Judge Judy - Season 23

Season 23


Surprise Police Dash Cam Video!; Dog Pulling Skateboarder Scuffle!

Baby in Danger?!

Man Claws His Own Face?!; Do-It-Yourself Puppy Delivery!

Botched Tattooed Eyebrows?!

Blatant Cheater?!

Teenager's New Home Burns Down!; Marijuana-laced Brownies

Sexual Assault Allegations

Pool Fraud?!; Raise Your Hand If You Were Drinking!

Wildest Explanation?!; Drug Possession and Child Custody?!

When the Marine Is Away, the Gun Is in Play!; He Likes It Hot!

Oh How I Wish I Hadn't Taken That Nude Photo of Myself!; Sushi Day for Judge Judy!

Limo Driver Pummeled by Angry Drunk Passenger?

Alcohol Poisoning Brought to You by Beer Pong!; Detox Cookbook Controversy

Where's the Love?!; Small Dog Takes Bite Out of Delivery Man?!

Why Are You Women Attracted to this Man?!; It's My Stupid Dog Story, and I'm Sticking to It?!

Back Child Support Eats Up Settlement Check!; $65,000 Black Ice Settlement!

Car Wash Road Rage Powered by Disability!; Mechanic Destroys Harley?!

Bad Driver Caught on Tape?!; Teen Sues for Repo After Great Car Deal

Teen Buys Stolen Dirt Bike

Children in Kitchen Lead to Alleged Assault?!

Tooth Knocked Out in Dog Fight?!; Puppy From Hell?!

Dog Owner Laughs at Woman's Bloody Injuries?!; Malicious Harley Tow?!

Your Husband Is My Man?!; Mobile Home Scam?!

Used and Confused!; Pregnant and Owing?!

Hypodermic Needle Fence Dispute?!; Chihuahua Death by Chocolate?!

Heartbreaking Dog Custody Verdict; Mutilated Flower Fiasco?!

Tag Team for Child Custody?!; Mother-Daughter Cruise Fail!

Great Pyrenees Attacks Delivery Boy?!; The Judge's Nail Appointment?!

Horse Put Down by Financially Strapped Owner; Illegal Deportation?!

Vicious Pit Bull Kills Again?!

Shameful Squatter and Pit Bull Pushover?!; Tree Trimming Travesty

Emotional Vandal Pulls a Knife?!; Birthday Corvette and Abandoned Dogs?!; The Court Can't Help You!

Unbelievable Semi-Nude Photo Post?!; Quinceanera Loan or Friendly Contribution?; Law Student Should Know Better!

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!; Those Are Not My Texts!
A gambler wins a cruise but makes the wrong choice in traveling companions; a woman insists that her former friend is fabricating texts when she tries to collect on a debt.

Love Triangle Vandalism?!

Dog Abuse vs. Puppy Deaths?!; High Kick to Antique Dresser?!; Show Me Proof of Internal Bruising!

House Flipping Scam Artist?!; Pit Bull Mix Goes for Woman's Throat?!; Unfair Child Support!

Vandalism Excuse at its Finest?!; Amazing Townhouse Profit?!

Big Bucks Fish Tank Botch?!; Lover's Lexus Mix-Up!

Hair Stylist Left in the Dark?!; Solar Tree Trimming Disaster?!

Woman Desperate for Degrading Job?!; The Infamous Afghanistan Scam?!

Dove Release Runaround; Uber Driver Payback?!; Clueless Young Mother?!

A Mother's Worst Nightmare

Thanksgiving Pit Bull Terrorism?!; Mysterious Mexican Van Vacation?

The Wild Party Injury and the Uneducated Fool?!

Fight Over Boy Equals Baseball Bat Vandalism?!; Married Military Teen Sues Cousin

My Brother Broke My Arm!; Ex-Con Hops on One Foot for Judge Judy!

Dog Grooming Trauma Caught on Tape!; Broken Love, Broken Lease?!

Innocent Black Youth Threatened by Police?!; Botox Me Baby!

Abysmal Wedding DJ?!; I'm Not Paying for Your Child!

Short Marriage, Long Wedding Debt!; Jeweler Shares Business Secret!

