback

Car Sale Gets Personal!; Father-to-Be Cheating on Mommy-to-Be?!

Don't Trust Men You Meet in a Supermarket?!; Flim Flam Car Sham?!; Mom Bails on Bail?!

Teenager Challenges Judge Judy!; Stolen Service Dog?!

It's All Very L.A.!; Mother Daughter Hair Care Fiasco?!

Electric Scooter Pet Collision!; Back and Forth Truck Fail!

Smoking, Squatting and Blaring Music?!; Assault Rifle Rift?!

Coming to America ... to Sue My Daughter!; Reckless Driver, Wrecked Car?

Man Pays Ex-Lover to Move Out?!; Wedding Venue Disaster!

Newlywed Yelps Against Caterer?!; Bride Hates Her Wedding Photos!

Officer Byrd Settles Case!; Dancing Beer Bottle to the Face!

Father Rescues Daughter From Predator Danger?!

Don't Miss Date Night!

Domestic Abuse or Working the System?!

Short Romance, Long Headache!; Sparrow Breaks Lease?; Amusement Park Pass Fraud?!

Generous Aunt, Ungrateful Niece?; Husky Attacks Yorkie?!

Give Me Back My Pomeranian!; Engagement Ring at Stake!; Boyfriend Embarrassment?

Here's $30K: Go Furnish the House!; Judge's Verdict on Prom Dress: Awful!

Single Mother Breaks House Rules; Father Steals From Incarcerated Son?!

Commission Mission!; Buddy Pass Fraud?!

Pants From Thailand for Sale!; Take My Loan Out of the Tip Jar!

Pick Axes and Sucker Punches?!

Teen Breaks Off Ankle Monitor!; Dangerous Dog Euthanized

Knife Fight! Part 1; Woman Stabs Herself in the Neck?!

From Homeless to Helpless?!; Hush Money?!

Knife Fight! Part 2; Food Stamp Treachery?

Security Guards Turned Roommates; Excuses Central!

Man Has No Clue Why Girlfriend Is Mad!; Remembrance of Trucks Past

Snake in the Basement!; Truck Driving School Payback!

Bedbugs, Roaches and Mold?; Hit and Run Payback

Show Me the Damage; Don't Trust Five-Star Reviews!

Ex-Heroin Addict Tire-Slashing Mother?; Use Car Exploitation

German Shepherd Attacks Chihuahua?; Houston Hurricane Damage?

Divorcees Duke It Out; Muslim Mudslinging

Bulldog Rescue Scam or Slander?

New Career: Flipping Cars!; Creative Judgment!

When Old Friends Become New Roommates; Frightened Painter Walks Off Job?

Unwed Parents Feud!; Twin Sisters, Huge Settlement?

Ambulance Ride Revisited; New ''Get Out of Jail'' Clothes

Busting at the Seams in Hot Springs!; Lawn or Love Business?!

Disabled Helping the Disabled?; Highway Barricade Collision!

Repo Skirmish?!

Car Takes a Hood Pounding!; If Your Bed Is There, You Are There!

Fit of Drunken Rage?!; Social Security Theft?!

Vindictive Tool Thief?!; Teen Driver Fail!

Sister Love Gone Wrong!; Who Stole My Clarinet?

Paraplegic's Dying Wishes Ignored?!; Mommy Stole My School Money!

Where's My Harley Money?!; Choose a Defense ... Any Defense!; Moped Spill!

Don't Treat Me Like the Help!; Motorcycle Mystery!

Repo Mama!; Military Man Browbeating?; Truck Sale Fraud?

Incarcerated Mechanic Runaround?!; Annoying New Girlfriend Alert!; High Speed Hit and Run?!

Father Figure Accused of Evil Plot!; Phantom Driver at Fault?!

Rent Control and the American Dream!; Outrageous Drinking and Driving Excuse!

Yappie Yorkie Takes a Hit?!; World's Worst Music Deal?!; Security Deposit Dog Drama!

Parties, Police and Payback?!; Bernese Mountain Dog Custody

Man Endures Eight Rabies Shots After Attack!; Grief and Grit

Vocab Lesson for Vandalizing Teenagers?!; I Wouldn't Sue My Son!

Evicted by Mom?!; My Father Defrauded Me!

