Richard Osman's House of Games - Season 7
![Richard Osman's House of Games - Season 7 Richard Osman's House of Games - Season 7](/imgp/no-photo.jpg)
Season 7
![BBC Two BBC Two](/imgp/dlZ1aTcxRm9FYjNoZFZoclRrUUlmVFFtL2d5L1JuNDNMaXMxN3FJY1VuUFIxWVlKem9rYmdrNFlTRitkRkFGN3h0YjJ5czZEUHJRSkNiOEhKUThhWlU3YmxKdkF4RnhQZU1DZTZwN0RDQTA9.jpg)
![Ken Bruce, Alice Roberts, Perri Shakes-Drayton and Kiell Smith-Bynoe (1/5) Ken Bruce, Alice Roberts, Perri Shakes-Drayton and Kiell Smith-Bynoe (1/5)](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMEt6d3M5bkZsT2xESXQreU9rL05Dd0FNNGhRRzJnTW0xMjM3V2FITGt6L0o5NkdZWGtjbmtSdzVlRnhBZEg1Sm0=.jpg)
Ken Bruce, Alice Roberts, Perri Shakes-Drayton and Kiell Smith-Bynoe (1/5)
![Ken Bruce, Alice Roberts, Perri Shakes-Drayton and Kiell Smith-Bynoe (2/5) Ken Bruce, Alice Roberts, Perri Shakes-Drayton and Kiell Smith-Bynoe (2/5)](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMENUSTdoaGZHSE92alRTNW5tRG81Y2pzZGJSWVFWM2xxay9aTGtwWEIvdVczU0E0NlZoRTY3UzZjTVNxbUZjUWE=.jpg)
Ken Bruce, Alice Roberts, Perri Shakes-Drayton and Kiell Smith-Bynoe (2/5)
![Ken Bruce, Alice Roberts, Perri Shakes-Drayton and Kiell Smith-Bynoe (3/5) Ken Bruce, Alice Roberts, Perri Shakes-Drayton and Kiell Smith-Bynoe (3/5)](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFQxSW15eXlKU004TXJWMzE2VVVQc2dRL1FHOWx3c1FablU5MUo3V0NSNFg5SWZEaE52NFIvb1hOdUZhYkZmMHU=.jpg)
Ken Bruce, Alice Roberts, Perri Shakes-Drayton and Kiell Smith-Bynoe (3/5)
![Ken Bruce, Alice Roberts, Perri Shakes-Drayton and Kiell Smith-Bynoe (4/5) Ken Bruce, Alice Roberts, Perri Shakes-Drayton and Kiell Smith-Bynoe (4/5)](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFZJOVhtOFJKR3RlcXdITTI5MzY5WnZXUFFCcEI5YjFOOGlZREZXT2x6ODF2WU95MWRNVENQci9UMTA1MFM0TFk=.jpg)
Ken Bruce, Alice Roberts, Perri Shakes-Drayton and Kiell Smith-Bynoe (4/5)
![Ken Bruce, Alice Roberts, Perri Shakes-Drayton and Kiell Smith-Bynoe (5/5) Ken Bruce, Alice Roberts, Perri Shakes-Drayton and Kiell Smith-Bynoe (5/5)](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMG5IS1VqWVJPTHB6R3Rzak9TNUpqYXQ0NDJqWW1EUUh1RmcxUG5GSUJQVEcvLzdmM1pTdUZnNGlSZm5XbGppK1A=.jpg)
Ken Bruce, Alice Roberts, Perri Shakes-Drayton and Kiell Smith-Bynoe (5/5)
![Chris Hughes, Debra Stephenson, Inel Tomlinson and Toyah Willcox (1/5) Chris Hughes, Debra Stephenson, Inel Tomlinson and Toyah Willcox (1/5)](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFAwVVZ5VHkwLzRySVFRSm94QlhEcFdxUmduOHI5d2FPaFN0dHdxcGhwc0tZNm5zWkZVQm4welFVdkd4eXcrREs=.jpg)
Chris Hughes, Debra Stephenson, Inel Tomlinson and Toyah Willcox (1/5)
![Chris Hughes, Debra Stephenson, Inel Tomlinson and Toyah Willcox (2/5) Chris Hughes, Debra Stephenson, Inel Tomlinson and Toyah Willcox (2/5)](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGFrZXRXdnd4VklXanhxNmJGNlVGa1NRS28rQUxEZm1rbEtWUlpseEIwVVZsZm5QYVpOejJaamlnb2NmWkc2eGg=.jpg)
Chris Hughes, Debra Stephenson, Inel Tomlinson and Toyah Willcox (2/5)
![Chris Hughes, Debra Stephenson, Inel Tomlinson and Toyah Willcox (3/5) Chris Hughes, Debra Stephenson, Inel Tomlinson and Toyah Willcox (3/5)](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFhMN1RHTThJSWVPV3N4YlY4VTg2cHJ3SC9iYmZlT1R6TzBITTlOZTRhWVV4dkZ4cmhRUS9UdXBYQjZuTnh0OXo=.jpg)
Chris Hughes, Debra Stephenson, Inel Tomlinson and Toyah Willcox (3/5)
![Chris Hughes, Debra Stephenson, Inel Tomlinson and Toyah Willcox (4/5) Chris Hughes, Debra Stephenson, Inel Tomlinson and Toyah Willcox (4/5)](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMDZMWHdJRE1tcmZvL2JNYnkwdUJhQ3lTNlZ0ZnNIa2gyOW9hTEdDV0xSZ09xTmptUjV3eDRwRFJZWGIrL2crai8=.jpg)
Chris Hughes, Debra Stephenson, Inel Tomlinson and Toyah Willcox (4/5)
