Trailer Park Boys: Park After Dark - Season 2

Season 2


The Boys are (virtually) partying again after the darkness has gone away! They discuss dirty ol' load brownies, Ricky's frosty cock, and why Julian wants a job at Costco. Also: A dark and dirty story about Mama Smurf...

It's Not Rocket Appliances
The world's a bit fucked right now, but the Boys are here to bring the laughs! Today's topics include the Joe Exotic cockaround, how Ricky can get more self-smarted, and the SpaceX rocket launch. Plus: Why does Julian want to hang off a tall building to get a selfie?

People Are Just Fucked
Is it Park After Dark... or Fucked After Dark?! The Boys discuss the weird stuff people shove up their pissholes, and why you shouldn't eat grandma. Also: Bubbles dives into the simulation theory wormhole - is Ricky's brain ready for it?

Cuddle Dolls and Duck Cocks
Why does Ricky have a naked male doll in his closet? What causes piss burn? Do birds have cocks? What the fuck are chainsaw bears? Find out the answers to questions you never fucking asked on the latest Park After Dark! Also: Julian has some greasy dog stories - 13/10 totally FUCKED!!

Deedle Deedle!
Julian's getting lonely and in need of a steady bang - would a Russian bride be the answer? The Boys also discuss the Loch Ness Monster, death by shitting nickels, and Bubbles' desert island hit with Billy Joel! Also: Who wants a deedle?!

Let the Liquor Do the Thinking
Canada Day drinking is over, July 4th drinking fuckin' starts at midnight! Before Bubbles drives a celebratory dirty donair into him, the Boys discuss drunk cavemen, fart jars, and the Covidiot of the week. Also: What goes up better get cumming down!

The Walking Deaders
Bubbles has some bad news: looks like the fuckin' zombie apocalypse is coming - and these zombies are HARD! Do you bang, run or kill? Julian explains why you should never take a helicopter ride in Las Vegas, and Ricky has a meaty new business idea!

Who's Got Yer Tai Tai?!
Bubbles is high as fuck and right out of 'er today! Before he goes off the rails on the Swayze train, the Boys discuss Mike Tyson's fight with a shark, Moist Joyce, and why Julian loves The Hoff. Also: Bubbles sings 'My Corona'!

$125 or Best Fuckin' Offer
Bubbles has a plan to get Ricky and Julian safely back to Sunnyvale, but Julian's too busy hustlin' shit, and Ricky's got some new friends! Bubs also has footage of a real-life COVID zombie, ponders the coke bean business, and turns Julian off jello forever. Also: Ricky learns us how to talk to squirrels!

Back to the Trailer
The Boys are BACK!! Ricky and Julian (and fuckin' Randy) join Bubbles in the trailer and everything's back to normal - apart from the plexiglass covered in bird shit! Randy's come prepared with anal thermometers and a shark on a stick, and Ricky is ready to party with donairs, weed, and a duck?! Also: Julian's got a fever, and the only prescription is... more liquor!

How to Rob a Bank, Nicely
Happy Bank Robbery Friday, fuckers! Bubbles is baked, Ricky feels like a duck in a glass, and Julian needs a massage and a date - but has he lost his sexual guava? The Boys also discuss the 'rona, Randy water torture, and growing an arm cock! Also: Why the fuck are the Boys having a circle drawing contest?!

The Sunnyvale Bubbles Bubble
It's a big moment for the Boys today - time to take down the barriers for a proper deedle... just don't fuck with Bubbles' kitty videos! Find out why Bubbles won't be playing 'Pissin' on People's Meat' at the Legion, and Julian's new favourite snack. Ricky also discovers what's been holding back his education his whole life - and he's gonna sue!

Helium Hotbox Dope & Liquor Pizza Laser Party
Julian is desperate to make some scrilla - can he make money flexing his sexy muscles online? Ricky's got some fucked facts, Bubbles sings Kenny Rogers, and Ricky reads a bedtime story that is definitely NOT for kids!!

Banging Billy Beaver
Ronnie Thunder's been a bad kitty, Ricky's speaking Français and Bubbles is after Julian's muscles... what the fuck have the Boys been smoking this week?! Also: Breaking Badder, shitty facts, and the big question - should Bubbles grow a moustache?

Hot Dog
How high are you right now? Well, you're not as high as the Boys - they're as fucked up as a soup sandwich today! Ricky has a greasy new invention involving WD-40, Bubbles is ready to rumble with Kim Jong Un, and Julian's got meat on his mind - but does it taste a bit 'ruff'? Also: Fighting fire with booze!

Skip the Missus Escort Service
Get ready for anvil envy - Bubbles has got a DECENT chunk of heavy metal! The Boys chat about Ricky's greasy new business idea, Bible Pimps, and Julian's face mask hustle. Also: Ricky tells us about his COVID-19 test... now streaming on PornHub?!

Bank of Ricky
Nothing to see here, folks - it's quite normal to have a huge ATM machine in your living room! Can the Boys figure out how to open it before the cops come calling? Also: Find out Ricky's new nickname, why Germany is sehr fuckin' gut, and Bubbles' favourite Elvis song!

