Mr. Robot - Season 4

Season 4


401 Unauthorized
During the Christmas season, Elliot and Mr. Robot make their return; Darlene deals with real trouble; Tyrell is bored; Dom becomes paranoid.

402 Payment Required
Elliot and Darlene come together. Dom gets dark army vibes. Price has answers.

403 Forbidden
Whiterose has the feels. Elliot gets owned by his own hack. An old foe waits.

404 Not Found
Tyrell, Elliot, and Mr. Robot go on a perilous journey through the woods; Darlene deals with her feelings when she has to take a drunk Santa home; Dom is aroused and has a nightmare.

405 Method Not Allowed
Dom has no fun on Chrismas; Darlene and Elliot give a run-around; Krista plays hooky.

406 Not Acceptable
Vera tells a tale. Darlene gets a Christmas surprise. Elliot goes rogue.

407 Proxy Authentication Required
Vera holds Krista hostage as he tries to force Elliott into joining him by understanding Mr. Robot. Elliot realizes a shocking truth.

408 Request Timeout
Janice tries to get Elliot's location from Dom and Darlene. Elliot goes to the Queens Museum.

409 Conflict
fsociety v deus group. Fsociety faces off against Deus Group.

410 Gone
Following the Deus Group hack, Zhang's identity as Whiterose has become public. Dominique has mostly recovered and leaves the hospital. Under FBI investigation for her actions as a Dark Army agent, she's not allowed to see her family. Darlene convinces her to run away with her and Elliot, to hide from the Dark Army. Elliot departs alone for the Washington Township plant, instead. Leon transports Darlene and Dominique to the airport, giving Dominique advice about living with a new identity. Darlene transfers a substantial portion of the Deus Group's money to everyone with Ecoin accounts, seeing it as justice. Dominique is frightened seeing Irving at the airport bookstore, promoting his new novel. He informs her the Dark Army doesn't care about her or Darlene anymore. Without that threat, Dominique chooses not to fly to Budapest with Darlene, having a job and family to look after. At the gate, Darlene has a panic attack about being alone and flees to a bathroom, missing Dominique who turned back to get on the plane. Darlene steadies herself and is okay on her own, missing the flight. Dominique finally gets some sleep as the plane takes off for her fresh start.

Enough is enough. Elliot goes to the Washington Township power plant. Whiterose's men kill the FBI agents sent for Zhang, as she proclaims there is only Whiterose now. Elliot finds the Washington Township nuclear plant seemingly deserted. He activates his hack to destroy Whiterose's machine, but is found by Dark Army agents, who lead him past the slaughtered employees to Whiterose. They argue about the nature of people, hatred and the world. Whiterose claims her machine will create a better world. Elliot says those who love him, even when he hates himself, make the world worth saving. Whiterose has already activated the machine, triggering a meltdown. She says Elliot has a choice, and kills herself. Elliot plays an adventure game Whiterose left for him on an old computer, thinking he can stop the meltdown; but seems to be too late. He and Mr. Robot express their love for each other as everything turns red. In an alternate world, Elliot is upbeat and happy, CEO of AllSafe, engaged to Angela, and an only child, with a loving relationship with his still-living father. Zhi Zhang is a beloved, wealthy woman known for her philanthropy. Elliot lands a major account with F Corp after saying he'll always stand with Tyrell, who is F Corp's CEO. Elliot returns home, surprised to see Elliot in a hoodie, whom he doesn't recognize, sitting at his computer.

Nothing is as it appears in our new world. Elliot wakes up in an abandoned lot following the explosion at the Washington Township plant, which is no longer there. He discovers the town is a thriving suburbia, where his mother and father, both alive, live. He finds out that his parents never abused him as a child, and that Darlene does not exist. He returns to the city, where he encounters Angela's parents, Emily and Phillip (the latter still being in Angela's life), who reveal to him that Elliot is marrying Angela the following day. He goes to the alternate Elliot's apartment and hacks his computer, discovering a hidden drive of sketches of himself, Darlene, and the rest of fsociety. The alternate Elliot returns home to find the original Elliot at his iMac (as depicted at the end of the previous episode). Initially alarmed, the alternate Elliot explains that the sketches are of a persona he created that would lead an exciting life as a vigilante hacker, the very life the original Elliot lives. They touch, causing another earthquake, which severely injures the alternate Elliot. Alternate Elliot gets a call from Angela; hearing her for the first time since her death, the original Elliot decides that he can have the life he always wanted, and kills the alternate Elliot.

Hello, Elliot
It's finally time to learn the truth, friend. Elliot hides the alternate Elliot's body in a storage container, intent on taking the alternate Elliot's place and marrying Angela. A police officer, Dominique, attempts to arrest Elliot after she discovers the alternate Elliot's body. Elliot escapes to Coney Island, where he discovers that there was no wedding. Mr. Robot explains to Elliot that the world they are in is not the parallel world Whiterose spoke of, but rather an illusion created by Elliot, with the intention of keeping "the real Elliot" trapped. Bewildered and confused, Elliot wakes up in Krista's office. Krista (who is a manifestation of Elliot's mind at this point) explains that the Elliot we have known since the beginning of the series is not the real Elliot, but a persona called "The Mastermind" that the real Elliot created to deal with his rage and anger at the world. However, this persona decided to take over and trapped the real Elliot in the Utopian world, getting rid of Darlene, who is the real Elliot's strongest connection to reality, and Krista explains that the Mastermind must give control back to the real Elliot, but he refuses as the world collapses. The Mastermind wakes up in the hospital, where Darlene reveals that Whiterose is dead, her machine is destroyed, and that she knew that the Mastermind had taken over. Accepting his identity, the Mastermind returns to Elliot's mind with the rest of his other personas. The real Elliot wakes up in the hospital and is greeted by Darlene.
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