![Chris Hughes, Debra Stephenson, Inel Tomlinson and Toyah Willcox (5/5) Chris Hughes, Debra Stephenson, Inel Tomlinson and Toyah Willcox (5/5)](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHhzV1hvQ0pyRmFBL0ZUMkRxcmZwazd3TVJVQTBuTVNUbzdWNmYvRDg2SkFCc0hEZUlzTHVhK01ISnhXcExqNDA=.jpg)
Chris Hughes, Debra Stephenson, Inel Tomlinson and Toyah Willcox (5/5)
![James Buckley, Amy Gledhill, Romilly Weeks and Gary Wilmot (1/5) James Buckley, Amy Gledhill, Romilly Weeks and Gary Wilmot (1/5)](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGg0cWozSWV0cTY4L01aSzJDZW5WNzkweUFmYURZSFJGRnA2ZUxwS1FmRUljTlJ5VXNMVkVWS2paUmxNcW05bzI=.jpg)
James Buckley, Amy Gledhill, Romilly Weeks and Gary Wilmot (1/5)
![James Buckley, Amy Gledhill, Romilly Weeks and Gary Wilmot (2/5) James Buckley, Amy Gledhill, Romilly Weeks and Gary Wilmot (2/5)](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMDBDU2thcW1VaFpuME93ZldnSkpsV3ZSWVROa21tRFV3RE5LSWdtakdBTzQxYm9YNW9tc3drYk5LTWwyUlZsZTM=.jpg)
James Buckley, Amy Gledhill, Romilly Weeks and Gary Wilmot (2/5)
![James Buckley, Amy Gledhill, Romilly Weeks and Gary Wilmot (3/5) James Buckley, Amy Gledhill, Romilly Weeks and Gary Wilmot (3/5)](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMDJMM3VnRHFFWDdRci9Pdk95eUZObDZzVHV1WUpKRjJ5Q2hVVFJjWGZlNXo2ZTZqWUlCd0ViTlNNU1NUVEJzRFY=.jpg)
James Buckley, Amy Gledhill, Romilly Weeks and Gary Wilmot (3/5)
![James Buckley, Amy Gledhill, Romilly Weeks and Gary Wilmot (4/5) James Buckley, Amy Gledhill, Romilly Weeks and Gary Wilmot (4/5)](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHJRM2RJSUtKTEEvZkJvTEZPOHJZMnRBMDZldWdBZzZSelk2WnRTOHJsc0xpMmhRdk5hZ1Fpb21iMHB6dldrY0s=.jpg)
James Buckley, Amy Gledhill, Romilly Weeks and Gary Wilmot (4/5)
![James Buckley, Amy Gledhill, Romilly Weeks and Gary Wilmot (5/5) James Buckley, Amy Gledhill, Romilly Weeks and Gary Wilmot (5/5)](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMDNzaXJGTDVhM04rYktBM2RsVG9SU2xHNVBybG5YM1lNMzRHY2wxMXhpUGtVMkFuSjlqS0VrZFFEem1ORWp4dFI=.jpg)
James Buckley, Amy Gledhill, Romilly Weeks and Gary Wilmot (5/5)
![Myra DuBois, Charlie Hedges, Bonnie Langford and Tyler West 1/5 Myra DuBois, Charlie Hedges, Bonnie Langford and Tyler West 1/5](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMFJ6WWRLdzJHQ3JOQzFQT2xRWnhGZkNaWFdaN2t1NWZwODRrL1ZIa1crcHdiUDJmcUluMGdqNlI4WlFxUEZjb1E=.jpg)
Myra DuBois, Charlie Hedges, Bonnie Langford and Tyler West 1/5
![Myra DuBois, Charlie Hedges, Bonnie Langford and Tyler West 2/5 Myra DuBois, Charlie Hedges, Bonnie Langford and Tyler West 2/5](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGd6MjQvQmEreFRRMGNwVzlGNzcrMEEyeE9Bd05remh2Y1BQT0tMeEFxQXlOdGRRdDgwR0hCWjZWTTBwR3FsKzg=.jpg)
Myra DuBois, Charlie Hedges, Bonnie Langford and Tyler West 2/5
![Myra DuBois, Charlie Hedges, Bonnie Langford and Tyler West 3/5 Myra DuBois, Charlie Hedges, Bonnie Langford and Tyler West 3/5](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMGFHUkRwTmQwUUNpd3FLeHo5ampzZE1UZzlaMEkyL2hBOENlK3U0SUJ3TzBva1R1NHB5Wm9YRXJ5T2UwUlFNcDM=.jpg)
Myra DuBois, Charlie Hedges, Bonnie Langford and Tyler West 3/5
![Myra DuBois, Charlie Hedges, Bonnie Langford and Tyler West 4/5 Myra DuBois, Charlie Hedges, Bonnie Langford and Tyler West 4/5](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkMHZxM25GUTVXMkh2Yjl0TU1vaFRHS1dlLzcyeGdiZG1yZC9NZ3pnMU1veXN0alAybFhMUlZyNXpIYkM0UklMWVY=.jpg)
Myra DuBois, Charlie Hedges, Bonnie Langford and Tyler West 4/5
![Myra DuBois, Charlie Hedges, Bonnie Langford and Tyler West 5/5 Myra DuBois, Charlie Hedges, Bonnie Langford and Tyler West 5/5](/imgp/MmFneDlDWGtEZHJVaUR1V3NYRmwvOGozSFlZM3Nud2RKYVpqcE53N0kzVkRXeXowNlN5UzBhVHJveHRrRllkME1RRnh1VmFLSGJ3bzFsZ3QzZFNDZ1Z4aEUwSHJ1UFRWQnRYaFl5L0hsY2tFQXB4c1FoQUxXd01hVlpscVVxaWw=.jpg)