Screaming Dog Owner's Gruesome Discovery!; Motorcycle Moocher?!

Book Proposal Bust!; When Starving Retrievers Attack?!

No One Talks to Judge Judy Like That!; Grief and Trauma Rental?

Study Abroad Freeloader?!; Road Rage With Children in the Car?!

Sucker Punch During Family Brunch?!; No Help for Scammers?!

Hospital Cat Fight Mayhem!; It's Not My Fault!

Don't Make Babies if You Don't Have a Job!; Final Days for First Cousins; Kicking Cars and Drinking!

Short Love, Long Loan!; Videographer in the Ex-Lover Hot Seat?!

Love Triangle Double Assault!

Registered Sex Offender Fail?; Girl on Bike Hit by Car!

Hazmat Poisoning of Innocent Family?!

Give Me My Sports Car!; When Potted Plants Attack ...

Unwed Parents Payback; From Homeless to Houseless?!

Stealth Assault by Neighbor?!

Creepy Jacuzzi Offer?!; Pay Me for Gardening!

Writer vs. Magazine Owner; Act of God Tree Fall?!

BMW Vandal?!; Cyclist Collision; Ex-Boyfriend Damage Control!

Classic Truck Feud!; Gambling, Tax Refunds and Murder?

Teen Boys Looking for Trouble; You Shouldn't Be on TV!

Victim Payback for Towing Scam?; Beach Day Turns Violent?

Homeland Security Homeschooling?

The Anti-Sleepover Landlord?; Heavily Fogged Motorist?

Chihuahua Nabbed by Dog Through Fence?; Let Me See My Dying Father!

Leaks, Mold and the Illegal Tenant?; Drunk and Racist? No Way!

Attorney Pleads His Case; Dad, You Drink Too Much

Young Parents' Bitter Break-Up; Judge Judy Calls a Witness

How to Stop Your Dog From Killing You; Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow?

Antique Gun Heist; Ungrateful Goddaughter?

Rough Playground Plight!; Dueling Traffic Violations!

Illegal Eviction Vendetta?!; Dangerous Home for a Child?!

Mother of Nine Payback?!; Cats on the Prowl?!; Cry Me a River!
A woman sues her teen daughter and her boyfriend for totaling a car she was allowing her to borrow; a woman claims her ex-roommate's cats damaged her apartment to the tune of $1,700; a prospective tenant who never moved in wants advance rent back.

Vicious Pit Bull Attack?!; Six-Year-Old Takes the Stand!

House Flipping and Assault!?; Mechanic Fraud?!

Daddy Debt Deployed to Japan?; Show Me the Money!

Don't Clown Around With the Judge!; Car Swap Fail!

Toxic Eye Injury?!; Mother Illegally Relocates Child?!

Fed-Up Boss!; Negligent Teen Fishing Captain?!; Where's My $19,000 Garage Apartment?!

Lying to Brooklyn Police?!; Uber Relationship Fail

Jail Bailout Blues; Rare Disease? Financial Disaster!

Which Driver Is Lying?!; Hauling Business Fail!

Motorcycle Mayhem

Friends Let Friends Drive Drunk?!; Wedding Band Break-Up!; Prove It's My Fault!

Murder, Prison and Conjugal Visits; Don't Let the Bedbugs Bite!

A Woman's Dying Wishes; Subwoofer Custody Battle!

And the Most Apathetic Landlord Award Goes to ...?!; The Cadillac and the Ex-Con Mom!

I'm Glad Your Cat Is Dead!

Bleached Lawn Outrage!; Unwed Parents Feud; Time for Adult Child to Step Up!

Gruesome Pet Discovery!; Single Mom Mayhem

Head-Butting Tenant?!; Irresponsible Health Care Worker?!

Neuter the Puppy or Lose the Puppy!; Hog-Hunting, Deer-Shooting and Frog-Leg Fighting!

Homeless and Helpless?!; Deceased Father's Debt Drama!

Help! I've Fallen Through a Hole!; Code Enforcement Fail?; Concrete Wall Collapse!

Gestapo Mom Moves In With UC Berkeley Son?!; The Writing on the 8-Year-Old's Wall!