Random Vandalism or Hilary Clinton Attack?

Man Ejected From His Own Home!; Father Son Car Project Fail!

Children Witness Violent Tasering?!; Baloney Story From Squatter?!

Unbelievable Toll Bill!; Holiday Betrayal!

Drunk Driving Freeway Brawl!?; Don't Double-Talk Me!
After a night of clubbing, two drunk men start a fight while driving on the freeway; a couple's romance ends with a fight over credit card charges.

Kid Bullies and Vandals?!; Get Outta My Lane!
Two young boys are accused of bullying an allegedly unsupervised four-year-old and vandalizing a car with a branch; a woman claims a fellow motorist slammed into her in the middle of an intersection.

Pepper Spraying Parent Catastrophe!

Wild Tequila Bar Catfight!; Older Woman Takes Advantage of Young Partner?!

Wedding Dress Distress; Pregnant and Panicked!

I Need You to Love My Lamb!; Playing the Ride Share Game

Pet Sitter Kills Dog?!; You're an Idiot for Helping Someone in Need!

Woman Left Dying on Bathroom Floor?!; 5K Credit Card Free Ride?!

You Made It Awkward! You Pay for It!; I Am Not My Adult Son's Keeper!

Woman Whacks Husband's Ex in Head With a Gun?!; My Arm Was Almost Torn Off!

Teenager's Night in Prison!; Completely Hideous Bridal Gown?!

Guess Which Breed of Dog Annihilates Another!; Upcoming Rap Star Bling!; Cat-Litter Eating Puppy?!

Shady Supervised Child Visits?; Bromance Party Fail!

House Flipping 101: What Not to Do!; I Threw a Pingpong Ball, Not a Rock!

Scary Healthcare Rip-Off; Senior Tricked Into Nursing Home Facility?!; Car Thieves Don't Get Far With Lemon!

Damning Vandalism and Theft Caught on Tape?!; Don't Call My Antiques Junk!

Man's Face Caught in Blacklisted Dog's Mouth!; Bengal Cat Breeding Debacle!

Drone Under Attack Takes Fatal Dive!; Mysterious Cat Attacks Shepherd Puppy!

Intimately Transmitted Disease Drama!; Dog Destroys $3,000 Mattress!

Drug Bust and Jail Time!; Roof Falls on Daughter's Head?!

Don't Even Think About Writing Hate Mail to Judge Judy!; Men Can't Get Ex-Wife Out Fast Enough?!; Painful Tooth Extraction Payback!

Skateboard Boy Wonder; Mud-Dragging, Big Tipper?!

Husband in Prison, Lover on the Side?!; Stealing From a Little Old Lady?!

Endangered Child Rescue!; Child Surrogacy Meets Plastic Surgery!

Stealing Workers and Money?!

Alabama Crackheads Beware!; Rib Bones Sicken Puppy!

Dual Driving Disaster; Aggressive Accounting

Kicked Back Home to Saudi Arabia?!; Wake Up! You're a Squatter!

Most Ridiculous Error in Judgment Award Goes to...; Hooters' Manager Not So Manageable?

Son Spits in Father's Face!; Ex-Fiances Cut Their Losses!

Dog Uses Bathroom in Shared Hallway?!

Ex-Lovers Lifetime Protective Orders!; Vandalizing Fit of Jealous Rage?

Locked and Loaded Neighborhood Patrol?!

Trucking Venture Disaster?!; Waffle Whammy!

Adultery and Assault?!; Border Collie Puppy Sent Packing!

Fresh Mouth Dismissed From the Courtroom!; Toddler Daycare Injury; Pit Bull Chews Up House!

Repo Assault and Neglect?!; Dog's Broken Nail Leads to Amputation?!

Kid Carnival Fail!; Attempted Murder and Million Dollar Bail

Homeless, Evicted and Robbed?!; Sentimental Family Property Feud

Tree Trimming Travesty?!; Graduation Expediter to the Rescue!; 3K Worth of Nothing?!

Clueless Young Bookkeeper?; Mother's Ashes Traded for Car?