Myra DuBois, Charlie Hedges, Bonnie Langford and Tyler West 5/5
![Larry Dean, Kirsty Gallagher, Sam Quek and Lemn Sissay 1/5 Larry Dean, Kirsty Gallagher, Sam Quek and Lemn Sissay 1/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Larry Dean, Kirsty Gallagher, Sam Quek and Lemn Sissay 1/5
![Larry Dean, Kirsty Gallagher, Sam Quek and Lemn Sissay 2/5 Larry Dean, Kirsty Gallagher, Sam Quek and Lemn Sissay 2/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Larry Dean, Kirsty Gallagher, Sam Quek and Lemn Sissay 2/5
![Larry Dean, Kirsty Gallagher, Sam Quek and Lemn Sissay 3/5 Larry Dean, Kirsty Gallagher, Sam Quek and Lemn Sissay 3/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Larry Dean, Kirsty Gallagher, Sam Quek and Lemn Sissay 3/5
![Larry Dean, Kirsty Gallagher, Sam Quek and Lemn Sissay 4/5 Larry Dean, Kirsty Gallagher, Sam Quek and Lemn Sissay 4/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Larry Dean, Kirsty Gallagher, Sam Quek and Lemn Sissay 4/5
![Larry Dean, Kirsty Gallagher, Sam Quek and Lemn Sissay 5/5 Larry Dean, Kirsty Gallagher, Sam Quek and Lemn Sissay 5/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Larry Dean, Kirsty Gallagher, Sam Quek and Lemn Sissay 5/5
![Scarlette Douglas, Max George, Susie McCabe and Olly Smith 1/5 Scarlette Douglas, Max George, Susie McCabe and Olly Smith 1/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Scarlette Douglas, Max George, Susie McCabe and Olly Smith 1/5
![Scarlette Douglas, Max George, Susie McCabe and Olly Smith 2/5 Scarlette Douglas, Max George, Susie McCabe and Olly Smith 2/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Scarlette Douglas, Max George, Susie McCabe and Olly Smith 2/5
![Scarlette Douglas, Max George, Susie McCabe and Olly Smith 3/5 Scarlette Douglas, Max George, Susie McCabe and Olly Smith 3/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Scarlette Douglas, Max George, Susie McCabe and Olly Smith 3/5
![Scarlette Douglas, Max George, Susie McCabe and Olly Smith 4/5 Scarlette Douglas, Max George, Susie McCabe and Olly Smith 4/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Scarlette Douglas, Max George, Susie McCabe and Olly Smith 4/5
![Scarlette Douglas, Max George, Susie McCabe and Olly Smith 5/5 Scarlette Douglas, Max George, Susie McCabe and Olly Smith 5/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Scarlette Douglas, Max George, Susie McCabe and Olly Smith 5/5
![Jimi Famurewa, William Hanson, Sinitta and Maisie Smith 1/5 Jimi Famurewa, William Hanson, Sinitta and Maisie Smith 1/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Jimi Famurewa, William Hanson, Sinitta and Maisie Smith 1/5
![Jimi Famurewa, William Hanson, Sinitta and Maisie Smith 2/5 Jimi Famurewa, William Hanson, Sinitta and Maisie Smith 2/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Jimi Famurewa, William Hanson, Sinitta and Maisie Smith 2/5
![Jimi Famurewa, William Hanson, Sinitta and Maisie Smith 3/5 Jimi Famurewa, William Hanson, Sinitta and Maisie Smith 3/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Jimi Famurewa, William Hanson, Sinitta and Maisie Smith 3/5
![Jimi Famurewa, William Hanson, Sinitta and Maisie Smith 4/5 Jimi Famurewa, William Hanson, Sinitta and Maisie Smith 4/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Jimi Famurewa, William Hanson, Sinitta and Maisie Smith 4/5
![Jimi Famurewa, William Hanson, Sinitta and Maisie Smith 5/5 Jimi Famurewa, William Hanson, Sinitta and Maisie Smith 5/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Jimi Famurewa, William Hanson, Sinitta and Maisie Smith 5/5