Too Damn High
Ricky's got a new room-mate and Bubbles is being evicted from his shed - what the FUCK has Julian done now?! The Boys discuss fighting Mr. T, a fucked flight to nowhere, and a strong contender for Arsehole of the Year. Also: How the fuck do you come down from a massive high?

The Popcorn Boys
Get ready for a messy Park After Dark - the Boys are baked as fuck today! Learn all about Spider Man's radioactive load, how to make a fortune from popcorn and shitty old jeans, and why 500,000 sharks are about to get fucked over by the 'Rona. Also: Killer licorice!

Ricky and His Swearing Parrots
Why is Julian eating horsecock burgers? What's the latest trend in wetsuit fashion? Why the fuck is NASA flying a toilet to the moon? And what are Ricky's plans for Talko's sweary British cousin? Find out the answers to these dumb-as-fuck questions and more, on Park After Dark!

Penelope Cruz and Her Bathtub Booze
On the latest Dark Park Dark After: The Boys groove to Lionel the Lobster, ponder the benefits of a sausage diet, and learn how not to handle a mountain lion. And what the fuck was Penelope Cruz doing naked in Ricky's bath?!

Cracked Armour
That bank machine was for to get opened today, but Bubbles has decided to bring a cop to the trailer! Are the Boys about to get busted, or does the cop have a fuckin' important message to share?

Tricky Peaky Sparkly Fucky Treaters
Happy fuckin' Halloween, everybody! The Boys and Randy are going all out for the annual costume contest - who looks decent, and who looks fucked as fuck?! Also: Getting learnt by male sex dolls, lizard holes, and the Halloween COVID candy pipe!

Seven Days of 007
The Boys pay their respects to James Bond star Sir Sean Connery, and chat about his most awesome movies. They also discuss the whale that saved a train, oiling up The Rock, and getting a rat up your arse! Also: What would Ricky, Julian and Bubbles be doing in the year 1850?!

Worm Brain Robot
On the latest fucked-up, baked-as-fuck Park After Dark: Julian wants to fall in love and get married - guess which buxom mega-star is his perfect match! A dirty fuckin' alien worm gives Bubbles an idea for a movie, and Ricky reveals which fish he'd like to date. Also: Elon's Musk - smell like a billionaire!

Weed and Hash Math with Ricky
Join Luigi Villeneuve, Clifton Francois de Lugio and Mika Tina for another fucked Park After Dark! Discover if you can teach a drunk horse new tricks, how to sell frozen pigeons to China, and the best way to get learnt on math. Also: Why the fuck doesn't the Apple Store sell apples?!

Ricky the Duct Tape Carpenter
No more Grumpy Pumpy - Julian's changed his tune and is looking on the bright side of life! The Boys rock out to Roch Voisine, and discuss alien monoliths, Ricky's new party shirt and fighting an alligator! Also: Nice table, Ricky! No wait, it's fucked.

Pussyvale, Nova Scotia
On the latest protein-filled fuckburger of fun: Julian plays Guess the Fucking Thing, Bubbles attempts to solve the monolith mystery, and Ricky's having trouble getting word learnt! Also: The Boys come up with a plan to get free porn!

Shiny Happy Scorpions
Freedom 55, Boys! Ricky's got a plan to get rich as fuck - and it only involves six pet scorpions and a few jolts of electricity! Also: The KFC movie, Canadian lightsabers, and the worst last name in the world!

Alien Mindfuck
Julian is worried about aliens - are they here, and are they trying to bang us with their minds?! Find out which celeb birthdays give Ricky an erectoroni, and the ultimate Italian piss-off walk. Also: Bubbles has a Criminal Mind!

A Very Donair Christmas
Ricky, Julian and Bubbles are full of the Christmas spirit! Find out what gifts the Boys bought each other this year, and their special treat fit for a fuckin' King. Also: One more week before 2020 fucks off!

The Spice Boys
Fuck you 2020 - bring on 2021! Ricky, Julian and Bubbles awake from a night of partying and try to remember what the fuck happened - who ate all the chocolates, and who performed a striptease? The Boys also unwrap more presents from Santa, and hatch a plan to rob IKEA. Plus: Bubbles has a VERY important announcement!!

Spoiler Alert
Ricky and Julian's new year's resolutions are going well - but that's only because they're fucked! The Boys discuss Hawaiian chicken that's definitely NOT looly-looly, Bubbles' nose spiders, and alien space garbage. Also: Ricky tries not to spill the beans about the new season of Trailer Park Boys: Jail!

Julian's Muscle Wax
Watch out Dragons' Den, the Boys are on fucking FIRE with awesome business ideas today! But is anyone gonna invest in muscle care products and the Jack Frost Fuckulator? The Boys also discuss Ricky's dope new sneakers, why octopi are big bullies, and giving bellywork to tickle foxes. Also: DBH and MLK - WTF?!

Big Cheers to Kenny
It's been a helluva week, and the Boys are ready to get banged up! Before they do, they discuss President Joe Junior, cheating on a sex doll, and the hacker that locked up a bunch of cocks. Ricky also discovers he's suffering from a terrible disease! Plus: grab a drink as the Boys make toast to a beloved Sunnyvale resident.