Deceased Father's Truck Totaled!; Adult Son Breaks Dad's Rules?; That's a Bunch of Baloney!

Stalking Through the Ceiling?!; BB Gun Shootout?!

Sentimental Fence Feud!; Juice-Bar Owner Fail?!

What Are You NOT Suing Me For?!; When Smog Comes Between Friends!; Mother/Daughter Eviction and Child Endangerment?!

Older Woman Mauled by Boxers?!; Grizzly Moving Accident!

Bad Teen Driver Crashes Into School!

Cheated Out of 20K?!; Cyclists Don't Own the Road!

Bitter About Boy Toy?!; Handsome Lawyer Remodel Fail!

Get Out -- You're a Squatter!; Maserati Madness!

A Dingo Mauled My Shepherd?!; Customized Nightmare!

Special Needs Nanny Drama; World's Most Expensive Finance Class?!

Car Flipper Backfire!

Muzzle Confusion and Attack!; Swamp-Hunting Dog Meets Pit Bull!

When Faulty Drivers Collide!; Kitty Litter Misstep!

Sneaky Kickback Party!; Fraud and the Smelly Cat?!

Illegal Power Rip-Off!; Wage Garnishment Travesty!

50th Birthday Party Grand Entrance Upset!; Shoddy Work or Slanderous Words?!

Pigs Leave a House Like This!; Toxic Ex-Roommate?!

Huge Ego on Display?!; Masseuse on the Loose!

Hotel Heist or Gold-Digger Guest?; West Nile Virus Threat?!

Anxious Toy Spaniel Tug of War!; Courts Don't Care About You!

Misguided Binge Shopping?; Jet Ski Stupidity!

Race Card Played in Reckless Driver Drama; Dog Sitting for the Homeless?!

Death Threat Caught on Tape!; Mother/Daughter Debt Duel!

Unfit Dog Owner?!

How to Tell if You're a Crazy Cat Lady!; Diamond-Encrusted Pawn Star!; Illegal Tenant Trouble!

Stabbing, Slashing and Kidnapping?!

$44,000 Child Support Bill?!; Drug Addiction Duo!

Blind Man's Outrageous Request!; Service Dog Attacked in Coffee Shop!

You Look Scared to Death... I Like It!; The Bank Is Closed!

Dad's Therapy-Dog Scam?!; The First Lady of Hats

Fresh Start or Fifth DUI?!; Judy Quotes Pacino

Windshield Smack Down!; Show Me the Proof!

Advocate Against Horse Slaughter

Sex, Drugs and Surveillance?; Barn Wedding Fail!

Stroke Victim's Frivolous Family Fight?!; Photo Cookie Bust!

Beverly Hills Nightmare!; Horse-Riding Jeans Rule!

Vandal Trapped by Bad Spelling?!; Lonely Puppy Damage

Gender Reveal Party Pooper!; Judge Judy's Joy for $500 Alex!

Halfway House Fail!; Son Paid to Care for Sick Mother

The Duped Duo!; Co-Worker Hang Up!

Don't Let Children Watch This!; Go Back to Where You Came From!; Was She High?!

Never Pepper Spray a Cop's Kid!; Vandal's Apology Caught on Text?!

Divorcees Fight over Son's Assault!; House Flipping Flop!

Dirty Politics in a Union Election?!

Sub-Lease Deadbeat?!; Neighbor Survey Changes Everything!

Arrested for Mysterious Thigh-Kick?!

Recess for a New Generation!; Bag of Rice Cellphone Trick!

Mother's Mortgage Mishap!; Company and Fish Start to Stink...; Woman Assaults Father of Her Child?!

Equestrian Bucks Responsibility?!

Kidnapping and Assault?!; Define Restitution, Your Honor

War Waged Over Gucci the Yorkie!

My Pit Bull Is Like Scooby Doo!; Car Slammed Into Newspaper Stand!

Condemned!; Dating Inventors Butt Heads!

Alimony Hell!; Police Witness Vandalism!

It's Not My Fault You're a Bad Driver!; Tyrannical Roommate?!

Your Deceased Mother Would Be Ashamed of You!; Clueless Tenant?!

Repossession Roulette!