![Toussaint Douglass, Mark Foster, Sheree Murphy and Sian Williams 1/5 Toussaint Douglass, Mark Foster, Sheree Murphy and Sian Williams 1/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Toussaint Douglass, Mark Foster, Sheree Murphy and Sian Williams 1/5
![Toussaint Douglass, Mark Foster, Sheree Murphy and Sian Williams 2/5 Toussaint Douglass, Mark Foster, Sheree Murphy and Sian Williams 2/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Toussaint Douglass, Mark Foster, Sheree Murphy and Sian Williams 2/5
![Toussaint Douglass, Mark Foster, Sheree Murphy and Sian Williams 3/5 Toussaint Douglass, Mark Foster, Sheree Murphy and Sian Williams 3/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Toussaint Douglass, Mark Foster, Sheree Murphy and Sian Williams 3/5
![Toussaint Douglass, Mark Foster, Sheree Murphy and Sian Williams 4/5 Toussaint Douglass, Mark Foster, Sheree Murphy and Sian Williams 4/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Toussaint Douglass, Mark Foster, Sheree Murphy and Sian Williams 4/5
![Toussaint Douglass, Mark Foster, Sheree Murphy and Sian Williams 5/5 Toussaint Douglass, Mark Foster, Sheree Murphy and Sian Williams 5/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Toussaint Douglass, Mark Foster, Sheree Murphy and Sian Williams 5/5
![Jennie Bond, James Bye, Kadeena Cox and Aurie Styla 1/5 Jennie Bond, James Bye, Kadeena Cox and Aurie Styla 1/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Jennie Bond, James Bye, Kadeena Cox and Aurie Styla 1/5
![Jennie Bond, James Bye, Kadeena Cox and Aurie Styla 2/5 Jennie Bond, James Bye, Kadeena Cox and Aurie Styla 2/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Jennie Bond, James Bye, Kadeena Cox and Aurie Styla 2/5
![Jennie Bond, James Bye, Kadeena Cox and Aurie Styla 3/5 Jennie Bond, James Bye, Kadeena Cox and Aurie Styla 3/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Jennie Bond, James Bye, Kadeena Cox and Aurie Styla 3/5
![Jennie Bond, James Bye, Kadeena Cox and Aurie Styla 4/5 Jennie Bond, James Bye, Kadeena Cox and Aurie Styla 4/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Jennie Bond, James Bye, Kadeena Cox and Aurie Styla 4/5
![Jennie Bond, James Bye, Kadeena Cox and Aurie Styla 5/5 Jennie Bond, James Bye, Kadeena Cox and Aurie Styla 5/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Jennie Bond, James Bye, Kadeena Cox and Aurie Styla 5/5
![Clive Anderson, Sara Davies, Lutalo Muhammad and Alison Spittle 1/5 Clive Anderson, Sara Davies, Lutalo Muhammad and Alison Spittle 1/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Clive Anderson, Sara Davies, Lutalo Muhammad and Alison Spittle 1/5
![Clive Anderson, Sara Davies, Lutalo Muhammad and Alison Spittle 2/5 Clive Anderson, Sara Davies, Lutalo Muhammad and Alison Spittle 2/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Clive Anderson, Sara Davies, Lutalo Muhammad and Alison Spittle 2/5
![Clive Anderson, Sara Davies, Lutalo Muhammad and Alison Spittle 3/5 Clive Anderson, Sara Davies, Lutalo Muhammad and Alison Spittle 3/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Clive Anderson, Sara Davies, Lutalo Muhammad and Alison Spittle 3/5
![Clive Anderson, Sara Davies, Lutalo Muhammad and Alison Spittle 4/5 Clive Anderson, Sara Davies, Lutalo Muhammad and Alison Spittle 4/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Clive Anderson, Sara Davies, Lutalo Muhammad and Alison Spittle 4/5
![Clive Anderson, Sara Davies, Lutalo Muhammad and Alison Spittle 5/5 Clive Anderson, Sara Davies, Lutalo Muhammad and Alison Spittle 5/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Clive Anderson, Sara Davies, Lutalo Muhammad and Alison Spittle 5/5