Oscar Mayer Weiner Drivers
The Boys are considering a career move - do they have a sweet future ahead, or are they gonna be hot-dogging it?! Also: hunting for samsquamptches in Oklahoma, the perils of the left cheek sneak, and tall hairy hillbillies!

The Kittyman
Bubbles is on a high after his Kittyman sea shanty went viral - Ricky and Julian are just high 'cause they ate fucking mushrooms! Before they go off the rails, they discuss naked bag rats, the 2021 Super Bowl, and why cat tattoos are fucked. Also on the menu: duck fingers, candy Kraft dinner and head in a basket!

Teen Bag
Bubbles' belly is rumbling like a fucking freight train today - on the menu are coconuts, day-old pizza and a trailer full of cheese! The Boys also check out a vintage teen magazine, a double-cocked chameleon, and Bubbles' latest bird impressions. CAWW CAWW!

Ricky, the Robin Hood of Hockey
Ommmmm... oh for fack's sake! Bubbles is trying to meditate but Julian's more interested in bowling dates with single moms! Ricky has a plan to bring overpriced hockey gear to the kids, and Bubbles tests his knowledge on the Beverly Hillbillies. Also: Lawyer cats, the $5 million dog, and desert island survival skills!

Douglas, the Shit-Eating Bear
Wanna wear your underwear for a month? Julian has a solution! Need a wholesome book for kiddies' bedtime? Don't fucking read them the tale of Douglas the bear and Creepy Carl! What the FUCK have the Boys been smoking today?!!

I'll Romance the Fuck Outta You
Get ready to swipe right, ladies - Ricky's got a sweet new shirt, and he's looking to get naughty! But which dating app should he join? The Boys also discuss smoking mayonnaise, Lady Gaga, and the jinkety-janked six-legged dog. And find out why Ricky's planning a time-travelling New Year's party - in Siberia!

Shake & Bake Balogny on a Hotdog Bun
Slow roasted balogny... Shake & Bake hotdogs... presto pesto... four kinds of fancy-ass mustard... holy fuck, Bubbles and Ricky have cooked up a feast. Pity it's all gonna give Julian heartburn! Also: Hank Williams, Ricky's German lesson, and a massive tit fight!

The Sunnyvale Snack Company
The Boys are back in business - making their own delicious potato chips! Ricky's at the (mostly not on fire) fryer, flavour scientist Bubbles is perfecting the dirtiest of dirty burger flavours, and 'Julian Musk' is hustling for a buyer - but can he do a deal?

The Load Game
Spring is springing and the Boys are getting horny - but what's their mating call? Ricky's also worried about shrinking cock sizes and the future of the human race, but Julian's got a plan! Also: Will Bubbles' chip dust invention work on steak and pickled eggs?

April Fools' Day Fuck Around Burger
Is it War or Peace in Sunnyvale? Ricky and Randy attempt to make friends after their April Fools' Day pranks went to shit! Can Randy win Ricky over with the DIRTIEST burger he's ever made? Also: Forget shit hawks, look out for the Alaskan meat ravens!

Blue Suede Shoes
One for the money two for the show, three to get wasted, let's fucking go! The Boys get learnt about living in a simulation, the world's smartest dogs, and why gender reveal parties can fuck right off. Also: Julian spends Jeff Bezos' scrilla!

French, Tits, Left and Right
Get learnt on the latest Park After Dark! The Boys study the geometrical orientation of tits, find out how the Wright brothers' plane is on Mars, and solve the mystery of 'Le Cochon Stupide'. Also: Julian reports on the greasiest news stories from around the worldy pipe!

Happy 420!
Happy Four Fucking Twenty! Randy's getting weed-learnt as Julian gives us the history of "420" and giant penguins, Ricky wonders if we can still say "marijuana," and Bubbles cosmically blows your fucking mind! Broadcast LIVE on April 20th, 2021.

Park After Dark is live once again, but back in fucking lockdown! The Boys get on top of fucked-up world news: turtle shells, living to 100, smoking ashes, what the fuck? Also: Julian, hope you like Bubble Butt! From the LIVE broadcast on Friday, April 30th, 2021.

Ball Gravy
The boys are still locked the fuck down but they're taking calls, trading memories of Sunnyvale, dropping swish-making instructions, and wondering where the fuck J-Roc and Trevor went. Also: guess who's not wearing pants! From the LIVE broadcast on Friday, May 7th, 2021.

Bite into an Impossible Burger and take a swig of Three-Cock Liquor, Park After Dark is live with fucked-up animal news, even more fucked-up alcoholic drinks, and a PSA from the boys about Important Shit! Also: Hot Or Not with Julian! From the LIVE broadcast on Friday, May the 14, 2021.

Chest Locker
The Boys are extra-fucked today! Julian's on edibles, Ricky needs to make some pothole cocks, and Bubbles has a secret to keeping his liquor all muscly. Also: we pity the fool who doesn't know whose birthday it is! From the LIVE broadcast on Friday, May 21st, 2021.
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