Trailer Park Boys: Park After Dark - Season 1

Season 1


Monster Cock
A big fucking welcome to Ricky's kitchen! He's rustled up some special sauce and chicken fingers (the good kind) and got a coupla rockers from Monster Truck to jam with Bubbles! The Boys also chat about smoking with Snoop Dogg, why snorting ants is fucked, Finnish saunas and Japanese ass lasers!

Sweet Empowered Chicken Burgers (With Egg Rolls)
For fuck's sake Ricky, put your pants on and get ready for Episode 2! Find out why Park After Dark isn't in the dark, whether a peacock mantis shrimp or armadillo would make a good pet, and why you shouldn't take a dirty ol' grizzly bear bowling. Also: Ricky cooks up a fucking fusion cuisine treat!

Heaty Mac 'n' Cheese with Deep-Fried Chicken Parts
Ricky's got a new gift - an awesome $6 microwave! Before he blows the fuckin' roof off the trailer with it, he cooks up the best Kraft Dinner ever, guaranteed to get him banged! Also: Visiting a bear in jail, the worst ever Guinness World Record attempt, and the Boys make a phone call to... Canada!

Three-Soft-Cock Dornichos
It's raining horse cocks outside, but it's cosy in the trailer as Ricky cooks up an awesome pepperoni treat! The Boys also discuss eye bees, how not to fuck up a microwave oven, and more amazing facts about Canada... or not!

Givin'r with FUBAR
The Boys have a special fucking guest today: Terry from FUBAR has stumbled into the park, in search of his Nova Scotian ancestors! He's also brought some fucked frozen treats from the Prairies - who dares eat one? They also discuss mouth hugs, the Littlest Hobo, and how to cook bolonairs!

Bubbles' Slow Fried Bologny Sammiches
Grab a bologny sammich and join the Boys as they figure out how to hear the wind, what's at the end of the universe, and the existence of samsquamptches and moonicorns! And guess who ate one kushy gummy bear too many, and is now baked as fuck?!

I'd Bang One of You Guys for a Slap Chop
Julian's calling the shots in Ricky's kitchen today - and dirty ol' Dog Cakes are on the menu! The Boys also discuss itchy nuts, sad onions and damn spicy pickles, and Ricky gets us learnt about flying!

Kraft Dinner Muscle Meal
Julian and Ricky concoct a new Kraft Dinner dish - with one weird fucking ingredient! The Boys also discuss Arnold Schwarzenegger, facts about the sun, and a woman who thinks she's a horse. Also: The Boys rebuild a Boeing 787!

Baby Supersub
Ricky's constructed the world's cutest cheese and bologny sammich - but are you supposed to eat it or burp it?! Also: Getting fucked up on nutmeg, the sweet taste of beaver ass juice, and how to make a bunch of scrilla from a melon!

Gettin' Book Learnt with Ricky
Ricky's been browsing the True section of the bookstore, and has been getting learnt about paranormal pets! And did Bubbles really own a book-reading kitty? Also: A muscleman with more muscles than Julian, chickens that are really pancakes, and a spider that gives you a boner! Holy fuck, that hash jello was strong...

When a Shit Day Goes Good
Ricky's blue because his bank heist went to shit last night - literally! Thank fuck Bubbles and Julian - and a big TPB fan - have something to cheer him up. The Boys also invent Cottonloaf cupcakes, discuss a greasy new perfume, and admire Bubbles' Meat Man!

Meat Bender
Ricky and Bubbles are in bacon-wrapped Heaven - Julian's on a strictly liquor diet, but he probably won't end up on the shitter all night! Also: Bubbles' goat impressions, house-proud tarantulas, and the most eco-friendly way to get rid of a body!

We Don't Fuck with Anyone, So Don't Fuck with Us
It's the Canada Day long weekend and the Boys are already fucked up! They try some 'hair of the dog' and discuss awesome Canada facts, pig holes in hot dogs, boob farms, and the best way to steam Bubbles' buns. Also: The Boys write the new Canadian national anthem!

Grumpy Pumpy and the Muscletones
The Boys are still partying into the weekend - except Julian's lost his precious bottle of rum, and Ricky nearly set Sunnyvale alight with his fireworks display last night! The Boys examine the shitty contents of Ricky's fridge, and discuss the worst kids' names, eating an octopus, and why wombats shit bricks!

Trinity the Hortons Asstant Asstant Supervisor
The Boys have a special guest in the trailer today, and Ricky's made some ass-blasting dirty ribs, potato salad and liquor cake to celebrate! They discuss the mystery meat of a McRib, what the fuck a 'horizontal refreshment' is, and how Julian made $1000 at the beach!

Rollin' Right into Heaven - on a Flock of Reindeer
Terry's back in Sunnyvale, and he's making himself at home! He'll only be there for one or 10 days, no big fuckin' deal. The Boys discuss fighting bears, the science of heaty and coldy, and storming Area 51. Also: Ricky and Terry retell the story of baby Jesus! They might have got a few details wrong though...