![Malorie Blackman, Matt Dawson, Chris McCausland and Ranvir Singh 1/5 Malorie Blackman, Matt Dawson, Chris McCausland and Ranvir Singh 1/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Malorie Blackman, Matt Dawson, Chris McCausland and Ranvir Singh 1/5
![Malorie Blackman, Matt Dawson, Chris McCausland and Ranvir Singh 2/5 Malorie Blackman, Matt Dawson, Chris McCausland and Ranvir Singh 2/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Malorie Blackman, Matt Dawson, Chris McCausland and Ranvir Singh 2/5
![Malorie Blackman, Matt Dawson, Chris McCausland and Ranvir Singh 3/5 Malorie Blackman, Matt Dawson, Chris McCausland and Ranvir Singh 3/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Malorie Blackman, Matt Dawson, Chris McCausland and Ranvir Singh 3/5
![Malorie Blackman, Matt Dawson, Chris McCausland and Ranvir Singh 4/5 Malorie Blackman, Matt Dawson, Chris McCausland and Ranvir Singh 4/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Malorie Blackman, Matt Dawson, Chris McCausland and Ranvir Singh 4/5
![Malorie Blackman, Matt Dawson, Chris McCausland and Ranvir Singh 5/5 Malorie Blackman, Matt Dawson, Chris McCausland and Ranvir Singh 5/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Malorie Blackman, Matt Dawson, Chris McCausland and Ranvir Singh 5/5
![Dianne Buswell, Jenny Éclair, Adam Gemili and Owain Wyn Evans 1/5 Dianne Buswell, Jenny Éclair, Adam Gemili and Owain Wyn Evans 1/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Dianne Buswell, Jenny Éclair, Adam Gemili and Owain Wyn Evans 1/5
![Dianne Buswell, Jenny Éclair, Adam Gemili and Owain Wyn Evans 2/5 Dianne Buswell, Jenny Éclair, Adam Gemili and Owain Wyn Evans 2/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Dianne Buswell, Jenny Éclair, Adam Gemili and Owain Wyn Evans 2/5
![Dianne Buswell, Jenny Éclair, Adam Gemili and Owain Wyn Evans 3/5 Dianne Buswell, Jenny Éclair, Adam Gemili and Owain Wyn Evans 3/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Dianne Buswell, Jenny Éclair, Adam Gemili and Owain Wyn Evans 3/5
![Dianne Buswell, Jenny Éclair, Adam Gemili and Owain Wyn Evans 4/5 Dianne Buswell, Jenny Éclair, Adam Gemili and Owain Wyn Evans 4/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Dianne Buswell, Jenny Éclair, Adam Gemili and Owain Wyn Evans 4/5
![Dianne Buswell, Jenny Éclair, Adam Gemili and Owain Wyn Evans 5/5 Dianne Buswell, Jenny Éclair, Adam Gemili and Owain Wyn Evans 5/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Dianne Buswell, Jenny Éclair, Adam Gemili and Owain Wyn Evans 5/5
![Johnny Cochrane, Shobna Gulati, Dermot Murnaghan, and Laura Smyth 1/5 Johnny Cochrane, Shobna Gulati, Dermot Murnaghan, and Laura Smyth 1/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Johnny Cochrane, Shobna Gulati, Dermot Murnaghan, and Laura Smyth 1/5
![Johnny Cochrane, Shobna Gulati, Dermot Murnaghan, and Laura Smyth 2/5 Johnny Cochrane, Shobna Gulati, Dermot Murnaghan, and Laura Smyth 2/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Johnny Cochrane, Shobna Gulati, Dermot Murnaghan, and Laura Smyth 2/5
![Johnny Cochrane, Shobna Gulati, Dermot Murnaghan, and Laura Smyth 3/5 Johnny Cochrane, Shobna Gulati, Dermot Murnaghan, and Laura Smyth 3/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Johnny Cochrane, Shobna Gulati, Dermot Murnaghan, and Laura Smyth 3/5
![Johnny Cochrane, Shobna Gulati, Dermot Murnaghan, and Laura Smyth 4/5 Johnny Cochrane, Shobna Gulati, Dermot Murnaghan, and Laura Smyth 4/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Johnny Cochrane, Shobna Gulati, Dermot Murnaghan, and Laura Smyth 4/5
![Johnny Cochrane, Shobna Gulati, Dermot Murnaghan, and Laura Smyth 5/5 Johnny Cochrane, Shobna Gulati, Dermot Murnaghan, and Laura Smyth 5/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Johnny Cochrane, Shobna Gulati, Dermot Murnaghan, and Laura Smyth 5/5