Grieving Sisters Try to Keep It Friendly!; Vanishing Carpenter?!

Nine Phones, One Deadbeat Ex-Lover?!; Unlicensed Teen Coming In Hot!; Help Me and My Five Kids?

Arson Payback for Vet Bill?!; Spay and Neuter Your Dogs!; Crime Victim's Funeral Plight

Smiley Face Vandalism Fuels 13-Year Feud!

High on Meth Home Invasion?!; Music Collaboration Battle!

Foster Cat Fail!; 40th High School Reunion Disaster!; Stolen Child Support?!

Cat Abandonment?!; Drugged and Beaten by Tijuana Police?!; Cyclist Slammed by Open Car Door!

Volatile Mother/Daughter Feud!; Artist Van Rental Stupidity?!

Roommate Meets Jail Cell!; Pushing, Shoving and Bleeding?!

Stop Laughing! Your Dog Is Dead!; Man Jumps on One Foot for the Judge!

He'll Never Find Me in Egypt!; Oh No! Judge Judy's Making a Call!

Extreme Bullying and Life-Threatening Texts?!

Artist's Botched Gallery Attempt!

Child Abandonment?; Beamer Trap!

Pepper Spray Showdown in Atlanta!; Charge Party With the Company Credit Card?!

Fractured Jaw at the Rodeo!; A Pit Bull Is a Stupid Dog to Have!

Man's Fear of Large Dogs Comes Back to Bite Him!; Gas Explosion Anxiety!

Child Support From Hell!

Coon Cat Custody; Crash Sob Story!

America Not So Great Again!

I Won't Rat Out a Friend!; Bartender Blackmail?

Vigilante Boutique Thief Caught on Tape?!

Landlord's Legal Troubles

Nervy Son Sues Mother for Being Late?!; Baby Daddy Blues

Pit Bull's Eye Poked Out!; Outrageous Roommate!

Slick Senior Picture Operation?!

Woman Terrified by Ex-Friend?! (Part One)

Therapy Pit Bull Vs. 8-Year-Old Child; Alabama Child Support Drama!

The Terror Continues... Part Two!; DUI and Domestic Abuse?!

Babblers Are Usually Liars!; Battle Over the Bronze Lions!

Account Missing $30K?!; The Party That Was Never Planned!

Manhunt for Criminal at Large!; Married Teen Victim of Odometer Fraud

Man Brings Wife and Girlfriend to Court?!; If You're Psychotic and You Know It, Clap Your Hands!

Who Robbed Who?!; Child Visitation Fight; Surprise! I Left You No Money!

Don't Mess with the Corvette!; Truck Facelift!

Teen Sued by Mom for Pitching a Fit!; Ex-Lover Steals Shotgun and Gold Bars?!

Scissor Hand Assault?!

Golf Cart Collision!; Marriage on Drugs?!; Pregnant Dog Attack!

Six Dachshunds Wreak Havoc?!; Egged House Payback!

Judge's Biggest Fan Professes Love for Her!

Permanently Disabled Entrepreneur!; Fiancée Father Fight!; Bingo Charity for Children!

$25 a Week Doesn't Feed a Gerbil!; Polyamorous Relationship Fail

Child Slapped for Wetting Bed?!

Car Full of Children Headed Into Pond!; Fishing for Friends on a Dating App

Dramatic Cyclist Meets Drunk Peddler?!; Where There's Smoke... There's More Smoke!

Petri Dish for Scammers?!; Pit Bull Rescue Wreaks Havoc... of Course!

You'll Get Dizzy From All the Lying!; Clueless Mechanic or Clever Thief?!

When Exotic Cats Attack?!; Off to the Races!

My Yard Is Not Your Pet's Bathroom!; Speeding Away With Identity Theft?!

Bleachtastic Break-Up!; Auburn Football Lights It Up?!

Girlfriend Vandal Hacks Into Lover's Phone?!; South African Carpet Theft?!

Coin-Throwing Road Rage Stunt!

Family Business Bust!; Property Thrown Down Snow Bank?!

Don't Mix Business With Pleasure!; Identity Theft Between Cousins?!