The Big Fucking Bang Theory
Terry's still givin'er a week later... and has racked up a massive bill! Can he get a job as the captain of the Halifax Harbour Hopper and pay Julian back? Also: Deecent hot sauce, Japanese ass splashers, and Bubbles explains the whole history of the universe!

The Birds and the Bees, the Beavers and the Booze
The Boys are getting ready for a long drinking weekend to celebrate Nova Scotia's borntday! Before they get totally fucked up they discuss Ricky's jail jacking habit, the awesomeness of Terry Fox, and big school words! Also: Which new movie is gonna make Ricky cry?

The Boys in the Hall
Ricky's french horn practice is interrupted by a surprise visitor - Bruce McCulloch from The Kids In The Hall! He tells the Boys about his tough childhood being raised by a cigarette machine. Also: Sucking off a truck, Bubbles' Elvis facts, and cuddling a cow!

Brain Fuckers
Today's episode is only nine seconds long, as Ricky is too busy nursing a bitten toe and Julian is wrestling with video checkers! Instead, Ricky's brain gets vibrated with some fucked facts, talks like a butterfly, and finds out what the fuck a foopa is. Hmm, are you sure you didn't film Park After Dark today, Boys?

Green Jellÿ Apocalypse
Nothing to see here, just rockers GREEN JELLŸ totally fucking up Ricky's trailer! Down some ball shots and get ready to party like it's 1992! Also: fucked sing-alongs, piss shooters, and has Julian found his long-lost dad?!

Where's Your Head At?!
The Boys need to clean up the after last week's Green Jellÿ piss-fest, as they have a special guest - cluster headaches survivor Tom Termeer! He talks about the world's most painful disease, and how he got his head fixed. Also: The Pennsylvania potato pisser, falling in love with a dolphin, and Ricky's latest book learnings!

Sunnyvale SuperHosts and the SuperGuest
Forget Kimmel, Conan and Carson - make way for talk show superhost Bubbles and his fucked assistants! Today they interview Kids In The Hall star Kevin McDonald, who chats about his fear of hotel bathrooms, how he got bornt, the most awesome 10/10 celebs, and how he lost his penis in London!

Robert Sheehan's Shirtless Circus
Ricky's started up an 'AirDnD', and his first guest is only fuckin' Umbrella Academy star Robert Sheehan! Discover Robert's favourite movie, how to poop like a champion, and who beat the piss out of him on a film set. Also: Randy gets physical!

Sweet Empowered Porno Balls
Bubbles interviews a special guest this week - Julian! But will his muscles talk? The Boys also talk like pirates, search for a job for Bubbles, and Ricky tries his hand (or is that cock?!) as an erotic scriptwriter!

Here Kitty Kitty Kitty Come Kitty Cockface
This week, the Boys ponder some big questions: Why do rich people need so much shit? Is cheerleading a sport? Is death by banging better than death by skydiving? Plus: Bubbles wants a penis-faced cat!

The $33 Shit
Put down your new (stolen) smartphones, Boys - you've got an episode of Park After Dark to film! Today's subjects include cock jockeys, golden toilets, and what to do if the bank gives you a bunch of scrilla by mistake. Also: Bubbles wants a ride in an Alpha Jet!

I Think I Love You
On today's BAKED episode: Bubbles' singing gopher, how to tickle a star, lesbian koalas, and how to make the Egyptian pyramids more awesomer. And guess which school supplies item Julian once get stuck up his pisshole!!

Weird Birds
The Boys are frisky as fuck today! They chat about 19" weiners, Ricky's sexy chocolate fondue party, and the weirdest places they've banged. Also: the muscular mayor works out!

Green Eggs and Ham and Liquor and Dope
On today's totally unpre-fucking-pared for episode: Ricky tests the Motel's favourite ninja sword, imagines a wild night out with Dr. Seuss and Mr. Rogers, and gets learnt about Instant-gram. Plus: Guess which grumpy pumpy muscleman isn't on Bubbles' Christmas card list this year!

That's How You Fucking Do Halloween, Boys
A googly-eyed Stranger Things monster, an alien pizza delivery guy and a lobster fisherman compare their bulging Halloween sacks - and guess who fucking stole most of his swag! They also discuss banging in horror movies, and the best and worst Halloween costumes!

Everyone's a Winner, Baby
The price is fucking right as Ricky and Julian go head-to-head in Bubbles' trivia challenge! Discover how many bras are made every day, how to bang a starfish, and why you shouldn't go on an acid trip at Disneyland. Also: Ricky gets an anatomy lesson!

Ricky LaFleur's French Test
The Boys are all at sea today as they discuss why you don't fuck with a walrus, and whale fart-powered cars - take fuckin' note, Elon Musk! Bubbles and Julian test Ricky to see how French he really is, and Bubbles has the greasiest weiner story ever - literally!

Doctor Bubbles
Bubbles has some bad news for Ricky and Julian - they're addicts! Can they live without dope and liquor? Clue: NO. They also discuss kiddie rides on car roofs, why cats are smarter than dogs, and why you shouldn't smoke dope in North Korea!

Jacob, Workin' Man
Jacob's overworked, underpaid, and totally fucked! He joins Ricky, Julian and Bubbles on today's episode and reveals how much work he's doing - and Ricky's profiting from it! There's only one way to resolve this... a thrilling round of Sunnyvale Jeopardy!