![Sir Chris Hoy, Rosie Jones, Ola Labib and Ian ‘H' Watkins 1/5 Sir Chris Hoy, Rosie Jones, Ola Labib and Ian ‘H' Watkins 1/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Sir Chris Hoy, Rosie Jones, Ola Labib and Ian ‘H' Watkins 1/5
![Sir Chris Hoy, Rosie Jones, Ola Labib and Ian ‘H' Watkins 2/5 Sir Chris Hoy, Rosie Jones, Ola Labib and Ian ‘H' Watkins 2/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Sir Chris Hoy, Rosie Jones, Ola Labib and Ian ‘H' Watkins 2/5
![Sir Chris Hoy, Rosie Jones, Ola Labib and Ian ‘H' Watkins 3/5 Sir Chris Hoy, Rosie Jones, Ola Labib and Ian ‘H' Watkins 3/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Sir Chris Hoy, Rosie Jones, Ola Labib and Ian ‘H' Watkins 3/5
![Sir Chris Hoy, Rosie Jones, Ola Labib and Ian ‘H' Watkins 4/5 Sir Chris Hoy, Rosie Jones, Ola Labib and Ian ‘H' Watkins 4/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Sir Chris Hoy, Rosie Jones, Ola Labib and Ian ‘H' Watkins 4/5
![Sir Chris Hoy, Rosie Jones, Ola Labib and Ian ‘H' Watkins 5/5 Sir Chris Hoy, Rosie Jones, Ola Labib and Ian ‘H' Watkins 5/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Sir Chris Hoy, Rosie Jones, Ola Labib and Ian ‘H' Watkins 5/5
![Craig Doyle, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon and Leo Reich 1/5 Craig Doyle, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon and Leo Reich 1/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Craig Doyle, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon and Leo Reich 1/5
![Craig Doyle, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon and Leo Reich 2/5 Craig Doyle, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon and Leo Reich 2/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Craig Doyle, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon and Leo Reich 2/5
![Craig Doyle, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon and Leo Reich 3/5 Craig Doyle, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon and Leo Reich 3/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Craig Doyle, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon and Leo Reich 3/5
![Craig Doyle, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon and Leo Reich 4/5 Craig Doyle, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon and Leo Reich 4/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Craig Doyle, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon and Leo Reich 4/5
![Craig Doyle, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon and Leo Reich 5/5 Craig Doyle, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon and Leo Reich 5/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Craig Doyle, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon and Leo Reich 5/5
![Redemption Week 1: Babatunde Aléshé, Sophie Duker, Gaby Roslin and Jeff Stelling 1/5 Redemption Week 1: Babatunde Aléshé, Sophie Duker, Gaby Roslin and Jeff Stelling 1/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Redemption Week 1: Babatunde Aléshé, Sophie Duker, Gaby Roslin and Jeff Stelling 1/5
Every day this week, previous players Babatunde Aléshé, Sophie Duker, Gaby Roslin and Jeff Stelling take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman, in House of Games: Redemption Week.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the iconic House of Games dartboard, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Redemption Week 1: Babatunde Aléshé, Sophie Duker, Gaby Roslin and Jeff Stelling 2/5 Redemption Week 1: Babatunde Aléshé, Sophie Duker, Gaby Roslin and Jeff Stelling 2/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Redemption Week 1: Babatunde Aléshé, Sophie Duker, Gaby Roslin and Jeff Stelling 2/5