Fighting After Father Dies; Lame Limo Business?!
A woman evicts her brother to sell her deceased father's home; a 70-year-old man's attempt to start a new business ends when his ex-girlfriend sues for a loan to build his credit and he never gives her a penny in profits.

Deal With the Devil?!; Suspicious Nicaragua Trip; Expert Breakdown Witness?!
A barter agreement to purchase a motorcycle ends with an unhappy seller; the judge distrusts a man who insists that a deadbeat ex-friend owes him money; one mechanic calls out another, accusing him of putting the wrong transmission in a woman's car.

Turtle Custody, Police and Power; High Heels on Disability?

One Sick Puppy!; Abuse of the Court System?; Deceased Man's Golf Cart Giveaway?!

Judy Bets on Officer Byrd's Life!; Guilty Tenant?

Get Divorced Faster!; He Had a Gun! Read the Constitution?!

Drive Away From the Hurricane!; Friends Do Let Friends Drive Drunk!

Sobriety, Cheap Housing and Dangerous Heating; Sneakiest Insurance Scam Ever

Sexting Gone Terribly Wrong!

The $9,000 Favor; Boyfriends' Trip to Spain Fail

Restraining Order Riot; Pit Bull Has a Bad Day

Intimate or Not Intimate?; Process Server Payback!

What if the Child Had Died?!; The Judge Asks a Woman-to-Woman Question!

Dog Loses Eye at Photo Shoot!; Judge Catches Bad Driver in a Lie?

Gun Custody Stand-Off?!

The Stabbed Mattress, Mini Bull Terrier Battle?!; Possession of Heroin Bail Payback?!

Video of Assault While Holding a Baby!

I Wanted to See My Grandfather's Fake Eyeball!

Cheerleading Nanny Time!; Puppies Eat Poisonous Elephant Ears!

Transgender Art Drama?!; You Sold Me an Injured Horse?!

Yes, I Attacked Him; Yes, I Choked Her!

Smashed and Bashed Love!; Landscaper Laziness?!

Shih Tzu Comes Between Lesbian Ex-Lovers!; Lesson in Respect Man Won't Forget!

Guess What a Pit Bull Did?!; You're Not Gonna Believe This One!

Mother Teresa Tesla Driver?!; Baby Daddy Ex-Lovers' Fight!

I'm Glad I Had My Mom Arrested!; Gift-Giving 101

Marital Debt Drama!; Teenager Hit at School; Child's Bike/Car Collision Caught on Tape!

When the Aggressor Becomes the Victim?!; Pit Bull Takes a Bite out of a Man's Ear?

Gorgeous Engagement Ring Setback!; Conspiracy Theory Flight Plan?!

Rumors of Arson?!; Struggling Father's Uphill Battle

Drive to Church Gone Bad!; Whiplash? I Doubt That!

Dreaded Secret of the VW Rabbit?!; You Are Your Furniture!

Open Relationship Shocker!; Chicken Slaughter

Brandishing a Gun; Neglecting a Cat?!; Who Left the Diapers Out?!

I Was in Rehab for Everything!

Karma and the Camera!; Teen Failure Blamed on Tutor?!

Frightened Mother's Telling Texts?

Girlfriend's Hissy Fit Damage?!

Puppy Death Drama; Lightning Strike Strife!

Man With 12 Sisters Denies Assaulting a Woman; Trim My Tree... or Else!; Judge Judy Challenges a Teenager

Bed Rest Made Me Do It!; Worst Teen Driver Award!

Irresponsible Child or Greedy Parents?!; Hazmat Clean-Up, Drug Use and the Police?!

$8,000 Designer Sneaker Fight!; Sister Mustang Feud

Human Trafficking?!

Falsely Imprisoned Bad Driver?!; What Does Judge Judy Hate?!

Cute Yorkie Makes Court Debut!; Amusement Park Not So Amusing!

Alabama Section 8 Payback!

Shocking Tree Trimming!; Ex-Lover Slashing?!

Deal With Your Child in Foster Care!; Mom's Burial Policy; Defective Sports Apparel Drama!

Witness to Vandalism!; Domestic Dispute Ejection?!; Courts Are for Married Folks!

Redneck With a Laser Pointer?!; Engine Blew? It's Up to You!

Halfway House Flood!; Painter Misses the Obvious?!