Guess the Sauce
Honey mustard, ranch, or hot as fuck?! Bubbles dips Randy's mystery meats and guesses the sauce in Ricky's game! The Boys also play Would You Rather, discuss dinosaur piss and WD-40, and Julian gets something extra in his Rum & Coke!

Space Weed
The Boys are back from tour and they're still fucked up from the liquor and gummies! Today's topics include crash test pigs, castaway cows, banana art, and a fucked place to store your credit cards. Plus: Ricky applies for his dream job at NASA!

Chicken Fingers and Two Giant Weiners
Ricky's planning to get fucked out of his header and cook up some awesome chicken fingers for Christmas! But before that, the Boys have to investigate an unusual anatomical anomaly... what in the FUCK?!? Also: Bubbles is the handsome judge in a new game called If You Had To!

Best Fuckin' Christmas Ever
There's double dip chicken fingers for dinner, a shit-ton of weed, awesome presents under the tree, and a stolen inflatable Santa. Time for a DECENT nine-day Christmas party in Sunnyvale! There's even a visit from a fucked little elf!

On the Ninth Day of Fuckedmas
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! It's finally 2020, just like Bubbles' perfect vision! The Boys try to piece together the last nine days of partying, which included tinfoil gladiator fights, magic pizza, and Santa stabbings. Bubbles also hosts another game of If I Had To - let the fucking arguments commence!

2020, the Year of the Hindsight
The Boys have recovered from their holiday partying and are good to go... except for one! Will his new one-a-week fruit diet get him healthy? The Boys discuss the dangers of flying with weed, the Australian bushfire disaster, and some DECENT news from deep space. Also: on (or off) the fuckin' menu - camel burgers and butter yogurt!

Light a Candle for Neil Peart
Grab a drink, crank up the RUSH and light a candle for the greatest fuckin' drummer in the world - but don't be sad, Bubbles has got yer belly! Also: Fucked world news, Diego the banging turtle, flying to the moon, and Ricky's butter pudding blueberry yogurt!

Holy fuck, it's colder than a snowman's cock out there! The Boys discuss the snowed-in folk of Newfoundland, what it's like to be a hunky muscleman like Julian, and predicting the future with pepperoni. Also: Who's got balls as big as golf balls?!

Ricky's Mystic Pepperoni Predictions
Ricky summons up the power of pepperoni and looks into the future - will you be getting a new car, or fucked up in an earthquake? Plus: Bubbles designs the new Space Force uniform, Julian investigates Samsquamptches, and we find out why Ricky dipped his ballsack in soy sauce!

Worst Case Ontario
Need to escape a snake, cuddle a cat, or beat your gym addiction? Ricky's got learnt on some great tips! The Boys also discuss the Super Bowl ads, what to do if you chop your arm off, and play another fucked round of If You Had To. Find out who's gonna get eaten, and who's getting a cock face tattoo!

Three Horsemen of the Fuckocalypse
Get ready to Jingle Jangle Jingle with Bubbles on this stoned-as-fuck episode of Park After Dark! The Boys discuss alien anal probes, Coronavirus cruises, and the awesomeness of owning a horse. Also: Ricky comes up with an ingenious way to get free booze at the bar - the perfect scam for Valentine's Day!

La Dolce Fuckin' Vita
Get packing fuckers, this could be the last episode of Park After Dark from Sunnyvale! Are the Boys heading for a new life of sun, sea, and buffalo mozzarella? Also: Relationship advice with Ricky, hairy gums, and terminator kitties!

Leap Year Chicken & Liquor Party
Keep your head on a swivel - it's a leap year and Bubbles is worried things are about to get fucky! Ricky prepares to wrestle an alligator, Julian researches the pterodactyl, and Bubbles grooves to the WKRP in Cincinnati theme tune. Also: Snake orgies, frozen birds, and Holly Valentine!

Going Viral
Bubbles is taking no chances with this cocksucker of a Coronavirus - can they kill it with booze and dope? The Boys also discuss the Sunnyvale Earthquake, Mad Mike, and celeb-shaped chicken nuggets! Plus: Is Bubbles in control of his brain ship?

Bad Lucker Day
Bubbles doesn't believe in all that Friday 13th bullshit, so why is he nervous? Ricky has tips on dealing with one-night stands and strangely arranged breasts, and Julian discovers a real cat-dog! Also: The Coronavirus has fucked up the Boys' plans to move to Italy... or has it?!

We Totally Did Not Fuckin' Kidnap Jay Baruchel
It may or may not be Ricky's birthday, and Julian may or may not have borrowed Jay Baruchel from the Sunnyvale food court, but at least there's weed, booze and popcorn! Jay chats about Clint Eastwood, dragons, and why fast food is so awesome. Also: Who Let the Dogs Out?!

Fatten the Curve
Bubbles has fired up the SwearNet Emergency Broadcast System in his shed and has Ricky and Julian on the line! Who's living in luxury, and who's eating squirrels and jacking off in the woods? Plus: Breaking News with Bubbles!
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