![Redemption Week 1: Babatunde Aléshé, Sophie Duker, Gaby Roslin and Jeff Stelling 3/5 Redemption Week 1: Babatunde Aléshé, Sophie Duker, Gaby Roslin and Jeff Stelling 3/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Redemption Week 1: Babatunde Aléshé, Sophie Duker, Gaby Roslin and Jeff Stelling 3/5
![Redemption Week 1: Babatunde Aléshé, Sophie Duker, Gaby Roslin and Jeff Stelling 4/5 Redemption Week 1: Babatunde Aléshé, Sophie Duker, Gaby Roslin and Jeff Stelling 4/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Redemption Week 1: Babatunde Aléshé, Sophie Duker, Gaby Roslin and Jeff Stelling 4/5
![Redemption Week 1: Babatunde Aléshé, Sophie Duker, Gaby Roslin and Jeff Stelling 5/5 Redemption Week 1: Babatunde Aléshé, Sophie Duker, Gaby Roslin and Jeff Stelling 5/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Redemption Week 1: Babatunde Aléshé, Sophie Duker, Gaby Roslin and Jeff Stelling 5/5
![Redemption Week 2: Michael Buerk, Kate Humble, Glenn Moore and Thanyia Moore 1/5 Redemption Week 2: Michael Buerk, Kate Humble, Glenn Moore and Thanyia Moore 1/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Redemption Week 2: Michael Buerk, Kate Humble, Glenn Moore and Thanyia Moore 1/5
Every day this week, previous players Michael Buerk, Kate Humble, Glenn Moore and Thanyia Moore take on a series of quiz rounds selected by the host, quiz legend Richard Osman, in House of Games: Redemption Week.
A daily winner is declared following a quickfire round at the end of each show, and the scores are tallied across the week, resulting in an overall champion being crowned on Friday.
Will the winning stars opt for the iconic House of Games dartboard, or will they be tempted with the House of Games fondue set?
![Redemption Week 2: Michael Buerk, Kate Humble, Glenn Moore and Thanyia Moore 2/5 Redemption Week 2: Michael Buerk, Kate Humble, Glenn Moore and Thanyia Moore 2/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Redemption Week 2: Michael Buerk, Kate Humble, Glenn Moore and Thanyia Moore 2/5
![Redemption Week 2: Michael Buerk, Kate Humble, Glenn Moore and Thanyia Moore 3/5 Redemption Week 2: Michael Buerk, Kate Humble, Glenn Moore and Thanyia Moore 3/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Redemption Week 2: Michael Buerk, Kate Humble, Glenn Moore and Thanyia Moore 3/5
![Redemption Week 2: Michael Buerk, Kate Humble, Glenn Moore and Thanyia Moore 4/5 Redemption Week 2: Michael Buerk, Kate Humble, Glenn Moore and Thanyia Moore 4/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Redemption Week 2: Michael Buerk, Kate Humble, Glenn Moore and Thanyia Moore 4/5
![Redemption Week 2: Michael Buerk, Kate Humble, Glenn Moore and Thanyia Moore 5/5 Redemption Week 2: Michael Buerk, Kate Humble, Glenn Moore and Thanyia Moore 5/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Redemption Week 2: Michael Buerk, Kate Humble, Glenn Moore and Thanyia Moore 5/5
![Champions Week 1: Kaye Adams, Alex Brooker, Kiell Smith-Bynoe and Isy Suttie 1/5 Champions Week 1: Kaye Adams, Alex Brooker, Kiell Smith-Bynoe and Isy Suttie 1/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Champions Week 1: Kaye Adams, Alex Brooker, Kiell Smith-Bynoe and Isy Suttie 1/5
![Champions Week 1: Kaye Adams, Alex Brooker, Kiell Smith-Bynoe and Isy Suttie 2/5 Champions Week 1: Kaye Adams, Alex Brooker, Kiell Smith-Bynoe and Isy Suttie 2/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Champions Week 1: Kaye Adams, Alex Brooker, Kiell Smith-Bynoe and Isy Suttie 2/5