Widow's Cadillac Woes!; Anxious Dog Bites Pet Sitter!

Here's the Real Reason We're Not Married!; Jail Time Buick Bummer!; Home Sale Fail!

Kindergarten Teacher Abuse?!; Horse Grazing Ignorance?!; Fiance in Legal Trouble!

College Teacher's DUI Drama!; Haunted Police Payday?

The Service Dog Started It!; Roommate Forced Out and Robbed?!

Endangered Children or Jealous Ex-Husband?!; Stormy Fence Fight!

Overcrowding Chaos!; Bleeding Head Intro?!; Teen Vandal in the Hot Seat?!

I'm Moving Back In, Dad!; Snowy Spinout!; Sister Slam!; Father Figure Fail?

Grandmother Raises Ungrateful Brat?!; He Treated Me Like a Queen!

Service Dog Attack?!; Unbelievable Tree Chopper Trauma

Baby Formula for Disaster!; Police Fight Aromatherapy Crime!

Pre-Valentine's Day Surprise Break-Up!; Quickest Way to End a Friendship!

Machine Operator Mom vs. Entitled Daughter?; Generation Z Start Up Fail!

Woman Takes Tumble Down Unsafe Stairs?!; Show Car Not Go Car!

The Ultimate Neighbor Fence Dispute!; I Want a 25K Video for Free!

Death at the Cat Lady's Doorstep!; Only in America!

Mystery of the Missing Altima!; Ex-Lover Check Fraud Injustice?

Daycare Assault?!; Landlord Lodging Drama; Child Support Squandered by Mother?!; Plastic Surgery Purge

Mom's Million Dollar Settlement!; Stucco Job From Hell!

Motorcycle Racing Family Drama!; Single Old Lady Scam?!

Teens Terrorize Neighborhood?!; How Many Times Have You Been Arrested?!

Depression, Drinking and a Deceased Baby; Real Estate Nightmare

Poorly Performing Parents?!; Teacup Yorkie Fail!; Truck Driver Ripped Off?!

Pit Bull Mating Mayhem!; Slashed Tires and Loan Lies?!; Tijuana Stray Rescue Regret?

Bully or Best Friend?; Gather 'Round for Judge Judy's Driving Class!

Mothers to the Rescue of Adult Children!; Traffic Circle Mishap!

Retaliatory Tenant Rant?!

Moving Company Disaster?!; Roommates-R-Not-Us!

Crying Jag Over Family Money; Surgery Craziness?!; Ghost Dating Heartache!

The Diamond Quiz Show?!; Basketball Team Hotel Rip-Off?!; High-End Shoes or Stinky Sneakers?

Pool Blowout!; Abusive Dad Incarcerated?!

Designer Breed or Straight-Up Mutt?!; Settlement Vulture Swoops In?!

Eight Kids Is Enough!; Bleeding Puppy Neglect?!; Wheelchair-Bound Honeymoon Cruiser!

'Cute Way to Sell Alcohol' Rules the Judge!; Google the People You Date!

Bad Boy Fixation?!; Give Me Back My Father's Ashes!

Ex-Girlfriends' Bulldog Custody Battle!; Are You Buzzed?

Parents Fight Over Imprisoned Daughter

Widower with Special Needs Child; I Only Smoke Pot Now!

Assault Rifle Misfire?!; Incarcerated Baby Daddy's Big Decision!

Buyer's Remorse!; Don't Embarrass Yourself!

Jet Ski Fiasco!; Hostile Landlord or Squatting Tenants?

Dog Blinded at Kennel!; Car Beaten With Golf Club?

Brother from Another Planet?!; World's Worst First Date?!

Dog Trainer Travesty; Personalized Engagement Ring Payback?

I Want My Mongrel Puppy!; How Not to Write a Contract

Black Mold Mess!; Grocery Store Romance Sours

Crazy Reminder From Landlord?!; Judge Judy Learns What a Slim Jim Is

When Pink Floyd Albums Attack?!

Marijuana House Rules; Obnoxious Witness Thrown Out of Court?!

Vandal Carves His Own Initials on Car?!; Storming the Minibar?!

Snowmobile Rooftop Whammy!; $5,000 for a $10 Haircut?!

Childhood Friend Feud!; Gun Pawning Dilemma!
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