Malicious Forest Fire Eviction?!; I Didn't Become a Judge to Retrieve Your Toothbrush!

Dance Business Fair?!; Judge Judy Vents About Child Abuse!

Fear of Miscarriage Doesn't Stop Dog Lover!; Soul Food Sister Shuffle!

Children Trapped in a Skirmish?!; Collision He Said, She Said!

Don't Pee on My Leg and Tell Me It's Raining!

Ice Cream Parlor Owner Not so Sweet?!

Blind Chef Scammed by Employer?!; All Aboard Excuse Central!

Siblings' Nasty Text Battle!; Learn How to Pack a Box!

Horse Killed While Fleeing Hungry Bear?!; Bad Barter Deal!; Empty Pockets in Australia

Endangered Children and Rescue Dogs?!; Apprentice Plumber Bailout!

The $18,000 Signature!; Teen Test Drive Disaster!

Stuck Truck Rage!; Restaurant Money Pit!

Neighbor Resorts to Stockade Privacy Protection!; Say Sorry to Your Grandmother!

Gimme Half of What's in Your Pocket!; Snowy Road Sideswipe!

Classic Mercedes Mayhem!; Catfight Over Cheap Wine!

Landlord Dodges a Bullet!; Intersection Pile-Up!

Remodel Slander?!; Privacy Invasion?!

Deceased Father Fraud?!; Mutilated Privacy Hedge?!

Teen Stupidity Causes Bodily Injury!; The Bee's Knees; Black Friday BB Gun Deal!

This Is Not Let's Make a Deal!; Deadbeat Ex-Mother-in-Law?!

Toxic Paint Job?!; Man Fears for Safety After BB Shootout?!

Wailing from Disabled Ignites Dog to Attack?!; I Didn't Go to Law School for $38 in Dirt!

$10,000 Doggy Daycare Bill!; Damaged Memorabilia

Racing Motorcyle Rip-Off?!

The Weaponization of Child Protective Services?!; Tax Fraud Conspiracy?!

Bakersfield Boyfriend Trouble!; Double Lane-Change for a Donut?!

Child Suffers 50 Stitches!; Mother/Daughter Savings Plan Fail!; Adult Male vs. Judge Judy's Grandchildren!

Daycare Drama; Husky Attacks Tiny Dog; Mechanic Demands Payback!

Baby Daddy Disrupts Lesbian Affair?!; Good Sister, Bad Sister!

Border Collie Loses Ear in Attack!; 15K Investment in Not-So-Handy Boyfriend?!

Sublease Nosedive!; Pick-Up Fraud?!

Cute Service Dogs in the House!; Fight Aftermath!

Hennessey-Fueled Catfight!; Homeless Man Home Invasion?!

Outrageous Peeping Tom Allegations!; RV Flipping Fiasco!

You're Young and Mumbling, I'm Old and Deaf!; Bedbugs, Rats and Parties?!

Reign of Homeless Terror?!

Intimate and Incarcerated?; Daughter Sideswipe? Mother Money Gripe!

Silk Purse From a Sow's Ear?!; Teen Cheating Ruins Aruba Vacay?!

Supermodel Reality Check; Paid in Cigs and Soda?!

Valentine's Day Curse!; Child Slapping and Cat Cutting?!

Labrador Takes Bite Out of Terrier!; Another One Bytes the Dust!

Insulin Emergency!; Traded Then Stolen!

Lesbian Choking Catfight!; Retaliatory Mood Swing?!

College Graduation Turmoil!; Walking on Eggshells?!

Nine-Year-Old Vandal and Liar?!; Vacuum Demo Disaster!

Teens Trash Ski Chalet?!; Car Flipping Fail!

Mean Girls' Vicious Beatdown!

Bed and Breakfast Fraud?!; 10K Custody Battle Loss!

$137,000 Fire Insurance Windfall?!

If It's Too Good to Be True... RUN!; Termination Blues!

Don't You Ever Watch This Show?!; Ill-Prepared Baby Daddy!

Your Mother Would Roll Over in Her Grave!; The Cat That Could Have Killed Me!; Imprisoned Mom Sues Daughter!
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