![Champions Week 1: Kaye Adams, Alex Brooker, Kiell Smith-Bynoe and Isy Suttie 3/5 Champions Week 1: Kaye Adams, Alex Brooker, Kiell Smith-Bynoe and Isy Suttie 3/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Champions Week 1: Kaye Adams, Alex Brooker, Kiell Smith-Bynoe and Isy Suttie 3/5
![Champions Week 1: Kaye Adams, Alex Brooker, Kiell Smith-Bynoe and Isy Suttie 4/5 Champions Week 1: Kaye Adams, Alex Brooker, Kiell Smith-Bynoe and Isy Suttie 4/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Champions Week 1: Kaye Adams, Alex Brooker, Kiell Smith-Bynoe and Isy Suttie 4/5
![Champions Week 1: Kaye Adams, Alex Brooker, Kiell Smith-Bynoe and Isy Suttie 5/5 Champions Week 1: Kaye Adams, Alex Brooker, Kiell Smith-Bynoe and Isy Suttie 5/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Champions Week 1: Kaye Adams, Alex Brooker, Kiell Smith-Bynoe and Isy Suttie 5/5
![Champions Week 2: Mark Chapman, Will Kirk, Amanda Lamb and Rachel Parris 1/5 Champions Week 2: Mark Chapman, Will Kirk, Amanda Lamb and Rachel Parris 1/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Champions Week 2: Mark Chapman, Will Kirk, Amanda Lamb and Rachel Parris 1/5
![Champions Week 2: Mark Chapman, Will Kirk, Amanda Lamb and Rachel Parris 2/5 Champions Week 2: Mark Chapman, Will Kirk, Amanda Lamb and Rachel Parris 2/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Champions Week 2: Mark Chapman, Will Kirk, Amanda Lamb and Rachel Parris 2/5
![Champions Week 2: Mark Chapman, Will Kirk, Amanda Lamb and Rachel Parris 3/5 Champions Week 2: Mark Chapman, Will Kirk, Amanda Lamb and Rachel Parris 3/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Champions Week 2: Mark Chapman, Will Kirk, Amanda Lamb and Rachel Parris 3/5
![Champions Week 2: Mark Chapman, Will Kirk, Amanda Lamb and Rachel Parris 4/5 Champions Week 2: Mark Chapman, Will Kirk, Amanda Lamb and Rachel Parris 4/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Champions Week 2: Mark Chapman, Will Kirk, Amanda Lamb and Rachel Parris 4/5
![Champions Week 2: Mark Chapman, Will Kirk, Amanda Lamb and Rachel Parris 5/5 Champions Week 2: Mark Chapman, Will Kirk, Amanda Lamb and Rachel Parris 5/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Champions Week 2: Mark Chapman, Will Kirk, Amanda Lamb and Rachel Parris 5/5
![Champions Week 3: Nihal Arthanayake, Jay McGuiness, Lucy Porter and Jan Ravens 1/5 Champions Week 3: Nihal Arthanayake, Jay McGuiness, Lucy Porter and Jan Ravens 1/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Champions Week 3: Nihal Arthanayake, Jay McGuiness, Lucy Porter and Jan Ravens 1/5
![Champions Week 3: Nihal Arthanayake, Jay McGuiness, Lucy Porter and Jan Ravens 2/5 Champions Week 3: Nihal Arthanayake, Jay McGuiness, Lucy Porter and Jan Ravens 2/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Champions Week 3: Nihal Arthanayake, Jay McGuiness, Lucy Porter and Jan Ravens 2/5
![Champions Week 3: Nihal Arthanayake, Jay McGuiness, Lucy Porter and Jan Ravens 3/5 Champions Week 3: Nihal Arthanayake, Jay McGuiness, Lucy Porter and Jan Ravens 3/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Champions Week 3: Nihal Arthanayake, Jay McGuiness, Lucy Porter and Jan Ravens 3/5
![Champions Week 3: Nihal Arthanayake, Jay McGuiness, Lucy Porter and Jan Ravens 4/5 Champions Week 3: Nihal Arthanayake, Jay McGuiness, Lucy Porter and Jan Ravens 4/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Champions Week 3: Nihal Arthanayake, Jay McGuiness, Lucy Porter and Jan Ravens 4/5
![Champions Week 3: Nihal Arthanayake, Jay McGuiness, Lucy Porter and Jan Ravens 5/5 Champions Week 3: Nihal Arthanayake, Jay McGuiness, Lucy Porter and Jan Ravens 5/5](/imgp/no-photo-250-140.jpg)
Champions Week 3: Nihal Arthanayake, Jay McGuiness, Lucy Porter and Jan Ravens 5/5
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